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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Tell me "you've lived next door to a supermarket your whole life" without saying "supermarket"... Butchers are people too, and they're butchering critters for about 7 billion people to feed on daily; anyone learning the skill upon necessity shouldn't be all that surprising.
  2. It also "weakens" with vertical distance, just less so than with horizontal (given no bedrock connection). The "show stability" seems to ignore that, but here's a quick test I did: The point here is, the left and the right pillar will collapse if you add one more (all 8 side-attached blocks drop + the added one). The middle one obviously doesn't - didn't test yet how many it would actually require to collapse that. And the "show stability" shows NO difference. It's .. not all that reliable 😛 EDIT: Went on to test it .. adding wood to the side of the middle pillar caused all the wood to collapse after 7 more blocks. But it also collapsed on a way shorter tower on a re-try, after the same 7 side-attached wood blocks. The actual SI is weird (prolly stacking wood on top of iron/steel is going past the calc distance for SI, and it just assumes there's bedrock below beyond some point, or something to that effect, I haf no actual clue..)
  3. You may be correct, but you've phrased it a little .. incompletely. If there's a "hanging bottom block" to your pole, then yes, a tall enough pole of wood frames will eventually fall. But if the nerd pole starts from normal solid ground, with solid blocks all the way to bedrock, you can happily nerdpole all the way up to the world ceiling - after which you can't place any more blocks as the game couldn't save them.
  4. A week? Survive? I mean, we're all well-enough-todo to own a computer and free time to play games on it. All of us would survive without food for a week, and for half of us, it'd be the healthiest we've eaten for decades. For a year? Yeh. There's plenty of people living on essentially bacon&eggs and grilled meats; while I stray by adding tons of coffee and chocolate, I can't really pretend like those are giving me some essential nutrients - so, myself included.
  5. Almost entirely, but not quite, unlike correct. A lil hand-holdery for my tastes, but here, try this thread:
  6. You can see the pregen worlds under your game files, mine are: SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/Data/Worlds/PREGEN8k In there, biomes.png shows the biomes. Also, debug mode (console 'dm') has additional options in the in-game map, you can reveal all sorts of things with that, including biomes iirc.
  7. I'm not going to vote one way or the other, but I'm pretty sure that's the type of sentence I would actually have to find the source for. Me confusing some statement of "after 1.0" with "in 1.0" months later would not surprise me at all. You may be different, but you also might be mistaken
  8. No worries, it's a forum, it's meant to be sloooow Backups are nice, althou in this case the steam integrity check will likely work just fine for restoring your stuff.
  9. Ye, straight up 20x for every watt number would be more realistic, even 100W light bulbs wouldn't be too much off the mark for our lovingly handcrafted scrap versions. Wouldn't bother me, but it already doesn't Tbh, all the numbers in the game are pretty much random, just good small numbers that work for the game. Except for fuel, that's counted in ml for some reason ...
  10. How many watts do your autonomous friend-or-foe shotgun turrets require..? Sure, to call it watts in game and then have car engines producing 50W each ... not a great look, realistically; but not exactly a problem for the game play either..
  11. That wouldn't be much of a problem now, as the game does show you the stability in colors while building. That would reveal a cave-caused weakness early. Of course they still might be an issue for expansions etc.
  12. Those maps are part of the game files, under the game install folder. "Browse files" from steam, Data/Worlds/Navezgane. I've never done it, but I'd assume you can edit those for same effect; it might mess up anti-cheat protections as they're part of the game, though. Caveat emptor.
  13. That depends highly on your build. Plenty of builds guide the zeds to a kill area, where you can cover a small, say 6 wide, 2-3 deep kill zone with all your hardware. I don't know if you want me to spoil the basics of those, but My advice was just to point out that it can be done; as you seemed to claim that you couldn't. Running both, trigger plates and cameras, is absolute overkill though You've built the base in the desert, and at that stage of the game, you should have a chem station; fuel is infinite at that point, just dig some oil shale, cook your own. 24 blades, you'll need two gennies, but you'll run them for 6-7 hours a week. You might have to refuel them every 4-5 hordes or so. I got nothing against over-engineered solutions, I've done plenty myself; just pointing it's rather unnecessary
  14. Plate -> Plate -> Plate -> Blade should work, running the Blade with any of Plates. Need to set a few secs of delay to the trigger time. Then again, I'd just run the blades with a switch or a few. Or a single motion sensor per wall, in a corner pointing along the wall. Decent looking starter box, I just wish they'd actually work 😛 The zeds will pile up on one spot and beat through that, making the defenses on the three other walls pointless.
  15. Kinda yes; you've got the gist. There's public sites like youtube, that will deliver the content to everyone; then there's private systems like when your apple devices upload things that you can use between your own devices privately. I mean, it's a legit site, rumble.com; but it isn't wrong to call it a joke either, everything on the webs seems to be named as a joke since the dotcom boom ... rumble.com, odysee.com are a couple sites that will happily host your vids. And if you're not faffed about creating a following there, they're just fine. This is what appears when I paste just the address from youtube, JaWoodle's latest 7dtd video (direct copy-paste of the address bar, as text into this text field): I'd assume that'll suffice?
  16. Oh boi, how serious are you right now...? If serious, well, welcome to the internet! "The cloud" is ... a colloquial to describe "someone else's computer is storing this for me". For your video uploads, IF their owners didn't consider my race a hate crime, I'd suggest youtube. But as things are what they are, I might suggest using rumble or odysee; or any of the host of YT-alternatives. You'll need to make an account, and how all of that works will depend on the service..
  17. I'm not going to say it's "wrong" to take those, but early game there's a dozen better options, and late game you'll have the Urban combat -book to remove the movement penalty in combat. My normal armor upgrade path is full Padded until Q5-6 Military parts, so I don't suffer from the movement penalties early either way.
  18. Hmm, a single solar bank with a single solar cell will charge up a battery bank. It is also quite fast - you'll have something like 1H downtime in the circuit for an entirely autonomous setup. Don't know the exact time, as I think the battery will drain faster depending on your load and it's been quite a while since I messed with them. Solar -> Timer relay (set to one hour of up time during daytime) -> Battery bank -> Circuit When the timer is off, the circuit is run off of the full wattage of the Battery bank. When the timer is on, the solar is the only source, potentially causing a low power situation in the circuit - but for lights AND traps, the disturbance is usually short enough not to be a problem. Just don't make your door automation lock you in while charging .. Any circuit can only have one power source, it seems to be to limit the size of a single circuit. You can always set up multiple circuits if you want a lot of power, it gets cluttered, but can be done.
  19. It's clunky, and I'd love some proper gates as well. But at least the multi-cam is possible, chains of triggers function as an OR: If you chain trigger items (cams, tripwires and such) one after the other, whenever any of them triggers, they all let power thru. Generator -> Cam1 -> Cam2 -> Light (whenever either sees you, light turns on) If you want an AND-function, add a relay (or any other non-trigger) between the triggers: Generator -> Cam1 -> Relay -> Cam2 -> Light (whenever BOTH see you, light turns on) Multiple power sources are not possible in one chain, beyond a battery bank that can work as either an input or an output. Solar -> BattBank -> Light So, when a battery bank receives any power, it turns into a "power consumer", eating 5W to charge the batteries within and stops powering anything behind it. Solar produces power in the daytime, the BattBank automatically starts charging and the rest of the circuit is run off the solar. So, solar power sorta works ok. You can also use the setup to save fuel with a generator (the charging takes way less power than the battery can provide from it), but fuel is rather easy to come by...
  20. Depends a little; the forum itself won't be doing distribution for your videos, so you'll need to upload it "somewhere else". If that was already obvious to you, then pasting a link to your video will create a preview / embed - for recognized and compatible sites at least..
  21. Did the world really end if you've got the infra and power for running PCs for gaming... ?
  22. Heh; I might be nitpicking, but assuming the request is formulated "properly" .. it's "please bring back the re use option". The only re-use for jars was "fill it with water", (filling it with gas wasn't a re-use as mollies didn't return the jar). (As in, I think he's actually pining for the logical functionality of water purification, not the "jar simulation" itself. As am I, thus I want him done justice )
  23. Welcome to the forum! I don't dare say more, but you'll prolly get a few "dead horse"s shortly...
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