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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Alright folks. It's here. It's done. It's probably still got some minor issues, but it's playable. Darkness Falls V4 is now out! If you have been playing the DEV builds, you need to make sure that your /Mods folder is TOTALLY deleted. No exceptions. You will also NEED to start a new save. No exceptions. This will work on 20.1 (which I believe is stable at the time of this post), or 20.2 (which will be stable later according to TFP). There are no more client/server builds. One build works for both. Patch notes are extra thicc, so they're here: https://pastebin.com/NbLtwnT1 Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip) Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip) And a couple of questions from the discord that are important here. YES YOU NEED EAC OFF!!! NO RWG DOESN'T WORK!!! NoCP means No CompoPack, which is user-generated buildings, because it's not done. That means the included maps are vanilla buildsings +A16 houses, +A18 stores, +DF specific POI's
  2. Then it's not done yet. When it's done, it turns into a lootable container
  3. Feedback. 1) All maps were remade so this should be present, or at least it appears. to be. 2) This has been a thing for ages and is unlikely to be fixed. 3 and 4) They unlock PERKS. You need to check the perk requirements. You likely didn't meet them. This isn't like vanilla. This is working as intended. 5) Oh good. I was hoping they'd annoy people. Queries. 1) Medium and Large seem good. 2 and 3) No. Canpickup only seems to work on workstations. 4) They usually respawn on new day. Logging out and back in can fix it as well. Worse case, do a chunk reset (cr in console, but be careful as this has a long range)
  4. I'll be making and providing an XML file for the launcher because people complain if I don't. But my stance of "Don't use it. Manually install" will always remain, and will always be my first recommendation in tech support cases.
  5. Yes because then you only update the mod and game when YOU are ready (assuming you make a copy of your 7DTD folder, which is what I do)
  6. Your friend is a @%$# and you should tell him that
  7. Counterpoint. No offense to sphereii, but the mod launcher has been a literal thorn in my side, because people just let mods update and ASSUME the game also updates (it doesn't) and then complain when it doesn't work.
  8. Oh that map is pretty buggy and has been tossed anyways. But I tested it on all 4 new maps and it was fine.
  9. Nope I'll add destroy on close later. I mean, i'm playing off a SATA SSD, 32GB RAM and a LOT of virtual memory and I don't have a ton of stutters. I do when chunks load (very brief, nothing bad) but that's it. But I have it in vanilla too. Wasteland has been adjusted a bit. But the noise? Yeah, don't use an auger and crouch. Crouching lowers the noise, which is better for your stealth. I haven't messed with the "noise" values of mining at all, but hopefully the zombie spawn adjustments should help. And I literally can't reproduce the first body bag issue... and i've ran that bunker several times now to test things.
  10. I would have to agree with this. Like I said, on my personal version it is 100% working. It's that simple. So screenshotting it and going "It doesn't work!" when I can load up and make one is... well.. okay? There's no bug to fix, it works. And since you've got modified other files, i'm inclined to think it's probably related. Well 1 week later now. 😛 Look. It's out when it's out. It's that simple.
  11. You can just attach them to your post and then click insert. But yeah, I don't know why it doesn't work for you, it's working fine for me (which is basically the release build that i'm getting ready)
  12. Just install it manually. It's not hard
  13. She's fixed in another build. Just looked and it's fine to me.
  14. You need to turn off the bars and trader vulnerability in sphereii-core.
  15. Not in A19, no Just get tired easy now, but otherwise ok
  16. I don't use POI's. I build a horde base
  17. No idea. That sounds like either a profile mismatch or a corrupt profile. You need to post in english as per the forum rules. My GUESS, based on google translate, is that's the one block crouch
  18. Yes because higher difficulty does less damage UNLESS you headshot. So it's intended. Turn your difficulty down if you don't like it. Will have a look at it but it was working fine for me. Tbh that's probably a bug I will NOT chase. Try deleting localization on the server in Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config. I may remove the additional languages as the server seems to have issues if localization files are too large. I believe this has been reported as a bug to TFP. Again, as I said earlier in this thread, DO NOT USE THE READ SHORTCUT!!!!! Close your inventory, scroll to the book on your toolbelt, left click, done. It works fine.
  19. I could've sworn I included the icons. Will sort that later. Nope. They worked fine for me. Did you have them outside? Because I'm pretty sure they need to be outside.
  20. I'm stuffing a 10900K into my laptop this week. This will be interesting.
  21. Launcher isn't my baby. You would need to talk to sphereii. This is why I tell people to manually install 😛
  22. Normal ATX has 4 slots too. Hell i'm looking at an mATX for a NAS and that's got 4 slots too.
  23. Yep, I use 16GB min, 32GB max AND a windows managed file and it works a lot better. But this system has 32GB system ram.
  24. Not sure as I don't use the launcher at all. It should just make a backup of the game and then unzip the mod into a /Mods folder
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