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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. That's a necessary addition; I was trying to avoid the math for @ElCabong, since it didn't seem to land. But my "at 10 seeds" seems quite intimidating in comparison to "spare 3 crops" .. even those small spares will (likely) have a great effect in the stability. 10 was just random from me, darnit..
  2. The simulation is likely correct; the conclusion from it is Not "nah, it'll be fine." You plant three and are limited to two new seeds the moment you harvest no seeds.. this means you aren't keeping any spares. You'll need to. How many spares? There's no perfect amount, but 10 of a kind will be pretty hard to fail. Then again, if you have 10 seeds, why not plant them? There's two main ways out from the risk a 3-seed farm poses at LotL 1 .. spend more skill points, or get more spare seeds. You'll just need to pick one
  3. That's basically the first point of lotl; you Can crash, but restarting requires exactly that one seed. Get to 3 seeds per plant and you're pretty safe with minimum points.
  4. Hmm, not really, I'm thinking of "farming" and "viability". As in, I did get that that's what El is doing, it being rather decorative. I kinda switched over to "actual" farming in my second paragraph, I should've maybe made that clearer.
  5. The way you describe your farming, you don't need any LotL; at least you didn't mention crafting seeds. If you don't craft them, then all the seed you plant are always a net gain. If you want a farm that is likely to survive, and constantly produce a little something, 1 point is enough. This is with you crafting replacement seeds. The second point is a tiny increase in profit, the third point guarantees an ever-growing farm with a good chance for great yields.
  6. That sounds like a weird bug, so first off, are you sure about what you're seeing? And are you actually losing yield, or is the loot event just somehow showing odd numbers?
  7. End game? Beakers and acid are what gates a chem station.. which is used to fuel your motor tools. Steel parts, not end game for tools, but still a gating item. Schematics for tools.. that's the motor tools which you called end game ...?
  8. Historically there's been some chunk loading issues; if your base is located on two separate save regions, the game would load only half of your base in, and in some cases the loaded half wasn't self-sustaining - or something to that nature, it's not like I've seen the code. Something like that added to the current stability bug.. anything goes.
  9. Well, that's interesting for the very least; it seems it may have changed from the past - assuming I remember that A19 convo correctly. Good test anyway
  10. You wouldn't happen to play PvP on a female character..? Hmm... "Turrets" comes to mind. For some reason.
  11. If it's a thing, it's not a countermeasure to save-scumming; it wouldn't really effect SP, and you can't pull it off on a server obviously. If anything; think of testing in a random world. It's so much simpler for reproducing anything if you can actually recreate the exact scenario. Since randomness is always* predetermined anyway, all you have to do is Not 'confuse' the seeding and you have a deterministic random. If you absolutely want, you can drop in a few reseeds once you get to beta, but there isn't really even any need. You can literally only see it by breaking the game. *to varying degrees of pedantic alwaysness.
  12. I probably shouldn't say anything, since I cba finding the discussion; but from A19, I remember someone complaining that they were unable to save-scum their loot containers. As in they were trying to "copy save" - "loot things" - "overwrite save with the copy" - "loot things in different order"; and they said any type of container would always produce the same results regardless of loot order. It's not a thing I care about, so I never looked into it further than that, but .. there could theoretically be a specific RNG for each loot container type, or whatever. At least the claim was that a small deviation wasn't sufficient to produce different loot.
  13. Usually a melee weapon, an oh-crap mid-range weapon (any swap-and-click-to-stagger option) and a bow for mostly sneak shots. So, three. My basic toolbar is pretty completely standard by now: Bow, Melee, Stone Axe, Midranger, Free*, Frames, Water, Bandage, Free*, Free* * not empty ofc, usually tools, or turrets, or additional weapons. For hordes, bow gets ditched if I have a replacement, stone axe swapped for a proper repair tool, free slots filled mostly with whatever boomers I can find and then some more weapons. Maybe one slot for a tool I predict needing fast (knife for corpse removal/pick for collapse clearing/something) Never remove or leave unloaded/in disrepair: Melee, Midranger, Bandage.. so, 2?
  14. Imma just drop a quote from the second line of the OP here, and mutter something about tiktok-levels-of-attention-span under my breath...
  15. Well, the design intent is that the T2 group steps aside and gives way to the T3 group - which doesn't exist for book stuff. There's an infinite ways to fixing that, one would mostly need to decide what they want, make a mod and test whatever else they've ended up messing up in the loot - the "problematic" ProbT2 is used in a whole host of places. "any" is a bit too strong, I have no use for one on day 1, I'd rather have my boiled meat schematic there. But "any beyond a certain start point", sure. For a something of a terrible-but-not-necessary-fatal fix, you might edit the loot.xml at line 373. <loot level="240,999999" prob="0"/> => <loot level="240,999999" prob="0.35"/> This will make tier 2 weapons eternally compete with tier 3:s in the table though, so you'll get a bit of a penalty in exchange
  16. That group is also included in "schematicsModsAndGeneralCommon" on line 2290, which is included in trash and some other places.
  17. Hmm.. it exists in loot tables, but it seems to be subject to loot probabilities from ProbT2; which turns out to become 0 at loot stage 240 and above. If you're below that, you have a chance of finding one. It's rare since it's along a lot of other stuff of course, so you may have gone past the necessary stages. Biome multipliers may come in handy there, you might be below the threshold in forest or some other.. Another potential source is questing, where it follows QuestT3Prob; that uses numbers between 0 and 7 for "level", I assume that means quest level; but I don't know how that translates into actual quests. The best chance is from a "level" 5, looking at quest.xml, I assume it's actual Tier 5 quests, but ehh, it's not exactly readable. And well, while useful, the mod merely disables a little regen; unless it was changed for A20, a decent burst kill won't be effected at all, only if you let one run around freely for a while will you need extra rounds due to the regen. So it's not that big of a deal; of course the completionist in me cries for you..
  18. Darnit! Always a step ahead.. Not surprised; with my manual pushing test, the bag hitboxes seemed like a dot at the sharp end of a bag with another at the bottom.. and the vehicle hitboxes, well lets not even go there. I could not assume it would work even if I tried. Sounded fun thou
  19. I'll take it, I've been called worse.. even if that's 'oblivious' and not 'obvious' as I'd assume.
  20. I think he wants the visuals of normal guns, not the Mad Max -repaired versions.
  21. Ye, no, wasn't thinking about any air flow, just about trying to fly in a 1x2 tube downhill ... I assume it wouldn't go too great Mineshaft would have about 3 benefits, 1) you get the ramp/gravity assist, I don't see** flat terrain being used for the transit, 2) you'll get to loot in relative safety underground and 3) you'll get an actual mine for the trouble. ** EDITed in, completely cut my thought out there it seems The only real use case would be relatively low gamestage horde base near a wasteland, on a suitable hill with a little digging on each side. You'd need to get to make the base outside of spawn range from the wasteland and roll the baggies downhill for a total of something like 100m. That basically requires a mineshaft + hill. Plus a tower base on top. Doable, but it'll be the theme of a playthrough for a rather temporary boost. I only tested the 45:s, but the lower ones might work just as well - it's not like the bags rolled on their own that much even on 45, so as long as the ramp determines the direction, anything might work. Would need to test. That sounds interesting enough to give a quick test, a funnel below the horde with a hatch at the bottom.. I am pretty sure the bags will just bounce all over thou
  22. The 4x4 maybe; I'll give that a go down a mineshaft, if you try the gyrocopter down one
  23. Hmm.. part of the discussion was "Can we even move the bags?" I tried a ramp, it can be done. The bags can be nudged down a ramp or even a diagonal mining shaft. Piles of bags move pretty decently. However, it's a proper pain, I did move a dozen bags down a ramp into a shaft for about 20 blocks. If one is min/maxing to that degree, I'd bet the process will end up frustrating such a personality, wildly. Let's just say I ended up shooting a bag.
  24. Yeh, your original was pretty much good enough already. But I figured a "one-sided but binary" -test might give some more strength to the claim .. and indeed, it wasn't exactly difficult. Call me lazy, again
  25. We do need a big burning dude boss mob, summoned randomly when hitting bedrock. "But they dug too deep..."
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