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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Tell them to have a look at Mirror on the unity store. I'm not saying "use this, it's good", but my experimentation with it has found it to be a very solid networking solution. I believe it is open source along with free. Maybe something that can be used to get ideas from/as a base/whatever else?
  2. This too. I did bring that up when they said they were changing it and suggested they use the documents folder instead (which has cross platform support for Mac and Linux)
  3. With a very complicated C# patch that requires using BepInEx
  4. That'd explain why. CP is being removed for DF 4.1 anyway
  5. As long as it's just a change to the default save location, and loading from Mods/Modname/Prefabs still works, then we're all good. But the patch notes could've been... a little more specific on that. Side note, yes it seems to still work but would be nice to get confirmation it will remain like that.
  6. Oh, is THAT why some of my fetch quests are failing??? Cos that would explain a lot.
  7. Posted this on discord but crossposting here. V4.04-DEV-B1 - Updated for A20.6. - Should include the fixed twitch file if I copied the right one, because twitch nerds apparently can't live without twitch integration. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YzbZdW5UuYhextWaw_VGVPlOpLREAC41/view?usp=sharing And before anyone asks. IT ONLY WORKS ON A20.6 EXPERIMENTAL!!! NO IT'S NOT ON THE LAUNCHER. YES THAT'S THE ONLY LINK YOU GET. YES YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY INSTALL. There. 😛
  8. Your map is missing razor so the quest auto fails.
  9. Ok, so I read the notes, and I have a question regarding this... and yes, you're not going to like it, and I'm also going to call out a small bit of misinformaiton. This is not a Microsoft Requirement!!! You can run prefabs directly from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs. Because I've done it on the MS Store/Xbox app version of the game in 20.5 Therefore, my question is this. Why the location change? Why not just run from \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\Modname\Prefabs when works fine, along with C# DLL's and XML files? This is just making things more complicated for end users, which is exactly what I warned would happen when you guys felt the need to change where mods were installed in 20.5. C'mon... you really, really, really need to start talking to the modding community before doing things like this, because we actually TEST it and we're used to users doing things wrong and helping them troubleshoot. You've got a resource of untapped potential here, and I feel like it's not being used for no good reason. EDIT: I have been informed this is ONLY for saving prefabs, not loading them and loading them will still work the old way (AKA - the directory I mentioned). If someone could confirm this, it would be appreciated and may be worth clarification in the notes.
  10. Haven't had that one myself, but i've increased the level cap to 500 for 4.1. This was answered in this thread already. There's a replacement file posted in the discord and linked here.
  11. I thought I included the icon for those. Huh. I'll have to go digging
  12. Just to add to this and support roland. Download A20.5 and copy it somewhere. That way you have a backup of all the old XML. Anything in A21 that's removed? You can go through the old XML and re-add it via XPath. Very easy and I'm always happy to walk people through that if they so wish. So adding back the snow recipe would be super easy. So would the empty jars (lack of model may be a problem though)
  13. The elevators aren't mine, and honestly, i'm probably gonna remove them because they're just buggy. Haven't had ANYONE else in the discord complain about the irrigation stuff... so...
  14. Speak for yourself. I've got a cupboard full of jars and bottles.
  15. ...but that has nothing to do with jars... EDIT: Ignore me. I had a brain derp. I thought you meant like... literal water blocks.
  16. Have you seen how much I re-write the loot file??? HELL NO! It'd be worse actually
  17. But the existence of being able to EVENTUALLY mass produce dew collectors also allows the player the ability to create drinkable water on a scale that invalidates any kind of struggle. You're not SUPPOSED to be struggling at mid game+ . This feels like trying to artificially increase how long it takes for the player to be self sufficient based on feedback of people saying there's nothing to do at end game... so make it take longer to get there. And this is the point I'm making that I feel is being ignored, because the TFP workers always, always, always tow the line and don't want to listen. It's not just "I have jars therefore infinite water!"... you're thinking too small. It's "I have jars so I can get water. Okay, where's my nearest water source. It's X meters or kilometers away. Right, that's valuable time taken up by travelling instead of doing Y, then I have to wait Z amount of time for it to turn into water.... etc" (side note, city tiles need less water because that's adding to the problem) And yes, EVENTUALLY you can get so many jars that water isn't a problem. That's FINE. That's ok. If it's within the first week, then yes, the amount found in loot needs to be adjusted. If it's within the first two weeks, it might need to be adjusted. If it's within the first 3 weeks (like my case), that is COMPLETELY acceptable given that most folks tend to stop playing vanilla around Day 40/50 and then make a new save on a new map, possibly with a challenge in mind. Honestly, some loot and recipe tweaks? Job done. 1) Why does the water survival challenge need to be stretched beyond day 14 or day 21? (in my case). It doesn't. Most players feel done around day 40. If they're self sufficient on water somewhere around day 20, this is acceptable based on feedback i've seen. 2) Then don't make vitamins make the player immune to dysentary? Make it work like infection, but progress a LOT faster, and then vitamins and/or goldenrod cure X amount. Like in the earlier alphas were drinking murky water and geting dysentary could damn near be a death sentence if you didn't get goldenrod tea. 3) Making pots super rare isn't a tough sell for MP when the quest system resets POI's. I'd just spam quests with houses in them. Limit pots to oven drop only or placeable block, keep running quests. Then the player will have to be careful how they spend their dukes too. The trader has a pot? Do you want to buy that, food or ammo? The trader doesn't have a pot, well now you need to decide between drinking, eating or shooting things in the face. It's all a resource balance, and TIME is a resource, which I feel is often forgotten.
  18. And? In A20, you also need that water for GLUE. Admittedly i'm playing modded, but I'm only just getting to the point... on day 22... where I actually don't need to decide if I want to sacrifice jars, to make glue, to make repair kits... or if I want to drink. Because I went to the desert, got a crap ton of sand and now i've designated a forge JUST for making jars. Again, this is something that could've very easily been remidied with some mild recipe and crafting tweaks. Not a new system. I do not understand this TFP desire to make a completely new system rather than doing minor tweaks. You quoted ONE PART of a conversation. One bit. About depleting water blocks. That's it. If you go and actually read everything that i've been discussing, it wasn't about that. YOU made it about that. I'm now going to refer you to something I told you earlier. If you can't stop with the out of context nonsense in order to pick arguments with me, then stop interacting with me. The forum has a lovely block feature. I suggest you either adjust your attitude and actually follow the conversation, or avail yourself of it.
  19. I didn't. The conversation was about them being removed so the player can only find water/use the dew collector so water is more of an issue. Therefore water blocks being depleted/not depleted, which you brought up, is not relevant. Honestly, this could've been resolved by just lowering the amount of water murky water gives, increasing the dysentary chance and putting back the requirement to boil water in a cooking pot in the campfire, like it was in A16. Back then we used to scrounge for every empty can we could just so we didn't have to drink the poop water Then make cooking pots super rare in loot (so you'd have to find a POI with them just on the countertop) and/or gun for making a forge asap so you can crank out a pot and grill as fast as possible.
  20. So? From what I can tell, the change is happening because water (as in the survival item) is too easy to get. It's a super drastic change when just adding some extra purification steps would do the job. Like... 1 extra item and 1-2 extra recipes rather than a full new block (which means more models, more textures, more RAM usage) and having to interact with that to get your water. Hell they REMOVED boiled water needing a cooking pot to be made, which made water MUCH easier to get. Could've just put that back and then Roland (sorry Roland!) would be back to drinking murky water due to lack of pot.
  21. Collecting wate rdoesn't deplete the block though with cans/jars. Only buckets do that
  22. The only thing I have done that on, that I remember, is one of the classes... because I realised it was technically a duplicate of another and I did a dumb. I've temp disabled broken stuff until fixed, and i've done back-end coding to make stuff work better, and that's it. Also I meant to say it APPEARS that's the resolution. That was my bad on that.
  23. Serious question... Why is it, if an "issue" is identified, the go-to resolution is often "Let's just remove it." You could've made non-dew collector water radioactive, kept the jars and required the player to get tablets to purify it. MUCH more creative solution and still makes the new block useful, if you really wanted it to be useful. 😛 Oh, and @faatal is right on DLSS/FSR. It needs the HDRP pipeline in unity.... and honestly, 7DTD doesn't use your GPU properly anyway, so it likely wouldn't be a performance benefit. It could do it using more cores, because you actually get a benefit from either limiting it to 2 cores/4 threads so a modern CPU can turbo higher, OR... if you have the RAM, boot up the dedicated server and connect to that via for your SP game as the server side then just handles all the AI while your game handles all the rendering, and that then uses more of your CPU for better performance.
  24. No but i'm making sure it's in the modinfo.xml from 4.1 onwards. When I remember. Did you take Steel Crafting?
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