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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Not a fan of this idea. As someone who on many occasions thrown down a frame block or two to get away from a pack of zombie dogs, I don’t want to die because a counter has yet to reach zero.
  2. We really don’t need that model back. If you need your fix, there is a ton of free stuff online
  3. Did you also backup the GeneratedWorlds folder? Based on your error message, it can’t find the generated world which would be in this folder.
  4. We should all start quoting Josh now and deleting it. We could even start a pool on how long he would go without snapping and what his reaction will be. 😏
  5. I posted the modlet link in this thread, but a mod has to approve it since they are getting spammed right now. Hopefully one will be free to approve it shortly.
  6. Anyone noticed that she doesn't have any photographs of Employees of the Month in her store???
  7. Try this out https://github.com/BFT2020/NoJars.git I didn't remove jars completely from the game, just from the loot tables, crafting recipes, and creating ones when you drink or eat items that give back one. I tested it and it loaded fine, and didn't find any jars in the world; but if I missed something let me know.
  8. That sounds like the stripper. Some mods brought her back, like DF
  9. Easy remove empty jars from the game If you are patient, I did that with my mod. I can pull all the code from it that affects empty jars and create a small modlet for you.
  10. Not true at all. If they were unusable, then I would just remove them from game altogether. Any I find in loot that are half or greater in durability, I would use them until broken then scrap them for parts. Horde nights become more intense as you have to have backups so you can last all night. Traders always had Q6 gear to sell, but at jacked up prices - the good thing is that they are 100% durability
  11. Easiest thing to do is to change the mesh file name in the entityclasses.xml file <entity_class name="zombieLab" extends="zombieTemplateMale"> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/> <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZMechanic.prefab"/> This changed the lab zombie to the mechanic zombie
  12. I thought that they stated since you can simply create ladders and do the same thing, there really wasn't any value of trying to remove nerd poling without affecting those that really getting into building in the game.
  13. I found lowering the drop rate of Q6 items to around 5% and removing the ability to repair them makes that equipment more valuable when you find them.
  14. If you feel that looting POIs is loot competition, then you are not truly playing Co-Op. At most, you are just a group of people in the same area.
  15. For Alpha 21, they are introducing chunk reset for mp servers
  16. The site was recently attacked via a bunch of false new accounts and spam posts, might be related to that
  17. It is probably in the base code, which would require c# programming to change. I stand corrected. JaxTeller modded out the rage mechanic via xml coding
  18. Your log should indicate what is having issues in the loading process of the mod. You can see where there are issues in regards to specific files and even specific lines of code that your mod is trying to change. Without that information, there could be several possibilities of what is causing your issues. Will need to start to narrow down the issue first before anyone can help.
  19. Try going through the game launcher and clearing out all previous settings - delete everything. Get a clean slate to begin with
  20. Yes, that should work. To verify that the changes took place, you can check in the save game folder for the game name. In it, it will have a folder that downloads the configuration data for the game session including copies of the xml files. If the modlet worked as intended, you should be able to open the entityclasses xml file and around that area, it will note that the value was changed by X mod - x being the name of your modlet.
  21. Yes, you can create a modlet that once installed in the mod folder, would modify these values in game. To affect others, this needs to be loaded on the computer acting as the server. Since these are only xml edits, modifying the server file will change the values for all players - no need for them to download the file also.
  22. The only time I noticed no exp from bleed out was when the zombie possibly died from another source - like a spike trap. I typically just use blades when I play
  23. Or look in the entityclasses file <!-- Stealth --> <property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/> <property name="SightRange" value="30"/> <!-- distance in m --> <property name="SightLightThreshold" value="-2,150"/> <!-- how well lit you have to be for the zombie to see you at min,max range --> <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin" value="-40,5"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. sight capability - "I see you" light value at point blank --> <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax" value="340,480"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. "I see you" light value at "SightRange" --> <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMin" value="-10,0"/> <!-- same for groaning, not waking --> <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMax" value="200,300"/> <property name="SleeperNoiseSenseThreshold" value="3,8"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. hearing capability - "I hear something" noise value --> <property name="SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold" value="9,12"/> <property name="SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" value="20,50"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. smell capability - "I smell something" player smell value --> <property name="SoundSleeperSenseChance" value=".5"/> <!-- the chance to play "SoundSleeperSense" when "SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" is triggered --> <property name="SleeperSmellWakeThreshold" value="40,100"/> <property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- DEPRECATED; an awake zombie triggers instantly if touched by the sound range/volume --> <property name="SmellAlertThreshold" value="40"/> <!-- for awake zombies --> This is from zombieTemplateMale
  24. Try this: <perk name="perkTurrets" parent="skillIntellectCombat" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="2" name_key="perkTurretsName" desc_key="perkTurretsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_turret"> when I added it to the line for turrets, it changed the perk points required per level by doubling it. It steadily increased the value up to the last one. Changing the other way (Base skill point) and leaving multiplier at 1 should increase the perk cost to 2 for each level
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