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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I'm 100% sure you didnt turn EAC off...
  2. Launcher file made, uploaded and submitted to sphereii. So hopefully it'll be on the launcher soon.
  3. Did you launch offline? Cos that's the issue. Apparently fixed in A20.1 The maps are getting remade anyways cos Small is totally broken. They were only for testing out stuff anyways (started on that, Small1 is done, and thats it). And I THINK that bug is also fixed but need to double check.
  4. I mean, I legit dont know what else to say. You stick it in the mods folder, boot up the game, there's a number with arrows next to it in your inventory, you use that to lock your backpack. And when you open a vehicle or a storage container, the same is there on THAT window which applies to that specific container. That's it.
  5. You still have the old quality degradation patch. Delete your /Mods folder, replace it with the one from the latest zip you downloaded. It does it in vanilla too.
  6. IF you find the parts, you can craft it.
  7. What Chivalric said. It doesn't care if it's the same POI. It just picks whatever is the closest.
  8. Yes Haven't tested VSmall but have confirmed that those quest don't work on the 8k map for some reason. I made a new 8k map last night and they worked fine there... no idea why. The dart trap ammo should tell you what damage it does when you make it. It's drop only.
  9. Nope. Should work fine on servers. That specific one doesn't work in MP for some reason. I have reported it as a bug
  10. Mostly, yep. Myself and sphereii have been experimenting with this issue and are pretty sure we have it fixed. Or at least it's working for me now, so that's good. Nee dto test on dedi later. Nope. It'd take too long to re-write all the recipes.
  11. You wanna leave a block between rows. Plants check for water in approx 4 blocks. They also check for rain. Eh, i'm not too bothered if they come out full. I don't see anything in loot which controls that.
  12. Nope, it's not something you can fix, nor will I be looking into issues with it since it's not my mod/vehicle and I only added it because people kept wanting a compatibility patch for that mod.
  13. No because that's an old quest. DEV build is posted a couple of pages back for anyone to use
  14. Possibly. Though it seems to be working locally
  15. ATM yes due to a dedicated server bug that is being worked on. No guarantee that it will revert to the old quests for stable
  16. I'm HOPING for next week, because it's feeling pretty good atm.
  17. Nope. I don't mess with crypto. Too many places want too much personal information. Like my bank account.
  18. No, because I had COVID, which knocked me out for a few days. 5 scout quests. That sends you to Razor. Then it's just do his quests, go to Eve, do her quests, go to Anna.
  19. And now I want to watch that movie. Thank you very much 😛
  20. You're missing the point. Put it on your hotbar, scroll to it, left click. Don't use the shortcut. It works fine because i've been using it.
  21. Action skill books, like archery, have to be read from the hotbar as per their comment in localization
  22. It MIGHT need tweaking. No-one has given feedback on the wasteland yet
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