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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 3 hours ago, Lumpus said:

    Wishing a happy (safe) holidays to the CP team - you're doing God's Own Work!


    Any rumors about the future status of Nitrogen... can anybody take over from Damocles?

    /it's already getting pretty buggy, sadly

    A20 will have many nitrogen like features i believe so the status of nitrogen atm is up in the air. Maybe some features that tfp haven't inc can be continued. Like the settlements nitrogen has.


    And a merry xmas/happy holidays to you. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, HayaPrime89 said:


    Well I'm trying to get a map made to put onto a hosted server. I'm preeeeeeeetty sure I'm using new worlds, as long as I'm understanding the lingo right. I made 3 fresh maps with Nitrogen last night and loaded them into the world editor, which is where I found the glitch each time.

    New world - generate new map new name also.


    But I have never used the world editor so can't really comment on that bit.


    I would try re dl the cp and re doing the steps also verify game files to. Or use the modlet version drop into mods folder on both client and server and it will add the pois to the game.


    But you miss out on the customisations and unique towns etc nitro offers

  3. 7 minutes ago, HayaPrime89 said:


    Ahh, gotcha. I don't think I'm using an old save. I wonder, if Nitrogen is causing the problem, do I even need Nitrogen if all the prefabs are in my 7 Days folder already? Couldn't I just do a random world generation through the 7 Days client?

    No lol need to add it to the rwgmixer every poi. Or you can use the modlet version of the cp . Throw it in the Mods folder and simply play. But a new world be needed. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, HayaPrime89 said:


    I should have said in the initial post: Huuuuuge kudos for doing all this work! I love the pack and can't wait to get it on my server.


    As to your questions: I am not placing them by hand. I loaded up a Nitrogen generated world using Compopack prefabs. I've generated 4 of them and had these weird raised platforms in all of them. 


    Hmm... I just checked it in the prefab editor and I think it looks good.


    Do you think I might have just messed up the CP files somehow? Wondering if a fresh download and install of CP files would fix it, since no one else seems to be seeing the issue.

    Yeh they definitely add to the game. 


    Argh ok sorry for misunderstanding when you said world editor...


    Yeh there is a bug in nitro since it hasn't been updated past a19 this occurring.  You could try fresh install of the cp fresh server wipe. Verify game integrity also..


    Also are you using a old save this could also be the reason if you are playing on a old save.

  5. 1 hour ago, HayaPrime89 said:

    Hey all,


    Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Question: I'm trying to make a Compopack map for my hosted server, but when I load a map into the world editor, I get a lot of POIs that are randomly on raised plots of land. Pictures of what I'm seeing are attached. Any idea how to fix that? I'm using the most recent compopack and I believe the most recent Nitrogen to generate the worlds. Thanks!



    Same to you hope you have a great Xmas to.


    I been thru all these for cp47 and all are level. Even in cp46 both Wolf and I been thru them and in game they come out level.  


    You placing them by hand I gather in the world editor.


    Are you taking into account the y offsets of prefabs.  Altho I will have to take a look when I back at these 2 they are only like 2 or 3 under ground level. 


    If they occurred like that from a nitro generation there seems to be a bug where a poi will spawn bad. One side be level yet the other 3 will have cliffs. 


    I will take another look at the levels when I am home in a few days. But it be a matter of going into prefab editor checking the x,y,z of the prefab then finding it in the prefablist of the cp46 and checking to see if the y offset is correct.


    Another way would be to generate a few worlds and see the same pois and see ifnall are doing it of not the world you generated was borked.

  6. 7 hours ago, Ornilx said:

    Здравствуйте, не могли бы вы помочь мне в создании определенных блоков?

    Hi ornilx.


    I am sorry I can't read any other language but English. My apologies. Could you translate if possible

  7. 34 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:

    @Mosgoth hitting F1 and typing in "pois" should also fix the problem. What's happening is the distant POI model fails to unload, but the actual POI does load, causing both to render and "phantom blocks" as I've seen a lot of people here call them to appear.  There hasn't been a fix yet. However, by doing this, distant POIs will no longer render, so you'll have to physically get closer to see things like towns and everything. 


    I think Compopack uses more memory and such because of the POIs being pretty big and some being really complex, and there's a lot more of them, so that's why when loading a world with Vanilla POIs it doesn't happen as often (but it still can). I think it has something to do with the game running out of virtual memory or just memory in general?

    Exiting and re entering is a better solution to using the pois console method. In a game I get it once or twice then after exiting both times I can play for a long time before it can occur again. Hopefully tfp find a solution for this as it happens on vanilla pois as well in a vanilla game. 

  8. Update on a19.3 stable being released.


    Pretty sure tfp planned this haha wait til I go on holidays and then release a19.3 stable lol.


    As I am away til the 26th December I wont be able to release cp47 until my return.  As soon as I am home tho It will be the first thing I do. 


    Merry xmas/happy holidays to you all hope you all safe holidays

  9. 8 hours ago, Xandra said:

    Thank you very much stallionsen! As a completely amature modder, I had tried this prior to posting and while I did manage to change the "class key" icon to the lockpick icon, I also broke the quest (after using the key on the case, it was not openable.) So, I wanted to make sure this was possible before I spent the next many hours of my life trying to figure it out. 😛  Thank you very much for the help! :)


    Changing the icon shouldnt have messed the quest...


    But yeh no worries good luck with it. Let me know any issues. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Xandra said:

    Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the Starter Class mod so that it could be run completely server side? Thank you for all you do!

    Just have to change the icons to vanilla icons. As these are vals mods I am keeping them how he had them. You can however change the icons to vanilla for your requirements 🙂

  11. 30 minutes ago, Mosgoth said:

    Cool thanks, that does work!  Thanks so much for all the hard work towards this awesome pack!  I have also noticed that when I move a few hundred yards and new PoIs enter the frame, those same texture illusions appear again.  Unfortunately this makes questing in that POI really hard especially since restarting isn't really an option once you start a quest.  I ran a plain Nitro map with Vanilla PoIs (from the Prefab drop down list) and the same density and size settings etc. and the problem seems to have gone away, so I'm perplexed by this because I really want to play with the PoIs that this pack includes.

    When you get close to the pois the meshes should solve themselves.


    If it dont then the exit and re enter works.


    If you exit at start of quest or during you will just have to redo quest upon re entry you dont lose the quest. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Mosgoth said:

    This is killing me because I love the Nitrogen maps as a generator and I love what Magnoli/Compo Pack brings interms of PoIs.  I used all the latest files while trying to play the Undead Legacy mod on a dedicated server and while everything seemingly works okay I'm getting render issues.  Graphical glitches all over the place particularly vendors standing in a block of iron and or doors being blocked etc.  I looked over the server logs and found the following


    2020-12-19T20:08:36 324.443 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 / 0)
    2020-12-19T20:08:37 325.040 INF Time: 4.45m FPS: 33.76 Heap: 3834.6MB Max: 3834.6MB Chunks: 240 CGO: 74 Ply: 1 Zom: 28 Ent: 32 (64) Items: 3 CO: 1 RSS: 6882.8MB
    2020-12-19T20:08:54 342.469 WRN No chunk for position -2861, 38, 992, can not add childs to pos -2861, 37, 990! Block cntCar03SedanDamage0v06
    2020-12-19T20:08:54 342.515 WRN No chunk for position -2865, 38, 1109, can not add childs to pos -2864, 37, 1109! Block ulmContainerSedanClassic02d2
    2020-12-19T20:08:54 342.515 WRN No chunk for position -2865, 38, 1112, can not add childs to pos -2864, 37, 1112! Block ulmContainerHumvee02d2
    2020-12-19T20:08:55 342.526 WRN No chunk for position -2866, 39, 1151, can not add childs to pos -2864, 37, 1151! Block garageDoorIndustrial
    2020-12-19T20:08:56 344.216 WRN Entity block on pos -2847, 37, 992 not found!
    2020-12-19T20:08:58 346.398 WRN No chunk for position -2868, 39, 1137, can not add childs to pos -2868, 37, 1135! Block garageDoorIndustrial
    2020-12-19T20:09:07 355.055 INF Time: 4.95m FPS: 30.05 Heap: 3736.1MB Max: 3834.6MB Chunks: 240 CGO: 61 Ply: 1 Zom: 9 Ent: 13 (33) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6924.7MB
    2020-12-19T20:09:10 358.118 INF [DECO] written 0


    Anyone happen to know if this is related and/or is also experiencing these issues and if there's a way to fix the render issues?

    It is a vanilla lod bug tfp are aware of. Nothing to do with the CP. Exiting out and back in fixes it. Those lines you posted is a unity thing and yellow lines can be ignored vanilla games have them also. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, supercioni said:
    A question just out of personal curiosity.
    The reason why it must also be installed on the client side, has to do with the rendering of the distant terrain, right?
    does the game draw the low resolution model locally not from the server?

    No idea really never looked into the why. Just know if it isnt, your game errors/bugs.  But could be a range of things inc the poi itself which contains the block data used loot containers etc etc. As well as the mesh as you stated.  Etc

  14. 1 hour ago, supercioni said:

    Hello all!
    A question, prefabs must be installed both  server side and client side?
    is not clear if the rwg mod only need client side prefabs or both nitrogen ad rwg, personally i tested it on a nitrogen only server side and is working.

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes prefabs must be server and client side. 


    Only choose one nitrogen dl or modlet dl. Same method tho both server and client side require the modlet . 

  15. 2 hours ago, Maztex said:

    2,936 hours in this game, been playing 7 days for a minute. There are some well known community folks who keep this thing alive, Val, Laz, Guppy, Mag, etc. Just cuz I am here I'd like to thank you stallionsden . Happy holidays. 

    Hi Maztex


    Thank you for your kind words and glad you are enjoying the mods.  The modding community we have is amazing and always willing to help and teach and the above mentioned have contributed a great deal of time and assistance for many whom play 7dtd and venture into the mods world.


    Have a safe and happy holidays for you and your family as well.



  16. 14 minutes ago, WickesGuru said:

    Trying to switch to the latest pack, 46, I get this every time I generate a map. When I go back to the previous version everything still works fine. Am I missing something?


    In the nitrogen program change the scenario to none. Tht is the ocd map for testing lol

  17. 30 minutes ago, thedevilhacker said:

    Interesting I would figure that but maybe I don't know what I am doing because I just realized that every time I make a change, save, load back into the game and spawn a few crates to test the rates, the same items will drop in the same order.

    well count is on all loot groups, and there are count amounts on some loot items. adding count and prob to all in the loot.xml should change it. next drop you receive if it hadnt already spawned in the world prior to you making the changes.

    did you wait for another drop or

  18. 58 minutes ago, thedevilhacker said:

    I wasn't planning on uploading a version haha I just want to know how to change it because I feel this is good for a pvp server where there may be a risk going to the crate, otherwise its just me and 4 friends on our own server lol.

    Idk what a count is :( I just figure out how to adjust whats already there.

    Lmao i was saying nodders would have to upload millions of versions of the same mod to suit every play style lol. Not you to upload haha..


    If you look up in the vanilla loot.xml you will see Count="1,4" after certain items. This mean that item will spawn between 1 and 4 of that item. 


    You can also add next to the loot group a count="1.2" which will mean that out of the however many items possible spawned in that container the game will randomly select only 1 or 2 of them to spawn in it. 

  19. 1 hour ago, thedevilhacker said:

    How do adjust the loot settings for the buffed supply drops? My group thinks its way too OP and I added a "prob .xx" at the end of each item line to set the drop rates but it didnt seem to make a difference.

    Set the prob to like 0.005 or something. Add a count to it as well if you want. 


    Yeh feel free to make modifications to the mods to suit your gameplay. Otherwise we be making 1.2 million versions of each mod lmao 🤪🤪

  20. 9 minutes ago, xxx73 said:

    I'm not sure why, but for me the traps still dont take any damage.
    To do a proper test, I removed me tweaked version of your mod, and used your mod with no edits or changes, juts put it into mod folder. Then I spread the traps out as in the picture below, and spawned a few hundred zeds a few timestimes, and let them run around on the traps. Still the traps is there, no damage is to be seen on anything.

    Then I did a 2nd test, I damaged all the traps until it was only 20-40 HP left, then I put hundreds of zeds on top of that, still no damage taken, all the traps had same HP as before the test.

    Maybe there is something wrong in my setup, but other thing is working as intended so I dont think so. Anyway I would appreciate if you could do a quick test.




    I did test and the traps broke after.  Try lowering the max damage value.  It does take a while at the settings I uploaded. 


    The fire trap reverts to the empty state when it breaks you just have to use the trapgun to refuel it.


    The others broke and disappeared.


    Also pretty sure the zs on top of the other zs dont count as walking on and damaging the traps.

  21. 1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

    ohh f***, it was me that added something, and then I thought you removed it 😛
    maybe I need a break from this soon


    Screenshot 2020-12-05 131849.jpg

    Haha all good lol. Should add it in there tho. Next i look at it i will. Added to my to do list

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