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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

    Yeah I have set up some new values, will be interesting to see how it goes, balancing things like this is difficult.
    Im going to try what you did here on the catapult trap Im trying to resurrect.
    I see that you removed the repair items, I try to keep it as it was, nice to be able to repair.

    i didnt remove the repair i only added the damage stuff to it lol. but yeh repairing them be a good idea.





    Gave damage to the traps so they do break.

    You can adjust them in the blocks.xml in the config file.

    <property name="Damage" value="1" /> ( how much the trap damages the entity)
            <property name="Damage_received" value="1" />(how much the entity damages the trap)


           <property name="MaxDamage" value="168"/>(total amount of damage of trap before trap breaks)



  3. UPDATE:



    Continual loop when trying to destroy.

    The stove, The fridges, the old cabinetbottom and the steel desk will have to be destroyed twice to get rid of as the extends on those did not work. All others work fine. (No double loot tho)

  4. 1 hour ago, xxx73 said:

    OK thank you again. Im trying to understand how this work. If I just add Damage_received nothing seem to happen. In another thread it was said that the traps have to inflict direct damage to be able to receive damage, but your traps do that, but still dont work. But the fire trap take damage and break down properly, also the fire spike and the spike adhesive work properly, but I cant find out why it dont work for the pressure plate traps.

    Another thing, I really liked the idea using mods to craft this traps, nice way to create some kind of balance.

    I will take a look when I get time and see what I can do for you

  5. 19 minutes ago, BadKarma said:

    Thanks so much to all who are putting forth what I am sure is a ton of work in keeping this going.
    I love the Nitrogen world generator and the awesome CompoPack prefabs as well!


    Appreciate the feedback and kind words and glad you are enjoying the Compo Pack

  6. 15 hours ago, xxx73 said:

    Ok very nice, I try to add Damage_received to the traps, thats the only setting I know that have to do with that.

    yeh if you add this -

    <property name="Damage_received" value="33"/> <!-- due to passthrough damage this must be exactly equal to the block hit points -->

    maybe change the value it should damage the trap when a z walks on it. I will get to it soon tho

  7. 14 minutes ago, xxx73 said:

    Thanks for your reply :)
    Sry for being unclear about damage, what I meant was that the traps get no damage from being used, vanilla traps take damage and either get destroyed or stop working after some time. I noticed that non of the traps took any damage when zeds walked on them so they will go on forever. So how can I add "receive" damage to the traps?

    Argh i understand. I would copy the damage to the vanilla traps in blocks.xml to it. but can look at adding that to the mod at some point

  8. 49 minutes ago, xxx73 said:

    I just tested expanded traps and I have found a few issues.
    MinereTNT do little or no damage.

    The trapNailMine create wired purple effects like shown in few posts above.

    And the trapAdhesive and pressureplateLongtrapAdhesive dont seem to take any damage from being walked on by zeds.

    I would love to use this traps, love the diversity.



    The trapadhesive ones just slows them down like they are stuck no damage given by these ones.


    Will check minertnt it only suppose to destroy blocks not zs tho.



  9. 2 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    @faatal , since Robert isn't here to answer, do you know if the RWG has a target RAM consumption for a20 ? The news are that you guys are ditching the 4k maps. I have mixed feelings for various reasons:


    In 4k maps, the RAM RSS feed currently stands at 3800 Mb to ... 6000-6200 MB !! after around 5 (quest days/build nights) hour sessions SINGLE PLAYER. That means multiplayer can easily double after just 4-5 hours resulting in 12000+MB memory RSS feed and square and texture artifacts everywhere at virtually any time (artifacts start to happen when the dedicated memory  is filled and system RAM juggles too much).


    My concern is that if we are going to get 6k maps minimum, how is that going to fare for us lads with peanut butter Pcs? At the moment I'm standing in the "just ok" rope with 4k maps consuming said 3,8 gigs to 6,2gigs  after 5 or 6 hours.


    Do you have any insight on this subject ? Are 6k maps gonna have a stable 4 gigs of RSS most of the time or are they expectedly going to hit the 8 gig mark as Navezgane is currently doing ?  Senior programmers have a throne in Westeros from where they can overlook such things, right? I'm sure of it.



    Not hard to reproduce. When dedicated memory is filled and RAM is also topping or juggling too much, it happens 100% of the time. Moving fast through the map (no need to God mode) also results in that, but again, memory HAS to be filled.

    Yeh happens with alot of players. Also happens when the yellow lines thisnblock is not a parent error shows to maybe unrelated tho and just coincidental. But Certain TFP will get it fixed. 

  10. On 11/28/2020 at 11:29 PM, quietone748 said:

    I edited my comment as you were answering (sorry)
    OK I think there are two things: I do not have an a19.1 Compo Pack 43 option when I am choosing the version.
    I do not recall finding an instruction about copying those three text files over, but I went by the instructions so I'm hoping I did. Will try and figure out which ones they are :)
    Thank you.

    It should be a19.1 cp46 lol. 


    If it not appearing in the drop down box then the 3 txt files have not been put into the nitrogen resource folder or you are using nitrogen in the dl folder instead of desktop or c drive etc.

  11. 6 minutes ago, quietone748 said:

    I went by the instructions that were in the YouTube video as well as the ones in the Compopack (INSTALL_INSTRUCTION.txt). They describe the same thing.
    Chose the correct a19.1 cp46 and scenario none.

    The prefabs are in my Steamapps\Data\Prefabs list.
    I have generated three 8K maps but none of them had the new POIs. When I copied the CP46000 into my Users\...\AppData\...\Generated Worlds folder, I can run that map and it has the new POIs. But I don't want to be able to play in just that one map. I am very excited about this mod, which is why I'm coming back here to ask you for help to figure out what I did wrong.

    One thing I am not seeing is the mod in my Mods folder. Not sure how to get a copy of that and just drag it into there. Maybe that would work.

    You either use nitrogen or modlet.  You cant use both..


    So if you want to use modet dl the  modlet version then drag and drop folder into Mods folder which you should have in the folder the exe is. If not create a folder do not use nitrogen or add prefabs to game prefab folder.


    If using nitrogen do not add modlet either. Simply add prefabs to game prefab folder as Instructed. Then copy the 3 nitrogen txt I to nitrogen resource folder.  Then create your world generate drag and drop worldninto generated world. That is the only way to do it using nitrogen. 

  12. 48 minutes ago, Viriais said:

    I know it won't help you in any way, but I attach the photo of the hole digged at the first 7th day blood moon horde. I'm pretty sure no blocks are destroyed in normal night (but i think they're not even aggroed&digging at this stage during regular nights), but they are in blood moon nights.


    Could it be animals? (i don't even know if animals do dig or they don't)


    If it is animals digging like the wolf maybe the mod doesn't stop that. I only tested zs. 


    Mainly the Arlene and the biker. And sat underground while they dug and no terrain was destroyed. I tried on gravel (the weakest of em all) and forest ground. 





    As for them being agro'ed it shouldn't matter the code says 0 damage to terrain. Hmmm will keep looking into it tho the more info i get whether helpful or not the better 

  13. 3 hours ago, quietone748 said:

    Thank you. I have now installed everything according to the instructions and it created a map for me; however, none of the new compopack buildings/sites have been generated in my map, just vanilla POIs. Am I missing a step? I went by the YT howto video.

    Which method did you use. 


    Modlet - simply drag folder and drop into mods folder. 


    Nitrogen - drag and drop the 3 txt files into nitrogen resource folder (overwrite yes)


    - open prefabs folder in dl ctrl a to select all and drag and drop into game prefabs folder 


    - in nitrogen program make sure a19.1 cp46 is selected in the prefablist option and scenario is set to none. 






    Bedmade1  infinite downgrade loop unable to destroy

    In regards to Nuclear Power mod.

    I dont have access to a server at this moment will try to get a server version working tho.

    Anti Block Bullets - Magnum bullets are there and working. 

    No Digging Zombies - Could not reproduce them destroying terrain. More info required (IE: Any particular z doing the digging or)


  15. 5 hours ago, jksthe2nd said:

    Hi, recently found your Anti Block Bullets mod, and it seems there's no .44 Magnum ammo of any kind that doesn't damage blocks, did you by chance miss those? Or is stuff just not working properly on my end?

    you require the right book/perk and progression to unlock the ap and hp magnum ammo -





    the 44mag ammo you require - perkEnforcerComplete


    Altho i noticed i dont have a unlock line on that one will test it out further to see working or needs fixing.


  16. 3 hours ago, jksthe2nd said:

    Hi, recently found your Anti Block Bullets mod, and it seems there's no .44 Magnum ammo of any kind that doesn't damage blocks, did you by chance miss those? Or is stuff just not working properly on my end?

    will take a look at it and get back to you

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