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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. And now I want to watch that movie. Thank you very much 😛
  2. You're missing the point. Put it on your hotbar, scroll to it, left click. Don't use the shortcut. It works fine because i've been using it.
  3. Action skill books, like archery, have to be read from the hotbar as per their comment in localization
  4. It MIGHT need tweaking. No-one has given feedback on the wasteland yet
  5. I've actually got some new spider sfx but i'll change it later most likely
  6. Over the worst of it and now testing negative. But I get tired so easy right now that it's just annoying me.
  7. No idea. I don't test with that map. It works on my test maps. 1) The radiated are weak radiated. They're absolutely killable and don't run. 2) Stalkers turn up at GS82. If you're hitting GS82, in multiplayer, ON DAY 3, then work together better. Make pipe guns, do quests, whatever. You should absolutely have a gun and ammo to deal with it. 3) Run. Away. You don't have to fight everything.
  8. Here's fine. I usually try to check a few times a day
  9. Alright, I wasn't planning to do yet another public build, but this is taking a while to get done. As such, I figured i'd post Build 36. It has a lot of fixes, way too many for a forum post. I'll try and find somewhere to upload the text file with all the changes and link to it here. Make sure to delete your Mods folder and then replace it with the one in the zip file. There are 2 download links to help with hitting the file limit. Due to the amount of changes, it is VERY LIKELY that you will need a new save. RWG still doesn't work, and is unlikely to work in time for release at this point. Primary Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sUXFmKQZnwTorLNKL1Yyivzy1tcaQWgK/view?usp=sharing Alternate Download: https://mega.nz/file/OfoVQayJ#iWjTY0SEtesAHsBHZIfN_CWS1UkDpsYlH3sxjzZXbYk Patch notes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/935505724342149190/31-36_patch_notes.txt
  10. Buried supplies T5, small bunker (snow biome), large bunker (wasteland) There is 1 NPC that sends you to the large bunker, but I dont believe her quests are hooked up in B30.
  11. I can just fine. I'd check and make sure you aren't having mod conflicts or you haven't locked storage or something
  12. Is the PinRecipes mod in B30? If so, try removing it. Or just use proton. I do know it's working on Ubuntu-based Linux dedi's, which is literally the only testing I do.
  13. When it's ready. And no, i'm not adding that. DF already has more zombie types and more zombie spawns. You'd be htting zombie limit and FPS issues REALLY fast. Might wanna be more specific on what mods do/don't work. ^ this
  14. I didn't move the lockable thing, so that's where it is in vanilla if you turn it on. I'm pretty sure that A18 mod is all code rather than XML. Have not tested it with 20.1. I need to do that later as it was working on A20, but didn't work on servers.
  15. I meant to fix that and have been busy and didn't get back to it. Thanks for that Will have a look at getting it implemented EDIT: Updated and pushed. Thank you!
  16. Nope! I actually tried B30 and B36 (my current test build) on 20.1 experimental and both work. Right now i'm making dev builds against 20.1 and then testing them on 20.0 and... so far, so good Reboot your machine. And make sure saves ARE deleted. Even if they aren't in the game list, sometimes they can still be in your save folder.
  17. ^ this is correct. It's not out yet. First page will be updated when it is. Also I tested positive with COVID yesterday, so that's fun.
  18. Honey only has a 50% chance to start curing infection. Sounds like you got very unlucky. I'm scared of heights but you don't see me removing skyscrapers. 😛 Fixed locally and tested already.
  19. I mean, if it's just the looting window then it's not hard to do. I just need to mess around with it. Strange that it's using the loot window rather than the vehicle inventory window though.
  20. Probably not. I've looked into it and I can't find any specific "drone inventory" window.
  21. Fixed in the B34 dev build. Basic wrenches work though, as you mentioned. Using the clay bowl?
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