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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Is someone REALLY being offended over the word "Master"? Life tip. Stop being offended on behalf of other folks and get over yourself.
  2. You mean the mod that was in DF and was causing part of the issues with the survivors so I took it out? 😛
  3. No, it's crap. Why the hell would you want that?
  4. Close the door and take molotovs with you. With the fixes to the blocks, screamers shouldn't see you and scream and summon crap. So if they get down to the door, just molotov her
  5. It's here. It's done. It's ready! Darkness Falls V4.1.0 is now in RELEASE and ready for everyone! Darkness Falls V4.1.0 Patch notes are girthy, so I uploaded them here: https://pastebin.com/9EGxiTc7 Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip) Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip) Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=3 SAVE COMPATIBILITY. If you have been playing the dev builds, B19 works with this. A few people have said B18 works as well. Any other build is ABSOLUTELY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! If you are on 4.04, YOU WILL NEED A NEW SAVE!!! No if's. No but's. No exceptions. No "can I copy my..." no you can't due to class changes. There. Have fun.
  6. Intended. And yes that's right on the duster. I own one. Straight up trying to wear it in the UK summer (which is no way as bad as USA summer/desert) is WAY too hot.
  7. This is because turrets can only take 1 type of ammo that is defined in blocks.xml. They are not able to have multiple ammo types defined like guns/junk turrets.
  8. This is because turrets can only take 1 type of ammo that is defined in blocks.xml. They are not able to have multiple ammo types defined like guns/junk turrets.
  9. For what it's worth, this happens in Darkness Falls as well. The game is using 0,0 as the origin position to determine where the RandomGoto should go. It should be using either trader pos or player pos instead.
  10. For what it's worth, this happens in Darkness Falls as well. The game is using 0,0 as the origin position to determine where the RandomGoto should go. It should be using either trader pos or player pos instead.
  11. Game Version: A20.5 and A20.6 Platform: Steam OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: Intel i9-10900K System Memory: 64GB GPU Model and VRAM: NVidia RTX 2080 Super (8GB) Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Custom Game mode: RWG Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes EAC on or off? Off Status: NEW Bug Description: district_required_biome and required_biomes (township) are non-functional Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: Since A20, the AllowedBiomes property in POI's no longer works. From digging within the DLL, I found that you SHOULD be able to limit where stuff spawns in RWG via district_required_biome in district entries, and required_biomes in townships. However, either I'm doing something wrong, or this straight up does not work. 1) Create a new township entry and appropriate district entries. You will need to copy and paste the vanilla RWG tiles and rename them appropriately. 2) Tag your new POI entries with the biome you want them restricted to, as according to the DLL, it should read the POITags property. So if you wanted to restrict to wasteland, you would add wasteland to the POI's. You have to do this with all the tiles too. 3) Run RWG, check prefabs.xml for one of your new tiles, go into the game and teleport over to it. There is a HIGH chance it will not be in the specified biome. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) New township and districts generate fine, but do NOT generate in the restricted biome. They generate anywhere. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) In the example above, I was restricting to wasteland. As such, the township should ONLY spawn in wasteland. It does not. I know, in the past, that modding-related bugs have apparently not been accepted. However, this is functionality that has been in the game since at least A15 (I don't remember when AllowedBiomes was added to POI's) and not having it functional is detrimental to us overhaul modders who want to have people progress through the more difficult biomes. I HAVE got it working on A20.6 with a harmony patch that forces RWG to obey the AllowedBiomes property, but this is not ideal and I would much rather be able to use the built in functionality that the DLL says is there. If you want the modlet I made to test this, let me know and I can chuck it on my google drive.
  12. I think there's a backup for 4.03A for 20.5 on nexus. But yes, the latest version, and the version i'm working on, are for 20.6 ONLY.
  13. Maybe A21. I wanted to get melee working first, which it appears to now.
  14. It's a known, unfixable MP problem. For 4.1 i'm trying to make sure cities are as close to 0,0 as possible as this helps aleviate the issue.
  15. Should be fine in the default folders, and yes it's for 20.6
  16. Then change the name of your game as well. Trader. Protection. Is. Turned. Off. I cannot state it clearer than that. I've tested it on Joel, Jen, Hugh, Bob, Rekt, Razor, Anna and Eve. The ONLY trader with intact protection is Caitlin.
  17. No they still aren't You MUST start a new map if you had a bug with traders being protected. It doesn't get turned off even though I turned it off if you continue your save.
  18. New dev build up for anyone interested. V4.1.0-DEV-B18 - Added custom C# code by FuriousRamsay that SAVES the locked slots so players don't have to re-enter it all the time. - Fixed missing attack speed stat on titanium and laser spears. - Fixed laser spear icon facing the wrong way. - Fixed missing localization on MC's Human Leather Knuckles. - Fixed the Lantern having incorrect unlockedby. - Fixed being unable to learn all 3 levels of Basic Farming from books. - Fixed being unable to learn all 3 levels of Iron Armor Crafting from books. - Fixed more PEP missingBlock errors. - Added quest markers to all PEP POI's that were missing them, which should fix the ! being underground. - Double doors in the bunkers are now properly closed. - Double doors in the bunkers open when unlocked and remain open until the player closes them, rather than unlocking, open and then instantly close (not the intended behaviour, but an improvement). - Slightly increased texture sizes on the sci-fi stuff (like lockers and laser workbench) to help with blurring issues. - Slightly optimized above textures for better RAM usage. - Added Baked Carrot (works like baked potato). - All legendary items can now drop from any treasure chest (the buried ones) or air drops. - Diamond Tip mod now reduces enemy armor on hit, like the spikes mod for the club. - Lowered knuckle damage due to high attack rate and knockdown chance. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oUlMNHySTCA6Y3Ct5Y9UczKhaJfHcyHv/view?usp=sharing
  19. Fixed No I think I left that in because people wanted it as a light source while mining. Or they just spawn inside the POI. I'm not doing trader POI overhauls. Just expect them to be in there.
  20. POI Expansion Pack. My version of Compo Pack. Hopefully getting close to separate release.
  21. After many, many hours of work, mostly on polishing up PEP, I have a new dev build for you all! This is Build 17, and i'm sure people will ask why I didn't post Build 16... but Build 16 was... odd. There wasn't many major fixes, and the major fixes that did exist needed a new save, and since I was getting PEP maps ready, I wanted to skip it and wait for 17... So here we go! V4.1.0-DEV-B16 - Fixed many issues with PEP and NRE's while trying to generate random worlds. - Fixed a PEP POI having missing blocks. - Changed a PEP POI tier from 1 to 2 as it was more fitting based on player feedback. - Fixed white river scout not giving faction to traders at level 50. - Fixed stainless steel spikes giving titanium instead of scrap iron. - Fixed Mechanic, Scientist, Security and Survivalist class/mastery localization for crafting tiers. - Fruit smoothies now grant a water regeneration effect like the pear smoothie. - Rebalanced Itsy Bitsy Spider quests so tougher spider zombies spawn. - Dog days quests now spawn more dogs since there's no demon/feral version. - Tweaked quality levels on trader rewards so guns/weapons/tools/armor aren't drastically better than what you can craft but still useful. - Armor spikes should no longer cause bleed on the player. Hopefully. - Increased the damage of timed charges vs doors, safes and treasure chest so they should actually be useful. - Rebalanced Hot/Cold buffs to be more severe like they were in A16. - Added 2 new hot/cold effects, Heatstroke and Hypothermia. - Rebalanced hot/cold resistances of clothes to make them similar to how they worked in A16 (so wearing a puffer jacket in the desert is bad). - Increased the resistance granted by Insulated Liners/Cooling Meshes as they will now be more useful. V4.1.0-DEV-B17 (this is the one you will be downloading) - Added 4 pre-generated PEP maps! - PEP POI balance pass! Zombie amounts and POI tiers adjusted to be closer to vanilla values (may be slightly higher for a bit of a challenge). - Fixed the height of several PEP POI's. - Added level requirements to the level descriptions of various crafting perks, plus other perks. - Lowered level requirements of lockpicking from 1/15/30/60/90 to 1/10/20/40/60. - Black Sky should now correctly show attachments. Porkin's does not as it requires a lot more work within unity (which may or may not make it into 4.1). - Added missing localization for Hypothermia and Heat Stroke. - Removed unlockedby on the iron and steel spear. - Fixed unlockedby on radiation ready mods. - Fixed Forge Ahead sometimes not unlocking the 3rd level and just giving the player the book back, or unlocking the 3rd level AND giving the player the book back. - Fixed rad resistance display not resetting to 100 when it was supposed to. - Fixed tools/combine/output window overlapping on the laser workbench. - Re-added a recipe just for the lantern since people apparently don't read. - Being stoned from using cannabis joints will now allow you to ignore the effects of sprains/breaks (just like using steroids). - Using a joint will now cure concussion. - Tweaked trader lists a little so specific traders are more likely to carry specific tools. For example, Rekt is more likely to carry the Cooking Pot and Cooking Grill, while Joel is more likely to have Calipers and Tool and Die set. - Tweaked vending machine stock lists and made them VERY slightly cheaper. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UtIrVwb_cxbOTW6gUuRSOK4EHlQ-3Ig_/view?usp=sharing
  22. Different version is what it says. Usually incorrect alpha and/or mod version. The others, no idea. The console doesn't just pop up like that unless you've got a red text error.
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