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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Documents folder is also easier to move for the end user too
  2. I sense a non-believer in rolands magical prowess
  3. I mean, it's the A21 topic. I have to remain on topic for my hopes... But if you insist... You're a math teacher, right? You can balance my loot probs
  4. I can absolutely, 100% state with confidence... ...that I have done this. And it's always because the complaints are "I don't like it" rather than actual feedback. And while I can certainly understand that we haven't played A21, and therefore can't technically offer feedback... there is something that I wish TFP would actually consider. Some of us have been around a long time, and dug in the XML, and dug in the DLL, and balanced our own projects, and seen how players react to things, and seen how systems work when implemented... Just because we aren't on the team, and don't have a "hands on" with A21, doesn't mean we can't offer feedback, using our experience to make very educated guesses about what will happen. I've said it before, and i'll say it again. With some of the people who have THOUSANDS of hours, and us modders, there's a vast untapped resource here that TFP could use by giving us access and let us dig around and try things out and quite literally go "I can tell you what will happen with this." And no, reporting bugs to get on the "testing team" won't work. Because I was on the testing team. And because we had to restart for every new build, I wasn't able to report bugs as fast as other people, only confirm that I was able to reproduce reported bugs. Which apparently wasn't enough, so I was removed. I honestly hope they do add in the ability to spend points... for 2 reasons. 1) It would help with my concerns regarding MP. 2) Those screenshots where the magazines show an icon of what unlocks at what level? I want that for my perks. Which means I need to be able to spend points. Yes, i'm a selfish prick.
  5. I rejected it because, as mentioned, I currently have an overhaul where books are VERY important. So I have a pretty good idea of how looting works regarding that, and just living off resetting POI's won't cut it... at all. If they're going to be quest rewards? That'll help a lot. But POI resets won't work. This isn't just making assumptions or anything... I've literally been running a system like this since at least A18. It's based off experience. As for mature vs young server, people WANT to join a busy server most of the time in order to try and make friends, and those are usually the mature ones.
  6. It still puts you at a massive disadvantage compared to starting on a clean server, unless you get lucky and get a crack-a-book as your quest (which starts at T2). No I didn't. I think you misinterpreted mine. You CANNOT get those magazines you are referencing easily on a server that has already been running for a while. Therefore you can't learn recipes, and you can't level your quality going by the screenshots shared. THAT is what I was talking about. It will be a major thorn in MP play. Which is also why, earlier in this thread when I mentioned that and it was skipped over, it would be better for TFP to lower the total amount of levels of those magazine "skills" and add the ability to purchase them via points.
  7. Sorry Roland, that's incorrect... on several counts. In A20, you do quests and get XP and then buy STATS and perks to level your crafting. As per the posts here, you don't do that. It's all tied to this new LBL system. If you're tying recipes and crafting to skills that MUST be learnt from a book, then that player will be at a disadvantage joining a running server where stuff has been picked clean. Take it from someone who made an overhaul where people need to go out looting and then tried joining a server and having a hard stall on progress for nearly a week, so I gave up and spent skill points instead. It is a legitimate problem, which is why I put in the ability to BUY those perks so players wouldn't be screwed by joining a server later.
  8. I just want to highlight this as it's relevant to something I said earlier. I mentioned the water thing being unecessary when TFP could just make a cooking pot required to boil water, and then make the pot hard to get (like loot only, or get a forge and make one). Laz_Man brought up how this could be problematic on MP, I assume due to the locust-like nature of players on MP servers looting absolutely EVERYTHING. The Learn By Looting system will have the same issue. A completely new player, who likely doesn't know anyone on the server, would have an awful time levelling their skills as most POI's near the starting location will be absolutely picked clean.
  9. Back in the day, you had a ring of campfires to light up your base to stop the @%$#s running too...
  10. Tell them to have a look at Mirror on the unity store. I'm not saying "use this, it's good", but my experimentation with it has found it to be a very solid networking solution. I believe it is open source along with free. Maybe something that can be used to get ideas from/as a base/whatever else?
  11. This too. I did bring that up when they said they were changing it and suggested they use the documents folder instead (which has cross platform support for Mac and Linux)
  12. With a very complicated C# patch that requires using BepInEx
  13. That'd explain why. CP is being removed for DF 4.1 anyway
  14. As long as it's just a change to the default save location, and loading from Mods/Modname/Prefabs still works, then we're all good. But the patch notes could've been... a little more specific on that. Side note, yes it seems to still work but would be nice to get confirmation it will remain like that.
  15. Oh, is THAT why some of my fetch quests are failing??? Cos that would explain a lot.
  16. Posted this on discord but crossposting here. V4.04-DEV-B1 - Updated for A20.6. - Should include the fixed twitch file if I copied the right one, because twitch nerds apparently can't live without twitch integration. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YzbZdW5UuYhextWaw_VGVPlOpLREAC41/view?usp=sharing And before anyone asks. IT ONLY WORKS ON A20.6 EXPERIMENTAL!!! NO IT'S NOT ON THE LAUNCHER. YES THAT'S THE ONLY LINK YOU GET. YES YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY INSTALL. There. 😛
  17. Your map is missing razor so the quest auto fails.
  18. Ok, so I read the notes, and I have a question regarding this... and yes, you're not going to like it, and I'm also going to call out a small bit of misinformaiton. This is not a Microsoft Requirement!!! You can run prefabs directly from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs. Because I've done it on the MS Store/Xbox app version of the game in 20.5 Therefore, my question is this. Why the location change? Why not just run from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs when works fine, along with C# DLL's and XML files? This is just making things more complicated for end users, which is exactly what I warned would happen when you guys felt the need to change where mods were installed in 20.5. C'mon... you really, really, really need to start talking to the modding community before doing things like this, because we actually TEST it and we're used to users doing things wrong and helping them troubleshoot. You've got a resource of untapped potential here, and I feel like it's not being used for no good reason. EDIT: I have been informed this is ONLY for saving prefabs, not loading them and loading them will still work the old way (AKA - the directory I mentioned). If someone could confirm this, it would be appreciated and may be worth clarification in the notes.
  19. Haven't had that one myself, but i've increased the level cap to 500 for 4.1. This was answered in this thread already. There's a replacement file posted in the discord and linked here.
  20. I thought I included the icon for those. Huh. I'll have to go digging
  21. Just to add to this and support roland. Download A20.5 and copy it somewhere. That way you have a backup of all the old XML. Anything in A21 that's removed? You can go through the old XML and re-add it via XPath. Very easy and I'm always happy to walk people through that if they so wish. So adding back the snow recipe would be super easy. So would the empty jars (lack of model may be a problem though)
  22. The elevators aren't mine, and honestly, i'm probably gonna remove them because they're just buggy. Haven't had ANYONE else in the discord complain about the irrigation stuff... so...
  23. Speak for yourself. I've got a cupboard full of jars and bottles.
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