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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 35 minutes ago, stark23x said:

    I'm also being warned about Backdoor:Win32/Bladabindi!ml in the latest download. I tried it on another machine running another AV that isn't Windows Defender and it also flagged it. What gives?

    *edit - I have a copy of the modlet version from 2/28 that is NOT being flagged. It's only when I try to open the Nitrogen version that it gets flagged. I happen to have an older copy of the Nitrogen version from december of last year and that too is being flagged.

    Try another anti virus. There isn't a virus on it Windows defender and your other one are giving false readings  

  2. 2 hours ago, nickuk01 said:

    Please find screenshots of the trader post plus both traders as requested. Its trader hugh.




    That is a vanilla trader 

    Never had that happen at all lol. Weird Try a region reset. Find the region the trader is in and delete and when you visit the region it will regenerate hopefully with only one trader. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Ringkeeper said:

    for the trader hub (4 traders in a nice building), shouldn't there be a limitation how many can spawn per biome? If i read xml correct? I have not that much explored yet and i have found 5.


    3 close together and 2 close together. The 2 are not even 200m apart in the desert on same dirt road and from the 3-pack are 2 in forest biome close and 1 in desert close by.



    As i came again across a nice but strange POI.... is there a way to spawn them in a test world next to each other or a command to spawn them manual? Preferably alphabetic order?

    I would then do that and take a screenshot of each and make a nice list. Might reduce questions which POI is which :D

    Hi @Ringkeeper


    On the compo pack discord there is a pic and list channel already.


    You can also while in game go into dm then press f3 fly into poi area and the name will show.


    Nitrogen doesn't follow vanilla generation it generates the maps outside of rwg. 

    You can add ;unique after the Compo traders ones tho and that will make only one of them. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Maverick7508 said:

    I have to ask, for the survivor notes modlet, how do i craft books? i have 76 notes but when I select a recipe there is no craft option... is this a workbench recipe?


    Yes you have to craft a studydesk

  5. 2 hours ago, nickuk01 said:

    HI Guys, I went into a traders post and the trader was duplicated, Ie. there was 2 of him standing in front of me. I am using some mods but dont use any trader mods and am not aware of any of my mods touching traders. I wondered if it may be something in the compo pack i'm using with nitrogen has got duplicated somehow (latest compo 47) although im guessing would only affect buildings? Just trying to narrow down what issue could be. Any help gratefully received 

    Can you please go in dm in console. Then after exiting console press f3 and take a screenshot of this trader please as well as the duplicated trader.


    Some of our traders there are 2 traders. Sometimes 2 of the same just wanna make sure that isn't what is happening here as well

  6. 29 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    Give me a a bit to test more it might be something else. Here is the modlist if something stands out.702829808_nFkuWP81.thumb.png.53bffcdeb6c4c1c8b69532edab9d2d2d.png


    That is some mod folder lol. Impressive and a wide range of modders to.



    Well unfort to fully make certain you are having issues with only the cp and nitrogen you would have to first rule out the modlets you use to. So remove all modlets then just have the cp.  Run a new world and test . If no errors then it be one of the modlets. 


    Add 1 test , remove repeat til you get the error. If no error in individual modlet then try all modlets without cp. 


    It a pain staking thing tho to do but to narrow down the culprit the best way.


    Can you send me your logs also so I can see the error in there might also be able to narrow it down to.


    But could be any of them causing the issue or none of em.


    Edit: re looking thru the mods you have.  There is  lams mod master one there. Is there another folder inside that 1 that is the actual modlet or it opens to config etc 



  7. 11 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    I mean I tested mods without compo and I mean hours of testing and had no problems I even used NitroGen to pregen vanilla 19.3 map and also had no problem.


    What were you doing like what poi/s were you near. What were you doing.  


    Do you have a output.log or players.log I can see the error

  8. 17 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    Hey so this what you get when using compo with 19.4.b7 ``Delta out of range: -40093`` with nitrogen and a dedicated server.

    Do you only have nitrogen and cp installed or other mods to. Will check it out but haven't got that error before either. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Ringkeeper said:

    ok.. who ever build the "Apaxco Building Material" prefab .... i hate and love you :D


    Spend 3 days in that POI .... 1 to clear out and 2 days getting all the good stuff. If i would have played on nightmare, that thing would have given me some for sure.



    @Gouki built that lol. i did add alot more zs tho lol (sorry gouki)  brilliant poi definately 

  10. 41 minutes ago, Ornilx said:

    Привет.Я хочу разработать последовательную систему для разблокировки навыков, но в случае блоков и медицины это не работает. Но ценность в экспертном оружии и perkHomemadeGuns работает, но для этого нужно только обновить предыдущий навык. Вот несколько примеров.


    Hi @Ornilx


    Sorry I do not understand other languages.  My apologies 

  11. 4 hours ago, Abura said:

    Thanks for the reply, tried it yesterday and it seems that none of them load, with both server and client having the mods installed.


    I hope someone can give me some tips and tricks to get these working :)

    Do you have an output.log/players.log i can see. 


    I think I know maybe what happenned.  When you dl them do you open the folder then transfer the actual mod into the game Mods folder or just drag the first folder into the Mods folder 

  12. 3 hours ago, Fleshus said:

    I would prefer when the new POIs were listed separately (on the .txt Nitrogen), it would be very convenient for me. From the CP46 I made a sort and keep only what I wanted. Now with CP47 I will have to copy / paste the new POIs one by one ... (At least there is the list of new ones on the DL page)

    Apart from that, let it be clear, the POIs restricted by biome (so the Modlet file?) are only for the Vanilla RWG?

    Hi fleshus. 


    Yes correct the modlet is for rwg generation only. 


    Unfortunately i like organisation and not a jumbled mess. Pois are added to their groups this helps us in identifying areas we are short in so if a prefabber asks what areas we are short it is easily read also.  The change log will always have the new pois listed in them tho so you can see what new pois are added each release.



  13. 2 hours ago, Abura said:


    I would love to use some of these on our community server, do I just install these on the server or do the clients need them too?

    Hi @Abura


    Some have custom icons which require to be on server side and client side. Otherwise the icons will be blank.


    The mining machine and rain catcher (tiger models) may need to be server and client side as well.


    I dont have a server tho to test these exactly.







  14. 41 minutes ago, pipermac said:

    Is there a way to control how often a specific Prefab Is generated in a Nitrogen Map?

    I have created a small prefab for a buried Treasure (just a piece of land with the Chest under it.   since there is no way to  see the prefab in the world  I want to have it actually created a lot of times so that they are all over the map.  



    You can do that in rwgmixwr lol comment out all the prefabs in the section "prefablist " and add your poi above the <!--. Then only your poi and traders will spawn.

  15. 59 minutes ago, crash.7ds said:

    Yeah, that's what I thought would be the case. In any case, I'm ditching the 16K map in favor of 8K-12K for now. I've ran 12K maps before and they are night and day better in terms of performance. Interesting suggestions on the settings, I'll keep that in mind. Shame if that's true about Nitrogen being abandoned, I really liked how much more convenient it is over the in-game generator...it's faster, has more options, makes better looking maps, etc. Anyways thanks for the help. I think I'll keep CP and see if lowering map size will help enough. Now if only Unity based games would behave more and stop reverting to native resolution over user settings when loading saves. Subnautica and Subnautica BZ did that a lot back in the day too (and still does, grr!).

    Yeh happens to me to with the resolution settings.


    You need to adjust your graphics card settings I believe thru your video card options. So pretty much your desktop matches the resolution in games etc type thing. (Sorry not very pc techy lol.


    I read up on it cause it was annoying the hell out of me. 

  16. 29 minutes ago, crash.7ds said:

    So a few things I noticed, and to be fair it could be a case of issues with using a 16K map which comes with it's own set of caveats, but I have ran into an odd issue where quite a few POIs from this pack are generated with a series of errors. The worst of these so far are that some POIs spawn with ghost objects/blocks or entire portions of the structures missing in ways that don't quite make sense. For instance, after the first blood moon on day 7, the city trader (it's a larger building with four traders and four doors in or out) doors now have a wall built up clipping through the doors. They do not impede traffic, but visually appear to occupy the same placement of the doorways. In several other POIs I've recently explored, there appears a lot of floating dirt piles and debris in the shape of the green Plumbob diamond from the Sims series. It's like the map tried to generate dirt there but realized halfway that it shouldn't because something else was suppose to be there instead. It kind of makes sense the shape because that's how dirt and ground deforms in 7DTD. Also, and just to be clear my machine isn't really stellar with something like 7DTD, but I noticed performance is comparatively abysmal near one of the larger POIs, whereas it's not nearly as impacted by areas with vanilla or simply fewer POIs, even though my system resources are not spiking or maxing out at all. My best guess is that entity spawning is causing the sharp and deep frame hitching in these cases. I don't expect the game to run smooth and silk all the time or even most of the time, but the impact is such that I've already nearly died several times or missed shots just because the game keeps running but isn't rendering the next frame for several seconds. I'm already thinking about restarting on a smaller map, but also considering going back to vanilla POI settings too. I was wondering if anyone else was encountering anything similar on their end or if this is more isolated to inadequate hardware or larger maps being sketchy.

    Those ghost objects are the vanilla texture bug tfp are aware. (Simple exit out and back in fixes it)

    16k maps on a good machine struggle so if your pc isnt stellar then it will also struggle. 

    Nitrogen itself has only been updated to a19 exp no further and unfortunately seems like nitrogen has been abandoned. 

    when generating a map we recommend firstly turning all video options with reflections to off. Secondly we advise you follow these directions - 






    Note: I dont think we will offer 16k support at this time either since 16k can bug out just from its own size factor. 

    If on a server also even nitrogen recommends 8k anything over isnt supported but 12k isnt a bad size either personally. 

  17. 1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:


    @Jodo .. if we are still talking about marble texture block issue here .. Yes it is a Vanilla bug and TFP are aware .. But seems to happen more in Nitrogen Now than it used to .. Unfortunately  nitrogen has gotten out dated by all TFP updates and has some real problems .. Like most of us .. We are hoping that TFP do use some of the Features in up coming version of game.

    My main reason to use nitrogen is the landscaping value .. I don't like Wasteland and Burnt forest

    Have a good one and Take Care ... the Old Gamer .. 😌

    Simple exit and re enter fixes it and can play on. 


    Turn All reflections in the video options to off also reduces it happening.  

  18. 26 minutes ago, Gouki said:

    Hi Stallions and Actinum


    I updated the Mining mod and it seems great that now it has its sound and flames (it gives more realism to the game), but the sound of the machine is high (when starting to mine and when finishing mining), it does not let you hear anything around from your base.
    I understand that it is a mining machine, but the noise makes you despair after a while.
    Could the sound be lowered to the machine? I hope it's not more work for ActinumTiger.



    Hi ya  @Gouki


    I will take a look in the xmls and let you know. 

  19. 9 minutes ago, Gouki said:


    What happened there? 
    I don't have that in my file, it's very strange.
    What version are we each playing?
    That is a good question.

    That is the original valmod where I got the code from to update. The pics above was to show the wildcards were 50 in valmod 

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