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Everything posted by RipClaw

  1. Thanks for the information. I was just curious to roughly estimate how I should best manage my time so that my progress roughly matches the progress in A20.
  2. How many magazines do you find per day, roughly?
  3. Because the pilot is not crazy enough to land in a zombie infested area. 😁
  4. You can check when the next blood moon is with the following command: ggs BloodMoonDay If you want to change the day you can do that with the command: sgs BloodMoonDay [Day] like sgs BloodMoonDay 14
  5. The OP is referring to learning by looting. When you invest skill points in perks that are linked to a certain magazine series or certain parts, you get a boost when you loot so that you can find more magazines and parts matching the perks you invested points in. For example, you invest points in Advanced Engineer and find more Forge Ahead magazines. You invest points in Miner69er and you find more magazines for tools and more motor tool and steel tool parts.
  6. Glue. If you want to build a pipe weapon you need glue and if you want to build cloth armor then duct tape.
  7. You only need 3 points in Better Barter and then you have a high chance that the trader has a crucible in his secret stash. With 4 points in Better Barter the chance increases. And with 5 out of 5 points in Better Barter, it is certain that the trader has a crucible in his secret stash.
  8. And above that is a section for "countrytown" and then above that is one for "oldwest". It depends on the programming whether you create separate sliders for each section or combine everything under one slider. Someone would have to look at the DLLs but my guess is that these sections are combined under one slider.
  9. It depends on how many of the magazines drop on average per day if you don't push it. A single player can't do everything at once. He has to manage his time. The question is how much time we have to invest in looting to have equipment that is suitable for the gamestage.
  10. In the rwgmixer.xml there is the following section <property class="city"> <property name="few" value="1"/> <property name="default" value="2"/> <property name="many" value="3"/> <property name="mintiles" value="14"/> <property name="maxtiles" value="18"/> </property> The labels few, default, many correspond to the choices you have under the Towns slider. You can just give it a try. Create a map with different Towns settings and check in the result if there are more or less cities on the map.
  11. Rage Quit? When things go wrong, that's when the fun begins.
  12. As far as I know, the Towns slider also affects this section. Apparently you want a slider that only affects this section.
  13. No the bedrock is the indestructible area at the bottom of the map. It can never be above you. If you dig straight down and can't get any further, you've reached the bedrock. You will hear a sound when you hit it that sounds like hitting something at the trader.
  14. Structural integrity can be very counterintuitive in 7 Days to Die. In 7 Days to, a block has unlimited load-bearing capacity if it is vertically connected to the bedrock. When you excavated the 9x9 area, the tower on top of this area became unstable because it was no longer connected to the bedrock.
  15. I wonder how many magazines drop per day if you don't push it and just randomly loot POIs?
  16. If I had the choice between a heavily armed opponent and a tree, I would also choose the tree. 😁
  17. AI are only perceived stupid or perceived intelligent. In fact AI are much simpler than we think. For example, in the development of the first Halo, Microsoft set up two different ones for a test game. The AI was exactly the same but in one version the enemies had more HP and dealt more damage than in the other. The test players considered the AI in this version to be more intelligent.
  18. Yes, just imagine your character eating the jar after drinking from it. 😉 Just assume that a replicator is built into the dew collector. Works for Star Trek every time. 😁
  19. It was originally planned for A21 but was backported to A20.6 experimental.
  20. The only thing that affects the difficulty setting is how much damage you do to the zombies and how much damage you get from the zombies. The difficulty setting used to affect the gamestage but that has not been the case for several alphas. The default setting is Adventurer. You deal 150% damage to the zombies and they deal 75% damage to the player. On Nomad, both values are set to 100%. On Warrior, the zombies deal 150% damage and the player 83% damage. The highest level is Insane. The zombies deal 250% damage and the player only 50% damage.
  21. It depends on the player. The A19 system was the simplest iteration so far. There was already a version where you had to have water nearby, similar to Minecraft. I started in A15 and there the replanting was normal. We didn't even get the seeds back but part of the harvest had to be crafted into seeds. In addition, fertilizer had to be applied to increase the crop yield.
  22. This is basically the equivalent of rearranging everything in a store. I don't think any customer ever asked for the store to be remodeled. But in the end, everyone gets used to it and in a few years the store is remodeled again. 😁
  23. It's not that bad. You only need sand, clay and a forge. And they stack up to 125. But it is what it is. Adaptation is the name of the game. I think a meta will be found pretty quickly to get through the first days as smoothly as possible. By the way, have the stacks of beverages been increased ? In A20 clean water only has a stacksize of 10 and for my large scale production of glue I need a lot of clean water and will probably have around 10 dew collectors in A21.
  24. I appreciate the opportunity to look behind the curtain and I am grateful that you continue to work on the game and improve it. I may not always agree with decisions of the developers but that's just because everyone has a different play style. One of the best features of 7 Days to Die is that you can mod it so easily. So you can change the game the way you want it to be.
  25. No, because this version is currently only tested internally. By the way, I just saw that @schwanz9000 left a comment under the video that Mr. Reach pinned. In it some of the points were addressed and explained.
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