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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 41 minutes ago, Deverezieaux said:

    I need an honest opinion, does this look stupid? I'm trying to come up with a statue or centerpiece for the building lobby, so I put this statue together. I feel like it just looks too corny and abstract and whenever I get that feeling it really breaks the immersion of the game. I'd appreciate feedback, and don't worry about hurting my feelings. Also if anyone has any suggestions on how to use existing assets to make something a bit more convincing I'd appreciate that too.





    It could fit in a museum as a piece of art work 😜.


    Can only see 1 side is he kneeling


  2. 1 hour ago, Horst said:

    Thank you! Well, that depends. How much is a lot and how old is historic?
    There are certainly enough to keep making these prefabs for a few years :)

    Well seems you are set for a while lol in creating prefabs for the community lol.  But yeh buildings that have a history etc like castles etc

  3. 2 hours ago, Horst said:

    Small update:
    Since I updated the castle, I decided to stick with the topic of older buildings. I found a nice timber framed one in the same city as the castle (Bamberg, Germany) , and decided to bring it into the game. I am quite happy with the results I managed to achieve with vanilla blocks. Translating the historic timber frame structure into 7 days optics is still a challenge, but I'm quite confident to say I'm mostly done with the exteriour. Interiour is going to be how I imagine people use it today, with a bit of dungeon-elements to keep it fun.

    Here is the original:


    Here is my current progress:


    Looks great. There seems to be alot of historic buildings where you live.

  4. 1 minute ago, KingSlayerGM said:


    I understand, no probelm :)

    Maybe we will have to start from scratch when the new terrain generation is added lol

    Yeh we wont know until a20 exp is released. 

    But happy to keep communication open and talk further so as to when a20 exp comes out you can let us know what your tool requires if any changes. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    Hello everyone, thank you for the great work with this awesome pack :)


    I noticed that a few POIs do not have the property "AllowedTownship" in the poi.xml file. I would like to kindly ask you if you could add it where it is missing?


    You see, I ask this, because I have created a RWG tool and, since many people asked, I have allowed the generation to use POIs from the Compo Pack. However the POIs that miss the "AllowedTownships" cannot be used.


    Here is a list of the exact POIs that are missing it https://pastebin.com/4ba3ub3m

    Thank you :)


    hi @KingSlayerGM 

    probably not at this stage. we wont be doing anything with the cp until a20 exp comes out and we start work on it again. we  dont know what a20 has installed. However will look at this as a option come a20 so as it works with your tool. 

    I have noted them down for when i go thru them in a20 exp. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Deverezieaux said:

    It's coming together much faster than I thought. I'd welcome suggestions for things to include on some of the floors, keeping in mind the government theme.





    A data server room maybe being govt.


    A small library 


    Maybe  a files room also. 



  7. 8 hours ago, Deverezieaux said:

    This is a big WIP. It's official, I've lost my mind. I've been wanting to do a municipal, or combo local/state/federal government skyscraper building for a while. Thus I have begun this 12 story (including basements) skyscraper. It will be divided into zones for local, state and federal offices. I'm going to try and use unpainted blocks where possible and not too many complex shapes to keep the memory usage low given the size, while still making it fully dungeonized like all my other prefabs. This will take a while so I may take breaks and do other, smaller prefabs in between.



    Brilliant idea 🙂 Good luck and again looks great 🙂

  8. 1 hour ago, Morloc said:

    I recently ran into the Omni Tower for the first time. I assumed it was about 10 stories tall...LOL. Nice work! The conference room, the stores; all nice touches!




    It is like 20 odd stories high lol . Glad you like it.  The creator did a nice job on that 1 for sure. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, Deverezieaux said:

    Wanted to do something that would fit with my town set, be somewhat industrial, and not a utility. I came up with the idea of an appliance repair shop. A great POI for people looking for parts. Be careful in the garage. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SmTIjY9X7-UWyzybZwPnsKgTh7ma0_mT/view?usp=sharing


    I noticed one glitch while testing where several sleepers died instantly when activating a quest, though it only happened once.


    Some pics:




    Awesome once again. 

  10. Been thru the poi. Great work and design.




    if you know the movie grease (the first one) there is a song in it lol beauty school drop out. Went thru it singing that song and now it stuck in my head lol..

  11. 1 hour ago, Deverezieaux said:

    Another WIP. This is what I went with when thinking about doing a technical or trade school, Judy's Beauty School. I used an actual beauty school floorplan I found online. It may be tough to make dungeon-y because it's so open, but I think I can make it work.








    Rolling them out well done look forward once again to seeing the end product 🙂

  12. 1 hour ago, Robbing Zombie said:

    I mean I'm trying to make the ramp/slope less than 45 degrees as found elsewhere in the game on hills, roads etc. A more smooth angle, so to say.


    Also, how do I fill the gaps between solid blocks and grass, sand etc, since it leaves the annoying gap between them where you always drive your bikes and get stuck. Or are they even possible to fill?

    The gap between block and terrain is easily fixed in pilles editor.


    Happy to help you there. 


    With the slope you can highlight (press z one one block and then hold shift g and increase the blue box to highlight the 3 terrain blocks) a row at a time and then use the up down left right arrows to mesh better a slope.  

  13. 23 minutes ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    KingGen has an internal list of pois from which it generates the world. So adding the combo pack to the game, won't work. I think I can probably just include the combo pack pois into the internal list, but that will happen in a future release.


    So great work :-). So a user wont have control over the pois the map generator does like nitrogen does or that is planned

  14. 4 hours ago, Deverezieaux said:

    BTW, does anyone know how to get permissions to edit my first post in order to post the final links at the top so people don't need to read through everything in my posts to find the actual POI file link?

    i normally just click the 3 dots up right hand side of my post but another user had to message roland to ask to enable it to weird forum

  15. 27 minutes ago, geengaween said:

    Thanks for the info!


    If I wanted to use compopack 47 (and a few other individual prefabs from nexus) for the game's built in map generator, is there anything special I have to do, other than copying all the prefab files into my "7 days to die/data/prefab" folder?


    I've generated a few maps and they don't seem to be including the names of any custom prefabs in the "generatedworlds/mapname/prefabs.xml" folder. Am I just reading the prefabs.xml file wrong or am I missing a file somewhere else that tells the game to include the custom prefabs?

    For the rwg gen of vanilla you need to add the prefabs to the rwgmixer. 


    then they will be added for generating. 

  16. 3 hours ago, geengaween said:

    Hello, I would like to use the prefabs and the nitrogen prefablist from compopack 47 for a map, but only the ones made after A19 came out, with the new blocks. Is there a way of seperating the a17 and a18 prefabs from the a19 ones?

    Most pois have a19 blocks in them as they went thru a block update and many creators updated them. As to which are after a19 tho specifically we didn't keep a list of.


    You could compare cp45 to cp 47 tho if you have cp45

  17. 2 hours ago, Deverezieaux said:

    *This is another work in progress. I've decided that I want to make enough POIs to fill a small town like Perishton using all of my recent prefabs. To that end I want to have some businesses, residential like the houses/Lost Arms, and utilities/industrial like the pump station. To fill this out I'm making a business strip type POI like the ones already in game. I've got the non-dungeon version built, so here are some pics. I almost think this would make a neat trader location if I were to join the buildings and fortify them. I'll upload when complete. 




    Great work 🙂 great thinking and planning

  18. 56 minutes ago, smokingpaper said:

    How did i change the filename? Like an idiot, thats how.

    The mistake I made is renaming all the files at once and thinking the file type still would be alright.

    I just renamed them properly and it worked like a charm!
    Thank you a lot!

    Here is the result.

    Meet: Painokio Park!
    A small/medium city park for friends and family to relax in.

    You can even let your dogs out in a designated area!
    Oh, and Painokio does love his trippy mushrooms! Even though he denies about it!


    I managed to rename the file to look like all the other xcostum_ files. Thanks a lot!
    So where do i best upload the zipfiles the prefab files for those willing to check it out or have it spawn on their map?
    Checked it both in vanilla RWG and Nitrogen RWG, they seem to spawn in quite nicely so far.
    in nitrogen i set it to downtown and citycenter though, might want to change that.
    Edit: Changed it to downtown only now.

    image.png.4eee223c2422f4fa681dd34f9b8dc6ea.pngimage.thumb.png.a4a1c9e7baea8a11acbc077a4c6a7b7c.png image.thumb.png.d8434af29b0e1739835b04328a4cf649.png 

    There is a prefabs thread you can post your prefab.


    Welcome to also join the cp discord. Link is located here - 





  19. 5 hours ago, smokingpaper said:

    Hi, I created a nice prefab to work with the Nitrogen world generator.

    There were a few problems but I managed to solve them and the prefab spawns in perfectly.
    However, I wanted to change the name of the prefab to add my friends name to give her some credit as well. 
    This corrupted the prefab.
    Is there any way to change the name without killing my prefab?

    Hi @smokingpaper


    How did you change the file name. 


    You should have a -



    Prefabname.jpg (if you created a thumbnail)

    Prefabname.mesh(if you created a mesh)




    make sure after your renaming these are st the end. The .blocks.nim file is different to the others. The others if you click to editing the prefab folder it only highlights the prefab name however with the. Blocks.nim it highlights prefabname.blocks annoying lol but make sure it is there.  Easy to fix just before. .nim add. Blocks.


    I normally once saved go into the prefabs folder and edit name there works fine.

  20. 9 hours ago, Silverridge said:

    hi modder. i'm brand new to the 7days creator world. so far I have created maps and prefabs for Rust. now i would like to try my hand at this game but i have a big problem at the beginning. if I want to create a new map with nitrogen and have previously edited my heightmap with paint.net, the following message appears when loading the heightmap: importing Hightmap: 😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png
    😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png: Image could not be read Can't read input file!
    Could not import hightmap from 😄 \\ NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501 \ NitroGen_WorldGenerator / output / NitroGenMap / import_HM.png
    (don't be surprised, but I have deleted the complete path for my safety)
    I hope someone can help me. since I am German translated with google translator. Thank you in advance for your help

    Hi @Silverridge


    I would take a look thru the tutorial and guides channel which has some videos and info  that could help

  21. 30 minutes ago, Aggeloi said:

    Hi, I'm a dumb newbie to this whole modding thing and I have no idea what the different loot groups are actually called. Google helped me find 'weaponsMelee' and this mod has 'booksAllScaled' and that's about all I've been able to find. Is there a list somewhere? Thanks in advance!

    If you want to add more places for them to be found then loot.xml of the modlet itself open the folder/configs/loot.xml or if you want to check what groups are available then 7 days to die/data/config/loot.xml

  22. 9 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

    I just want to ask, If I build an undergrund part for a prefab, what is the maximum recommended depth to avoid spawning issues in Nitrogen and for the built in RWG?

    rwg I believe is around the 57 mtrs give or take. 

    Nitrogen flat areas is around 38 to 45 unless placed in mountains then it is has more room to play with as the mountain gives it extra height but the max height of the world is 255 so the higher up a poi the less above ground area it will have . 

  23. 2 hours ago, Tharkon said:

    Just wanted to point out that capturing a rabbit in a snare grants feathers. At least according to what I read in the code, did not test it in the game.

    I will double check valmars code in the overhaul/expansion to see if that is what he had. I pretty much just copied his code into xpath format and corrected the changed names tho.



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