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Everything posted by canadianbluebeer

  1. New Bunker: Central HQ (or whatever it was called)..... From "Get Smart" Have fun opening all those doors. heh.
  2. Been getting the same thing recently. Same T3 POI from 2 traders. It's a nice POI with some good stuff (lotsa brass and candles) The one with the graveyard in the basement.
  3. Had that last night. Wasn't dead though. Was in the sit up "shoot me now" pose. So I hopped off the chopper and shot'im. He stopped then.
  4. crunched the block wall at the porch (it's boarded and sealed now. tempfix) yes, the peeled out and took off. (they were caught) By the time I ran downstairs, he was gone. No boomsticks, I but I had my baseball bat handy. (Q3 aluminum)
  5. The PoW camp from Hogans Heroes. All those tunnels. (and barracks etc)
  6. Really should change it to "Bob's Bacon" (pregen02 has 2 of'em) Want a fun experiment: max out the meat gathering, then go visit Gracie. A truly astonishing amount of baconburgers.
  7. The cow catcher is great for running into deer at full speed and sending them into orbit! (zeds too) heh.
  8. A lot of those are in the CompoPak. Casino. airport. Mall (that one is absolutely gigantic!) Amusment park. (be very careful in that one. also huge) Some very large mansions yes. Some the difficulty is rather easy. The ones that are for T5 tho? ..... You are not prepared!!!..
  9. Replacing Windows with Linux on a DESKTOP (emphasis), is generally a trivial thing. Did that for my father over 15 years ago. (he hated waiting for the AV software to load and the warnings etc). Switched him to Ubuntu, Firefox, Evolution, OpenOffice (at the time) and all worked fine. When my mother came to live with me, I switched her over immediately, as she would click on darn near anything. Same deal. Firefox and Chrome (reasons for both), LibreOffice etc. All well. Was going to change her from the Unity interface to Cinnamon, as closer to a windows feel. Her response: " I don't remember what that was like. I don't want to learn anything new". (she's 80 now) Wifi cards are an issue still. Had to move her computer, (after truck hit the house, see the clip). Got a wifi adapter and 100' ethernet cable as backup. No go on the card. Cable made it with about 2' to spare. So the AVERAGE user, the OS really doesn't make much difference. Browser, email, print and that's pretty much all many care about. Besides, how many NON-Techie types can troubleshoot or fix a windows problem? yeah, not many. So if that can't fix linux, the call for help, just like in windows. Oh, it's an absolute bonus treat for the scam calls and fake popups too. Mother: "Windows Security Center has found ...." "what should I do?" Me: Mom, are you running windows? Mother: Well, no. Me: just click the red X in the corner. It's a scam, and it can't hurt you because I put you on linux. Mom: oh, ok. The scam calls, are fun. I string them along looking for what they want. Sooooo much fun when I say "oh, did I forget to mention I'm on Linux and not Windows?" hee-hee. (serves those bastids right) (and no, linux is not perfect, nor is it a panacea for anything) Oh, I've also been using it since pre 0.99 . Still have the stack of floppies for that. I'm a bit of a packrat for software stuff)
  10. Canned condensed milk. Lasts practically forever. (kinda like Twinkies) :P (taste though..... )
  11. ppls asked "how were you so calm?" Been through a major quake (northridge) and of course, army training. In the immortal words of the bunny "I'll be scared later, right now I'm too mad" The front of the house has an enclosed porch. (that's what was hit) Cinderblocks up to the window line. My mother had her computer/office on that porch. She was in there when it happened. Office has been moved. (and what a chore what was moving the cabling for the phone/computer) Mother is NOT amused. Was not a minor crunch. (still trying to figure out how the screen shook when it hit. OBS captures the game, yet IT shook. odd) Of course, next day, stream said I hadda shewt stuff. I did. Viewer used MM to get me kilt 5 times. heh. That WAS fun. (now, where can I find some AT obstacles and some mines.... hrmmm) 😛 (I know, I wish)
  12. Because I *know* the kind of crap they do. Going back 30 years. (used to work for a software company, and I know first hand what kind of shenanigans they can, and will pull) As for the the cam for meetings, ok, then have it a requirement for THAT program, not the bloody OS. oh well, I'll be retiring when win10 is EOL, so we'll see just what is going on then. Until then, nope, aint gonna touch 11. Of course, I said I wouldn't touch 10, but did only to see if that would fix the FO76 graphic stuttering that got introduced in one patch on Win7. Did the upgrade (free couple weeks ago, and yes, you can still do it), and lo and behold, the stuttering went away. GG Bethesda. pox upon them all. /shrug 😛
  13. Now it's being reported that after 2023, Win 11 will REQUIRE a front facing camera, except on desktop PCs. WTF? What possible technical reason would require that? I'm gonna have to make a thicker tinfoil hat it seems.
  14. My system won't do win 11, (either of them), but that's ok. Win10 expires in '25 and that's when I retire. I'll be going a major system upgrade (well new one) at that point. I may try 11, or say frack it, and just have Linux, and completely dump windows altogether, except for some VM for old stuff I need. Oh, the taskbar can ONLY go on the bottom of the screen? WTF? sigh.
  15. You HAVE to add the frozen peas! Not the canned mushy stuff. (although that's all we have in the game, so it will have to do) Gotta have yer veggies. Raw tuna by itself? Pass. Add mayo, mix, put on bread. sammich. good. add mayo, macaroni, onion. salad. good. 😛
  16. tuna with gravy (white sauce actually) with peas on toast is really really good though.
  17. https://clips.twitch.tv/WittyTransparentTarsierFrankerZ-3sz9wotwXS0cIQBm ouch. Edit: Yes, that crunch was indeed a vehicle smashing into my house while I was live on stream.
  18. I have the zombie block damage turned down, no so much because of what ONE zed will do, it's when a bunch of them all stack into the same place ALL hitting 1 block. That's just wrong IMHO. Also, when doing a POI we always get wandering zeds coming by, so it just slows down how long it takes before they bash their way in. They can still DO it, but takes time. Enough that I can get there and dispose of them. (ok, and I can chop the doors and get the doorknobs before they destroy it. usually) I agree, regular zeds should not be able to beat through steel block with their bare hands. (the acid spitting cop, ok, acid on steel, then zeds bashing, that makes sense) Not a whole bunch of them all in the same block. (which does happen if there isn't enough free vertical space for them to do the pyramid thing) I do like that one. Molotovs or PipeBombs for them. hee-hee.
  19. Of course it's a game! Shoot the green glowy thing and then run! Bonus points for causing a chain reaction. Double score for taking out someone else at the same time. 😛 (only time I really have to shoot them is if someone drops a bunch on me using MischiefMaker. Then I really do try for a chain reaction) (by the time they show up on BM nights, the darts are waiting. Ok, I'm also really good at shooting them in the head with the M60)
  20. Actually, there are up to 7 live bait. The OTHER players. 😛 (at least they are bait for ME. Their opinion may differ) 😛
  21. I'm not doing any more TS on the loading issue. No point. If you have a high density area of POI (or a large poi), you can get the pause. After that, it's fine. Yup, that's it. The invisible forcefield. It's very very random.
  22. 8gb vram. half texture/full no diff. HD slow... poss, SSD is faster, but it still pauses a bit. no sleep possible, that's ALWAYS disabled. (same for hibernation) This happens both in windows and linux. It is a loading issue, that's known. That's why the pauses are shorter on an SSD. (and why in windows I moved the game to the SSD, can't afford yet to add another one for linux. NEXT system, going NVME for some of the games) It cropped up after an update and a change to what is loaded and how..
  23. that's the draw pause thing that's been going on for a while. loading distant things. SSD speeds it up over metal disk, but happens often going to new areas. I get the same, and motion blur is OFF. (windows/linux, makes no difference btw) Just like zipping along on the chopper you can hit the invisible forcefield and bounce into the air stuttering for a bit until the server catches up. (kinda funny) The draw pause though, is annoying. I don't have time to look for the previous posts, but there are some.
  24. Firefox same thing. All scripts were enabled, Adblock off. no joy. Set chrome as default and it worked fine. Win 10. Have to try again under linux though. (been testing my win10 *cough* upgrade *cough*.) 😛
  25. If you do the trap corridor, each put down 1 side. My dart trap base uses 60. 2 rows of 15, 2 high on each side. Electric fence for each row. Dunno if you can each put down 1 half of the fence as well. Also dunno if you can wire up someone elses traps. But, if you can, then that should solve the shared problem for now.
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