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  1. Got exactly the same problem right now. Never even seen this POI before, started a tier5 "Infested Clear" from joel, made it in and got super overwhelmed so I ran around the building trying to take them out one by one. Got through the whole thing after I don't know 700 9mm and 600 .44 in 12-14 ingame hours to find out the quest wouldn't finish and no yellow dot would appear. So I searched the whole building a couple of times and destroyed many walls to find the last zombie but with no luck. I really hope this gets fixed, was not the first time this happened to me in a21 (with other jobs, it was some gasstation POI with a laundry, a kitchen and a restaurant i think). Best regards
  2. a16.4 was way before my time. I started a19 or a20, can't remember. Good to hear that some things never change. Thanks for the good advise, only problem was that I had to be outside my base to upgrade the outer blocks I couldn't reach from the inside. Now I'm going to be super careful and cautious in my next world, even putting doors in mineshafts and trying to make a secure tree farm at some point. Also how exactly did you predict when the doggos spawn, would love to learn those skills aswell.
  3. I don't really call it a death either but continuing after dying just feels wrong, even after something uncontrollable like this. I really hope this gets fixed one day and the whole sound design gets reworked.
  4. Was building my base in the middle of the night until I got jumped from behind by 7 dogs which were completly silent until they attacked me. Had Headphones on so I wouldn't get ambushed like this but with no luck. I always play permadeath so having to delete my world after 35 ingame days because of something like this feels tough. I've seen the occasional silent zombie before but a complete horde is new to me. What are your thoughts on silent hordes/zombies etc? And was that a bug or intended?
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