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Everything posted by Ganeshakw

  1. Seems there is a long wait before THPs actually do that. Lol.
  2. Ok. Any plan to get them in in future ?
  3. Dear Mod Author, A great mod. Extremely enjoyable. I have to ask a few questions though. When there are so many dangerous entities present in the world, why does it feel like there is free loot available every now and then ? Just like a nice walk in the park with things available to be picked up. On the first day itself, the player gets so much loot and a nice castle to live in with absolutely no danger ? No struggle for food and water. Am I missing something ? I couldn't sleep last night properly. 🙂
  4. Mythril ? Wow. Is it somehow related to Thor or something ? @KhaineGB @SnowBee Are the experts in this. They might help you.
  5. If you are doing a youtube series, please post the link. I would like to watch.
  6. Ok. Their presence was nice though. As soon as you are near a Trader, the player used to start feeling like he is about to enter a warzone. Its really sad that they are no more a part of the game.
  7. Looks like the Trader Guards are no more in the new version.
  8. Please post a video link if somebody plays this mod. Thanks in advance.
  9. I visited his channel and started watching WOTW Series. Nice play style and editing like you said. Thanks.
  10. Are you developing this Mod or asking somebody to do it ? If you are making it then Try to include this mod in your modpack
  11. Who is playing this mod with recent changes ? If you have the series on youtube, please provide the link. I would like to watch it.
  12. I have watched a lot of JaWoodle series videos. Excellent playstyle and enjoyed them. There is a mod developed by Errornull called as enTowerDefence. I would like to watch JaiWoode playing that mod. It is a one hour to one and a half hours gameplay.
  13. @Cs021 @ErrorNull Man, what a intense battle. Nice strategy and a sure treat for spectators like me. Screamers and Banshee would have turned it into a horror if they would have been a part of this. I really enjoyed it and watched the entire gameplay in a single stretch.
  14. I found a page which contains a collection of a few great Prefabs. Seems the developer is not doing on this. Please please check and see if they can be a part of another great collection which is yours. As many players uses CP, they will also get to know this mans marvellous work.
  15. No bro. I couldn't try it as my gaming laptop got damaged. Surviving only on watching gameplay videos now a days. Lol.
  16. Ok. Actually, I have played a few so many times that I dont want to go through them again. LOL.
  17. What if we remove the unwanted POIs from 7dtd POIs list ( from the folder ), which the RWG uses ?
  18. Should find a way to maximize the generation of CP POIs and avoid the repeatation of POIs in RWG as there are plenty of different POIs now available but I am sure the players have not yet came across many of them and they are just seeing and looting the same POIs again and again. This is from self experience.
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