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Everything posted by Lasher

  1. Because as we all know - crouching with a gun makes it quieter... The little bullets know you're crouching when they leave the gun, so they whisper "Shuuusshh" to each other and file out quietly. That's why the SAS are always crouching...
  2. Yet again - just another pathetic knee-jerk TFP response to problems of their own making. There doesn't seem to be much thought or planning as to any of the effects of the systems that they introduce these days - it's just throw it at the wall - see what sticks and if players start to make use of any mechanic find a way to hit it with the most utterly dumb nerf bat you can find. The result? More knock on effects that require more idiotic "fixes" I loved this game - I still do - but now I only love the A20-modded-to-hell version to fix all the mechanics that my group hate. I don't really know what's wrong over at TFP - but something certainly is - I don't know if it's laziness, incompetence, bad planning, mis management or just a good old case of "weve already got the money so we just don't care" - maybe a combination of all of them. As for thier attitude towards anyone who doesn't like it - well I think we've all seen quite clearly how that goes. Good luck with your next game TFP - because if this is how you treat your audience I'd be surprised if anyone touches it with a barge pole.
  3. Great news - thanks arramus.
  4. Thank you - much appreciated.
  5. Would any modders know the config line we need to change to un-nerf the damage from flame traps? I understand they now only do 1 tick per second dmg to zombies rather than 10.
  6. It's not a vision - and that's the whole problem. It's a system of throwing different mechanics at a wall, seeing what sticks, and then if the players find a way of using a particular mechanic to their advantage simply smahing it with a nerf stick so it goes away. This is, apparently, how you make a game more "challenging" or "engaging" - rather than indroducing more challenging gameplay you simply adjuist existing systems to turn them into a far greater time and resource sink. So instead of adding in bandit raids to make it more interesting we have... Players using the new flame traps to kill zombies? Nerf flame damage (but only for zombies ofc) Players establishing farms? Nerf the seed drop rate. Players making too much "stuff" too early for your liking? Make water more tedious to reduce duct tape crafting. (and ofc make vehicles take much many more repair kits to fix - that'll eat some duct tape as well) Toss a coin and decide which perk system we like based on which dream we had the night before. And on and on and on we go... It's no kind of vision whatsoever - but you've already bought the game - so why do they care? The financial pressure is no where to be seen and that again, is the whole problem. A truly, and I really do mean this because of my love for the game, sad, sad, sad state of affairs.
  7. Exactly. I really don't think this method of "Whack-A-Mole" development is very well planned out...
  8. Odd and not sure if this has been reported before but sometimes when flying any if the helis you seem to hit an invisible barrier and start taking damage. Mainly seems to happen in multiplayer. It was happening in A20 as well. Not near map borders, just randomly happens every now and again. Anyone else had this issue?
  9. Oddly enough it almost seems to be worse that that. It seems a little like people find ways to play the game that TFP just don't like - so they smack the hell out of whatever mechanic it is to "balance it out" It just makes no sense. A good example is the recent addition of flame traps. People started using them in smart ways and include them in their horde bases. What happens? TFP nerf the flame damage - but only to zombies - cos that makes complete sense ofc... I swear to god, if TFP came out one morning to find that the brakes weren't working properly on their car - their solution would be to smash the engine until the brakes could cope with the slower speed. But now the engine is leaking oil - aha! solution! Ban oil! TA-DAHHHH!!!
  10. So from what I understand the flame traps that were introduced in the new version used to do 10 dmg per tick to zombies. Folk like Jawoodle then used this to route zombies into them which worked as a nice cunning way of disposing of them. TFP's response to this was, as per usual, the nerf bat, and now the flame traps to 1 dmg per tick. So I guess my question is this... Firstly - Why? Why reward someones ingenuity in this way - it's literally a case of "Oh, no - we didn't think of that. We don't want you to play like that" Secondly - how does that make any sense whatsoever - flames now do way more damage to you than zombies. Are they Asbestos zombies now? Once again we have these badly thought out and clearly untested game design mechanics. Is this just being thrown into the game with no thought whatsoever - because it would seem like it.
  11. I think the hunger sound is one of the worst for me - I've never thought it sounded like "I'm Hungry" but more like "I'm about to have an enormous bought of explosive diarrhoea." So much so that it's become an ingame joke that whenever one of us makes the hunger sound we'll say "Sorry lads, but I've just..." Indeed it has - and if you're happy to ignore it's bloated, stinking corpse you can - but it's still there and it's still stinks. Take your copium and ignore it if you want.
  12. Ha! - I'll give you those that's for sure. Duke is just an industry joke now - and Star Citizen? Well who knows - I think they vanished into the vortex of "Feature creep" and I'm not sure there's a way out...
  13. Hey Sam - will you be doing your "Steel Electric Fence Posts" , "Hunger Tamer" and "Auto Shotgun Unnerf" Mods for A21 as well? Love your mods BTW - great work.
  14. Hope to see this in A21 - it's a hell of a lot of fun. Some of the headgear attachments are brilliant - but I think a little large in scale (love the bullhorns but they're huge!)
  15. No - i think the people that buy, play and support the game are important, not me. The only person "swallowing" without complaint is you. Enjoy sucking it down...
  16. And here comes the "it's in Early access" excuse yet again. As I've said before in these forums - go ask some game devs that are in the industry if a game of this scope should still be in EA after 10 years. No-one with any kind of knowledge thinks it's acceptable and whatever the problem is be it disorganisation, mismangement, laziness or just plain "well we've got your money" it's a nonsense, disingenuous excuse.
  17. Are you saying that I should definitly buy more Rum - and then check the bins just in case? 🤪 And you're clearly not subscribed to Sledghammer Monthly - you missed the debate on teak vs Oak handles...
  18. Again - it's not "Drama" - it's people voicing their opinions about how changes have been made to a game that they love that can have drastic effects on how they interact with the game - sometimes ruining their playstyle or how their group plays together As afr as TFP ignoring anything negative goes, no, they dont - they seem to ignore pretty much all feedback. No system, no matter how heavily critiqued has ever been reverted - The attutude many long term suppoerters of this game are met with is "it's our game and you'll play it our way" - which they are quite entitled to do. Harsh resopnese from TFP staff don't exectly help - it just shows an attitude - and it's an unnecessary one. I just see the same stuff over and over, "Vocal minority, Drama, Negative, Wrong Imprression, Premature, Fix it with mods" Simply fact is that an awful lot of people think that TFP drop the ball on occasion - and I think it's ok to point that out. Same with the development of the game - mention 10 years in EA and you get "oh here we go again - drama" Go ask around - people that work in the industry - ask if they think - and I choose my words very carefully here, that a game of this scope should have taken 10 years to dev - NONE of them will agree. Mention that in these forums though and you'll meet the same tidal wave of "TFP can do no wrong" Well they can, and they do.
  19. Well that was obviously really well tested then...
  20. None the less - He said it. There's also been plenty of behaviour like that in the past on these forums - I've personally had run in's before with people not taking kindly to any kind of feedback and then I've later discovered that they're TFP staff or thier friends. I don't mind people coming out to bat for TFP and agreeing with their development of the game - but it certainly does'nt mean that when people have an opinion that it's there to just "generate drama" - that's exactly the type of dissmissive tone that really doesn't help. People have very different opinons as to where this game is going and how it's being developed, and they should be able to express those opinions without being labelled as some sort of "unruly problem"
  21. This. Unfortunately "Vocal minority" gets used a lot on these forrums - it's code for "I want to ignore anyone's opinion that doesn't align with my own" or possibly "How dare you disagree with TFP - Blaphemy!"
  22. Indeed - could very well be a large part of the problem.
  23. But this change has been made to make the game more "challenging". Another way would of course to have actually added in more challenging content... But making you scrabble around for longer for water and hence for things like glue and duct tape took a lot less time to develop. Ironically, once you get to a good point water becomes equally unimportant as it used to be. It's just a time and money sink.
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