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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. I remember that you could plant trees on frames and when you removed the frame you had a lot of wood in your inventory.
  2. No. Even if the vehicle has no damage, the vultures attack. That is simply part of their behavior.
  3. Click on the top border of the quote box and hit delete.
  4. You didn't have to loot as much current Alpha. You could craft a lot of things yourself. Loot also came to you since virtually every zombie dropped loot. In addition, the zombies delivered bones and rotten meat which could be processed into glue and fertilizer. You could say there were simpler times
  5. No, I do quests. I loot but it is not my favorite activity. When I started in A15 you didn't have to scavenge as much. On the contrary, the loot came to you in the form of zombies. You only needed a base that allowed you to collect the loot after the horde. That focus shifted later to looting and exploring. So I bought a game that allowed me to do what I enjoyed and it moved further and further away from that. And by the way, there were no trader quests in A15. These were implemented in A17. To stick with your comparison. I didn't buy a racing game but a race team game where you are not only the driver but also the mechanic and the guy that washes the car. Building, mining and manufacturing are also integral parts of the game but you never mention them because they are not important to you personally. I wonder how you would have reacted if MadMole had decided that in A21 you can only unlock recipes and increase the quality by upgrading blocks or mining resources.
  6. Of course I will adapt, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. At some point I'll probably start making mods to save at least some of what made the game appealing to me when I started back in A15. Maybe I create quests that drop me random magazines when I mine a certain amount of resources or upgrade blocks. I will see then.
  7. I can tell you what my concerns are as a single player. As a single player I have to decide how to spend my time. If I spend two in-game weeks building a large base in A20, then I can use the XP I get to unlock new recipes through the skill tree or make a better quality of what I have already unlocked. For example, if you put your points into Advanced Engineering, you can unlock the recipes for the traps that you can use to defend the base you are building. In A21, after the two weeks of building, I will not have unlocked any additional recipes, nor will I be able to craft better quality equipment. If you' re cynical, you might say that the two weeks of work are wasted time.
  8. That is not entirely true. Only T2 items, T3 items, clothing and mods require schematics or books. Everything else can also be unlocked via skills. This includes all workbenches, all traps, all vehicles, all seeds, all T1 items, and most cooking recipes and some drugs. That's a lot.
  9. It always depends on how you look at it. For me, looting is boring. I open a loot container, either find something useful or not and move on to the next loot container. In between killing a few zombies but none of it requires any problem solving or creativity. The fun for me starts with building and mining is part of it. When I build something I often have to solve problems and you can get creative. Sometimes I can even combine building and mining like with my current underground base. By the way, you can't get everything in A20 just by sitting in the mine and farming XP. All T2 and T3 recipes require that you find the schematics. For example, I can build an iron pickaxe but neither a steel pickaxe nor an auger without the schematics.
  10. The trader sells magazines and offers them as rewards for quests. But I don't know much that is compared to what you find in loot during the quest and if it is enough for a reasonable pace.
  11. Have you ever wondered when the players stopped crafting guns and why? Up to A16 it was common to assemble guns and constantly improve them. This had two reasons. First, at that time firearms were assembled from weapon parts that could be swapped for better ones. And secondly, the guns lost quality with each repair. Moreover, a weapon with better quality meant more damage per hit. Then came A17 and the Fun Pimps got rid of weapon parts. You also no longer had to craft guns as they were plentiful in loot. Weapon parts came back later in a different form but you could still can find, buy or get fully assembled weapons as a quest reward. Also, the random stats and the fact that you can only craft items up to Q5 isn't really helpful in motivating players to craft something.
  12. Some mods have similar approaches. For example, in many mods you can scrap duplicate schematics and get generic schematics from which you can then create specific schematics or classbooks. It is a very popular mechanic as it maintains unpredictability but also provides a second way to unlock recipes.
  13. The same happened to me once with the bellow. Ultimately, I then visited every know trader on my map every 3 days until one had the schematics. I'm not saying that this is always fun, but it shows that decisions in the game are influenced by it. Even base designs can be influenced by what you find or don't find.
  14. However, this means that some of the replayability is lost. Whether you find a schematic early, late or never can change the game significantly. For example, a Day 70 horde with a pistol is very different from one with an SMG.
  15. I agree that crafting needs improvement but more on the technical level. One improvement would be to block certain slots so that what is there is not used in crafting or upgrading. Who hasn't wasted steel by upgrading the wrong block or accidentally using their good wrench to build the workbench instead of the almost broken level 1 wrench ? Also a search function for chests would be a welcome improvement. Personally, I'm not convinced that the changes in A21 will help crafting as long as you can loot everything in better quality than what you can craft. Learning be doing does not come back. Some mods implement it but in vanilla it is definitely dead.
  16. I doubt that you will find T3 items in the first two weeks. Even with the 250% loot bonus of the wasteland. But I will definitely test it out.
  17. The mapname is industrial_business_08
  18. By unlock I actually mean that I can craft it. I don't like to buy weapons and tools from the trader and T3 weapons and tools require a high lootstage in A20. But the schematics can sometimes be found early in the game if you are lucky. In one of my last games in A20, I found the auger schematic and the crucible in the second week of in-game play. This allowed me to skip the steel tools. In the current game, however, I found the steel tool schematics very early but the crucible and auger schematics very late. As a result, I used steel tools instead of the auger, and instead of making steel, I bought it from the trader. Because you find some schematics early and others late or not at all, the gameplay often changes significantly.
  19. Interesting new crafting system. If I understand it correctly, it determines the order in which you unlock new tiers of weapons and tools. Such a system has advantages and disadvantages.
  20. To be fair there have also been some changes. In the beginning, blade traps and turrets triggered the explosion of the demolisher. Only dart traps where safe to use. With A19 blade traps no longer triggered the explosion and in A20, SMG and shotgun turrets no longer trigger the explosion either, even though it was never officially confirmed that this is intended.
  21. Actually, in A20 it is possible to have an AFK base by simply removing one block of a particular POI. Take a look at this
  22. It is rare but yes every now and then he sells the schematics.
  23. Not really, but we have a small desk safe in the office where I catch myself thinking I need a lock pick or a pickaxe. Or today while shopping I have seen canisters with windshield wiper fluid. They are very reminiscent of the acid container icon in the game. For a brief moment, you think "so much acid". A20 has left its mark.
  24. Electric fences and trip wires lose their connection to each other and instead connect to a point in the distance.
  25. The trader seems to be your best bet. I searched all other sources you mentioned and bought the schematic from the trader in the end. What I additionally checked were POIs with many working stiff, construction site or pass and gas crates.
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