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Everything posted by zztong

  1. I'm not ready to draw any conclusions; I'm sure A21 will be fun. But I was asking because if they are removed from Loot Respawn Time it certainly changes the "economics" of the situation in terms of the available supply of feathers/eggs from nests, and early game duct tape from trash to make early-game armor. In A20, on a server, you could find a shortage of feathers and rocks near spawn points, for instance, and no duct tape from trash. On single player all of those things would be plentiful.
  2. Ah, so I guess my original question is are nests and trash piles relootable containers? If you loot a nest, grab the 4 feathers and 1 egg, and the nest disappears as shown in the first Dev Stream, when the Loot Respawn Time passes, does the nest reappear? Or, will the only method of regenerating the nest be the new Chunk Reload feature? Oh, something that just occurred to me, in A20 if you destroyed a nest, you got more feathers. I guess that option is gone, right?
  3. Okay, and the chunk timer is a new feature, right? If so, what was the feature present in A20 and before that would refill loot containers periodically and is that still part of the game? I see "Loot Respawn Time" on the New Game menu. Is that still present or is Chunk Reset Timer replacing that?
  4. As part of the first A21 Dev Stream, there was a mention of "Country Tiles" but no explanation. So for the past day or so I've been trying to guess what a "Country Tile" might be, which brought me back around to thinking of this Pimp Dream and others, where an Airport was discussed. What if a Country Tile were a 500x500 Tile that represented a self-contained settlement and acted as its own Gateway Tile? That is, you make a 500x500 Tile, scatter POI Markers and Parts across it, make it in the style of "cap", "corner", "intersection", "straight", and "t", and those road connections would be where the Gateway feature connected with a map's roads. At a size of 500x500, you could have a small regional airport's runway on the map and then place a bunch of airport POIs and Parts. As a self-contained settlement, you would never try to place two Country Town Tiles next to each other. They would always be solo Tiles.
  5. I was thinking of when they were showing harvesting nests and trash and how those objects disappeared from the world. Then they talked about cabinets changing from a closed block to an open block. I could see how a chunk reset would make things reappear. I was also thinking there are currently game options that control the frequency of loot respawn. I guess I was left thinking it might be possible loot might no longer respawn in nests and trash, but I wasn't sure that's what they were suggesting. You know English and human communication ... a seemingly obvious thing can lead to lots of follow-up.
  6. I'd like to be able to turn Trader Protection on/off at map generation time or perhaps at server launch time.
  7. I recently played on a server that had a mod that took away the targeting reticle when you aimed... presumably because the weapon's sites were enough. For some reason that really bothered me. I like the targeting reticle, but I get that others may not. I think that would make a nice on/off option that each player could control for themselves.
  8. I had a question about how things like trash and bird nests disappear after they are looted. Do those things refresh and reappear, or are they gone forever? I get that a cupboard block will change from closed (when it has an inventory) to open when it is empty. Do those also still refresh after so many days, or are they looted forever?
  9. Ooo, let's try: $ roland "Make me a sandwich." Hmm, maybe I need to be root: $ sudo roland "Make me a sandwich."
  10. I'm going to change my mind. If we're dreaming, I'd like to shift the campfire into being a kind of stone-age universal (low capability) workstation, and then open up a wood-burning stove for cooking to go with the existing workstations. If they wanted to make a 3rd tier where things were electric powered that would be cool. They could differentiate between three levels by slowing things down in the lower levels.
  11. I can't think of a purpose for one. I wouldn't mind if the existing crafting stations wore out and had to be repaired with a repair kit.
  12. I agree. I'm mostly thinking of the "did I get a seed back when I harvested" as a mini-game. I could skip that in favor of auto-replant and just give me the remaining produce, even if that were LotL 4.
  13. I'm not annoyed by the "farming game" comprised of if you get a seed back or not, but I'd be completely cool if it would just automatically replant. I find the extra clicks and effort to craft replacement seeds to be tedious. It's maybe neat little mini-game if you have no LotL, but all I'm going to do when LotL is at 0 is store the produce and seeds for later.
  14. I think farming is worth it. I think it is more a matter of when you start to farm, than if you farm. If you're playing with others then somebody getting into it quickly is a good idea. You, or somebody, is probably also going to get into cooking pretty early. If you're playing solo, then it is going to depend on where you place your priorities. (I'm usually solo.) If you're going to hang out at a base at night to craft, build, or mine, then a farm is going to be handy early because you're not generating any food otherwise. Early game, I'm going to need feathers, so I'll be out hunting chickens, buzzards, and bird nests and whatever zombies and animals I find along the way in nests, trash, and corpses so I'll come back with: eggs, meat, water, brains, nitrate, leather, glue, bones, etc. Note the brains and nitrate are farm plot ingredients that I can bank until I pick up LotL. Early game I'm more likely to spend my points on being tougher, sneakier, stamina, and doing more damage. Mid-game I feel I can spread out more into farming and then cooking.
  15. I'll farm starting in the mid to late game. There's usually no point in starting an early farm as I don't have the cooking skill for advanced recipes that use the produce. I enjoy hunting and foraging at night, so early game I'm usually flush on bacon and eggs. Like @Old Crow the mid-game effort is spent spinning up more seeds to get to my production goals once I've put some points into Living Off The Land to lower the cost of making Farm Plots -- not to have positive seed production. Once I'm nearing my production goals I'll invest more in the cooking skill so I can use the farm's produce.
  16. I think that's an interesting question. I don't think I've ever used Leather armor. I don't usually have all of the armor mods that I'd want until around the time I'm getting high-end military armor. I think there would be an opportunity to stretch out armor progression over many more player levels. Combine that with some tweaks to the leather armor penalties to be more of a compromise between padded and military, and perhaps leather armor would be more than something to sell to a trader.
  17. When placing Parts using the Prefab Editor, you can specify the percentage chance of the Part appearing. The combobox by default lets you change that percentage by 20% increments. You can click in the track and get any percentage -- sort of -- but if you want nice round numbers you use the increments. I find it is handy to set the increment to 10% or even 5% so you could set something to 25%. I can do this in a modlet, but I thought maybe with A21 others might like the change incorporated. In XSLT terms: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='prefabMarkers']/panel[@name='content']/rect/grid/combobox[@name='cbxPartSpawnChance']/@value_increment">0.1</set>
  18. What is a banger in this context? Is it some marketing concept? Otherwise, I'm going to think of it as sausage and drift through life forever confused.
  19. I could see getting rid of a row of inventory and letting pocket mods put it back. I kind of like that.
  20. Yeh, but eventually I want to wear something other than a throw rug.
  21. I prefer the motorcycle, but I use the 4x4 as a mobile base when I play nomadic. Pull up to a location, deploy workstations, then drive the motorcycle around to missions, or to scout the map. A mobile home with even more storage would be cool. A mobile home where I could carry active crafting stations would be even more awesome. Then I wouldn't have to empty a forge before picking up and moving on. I could leave bullets crafting while I moved my base. If we're dreaming and wanted to go even further, being able to slot solar panels and wire up some stuff would be cool too. But today, I just pack that stuff up and move it all in the 4x4 when I'm ready to relocate to another settlement. I often leave behind a little shack with boxes and maybe a cache of supplies that I don't have room to transport.
  22. It's the stealth that's important to me. I don't sprint a lot either because of vehicles or just that I like to keep stamina available. Indeed, I'm likely to crawl through a POI. I should try a game with heavy armor just for the perspective.
  23. Yep, until I can kit out military armor with the right mods. I like mobility and stealth.
  24. Ah, I was afraid that might be a limitation. Even if it switched at city district borders, or biome borders, there's still be times when you'd want multiple atlases. Thanks for thinking it through.
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