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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 18 minutes ago, crash.7ds said:

    Having some confusion with getting this working right with NitroGen. Btw, I'm running on A19.3 B6 with NitroGen 0.501.


    I followed the instructions for adding CP 47 to NitroGen, moving all the files from CP47's Prefabs folder to the game's Data/Prefabs folder, moved the 3 text files to NitroGen's Resources folder, yet when I run NitroGen it still only shows A19 Vanilla, A18 Vanilla, A18 CP43 (which it had anyways), and Custom List for the prefab lists drop down. Am I missing something or am I supposed to select Custom List, because I suspect CP47 is supposed to show up as a list in that drop down?

    Hi @crash.7ds


    It should show in the prefablist drop down. 


    If it doesn't means you haven't copied the 3 txt files into the resource folder and over wrote when asked... 



  2. 33 minutes ago, Gouki said:

    Hi Stallions and Drithyl


    The same thing just happened to me in my game today (it is my second starter class that I have and I have completed), after reading the 3 cards (perkMiner, perkWILDMiner, perkWildcard2) that it gives you at the end of completing the miner class, notice that I had 41 skill points, as far as I have been able to check the quest.xml file, the card perkWildcard2 is the one that gives you the 40 skillpoints.
    The perkWildcard gives you 20 skilpoints.
    The perkWildcard1 card grants you 30 skillpoints.
    I comment on it in case Drithyl wants to modify the file, because there are several classes that grant these cards.

    Yeh will recheck valmars original but i don't recall adjustong those values of what the wildcards gives you just in case I did. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Firecat said:

    In order to use this in 2 person multiplayer, do you just need to put all the prefab files in the game folder for both people and have the person who also has nitrogen and the text files generate the map? Or is it more complicated than that?

    Correct players whom join require the prefabs in the game prefab folder. server host requires prefabs in client side and server side prefabs folder. 

    Only the server host and or nitrogen map creator requires the 3 txt files into the nitrogen resource folder


  4. 17 hours ago, Drithyl said:

    Is it intentional that the final quest reward for the miner is to max out the character's strength, motherload and miner 69er as well as give the entire mining book collection and 40 perk points? It seems uh... excessive. I used to play valmod and the classes were nice, but I don't remember them being that ridiculously gamebreaking.


    The first airdrop also gave an enormous supply of items. 30k wood, 500 ammo boxes of several advanced ammo types, a tactical AR and auto shotgun...


    Also, is the cling wrap useful at all? I thought smell was completely gone from 7 days.

    the points were in valmars mods I didnt adjust that. 

    role playing at this moment maybe tfp will re introduce smell down the track again. 

    and with the books in the starter class, feel free to edit those to your liking on what you feel is right for your game in regards to the final reward for each class. will look at it further

    Have fixed the buffed air supplies tho 

  5. 3 hours ago, Drithyl said:


    Just health bars and 3-slot forges modlets by Khaine. The Wilder class also gets no class quest at all, and I would imagine that the other class quests might need checking as well if they're intended to max out their skills.


    Yeah, the airdrop gave 5 crates of wood, which are a full stack of 6000 each.


    EDIT: Oh yeah, and the miner quest still uses the raw iron item from previous alphas to be completed at some point; we had to edit that.

    Ok thank you will check both out 

  6. 1 hour ago, Drithyl said:

    Is it intentional that the final quest reward for the miner is to max out the character's strength, motherload and miner 69er as well as give the entire mining book collection and 40 perk points? It seems uh... excessive. I used to play valmod and the classes were nice, but I don't remember them being that ridiculously gamebreaking.


    The first airdrop also gave an enormous supply of items. 30k wood, 500 ammo boxes of several advanced ammo types, a tactical AR and auto shotgun...


    Also, is the cling wrap useful at all? I thought smell was completely gone from 7 days.

    Hi @Drithyl


    Will take a look at the miner class 


    The air drops will also take a look. But dont remember making them 30k. You have any other mods installed

  7. 4 hours ago, Wireproof said:

    How do you install the autowall mod? tried putting it in my mods folder but it didnt work.


    Edit: Nvm got it working. Apparently you can unzip rar files...


    Is there a way to adjust the height of the wall?

    Hi @Wireproof


    Glad you got it working. 


    In the modlet folder/config/blocks.xml you can change the values in there. 



  8. 29 minutes ago, 7daysexpert said:

    or he can try typing pois after he hits the F1 key that may work :)

    Also a great point. Yeh it sometimes does to. But more often then not exiting and re entering fixes the marble texture bug . Occasionally have to do it a couple times. 


    But yeh either worth a try.

  9. 55 minutes ago, Firecat said:


    Thanks for replying! That's awesome about the ocd scenario, its going to save me a TON of time! Is there a way to quickly view which POI is which while looking at them? There is something with the f# keys, right?

    dm in console (f1) then press f3 and fly into area of poi may have to sometimes fly up close to actual building lol 

  10. 1 hour ago, JodoKirvanti said:

    I tried exiting and re-entering. Multiple times with multiple maps. It did not correct it. The drawbridges, where this error occurs, does not correct when I walk up to it. They also have the  interior of the castles with the same issue with the marble-like blocks. Players on my server all encountered the same issue for the same POI each visit. It's definitely something with my install of Nitrogen or Compo (I include Compo because it hasn't happened on any Vanilla POI's). I did try uninstalling both Nitrogen and 7DtD (and reinstalled Compo) to no avail. 

    the marble texture is a vanilla glitch tfp are aware and it is also noted in bugs section. . exiting and re entering does fix. may have to do this a couple times. the draw bridge is also a vanilla bug and getting closer to it does fix. You may not be close enough.  

    does all the players have the prefabs on the client side game prefab folder to. 

  11. 2 hours ago, JodoKirvanti said:

    I have been playing around with Nitrogen for the last week. It seems like it is/was a great tool. However, many of the POI's that generate into my map are broken. The best example is that drawbridges seem to just look like stacks of wood, some buildings have blocks filling them in (look like they have a marble texture, etc). I have given up on getting a fully working map. The only mod I'm using is Compo 47 for Nitrogen and it is a must. I'm hosting a new game for my birthday next week. Can anyone point me to a place where there are already some working 8k maps that use Compo 47? Or would someone with a working version be willing to create me a strong map with many of the 47 POI's? I really want Quiet Pines, the TV Tower Restaurant, and the Castle M1 present. 


    Also, on a side note, I saw that someone had created a Nitrogen map that used the United Kingdom as the landmass but that it is buggy and doesn't work well. I'd really like to get one like that working! That sounds like a lot of fun. 

    What you are describing is the texture glitch. Easy to fix exit game and re enter. It isnt a nitrogen problem. Also in vanilla.


    The drawbridge one is not fixed tho this way but when you get closer it will change to the actual block.

  12. 28 minutes ago, OMG-Vert said:

    How does one actually use the sinks? I can craft them but it only functions as a storage container. 
    Do I need to craft or loot a faucet? I did not see a recipe for that.

    Empty jars and right or left mouse button 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Firecat said:

    So, I've been gone from 7D2D for a while, and obviously there's been a lot of stuff happening and lots of content here to wade through. Couple quick questions.


    If I'm decoding this correctly the current compopack version can either be

    A) Used with the vanilla game world generator when installed as a mod (the modlet version) or

    B) Used to generate worlds via Nitrogen by replacing the text files in the appropriate Nitrogen folder and adding the prefab files to the game's prefab folder. (In which case I assume any maps generated by the default game generator will still be normal vanilla without the custom POIs unless you also install the modlet).

    I'm curious if you can switch back and forth between generating worlds in nitrogen with/without the custom POIs. I thought I saw something while scanning this thread about there now being a separate nitrogen setting for the compopack vs vanilla which should allow this? Correct me if I'm wrong.


    My main question though (something I've been wondering about since I was first playing with this stuff a year or so ago) is whether or not there is a way to quickly preview all the POIs in the pack so I can decide which ones to leave in to match the game aesthetic I'm going for and which ones to take out. I noticed a few people in this thread accidentally left some "scenario" setting on in Nitrogen and got an odd map, which someone replied was for testing purposes... Is it too much to hope that happens to be a map with all the POIs nicely lined up for viewing? If not, is there some other way to do it besides manually opening each POI in the game editor and looking at them one at a time? Because it is an awful LOT of custom pois to wade through! Thanks!


    And thanks for all your hard work on this, as well! Scanning the thread it's pretty clear you guys have put a lot of effort into streamlining and updating everything. I can't imagine the number of hours you have spent on it! So please have a virtual cookie. Well done guys.

    Hi @Firecat


    The first 2 are correct either use modlet for vanilla spawning or nitrogen dl for nitrogen. 


    Yes in nitro you can set the scenario to ocd and it will line up 1 of every poi in the game inc vanilla. 


    You can have more then 1 game folder. 1 game folder named modlet so 7 days to die modlet. the other nitrogen so like 7 days to die nitrogen.  


    When generating nitrogen world you need to move map to the games generated worlds folder and in game menu select new world and select the world you generate thru nitro

  14. 7 minutes ago, OMG-Vert said:

    Will have to get back to you on that. The server is new and I haven't set up admin  yet. (Since it's just friends and not public)

    Ok let me know. And I will take a look my end to in case 

  15. 4 minutes ago, OMG-Vert said:

    Okay, I'll make sure they have it as well. But I DO have it locally as well as on the server and it still doesn't show up for me. Am I missing something?

    Hmmm is it in the creative menu. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, OMG-Vert said:

    Is the 'Working Ovens and Sinks' multiplayer compatible?
    I have it on my server and F1 indicates that it is loaded but the items don't show up in the crafting list like it does on my single player saves.

    Hi @OMG-Vert


    Clients whom join will need it on their client side as well I believe

  17. 2 hours ago, Blxckdreadful said:

    A question, did I go wrong somewhere along installing it (I used the Nitrogen one) because there are some pois where the zombie spawn might be a little buggy. I know there are trigger areas where the sleepers will spawn upon reaching it, but I was climbing up a stair one time and the moment I reached the second floor, sleepers spawned right in front of me and one even spawned right on top of me while I was crouched. That caused me to skidaddle a bit panicked AND CAUSED ALL THE SLEEPERS TO WAKE UP 

    Hi @Blxckdreadful


    Lol you made noise i gather.


    In nitrogen program we recommend making road type wide and city grid wide. Spaces them out a bit. 



  18. 56 minutes ago, dutchplayers said:

    The prefabs are not nice in A19. I have use compo for a16, a17 and a18, but in a19 all prefabs are buggy with wierd grey blocks all over the buildings. Like the LOD is not correct idk. Any idea if i can fix this

    Hi @dutchplayers


    Is a vanilla bug and simply exit and re enter solves it.

  19. 1 hour ago, PrimalCarnage said:

    Thanks for the response Stallionsden, I appreciate it.  I do have a question though.  You said that the CP comes with a prefab list that includes the vanilla and the prefabs.  Then you say to copy the three txt files into the nitrogen resource folder.  Is that correct, or did you mean copy those txt files into the 7 Days to Die resource folder?


    The 3 txt files that come with the cp nitrogen dl need to go into the nitrogen resource folder.  


    Prefabs go into the game prefab folder.

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