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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 2 hours ago, HayaPrime89 said:

    There's several. The crashed plane was one I can remember off the top of my head. When you say "a new save game" what do you mean? I thought that every time I make a new map that was a new save game.

    If you could list when you find one be helpful.



    If you create a brand new map yes but if you use a existing world you have used previously.


    Not of a world that you have spawned previous games

  2. 3 hours ago, HayaPrime89 said:


    Actually, looks like the problem is still here sadly. It seems like it affects POIs that have multiple floors. I got CP47 and redownloaded Nitrogen. I'm not sure what the problem is.

    Try verify game files. Cleaning game files thru the 7d launcher. 


    Creating new world thru nitrogen and a new save game. 


    What pois are you having issues with  also be good.


    Testers and others as well as myself havent had any pois not level with the ground

  3. On 12/19/2020 at 11:38 PM, Lude said:

    Problems with Mod : Startet Class


    we download it and start oure Server but at the first join we dont get the quest or startet Items.

    Mod is installed (we see the Class Craft Items under the craft options)


    Whats oure problem ?


    Thanks for the Help

    My apologies i missed your comment. 


    Do you have any other nods that change the  items you spawn with by chance

    1 hour ago, Balthazarrr said:


    Seconding what Teye said, the fire particle effect should last as long as the On Fire buff, but it doesn't. Furthermore, I've noticed that enemies that you restart on fire with the incendiary ammo won't light up with the fire particle effect, even if they are losing life from the On Fire buff starting again.


    Will take a look at this and get back to you.

  4. 1 hour ago, HayaPrime89 said:


    Following up on this. Just tried the CP47 and this problem did not show up at all. Thanks so much for the help! And Happy New Year!!!

    thats great to hear the many brilliant prefabbers that contribute prefabs to the pack and we have in the forum and off the forum are amazing 🙂

    Glad you are enjoying it 🙂

  5. 1 hour ago, Ornilx said:

    No, these are the blocks I want. I can't make one of these blocks be solid and consist of 4 or 9 cubes. Our task is to try to create prefabs for large cubes and throw them into the game like a mod.

    Oh kk I understand will look into it for you 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Ornilx said:

    In general, I am an ordinary player, but somehow I learned to understand the game code and did some things myself. But to create a large block of 9 cells, it does not work. It would be interesting to see your work, maybe you can create new large blocks. Let's say 4 squares and 9 and of course, somehow fit them under wood, stone and metal)

    i will try to. do the auotwall for a surface area just taking a small break from modding and will  do it as soon as i return. and will let you know.

    1 minute ago, Ornilx said:



    oh so you did it lol already nice


  7. On 12/20/2020 at 4:30 PM, Xandra said:

    Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the Starter Class mod so that it could be run completely server side? Thank you for all you do!

    yes you can you just have to change the icons used in each item/block to a vanilla icon of your choosing.

  8. 19 hours ago, Chrnosdark said:

    Good night people, like this I would like you to help me with a problem, I want this building to appear on my map:




    Now as I have read in that thread I have to add the following line to the Nitrogen Prefabricated file:


    2, -1,137,67,118, unique


    And the files that I download, where do I put them in the game's prefab folder? or in the Nitrogen folder?

    The file that I have to edit for Nitrogen to add the building to the generated maps if I have not made a mistake is the one in the Resources folder. but now I have the following question, where do I put that line? Since seeing the content of said file we give me different lines:


    // A19 new vanilla:
    bus_stop_01, none, 0, -1,29,5,9, smalltown; downtown; citycenter
    house_modern_12, none, 2, -3,29,17,36, houses
    house_modern_13, none, 2, -5,25,19,40, houses
    house_modern_14, none, 2, -5,32,25,38, houses
    house_modern_15, none, 2, -4,31,18,46, houses
    house_modern_16, none, 2, -5,35,16,55, houses
    house_modern_17, none, 2, -4,28,19,41, houses
    house_old_gambrel_04, none, 2, -5,25,20,42, houses


    as I add that line to the file I simply add it like this:


    2, -1,137,67,118, unique


    and I would also like to know if there is any way that the building appears in any of my saved maps


    Thanks for the help

    The eden mall is in the CompoPack if that helps

  9. 16 minutes ago, celeste5683 said:

    Not sure if this is the wrong place for this question as I'm pretty new to this but if it is js lmk. But anyway my question is kinda random but is there a way to generate a map with just roads/town streets with no pois 🤔 I accidentally did it when setting up nitrogen and the compo pack but now that I fixed it idk how to do it again 😂😅

    In nitrogen program there is on the right hand side one of the options should say no pois or something. Check scenario i think

  10. 28 minutes ago, Tombuilder said:

    Trying to use the new compo pack with nitrogen but custom_outback_size_1 keeps making nitrogen hang :( 


    Anyone else experiencing this problem? 

    Thru out the tests it never missed a beat.

    are you using a new world, new save.

    maybe try verifying game files. generate new world in nitro  and new save in game.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Gouki said:


    Yes, in a little while I check it and upload the information.
    Thanks and merry Christmas to you too.

    Ok easy fix will just have to remove em if vanilla ones as no way to add via nitro without adding ground to each side or it will be sunken into the ground and look horribly wrong lol.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Gouki said:

    Hi Stallions
    I found another prefab that is shown above ground.

    I don't know what prefab it is, I don't have the exact name but it could be Cave1.
    Build a map from scratch with Nitrogen.



    Hi Gouki

    yeh the vanilla cave ones are not the best to be added by nitro.  but to be 100% certain may you in

    - console type dm enter and close console)

    - press f3

    - fly into prefab area so the name of the poi shows and screenshot as you have done above please.

    Thank you and merry xmas

  13. 5 hours ago, HayaPrime89 said:

    Will do! And I'll let y'all know what happens. In the interim: if you don't want a certain prefab, do you just delete all the associated files for that prefab? Or will that cause any glitching?


    Lastly, I was trying forever to figure out last night, but how do you remove smoke particles from a pre-fab? I love the rocket launch prefab, but don't much care for the smoke (I don't want new players to think it's about to explode and never explore it haha). But I can't figure out how to remove just the smoke.

    Merry Christmas!!

    Lol the rocket launch pad won't explode its like that to add a scare factor while they are inside lol... but if using nitro remove the associated prefab line from the prefablist.xml and prefab in prefab folder 



    If modlet just comment out each line in rwgmixer by using <!-- before and --> after.


    Or just delete the line and the empty line created. 


    Merry xmas to you to

    5 hours ago, HayaPrime89 said:

    Will do! And I'll let y'all know what happens. In the interim: if you don't want a certain prefab, do you just delete all the associated files for that prefab? Or will that cause any glitching?


    Lastly, I was trying forever to figure out last night, but how do you remove smoke particles from a pre-fab? I love the rocket launch prefab, but don't much care for the smoke (I don't want new players to think it's about to explode and never explore it haha). But I can't figure out how to remove just the smoke.

    Merry Christmas!!

    Lol the rocket launch pad won't explode its like that to add a scare factor while they are inside lol... but if using nitro remove the associated prefab line from the prefablist.xml and prefab in prefab folder 



    If modlet just comment out each line in rwgmixer by using <!-- before and --> after.


    Or just delete the line and the empty line created. 


    Merry xmas to you to.


    But if you want to remove the smoke  go into prefab editor and under the rocket remove the blocks that have smoke coming from em

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