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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Made the entity; just sorting through to see how I can make him set fires on spawn. 😃
  2. I hope you guys are *leaning* towards an approach that doesn't make you *prone* to leave it the same.
  3. hehe I just watched him stream that very thing. 😃
  4. I'm definitely loving that idea. The way I worked it out in my head based on your comment is an invisible entity that spawns, has an animation that shows a lightning bolt, and buffs the area with fire, then dies.
  5. Sphereii sorted the particles on multiplayer; once he does the same for fire extinguishing I'll put my add-on out. Still a weird bug where the fire particle is visible on a new save if you don't exit the game, I'm confident he will get that fixed. MY addon mod features: Flame thrower Napalm ammo Fire extinguisher Better smoldering smoke Oil slick - flammable Probably the fire truck
  6. Regarding new modded zombies specifically, these aren't what you think they are. We don't typically make the models, rig from scratch or animate them. There are too many trades involved to do such a thing, typically. We just find a good model somewhere and convert it so it works in game. So no, they're likely never going to be AAA quality new models modded into the game that are consistent with the art. Along that line of thinking, as much as khaine et al does understand the game mechanics better than most players because of those hours digging into them, I think most if not all modders know their limits, and respect tfp for what they've accomplished. That being said though, modders have a *lot* more opportunity to try different things, a luxary a production game company doesn't typically have, so while tfp changes direction there's probably going to be a modder or 10 who has tried it already and very possibly has valuable feedback on the results. A game that's been in alpha for this long with a modding community this big, has seen and done a lot. Just saying. So when khaine has feedback on something tfp is fixing to do, it very well could be from a place of experience. Now, you can either mock that experience, as most of the sycophants do, or at least give it some more thought. Your call. As long as the game is moddable, idgaf. ...removing jars is still weird though.
  7. Step 459 is getting the particles synched on multiplayer in a way that doesn't cause... Let's just say issues. Refinement will likely be done. Think of sCore as a foundation that other modders build upon. That's all I'm really doing. Sphereii gives the fire function and I build particles to fire extinguishers to fire trucks.
  8. ...is that something you really want me to make a list of? We "grew up together" in this community, we've both had the pleasure of seeing zombies outside in center cities to inside in every cupboard. We've seen crafting changes, zombie radar, we've been able to combine items to create better ones and we've been able to learn by doing. ...I don't think there is enough memory on this forum to list out all of the changes in direction the game has taken. Sure. You can change the definition of direction, but we've both seen the pimps zig and zag, I'm not sure why you're arguing against that. Hell, I love it. I hope the game never goes gold.
  9. Tfp has integrated modding in a way that it's natively supported. No weird hacks, no crazy executables, straight out of the box adding of blocks, items, entities, particles, and even code. They're incredibly supportive of the modding community, and in fact a few of their staff began as modders.
  10. Well it's not like TFP is helping themselves in this regard. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the direction of things changing every alpha, but it does send an odd signal to players.
  11. Get your Big Momma coaster today. Definitely thicker than the prior two. (Thanks CC)
  12. Khz, yes yes and yes. Basically add a triggered effect to any item and it will causes fire spreading damage. Dough: Yes yes yes. 😃
  13. Ruh Roh. Things are starting to get serious. Sheeit, helping... Sphereii is doing all the heavy lifting, I'm just making things pretty. Maurice is helping optimize my pretty stuff. But yeh things seem to be going okay.
  14. Making good progress. Maurice helped get the FPS down on one of the particle options, and Sphereii is > < close to getting the dedi issue resolved. Once that's done, some testing to be done and hopefully a release. 😃
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_Sunshine#/media/File:Arizona_Sunshine.jpg
  16. Fires can get out of hand very quickly. Something to consider.
  17. Be default it burns blocks with materials that contain "wood", and you can set individual blocks to be flammable.
  18. 11 fps on that particular fire particle with an RTX 2080. It'll be shipped, but it won't be the default one. The default one will be the same fire particle but won't have the light source attached. Soooooo pretty though, am I right?
  19. Guppycur

    Guppy's Fire Mod

    Defunct. Look here instead. Powered by sCore, this mod adds elements to the base fire mod that Sphereii created. Features: Flamethrower Napalm Ammo Fire Extinguisher Better smoldering smoke particle Oil Slick flammable traps Lightning Strikes (primarily in the burnt forest, however occasionally elsewhere) FireNado's (in burnt forest) Potential Add-on's Fire truck (would require additional mod dependencies) Flamethrower bandit This mod requires both Server and Client install and EAC to be *Off*. Don't come crying to me when you can't follow these simple instructions. Instructions for use: Get and maintain the latest version of sCore Get and maintain the last version of My Addon Mod Unzip into the appropriate mod folder for the version of the game you are playing on Start the game with EAC Off Go burn stuff down 😃 Although I have included recipes and loot, it would be a really good idea to go through those and tailor those to your needs.
  20. No need for personal attacks homie.
  21. No, that's not something I would mod, and it has nothing to do with this mask mod.
  22. I think it requires the advanced engineering perk? That's the only thing that comes to mind. I'm not familiar with better vanilla so don't know what it changes. The powered by score logo is just art so doesn't actually mean score was installed, but if you're not getting a @%$# ton of red errors then score is probably installed correctly. Can you send me your game log?
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