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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 4 minutes ago, Gouki said:


    Hi Stallions and ActinumTiger

    I hope you have a good start to the year and that you have had a great time in these parties that passed (damn 2020).
    I just stop by to thank you for this great mod and the models that you have included, they are the best, (The mining machine is a bit heavy, but it's worth it).

    P.S. Just an observation in recipes.xml to make the Water Collecter, ask for the resourceAirFilter and in the game you can't do it.
    It can be solved quickly, but for those who do not know, it is a great help.

    Hi @Gouki


    Thankyou they look marvellous dont they and urgh my bad will fix that problem now. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Alan Lau said:

    I don't know if this is a Nitrogen or a CompoPack question, so please bare (bear?) with me.  I'd like to know if there's a way to tell nitrogen that I want many of the POIs in the CompoPack to be placed in the map it generates.  For example, the 2nd to last map I generated had tons of the run down airport (one of my favorite POIs) but the most recent map I generated only had 1 of those POIs.  I guess I'd like the map to be generated with a uniform number of each of the POIs in the CompPack.



    Hi @Alan Lau

    in the nitrogen program you can try setting all the options in the pic supplied you can play around with and set max values (having a bigger world like 12k/14 k also gives more pois to spawn.


    other then that it is a process of generating many maps and checking the world to see if it suits.

    a sort of way is checking the prefabs.xml the game creates on world gen thru nitrogen to see what pois spawned. 


  3. 5 hours ago, LokoGumba said:
    good, I'm looking for the mods of animal traps, but the link is down, do you have it uploaded somewhere? Or you have to ask it to me, I would like to recover that mods for my games, a greeting and thanks

    Will check 

  4. 2 hours ago, PeNa1979 said:

    I tried Opera , Chrome and Firefox...how many i should try ??????

    Like, i come to that site, but if i click that download nothing happens...


    Maybe you should use another storage method ? Instead ? :D

    Lol all of em 😛


    File to big for github. 

  5. 59 minutes ago, Lord Shakaka said:

    Just tried a small NitroGen map with Compo Pack 47.  The city is deadly.  So many zombies on day one it was insane.  I was with two other people playing coop and they were giving up.  Is there a way to scale the zombie numbers?  I know many would love to fight or run away from hordes.  But when you spawn in the middle of the city, you are just out of luck.  One building had 20 zombie dogs run at you at ground level.  Bit much to try to kill.  Think it was the POI that had Welcome to Eden sign in front.

    A city should be deadly tbh. If a z apocalypse happenned the cities would be filled...


    Stay away from the big pois for starters.  


    Level 1 should do smaller pois and quests from the trader whom will send you to pois for your game stage. 


    Maybe spawn near a city or away from it also. 





    A huge thanks to ActiniumTiger for his Models he provided for use with the mining machine and rain catcher.
    Same function as original version only with awesome Models for the mining machine and rain catcher.



    Commented out prefablist section in the rwgmixer in the modlet.  This causes many versions of a poi to spawn. Simply uncomment the <!-- at the start of the section and the --> at the end of the section to have many pois even if the same spawn.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Canaa said:

    Thanks @stallionsden! Your advice took care of the multitude of repeats, which left room for other things to spawn that hadn't been. Still not sure why the game was prioritizing certain things over others and just repeating them all the time, but whatever, this works!

    That is great to hear :-).

    Yeh i have the prefablist section in there for those whom want lots of pois regardless of how many of each. But yeh i did mean to comment it out lol.
    will fix that now for any one whom dl it for the first time or will want to dl it again to have that bit removed.

    As for why lol I had added a 0.05 to all prefabs in that section. I dont know why tho random is random even on repeat lol 😛



  9. 1 hour ago, Canaa said:

    Hi! I'm using the modlet, and I've noticed that certain POIs seems to be spawning a lot more than they should, while others haven't spawned more than once over multiple world gens, or even none at all. For example, I frequently find the Apaxco prefab by Gouki 2-3 times per city, often within a block of each other, while an entire world may have one Book Stop prefab, if I'm lucky. The Hub51 multi-trader by War3zuk shows up all over the wilderness, 6 or more per world, but I haven't seen any of the other multi-traders, and checking world prefab files shows they haven't been generated in any of the 5 worlds I've made with this version of the compopack. I like HUB51, but some variety would be nice.  Similarly, I've found two instances of the Minimall prefab by Spider literally right next to each other in the same block, while other prefabs I like I'll be lucky to find even once. Is there some way I can change probabilities? I've tinkered with the modlet's rwgmixer file a bit to test things since noticing the lopsidedness, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. I noticed there's a note that says "uncomment prefablist if you wish more POIs to spawn," but I'm not sure where the referenced commented section is?


    Any help you can give would be appreciated!

    Hi @Canaa


    First you can comment out the section in the rwgmixer under prefablist or simply delete. Leaving the 4k section and 8k section. 


    Then when you spawn in a 4k or 8k world the prefabs are not also added thru the game as well so you would be getting double ups. I did forget to comment it out lol.

  10. On 12/29/2020 at 9:54 PM, Ornilx said:



    Hi @Ornilx


    I have scoured the files and the code and so far no luck in finding anything that would work to be able to make the blocks grow as a floor.

    I will keep looking tho and maybe something will be added by tfp that will allow this to happen.


  11. 6 hours ago, Tahoenvy said:

    Are you supposed to copy and paste the RWGmixer info from yours into the original RWGmixer prior to installing because your RWG only shows Prefab information, nothing else about where to load in the world  Here was my process

    I downloaded the Modlet, unpacked the Prefabs into the Prefab folder on my server

    pulled the RWGMixer out of the Config folder and over wrote the RWGmixer on the server, then tried to load my world.  Would not launch.

    Yes we loaded client side, no I didn't change anything else, yes it was a fresh install (this is on Bluefang servers.  


    I opened your RWGmixer and noticed all it has in it are the Prefab names, nothing else.    I've attached the one that came with the download

    rwgmixer.xml 127.1 kB · 0 downloads


    I just went back and read your instructions for the modlet and it says just to drop the folder into the mods folder.  Is that how it works for a Server also?  I've never done that in the past, we had to actually unpack and overwrite the originals.

    2. Simply then open the COMPOPACK A19 CP47 (RWG MODLET) folder and Drag the COMPOPACK A19 CP46 folder inside original folder into Mods folder (steam/steamapps/common/7 days to die/Mods)

    It is a modlet. You put it in the mods folder then run game. The xmls state where they spawn. 


    Yes for a server as well it requires a Mods folder and you add the modlet to the mods folder client side and server side. 

    3 hours ago, Deacon of Undead said:

    Question? Downloaded Nitrogen, ran a map, entered the game but no prefab at all are showing? Not sure what to do.


    Hi Deacon of Undead


    Did you add the 3 txt files to the nitrogen resource folder.  Did you select in the nitrogen prefab list  option - cp47 prefablist. 


    Did you open the dl prefab folder select all and drag into the games prefab folder.



  12. 8 hours ago, Tahoenvy said:

    I installed the Compopack45 and a map I had created with the Nitrogen tool on a Bluefang server following all of the instructions given in the videos and by Guppy for Dedicated server installs.  It loaded just fine.  The Prefabs were a bit of a mess though,  Quite a few of the ones I saw were sunken into the environment by 10 feet of so and there were 25 traders but all but one was the Poser kind.  Two of us fell thru the world within 20 minutes of starting and were unable to log back in afterwards  I've used the Compopack many, many times in the past and it works fine on it's own.  I think there's still some serious issues with the Nitrogen tool and I'd really, really love to use it as the map it created was awesome.  I've created a new seed without it and I'm running the Compopack on Vanilla now.

    For those of you using NitroGen, are you doing so on your local PC's?  Or on a dedicated server and is it causing any of the issues I had?  Is there a trick to making it work better with the Prefabs?


    Cp 45 lol. Should try cp 46 or 47 clean install, verify game files, clean game files to. Server wipe.  Make sure all files are in correct locations required on server to. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, Tahoenvy said:

    Myself and Bluefang support have tried it everywhich way we can.  The RWGmixer.xml that comes with the modlet is broken and will not allow a world to be generated with the Compopack. 

    Hi tahoenvy


    Works for everyone else. Testers inc 


    What version are you using.


    Any mods or overhauls


    Do you have an output.log. did you change anything in the modlet 


    Did you start a new server fresh install and wiped 


    Did you put it in your client side mods folder as well...

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