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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 15 minutes ago, PrimalCarnage said:

    I've been using Nitrogen now for about a month and I can't figure out how to make a new map that includes vanilla (Alpha 19.3) POIs as well as PreFabs on the same map.  I would really appreciate any help anyone could offer.  Thanks in advance!


    hi @PrimalCarnage


    The CP comes with a prefablist that includes both Vanilla pois and CP pois. you simply drag the 3 txt files into the nitrogen resource folder and overwrite when asked. and the prefabs inside the prefab folder (open folder and select all) drag into the games prefab folder.

    and run. If on a server the host will need it server side and client side and people whom join have the prefabs in their prefab folder.

  2. 4 hours ago, ArNaLdInHo said:



    Its possible to change 1 block type to other in +1000 prefabs ? any way ? select directory change all bocks ?

    Yes you can in the one with the replace (prefabs in folder) option then you select the folder you want the block changed and it replaces the 1 block in all prefabs in that folder. 



  3. 1 hour ago, Ti2xGr said:

    I attempted to submit a POI, but the Discord link stated "invalid link". Side note - I want to ensure I am submitting them properly with the right settings. Is there a cheat sheet beyond the explanation in the Prefabs.txt file as it is slightly greek to me in regards to the direction and x,y,z coordinates. 

    Hi @Ti2xGr


    Just tested the link it worked for me but try this one.




    Oh awesome feel free to pm me if you have trouble still getting onto discord and can submit thru pm.  But hopefully the link will work 🙂 .


    In the editor show facing (tools 2) which waybtyebarrow is pointing is the way your poi will face.


    So what I do is go look in the direction I want the poi to face the road and take note of compass (nesw)  then I look at arrow and rotate til it points that way.  


    Also in the editor the x,y,z is listed up right side next to tools menu.



  4. 2 hours ago, Lord Shakaka said:

    Yea I understand that.   Unfortunately at map start it spawned us in the city so it was just the luck of the draw.   I can see that Eden mall would be a tier 5 dungeon.  20 dogs on the ground floor seems excessive when they all can be triggers by one zombie.  Oh well,  I would have to try different maps since that coop spawn point basically means you have to try to sneak out of town just to start.  That is if you can find a path that doesn't have a ton of zombies on the outside of a POI.

    The coop spawn in nitro is random spot. I spawn sometimes near a city, sometimes in the forest,. Just dont try the random roof spawn one haha lol. That one is funny as..

  5. 2 hours ago, GlassDeviant said:

    Nitrogen has a setting for generating smoother maps, and it's much better than the in-game generator while still taking a lot less time generating the map. Plus it gives you the choice of several degrees of smoothness. And it works just fine for me, as long as you are using the correct prefab list. With compopack and nitrogen installed correctly I have generated numerous maps for a19.2 and a19.3 without any noticeable errors, not something I can say for the internal map generator in 7dtd. Even the default Navezgane map is FULL of map errors in a19.3.


    If you're using Nitrogen, you should also use Compopack. It gives you nearly 300 additional PoIs.


    Some advice: Go with a 12k map maximum unless you absolutely must have such a huge map as the 16k one is. The game engine really does not like huge maps and the more you explore the worse it gets, forcing you to restart frequently or it gets really buggy.


    If using cp46 330. Cp 47 pushes it to just around 500 now

  6. 8 minutes ago, chikorina said:

    Looks fun,  thank you for creating this.

    One of the rules is that you can't have any modlets installed or edit the xml.  This would mean that it can only be played in English.  It looks like a fun challenge, so it would be nice if it could be played in other languages. 

    I do Japanese localization for many mods by making a simple localization modlet,  that only changes the Japanese text in that mod.  In this case, it sounds like you would fail the challenge if I did that.  

    If I translate all the altered lines in the localization xml,  would you be willing to add them?  Either that, or you could allow the JP localization modlet to be installed without having to worry about losing the challenge?

    Thank you.

    Oh nice to know...



    (Quietly gathers all my modlets to send to chikorina) haha

  7. 2 hours ago, cjstorrs said:

    Hey if your still having this problem I figured it out on my end. The rwg was having problems generating the town with the prefab xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana). It should work If you open up the rwgmixer and then comment out every instance of: 

    <prefab name="xcostum_Big_Zed(by_Gobarg_Mana)" prob="0.05"/>

    Mine worked just fine after that!!


    That was a typo on my end it has been fixed up now in the latest dl.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Grolbu said:

    Leave them in please, if you lay a bunch of them out together for harvesting it looks wonderfully disturbing 😄 and then you collect a truckload of bones and nitrate :)  They were actually some of the most useful 🤣

    lol i wasnt going to remove em haha 😛 . but yeh cant just have all the good stuff being dug up only lol

  9. 31 minutes ago, Grolbu said:

    What are you supposed to do with the terrain blocks that the mining machine comes up with ? I've been placing the blocks I was interested in and harvesting them with a shovel/pickaxe (or a machete for the human remains LOL) and saving the others to fill in holes, is there a more elegant solution ?



    No lol the human remains were in there as a joke thing lol. 


    The others is random terrain blocks some you can use others you can do what you did etc.

  10. 46 minutes ago, sq33k said:

    I figured it out.  Well, kind of.  I didn't remove anything I had done, but I checked the modlets in the mod launcher, and launched the game from there, and it worked.  This makes me think it was working all along, but I was expecting to see something different on the main screen (like when I use a mod pack) and didn't...  so I assumed it wasn't working.  I bet it was.  Like I said, I'm dumb.

    Argh ok all good. Glad it is working

  11. 1 hour ago, sq33k said:

    So.  I'm dumb.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to play the mods, and absolutely no walkthroughs or videos online have been any help at all.  I downloaded the full set from github, created my Mods folder, extracted each individual modlet folder (not ZIP) into the Mods folder, and...  nothing.  I'm clearly missing a step here, but I don't know what.


    Also, I noticed when I viewed one of the ModInfo.xml files it says  <Version value="A18" />  Does that mean it's only good for A18, despite being on the A19 thread?


    Edit:  So, I combined the info in all 19 ModInfo.xml files into one ModInfo.xml file, and put that in the Mods folder, and launched the game...  and nothing.

    hi @sq33k


    i will check the modinfo but they all work for a19. have you made sure it is the correct folders you are adding to the mod folder. like valmars expanded storage then when you open it up there should be config, icon folder and modinfo.xml.  but any other mods. any errors in the console or output.log/players.log.

    You named the Mods folder with a capital M. And placed in the common/7 days to die folder where the exe's are.

    Making one modinfo wont work becauyse you need the modinfo.xml to call that mod and it needs to be the same name as the mod it is in.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    Huh? Why? Was this announced?


    Nice one.

    Is it some kind of open source?

    What framework is it made with?


    I'd appreciate a download source where no login is required. Not everybody wants to use discord.

    Heard a few things. Hope it is wrong tho. But nitro hasn't been updated past a19exp. 


    Other projects/games . 

  13. 6 minutes ago, 7d2dMP said:

    Here is my "Map Generator". 

    It works with 7DTD vanilla or Darkness Falls mod.




    I am still working on the city/town generation , so you have to import theses for now.

    Read the "MG-readme.txt" file for mor information.

    There is still a lot of work to do !


    All the infos and download link here : https://discord.gg/QZbJWDp9vB



    Nice work so is it like nitrogen.  

  14. 3 minutes ago, Throvolos said:


    Sadface.  Is there an easy way to do that?

    Download the compopack.


    We have step by step guide to installing the cp with nitrogen on magolis compopack discord. The link can be found in the latest compo pack thread. If any issues we can also assist you thru the process.

  15. 1 hour ago, Throvolos said:

    Is Nitrogen still being worked on?  The last update I see is for A19.1, and the POIs being created (with default nitrogen) have a very limited selection.

    Unfort no updates on nitro since a19 exp. 


    Havent heard from Damocles either. 


    However it still works mostly with an occasional hiccup. 


    The cp works with it still vanilla pois do to. Altho you may have to add the new vanilla pois to the prefablist  

  16. 58 minutes ago, Marcinkoman said:

    Thank you for all the hard work, its modders like you that make games great! I am having a small problem and I apologize in advance if it is a user error. I downloaded the file from github....when i try to unzip it, i get an error message that it cant open as archive. I have attached a picture of the error message. Thank you for the help its much appreciated.

    7dtd github error.png

    Thank you appreciate the kind words. Magoli has done a wonderful job in keeping this pack going thru the many alpha releases. Also a credit to the many talented prefabbers out there whom have contributed.


    Do you have winrar or what program are you using to open a rar file  

  17. 5 hours ago, LokoGumba said:

    good, i`m using the mods of animal traps, but we have benn playing for 120 days and the recipe does not appear throughout the world, do we have to find it in libraries and others or craft it? 

    The book you should find in the world is called book animal traps. 


    Found in book shelves. Currently in the books all scaled group but you can simply go into the loot.xml of the mod copy the top 3 lines under <Valmar> and add other places for it to be found as well.  



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