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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Calling a sensible business decision greedy is like calling a lion bloodthirsty when he eats an innocent lamb. Now I don't know if it was a sensible business decision to enter game pass and epic store, but I see long-term advantages for players (more choice of platform) and you haven't shown how that is so bad for players. In fact generally cross-platform play is on the wishlist of players for a lot of games. Are you the representative of the steam-community that is disappointed other unwashed masses are let in? The bad stuff is all short-term as far as I can see. A percentage of players have to endure a sub-par browser for a while. And new players coming from game pass encounter a few bugs. In essence business as usual, features that get shown in an unfinished state to players and bugs that take a long time to go away. Remember how long players had to endure minibikes sinking into the earth? Two years. If you don't want to see bugs, don't buy a game in EA. If TFP is really greedy and ignores the community, then it always was doing that. I don't see a change. A developer who tries to finish a game after 8 years in EA is a bad thing for you? Meanwhile a part of the community you speak of complains about the game taking too long! What now? Which group should TFP try to please? And did you see any signs of crunch? Wouldn't features and bugfixes come at an accelerated rate if they were in crunch now? What did TFP promise and fail to do, by the way? You mentioned duration but the only promise I heard from them was "Its done when its done". You seem to complain about bugs but did they ever promise to have a bug-free game in EA? You mention gamepass. Did they promise to never enter gamepass or epic store?
  2. And we can assume that the plane has a higher max altitude than vultures.
  3. Did you try out vulkan lately? From A17 to A19 vulkan was fully playable with an AMD card, but I don't know about nvidia users.
  4. Security-vulnerabilities would be must-fix no matter what type of game it is. Attacker might not just want to manipulate the game but take over the server and use it for spam-relay, bitcoin-mining or attacking users trying to connect. Telnet is inherently unsafe if someone is able to listen in (granted that isn't easy). I use telnet only locally so that an attacker has to be on my server already to listen in. I just checked my logfile and commands get listed in the log. You don't have any commands listed, so the attacker seems not to have reached the telnet input prompt (I assume he would have at least tried one of the normal commands before continuing to hack). It also looks to me like he never got past the login. At least there is no evidence to the contrary but I have no access to the code. Though messages like "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" or "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" very much sound like he simply failed and was thrown out already at the operating system level. Exceptions are a pretty normal way to handle exceptional and less probable paths through the code and not necessarily a sign of a vulnerability.
  5. Security-vulnerabilities would be must-fix no matter what type of game it is. Attacker might not just want to manipulate the game but take over the server and use it for spam-relay, bitcoin-mining or attacking users trying to connect. Telnet is inherently unsafe if someone is able to listen in (granted that isn't easy). I use telnet only locally so that an attacker has to be on my server already to listen in. I just checked my logfile and commands get listed in the log. You don't have any commands listed, so the attacker seems not to have reached the telnet input prompt (I assume he would have at least tried one of the normal commands before continuing to hack). It also looks to me like he never got past the login. At least there is no evidence to the contrary but I have no access to the code. Though messages like "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" or "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets" very much sound like he simply failed and was thrown out already at the operating system level. Exceptions are a pretty normal way to handle exceptional and less probable paths through the code and not necessarily a sign of a vulnerability.
  6. You still can input a simply IP address. Click on "Start search" and then "connect to IP"
  7. Higher chance to see clubs magazines does not mean no bows magazines will be found. And the effect is supposed to be small. Whether you act on it and adjust your looting may be situational (i.e. you'll do it if you need a specific magazine right now, you don't if everyone is well supplied with his magazines at the moment)
  8. Hi, a friend of mine is playing on linux with glcore and an nvidia 3060ti. Besides some crash problems he also has random performance problems which I think could be the result of the following lines in the logfiles: 2022-08-14T21:16:51 156.883 WRN Occlusion: !supportsAsyncGPUReadback 2022-08-14T21:16:51 156.883 INF Occlusion: Disabled So Unity reports its asyncGPUReadback feature is not supported. And I suspect this to be a result of nvidias drivers for modern GPUs having only rudimentary OpenGL support. (Or maybe I'm wrong and you need to flip some switch in some nvida tool? We can hope) I too play in linux and currently with openGL, but I have an AMD GPU without performance problems and I never noticed such a line in my logfiles (but note to myself: I should check this when I get back home). So I've got a question for you if YOU are playing on Linux with an nvidia card: Do you use glcore as well and have the same line in the log and the same performance problems? Or do you use vulkan or proton emulation and how well does that work? And are there people on windows still using glcore? I can't imagine why, but it never hurts to ask.
  9. Press R for a longer time to get to the menue. Choose the option that lets you make advanced turns. Afterwards turning should cycle through all possible orientations.
  10. While we are talking about seemingly unfair moderator decisions like banning users on steam: Imagine a world where the law had only the death sentence as instrument for punishment. So they would have to not only apply that to murder but to lots of felonies as well. And the courts would have to find very squishy rules when to apply death sentence or let someone simply go. So lets say someone robbing 2 houses would still get the benefit of the doubt but someone robbing 8 houses would get the death sentence on the vague principle that he is a hardened criminal and serial offender past redemption. To someone getting robbed by one of them those numbers would sound rather arbitrary and they wouldn't see a principal difference between both offenders. Getting back to moderation on steam, make a list of insults. Then try to judge which of these should get a ban (call them red insults) and which do not (call them yellow insults). Its damn difficult to make that list. And someone using an insult on the red list getting a ban could find it very unfair if someone else using a word on the yellow lists gets nothing or a simple word of warning. And even that is simplyfing things because someone stringing two yellow insults in consecutive posts should probably be banned even though someone using the word only once gets off free.
  11. We are a public platform here. If people are blamed without prove and nebulous accusations then that is unfair against them as they can't put up a defense in this court of public opinion. That is why I said: Either make a complaint to a moderator with all the evidence you can find. But don't discuss it here. When you accuse all mods on steam to be in some conspiracy you are accusing specific people. Now you claim that the other way never happens. When I went to read some stuff on the steam forum I noticed a very heated discussion, the exact one that led me to comparing this forum and steam on politeness in my previous reply to you. And it seems that user was banned or at least prevented from posting. Now the thing is he was defending TFP aggressively. When I said "Valid point" I meant your point about moderators being misjudged as representatives of TFP. While looking at the steam forum I did not see any inconsistencies of member treatment. I myself had discussions with two forum members who were heavily critizising TFP, but they were doing it politely and they were neither banned nor assaulted. They got a lot of counter-arguments but so did anyone who posted positive things. The posting bias on this forum is a fact. When you post negative things you get a lot more counter-replies than when you praise. Moderators can't do anything about that, TFP can't do anything about that if it wants this to be a forum. But as a moderator I am pretty sure that you are wrong about moderation here being biased. It is human nature that people who did something wrong try to find the fault in others. Many posters who get banned here think they did nothing wrong and that the ban was unjustified. It probably happens a lot that they then go over to the steam forum and complain they were banned JUST because they were critizising TFP. Hence you hear that this forum is unfair and the consequence of critizising is a ban. Nonsene. There are clear rules in this forum and anyone who was banned here was not an innocent lamb and it didn't matter if he praised or critizised TFP. Then learn how not to fall for psychologicla manipulation on the internet. That is fairly easy and can be summed up in 3 words: "Don't get provoked". Think twice to answer to a provocation. Think twice whether the other is really trying to provoke you. That is why I proposed the ignore list to you as well as to some others. If you have a problem with some posters, put them on the ignore list. Much easier to not respond to an ignored person.
  12. Correct. I don't know why I misread it as an "and". Though your claim that you do not speak to the intent of the individual is a bit strange when you explicitely listed assumptions why Jost did it and used negatively loaded words like "ignorantly". Well, nobody is perfect. 😉 But the discrepancy between SP and MP is not a good example for that. Because all except maybe one of the specific knobs, dials and levers to make SP faster or MP slower are already there. The only one missing would be a trader knob which could be said is handled on the side with the loot abundancy option. Not that more options aren't a bad idea. Just that developers tend to add options preferably right at the end before release.
  13. Supplementary info: I found hints in their forum that the server CPU I got is likely an Epyc 7702.
  14. I do not get an exclamation mark with either dig or treasure(?) quests when I don't have the quest active. Not sure if that is the same thing.
  15. What now? Is Jost willingly or ignorantly misrepresenting? Can't have it both ways. I hope I understand Vics AND Jost posts and both have a point. Jost is simply saying that looting is central to the game while building, mining and farming are second-class. In single player just staying in one place and mining is almost impossible (with the help of the trader probably still doable though). Building, farming and mining are still secondary goals to win the game by the way. To solve your food problems eventually farming is the solution (hunting another), to solve horde night defense building is the answer and for ammo supply mining is the final answer. And Vic is right in asking what about people who want to specialize into mining/building/farming? There were players who liked to do that. And the answer is that yes, they need to depend on their co-players for things like magazines. But that isn't new, in MP the miner or farmer would always get armor and weapons from his friends, couldn't that be part of the specialization as well ? The alternative, especially for single players, is to advance at a snails pace (trader has everything, just not in abundant quantities) 7D2D is far from a 100% sandbox by now and it was (according to kickstarter) never planned to be. Single player had always slower progression than MP, MP always had the advantage of specialization. I don't think this change will make SP players progress slower, it will be the same as before (if TFP finds the right balance). Just don't expect a pure doctor to be a very useful specialization, that never was a thing. Again, this is not a pure sandbox, and this is also not a massively-multiplayer game where someone actually could put up shop as a doctor.
  16. Additional combat perks sound nice but are there really that many parameters left which new perks could influence? I think TFP wants weapons to feel different so for example AOE damage in fortitude guns or a damage over time (like bleed, even if called differently) on a speer or knuckles would make the weapon choice less relevant. And we have a class that would be impossible in your scheme: Select INT and you are the brainy type with gadgets and social skills. BUT he is no fighter and has a harder time in combat. Your separation would make such a weak combat/high social class impossible. You would need to balance all weapons so they are equal otherwise nobody would select the weak ones. I'm not saying your scheme is bad. It is another scheme that would be quite possible, with some advantages and disadvantages. But also lots of work and difficulties to find more combat perks and something that would push release back another alpha. And the ridicule of people who say TFP rehauls too much would increase tenfold not that that matters much 😉 But I'm not TFP. What I say is irrelevant and just guesswork. Just know that other forum posters have proposed similar schemes to TFP already and TFP did not adopt them (yet).
  17. I don't understand this sentence. There are no skills unrelated to features of the game. In what way does it not work, which of the 3 reasons I gave does not work because there are too few combat skills? Maybe give an example. There are a lot of possible RPG systems. Your proposed system is used by Obsidians Pillars of Eternity series for example where social skills are separated from weapons skills. As I said TFP uses a system more like AD&D/Pathfinder. Those RPGs have a stricter class system and players are also limited in their choices by the attributes (i.e. you can't select a feat with less than 14 INT, or you could but it would make no sense). In other words: Some RPGs give the player more, some give less freedom in their choices. What is missing a little in TFPs scheme is a strong theme, an explanation with which to explain the limits and groupings. AD&D calls a class Rogue and many of the skills and feats thematically follow from how people think a rogue could or should be, but not all. TFP tries to do this from attribute directly to perk and that works for half or 3/4th of the perks and the rest looks somewhat unconnected. The theme is there but it often is a weak link only. But that doesn't mean it fails at being a sort of half-open class system.
  18. It is a rented virtual server, the provider isn't very forthcoming with that info and inside the virtual machine you can't see the real hardware. But 2 years ago he installed new AMD EPYC's and I changed immediately since the older generation didn't cut it. As usual with server CPUs clock is relatively low with about 2.1-2.3 Ghz (it didn't even change between the two gens), but the big caches and data paths make up for that. What you can do is run a test game and look into the server logfile. If you see the server is always above 20 (a limit below which the game does not work correctly anymore) and not fluctuating wildly you're good. I looked into one of my logfiles now and FPS there was usually around 37 and the lowest value I could find was 29 (except for the two values at startup and shutdown).
  19. I play on a ryzen 5 2600x, rx580 and lots of stuff turned off, with a dedicated server and 3 friends. Even on horde night we all get acceptable FPS above 40, night does not change FPS at all (at least not in a way that I would notice) Reasons why you could have problems when I with weaker hardware do not, are: No dedicated server, a slow dedicated server, bad network connection, dynamic mesh not turned off, ... 7D2D seems especially fickle with network connections. If you can, try different servers whether that changes anything.
  20. It is quite normal for games that achievements are changed when a game gets developed, as part of balancing. And often they are reset when a game gets out of beta or EA, to create a level playing field. I don't know if that will happen here, but keep this in mind if you want to hunt some achievements before the game gets released. For me achievements are just some goals I might want to achieve for myself when I have no other goals at the moment. As such I'm perfectly ok when achievements are reset as the knowledge I already achieved them is enough for me. Maybe Telric is the same and therefore might not see the problem you see here.
  21. That is why you got a "sad" reaction from me. Lucky we have that to support our earnest faction as well as jokers.
  22. Not so stupid as it sounds. I was expecting the mine to explode. If I had trusted his words to do that in the real game, THAT would make me call a shrink myself.
  23. You can make it work only on your base, just check the options. But before you think about ways to adapt it you should first check if it has any impact at all. If turning it off does not solve your problem you can as well leave it how it is now,
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