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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Bold of you to assume your maps will be compatible ... No, really, generate new maps with the version you're about to play. Not worth spending time to generate "good maps" just to lose them to a version change.
  2. The tool quality shouldn't make much of a difference. I'm sure you know, but the last thing that comes to mind is, are you fully hydrated? The drink bar is basically linearly attached to stamina regen, at full bar you get 10 sta / sec (5 per tick), at half bar you get 5 / sec (2-3 / per tick). And you're probably not infected to your gills either?
  3. Hmm, God doesn't effect stealth but it does reset my A21 B317 "Armor Crit Resist" on the UI back to 0 (zero while unarmored). The number goes down when getting hit just like in A20, and I did some testing in A20 to confirm that it did seem to be in line with actual Crit chance - assuming the post-hit-number was the actual chance back then. In A21 something has chanced as I've taken crits from first hits before, but the UI number is still behaving the same.
  4. Looking at the first vid, some thoughts.. I'm assuming it's an Attack-type volume as it is pitch black and everything seems to know where you are (you are getting GPS-tracked by the wights, first one hits the diagonal wall instead of you, second one lands a hit). It could be the new trigger type as well (3), I haven't tested how those work exactly. But assuming type two: You reveal yourself at 15 secs in, to gain some speed I presume. From that point on, everything that sees you is following the normal agro rules. So, if you were to enter stealth at 16 secs in, right in the middle of that room, the zeds should likely lose you already. This is based on A20, so reality might differ. IF you're going back in, give it a whirl. Then again, you're in god mode.. based on the audio you took two hits, bleeding from one. Not a horrible fate yet, but you could've gotten stunned which would've ended the escape. And the god mode does reduce your "crit taken" -chance for secondary hits. And if you DON'T do the self-reveal (as in you stay in stealth the whole maneuver), the zeds that haven't "properly" seen you, won't reset as easily as the rest - which is quite counter-intuitive. If you're still in testing it, try dropping in, leaving stealth in the middle of the room toggling headlight on&off, then re-stealthing in the middle of the room. Having LoS to everything, but the darkness should save you.
  5. Darn QA, actually doing their jobs..?
  6. It's a bug, mostly. Or just bull@%$#. Whichever it is, I'd have a hard time calling it a death for a permadeath run .. I mean, I'd prolly restart anyway, but I don't think it's a .. feature.
  7. To me, with absolutely zero knowledge other than the tag, yup, sounds like some volumes are not meant to count for quests. As for trying to understand the rest, "what all the numbers <...> mean". I could start guessing, but... there's plenty of tags. "SleeperVolumeGroup" is only one of them, that seems to set the group of available zombies for the volume - either a specific type for immersion like businessmen or construction guys, and/or based on strength, as one of the groups is literally "S_-_Group_Zom_Badass". Can also be a single zombie type. The numbers in that tag are anyone's guess, first I thought they might be the number/variance of zeds to spawn, but there's a few (,0,0)s there as well. Each tag gives every sleeper volume one particular attribute. Some of them are types of zeds to load into the volumes, some of them are about how the zeds in the volume behave when loaded in (passive / aggressive / triggered-by-a-Switch), etc. Would need a manual to actually know what they're meant to do..
  8. There are several rooms in especially larger POIs that are specifically designated "outside of the quests". Things like "out of path" garages, backyards etc. Sounds like they're mostly meant to be a way to avoid the frustration of having to clear every little bit, including secret areas, but they work as a surprise for the quest complete as well. EDIT: Mostly for @BFT2020 I guess, I'm talking about "SleeperIsQuestExclude" tags.
  9. I have a few, but Kage is suffering to find any.. seems sporadically rare.
  10. While that is the case in reality, in the game they literally are named "HiPower".
  11. Is that a 10% chance for an extra book in every trash bag at 5/5, or just a 1.1 ratio in the total list of 20 or so books? (as in (1,1,1,1.1,1,1), spot the different one.. ) That 2% doesn't mean anything without knowing what it does.
  12. Yup, HP for bears, but prolly not worth the trouble. Unless you're either going for a farm plot hunt or just have horrible time surviving bears in particular. I haven't tested HP in A21, but it used to do exactly 0 damage to highly armored enemies, like soldiers.. so, beware.
  13. The counter reached zero, what else would you expect?
  14. Me neither, when it works. How do you reckon stealthing the lobby shown by david above would go? https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32123-sleepers-even-worse-now/?do=findComment&comment=524448
  15. Hah, ok. It's not just me, it's the whole horde... spawns in a wave, drops them off the world. Sometimes they get to move for long enough to be seen. Even the log knows they're falling..:
  16. After a rather quick search here, I think my save's cooked, but I'll ask anyway: A21 b317, single player My character started falling through the ground every 10-60 seconds. First occurrence I was standing next to a junk turret, fell straight through the floor; I'm thinking the turret may have clipped me. Struggled for a bit under the POI, went dm, fly, noclip, and got back up. Ever since, relatively constantly the character will just clip through the ground.. the auto unstuck does eventually get her back on the ground, but it's rather unplayable. My flying drone also went missing at the same time, le location NaN .. could be that trying to load in clipping me, who knows. Verified files, rebooted, etc, no change. Started a new game to check, no integrity issues with the floor in Navezgane. Any advice would be appreciated, but seems like the save's done. Guess I'll try to play the next horde hanging onto a ladder, how's that for a "the floor's lava"...
  17. Yup, I used one, no problems for me. Exactly the shortest fence you could build thou, two posts.. latter took damage from working.
  18. I'm doing an INT build atm.. I wouldn't say it's bad. The junk turret at 5/5 skills absolutely rips thru anything.. several anythings if not poorly placed. I have the skill to use two, but I just toss a sledge behind the shooter to keep any passers-by in the firing area. Had to mine thru a night for ammo by day 21 so ye, the ammo cost is pretty harsh. Also mined for another night, but I haven't touched that ammo yet. As it seems that POI design is now full of pincer-move-spawns (blocking your retreat by spawning stuff in after you checked..), I've been sorta grateful to have something watching my rear - or rather, have the turrets take out the "main" spawn while gunning down the rear myself. Would've quit by the end of tier 3 quests otherwise. The turrets have managed almost all large fights entirely on their own, with the random single zed getting past them. Not that I've tried a hospital roof yet, but T3 infections have been e-z. Now I'd just like to have my character stay on the world for the D21 horde ... damn toon thinks she's a ghost and keeps trying to phase thru to bedrock
  19. Click on the "Recipes" on the item. If it has none, well, it has none.
  20. That's of course just a perception issue, but if one was to try to come up with a decent excuse.. it could be that a person adept at using a thing, is also going to be better at adapting bits of info from other sources to it. So the magazine isn't exactly a Sledge magazine, but something more general, materials, physics, whatever - and the player with good sledge skill is just more able to adapt that to his own tools. Of course it doesn't feel like that with the real magazines dropping, but say "Forged Iron" seems like a similar approximation. You didn't make iron bars to make a knife out of, you spent effort at the forge, the Forged Iron item is just a representation of the effort. Which isn't great either as it's pluripotent, but hey.. approximations.
  21. I clicked one on the map (not in the list but on the map), it went from gray to white and showed up on compass.. I didn't check if it was the "unique tracker" or just a toggle per waypoint. I hope it's the latter, but in any case, just try a clickety the next time.
  22. Playing an INT game, warrior diff; most points in the weapon skills, 18 days in: I have crafted a set of padded armor Q1, now wearing a Cloth Bonus Bundle. Got Q4 steel legs as a reward, might swap over at some point. I have crafted most of my batons, on a Q5 Stun baton since day 14 horde. Think I found a match for the pipe baton at points and a lower level Stunnie after making a Q3. I have crafted a single Q1 Sledge turret, bought a Q5 proper shootie turret for ~8k right after, and since have looted a Q2 sledge. I set up some light electrical defenses for day 14, couple fences and a gennie, all parts bought as I wasn't able to craft anything. Horde base is a wide stairwell that I just essentially blocked so my sledge can keep tossing zeds around. I do stand there shooting a toilet pistol at them, using looted ammo; but the fence and the sledge would've kept the D14 group at bay easily. Used 20 bought concrete mix for the blockade.
  23. It doesn't* affect the crafting time. *shouldn't, edge cases like the short-craft nails might suffer from lag issues with the UI open.
  24. I don't know if I'd call a feature, but it's been that way for ages .. we used to craft anvils on several forges to increase tool crafting, swapping between them to have the right one open when that specific anvil was about to complete for the (skill) XP. Queue a new one, move the newly made into the melting slot, open the next forge... better than trying to destroy stone axes, but quite riveting gameplay nonetheless..
  25. I'm going to assume an "under NDA", and then just guess they went with increased drop rates for the gating stuff for streamer weekend to provide a "for-sure" success for streamers. I wouldn't even hate them for that, wouldn't be a good look if the hyperactive streamers were bored out of their brains with the intended progression... Blink twice if you know I'm wrong.
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