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Everything posted by Ganeshakw

  1. Thanks for the response and advice. I want to make a suggestion here. As you are in a process of making NPC POIs, please do not make them like the Z POIS where the player can easily break and enter. Assuming its their BASE and they also need to protect it, it should be a little stronger and should contain better loot. No one should be able to break one in early gamestages. Thanks and really appreciate your and the teams work. Puts new life in the game.
  2. @khzmusik Bro, The kind of packs you are creating are attracting prople like me who has been playing 7dtd for a while now eg.human faction reputation and quests, variable NPC sleepers, psychos and rouges, whisperers and pretty much all the NPC related packs. The thing is, it gets really confusing now a days with lot of overhaul mods. All of them uses some or all of the NPC features. If a player like me wants to play all thesse packs (Related to NPC), it becomes really difficult to choose a mod. Thats why I asked you if all of these are there in the NPC mod or not. What do you suggest to players like us ?
  3. 😀 Thanks Bro. Its great yo see a movie character giving appearance into 7dtd. Had high hopes from the modders. 👻
  4. For me, this mod is very much needed on a later stage of gameplay. Good work bro.
  5. Looks cool. Hope it gets added to mods.
  6. @khzmusik Bro, All the mods created by you and been mentioned in this thread, are they a part of Npcmod now ?
  7. Please dont forget the BIG GUN. Its not going to be difficult for you but will add a lot of thrill to the game. 😀
  8. Guys, I played this mod on A19. When I downloaded this mod, there wasn't any maps created specifically for AOO. So I used the RWG. But when I started playing this mod, I found there are a lot of terrors and dark thems in it. Spiders crawling up from the ground, the creepy sounds all the times around you and of course the skull chambers. Somehow I felt that this mod could turn into a horror nightmare and the world I generated wasn't matching with the things created by the mod creators. So I decided not to play further and stopped playing this mod. I thought I will write a note to the creators and will request them to create a world or maps with really dark theme. The mod is like you are going through dark caves and then the all the different entities including mutants could really make a difference. When there is bright sunlight all around you in the game, these things are unable to create the desired horrors into player's mind. Please remember that I am only talking about my vision of looking at yhe mod assuming that, if the creator of this mod is creating these things, he will also have a mindset something similar to mine. I haven't yet played or tried the 2 maps mentioned in the above thread so I am unaware if you already have done this. Requesting you to consider this. It seems you do not lack imagination and knowledge. Thanks and sorry for such a long note.
  9. @KhaineGB Are these demons in 4.1 ? Also, we need bigger gun than a M60. Like the one Arnold holds. 4 Barrels, round shaped and big big magzine size. 😀
  10. Can you please share which lines in this xml has impact on the cave generation ? Since long I am not been able to play this mod because of the low performance on my gaming laptop. Still on A19. I want to try disabling the caves as they are always there in my world.
  11. How to disable cave generation ? Asking so that assuming the in-game performance can be improved without the caves.
  12. Ohh. Too bad. Lets hope sometimes I will be able to play this mod. Thanks bro.
  13. Bro, any download links for Blewbarry Farms mod ? I have heard and read about if but was unable to find any downloads on the web.
  14. @KhaineGB Bro, Is 7dtd game is lightly or heavily threaded?
  15. Guys, what is SCore ? Is it like something advance tech for 7dtd or the entire gaming industry ?
  16. I think, Athena being a queen, we should make some difference here. Like Banshee and Banshee Queen has different screams and effects. Also, the entities she attracts when screaming and some powers to her. I am not a modder so obviously its on the experts if they wishes to make it happen. (Sorry) 😇
  17. @arramus You said you have watched the trailor. Have you noticed the beasts ? The pack is really looks more dangerous than the alpha Zs. 😀
  18. 😀😀. I would love to battle her and hear her sounds. Is there a "Banshee" sound attached to her ?
  19. Thank you. Downloaded the suggested mod. Will give it a try.
  20. @KhaineGB Bro, I have a gaming laptop with 2 GB Video Ram and 16 GB system Ram. At later gamestages, in cities, on horde nights and near trader posts, the game starts lagging and becomes unplayable and I have to literally quit the game. If I upgrade the system RAM to lets say 64 GB or something, will it improve the gameplay ? Please let me know. Also, I am still playing your Alpha 19 Last version. Somehow I wasn't able to play DF on Alpha 20. I tried. Lol.
  21. Bro, can we see a Pic ? The ones you are currently testing ?
  22. I dont know if you have watched this movie. For me, watching this entity in the movie was a experience. Like never before in other Z movies.
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