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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. There is still something strange going on here. But as long as it works ... Here are a few things you could do if you are still interested in getting behind the issue and have lots of free time: 1) You could make a new account on the same computer, install 7d2d and then check whether it still happens. 2) If you still have about 50G of free space on a harddisk somewhere or even better on an external drive, install something like Ubuntu Linux on it. Don't worry, that isn't really difficult. Install steam and download the game. Still having the problem? A third thing I had already suggested, going to a friend with your computer and try to play the game there. A fourth thing would be a variation of that: Use the friends computer, but login into your own steam account and try playing the game with his computer.
  2. Someone pointed out to me that simply replacing placeholder blocks like a toaster or changing the texture on a block would not need the POIs itself to be changed at all. I understand that new shapes provide opportunities to redesign POIs, but there you could stop any time and anyway block **shapes** are surely not bought assets that need replacement for owing the art. Naturally you could add a toaster with a new id and then touch each single POI with a toaster in it to use the new toaster, but only an idiot would do that when he could just replace the old toasters block definition, keeping the same id and automatically have the new toaster appear in every POI. So do you have some good examples of art replacement that really needs a sweep of all or many POIs instead of simply changing a texture atlas or redefine the block to look different ?
  3. A miracle. Maybe the roman church can declare you a Saint now. Saint Flopdup has such a nice ring to it. 😁
  4. steam authentication has nothing to do with eac. EAC essentially makes sure the files are untampered and maybe looks for cheater programs. Steam authorization and authentication just makes sure you are a valid player of the game and who you are exactly so it can find the correct toon for you to inhabit in this game. Can you simply go back to the older box version and try to decrease resolution and other options? Your toon falling through the world points to performance problems, maybe also in regards to storage I/O. If not, your options are limited. Steam authentication will happen a lot in steam libraries you don't want to debug. So you could make a bug report to the box developers or simply wait for the next box version, or the next version of 7D2D as network code will have changed (and hopefully improved) somewhat.
  5. Whatever you googled you should have read the fine print which platforms are actually crossed. In this case it is windows, linux and mac. Or it was an article about a future 7d2d that will probably come out for PS5 and xbox one (or whatever the newest version is called) in a few years. What you have bought is the port of an older PC version to consoles that never reached its full potential because the publisher doing it went bankrupt. Check the return rules of sony and xbox store and try to return the game. You bought it at the store, you return it to the store. The principle is the same, whether it is yoghurt or a game. 😉 (This is not official info though. I am not an employee of TFP, just a player)
  6. Read what is printed above in bright red.
  7. Read what is printed above in bright red.
  8. What do you mean by switching server hosts? I assume to a different server of the same hoster? Is it a barebones server your friend is operating or a managed server?
  9. By the way, I see now we were not talking about the same thing, we both misread our answers a bit. Notice I was talking about point 1 of the list aka what you said that "They have no character. They have a voice, but nothing more. What the player interprets is not important to the genre.". But when you answered about there being no consequences in the world you were obviously talking about a different characteristic of RPGs, choice and consequences. That the world reacts and is changed by your deeds. I didn't comment on that.
  10. The world yes, the player not. Read a typical DM-manual of an RPG, you will often find suggestions to the DM to leave character design to the player and never a hint that one of the tasks of the DM is to create the player characters. And even the mechanical character design (HPs, class rules, etc.) is explained in the player part of the manual, not the DM part. And I have never heard of a DM design the player characters except for characters used for one-day introduction events at fairs. All the DM does is checking that the player does not violate RPG or world rules in designing the character (HPs, class rules, etc. but also back story). By presenting rules the DM does not create. Otherwise tell me which computer RPG allows a player to design his character without rules? Sure, but in a pen&paper RPG only the mechanical side of consequences is directed by the rules of the game. The development of the character itself is in the hand of the player. He may decide that his character gets more vengeful or he can play the character unchanging in his habits and how he decides. Sometimes mechanical rules simulate this and interfere with this. In Hell on Earth the player can decide to get the hindrance "vengeful" at start, or later through his actions or the DM/rules can put it on a character. But in Pathfinder there is nothing of that and the player is free to keep the character of his toon the same or change it any way he wants. Note that this is exactly the argument of Urquart, that "Disco" is taking all this out of the hand of the player and making it the domain of the computer DM. The player still decides what the detective does, but the detective and his later characterly development is made by the computer. A popular definition of RPG I heard of had the classification say: An RPG has to have at least 4 of these 7 characteristics (numbers not exact)... . Because there are so many different RPGs that the genre does not have a fixed rule set that is simply true for EVERY thingy out there that is called an RPG PS: I think you can find the rulebook of the first RPG of all time, Gary Gykax D&D, on the net. It is just a few pages to read. But it would easily fail your definition of an RPG. Is D&D a sandbox in your opinion?
  11. If we were talking about pen&paper then it would be the players interpretation that is almost all that matters. Interestingly one of the computer RPG pioneers (Urqhard from Obsidian) has been saying that "Disco Elysium" is not an RPG because the character is fixed and for him that makes it not an RPG. I supose he would give the undefined character of 7D2D a pass for RPGishness. 😉
  12. Sure individual players could do that, but soon they'll probably have to specifically add exceptions into their antivirus software, especially the one from Microsoft itself. MS tries to establish new standards so they can make some parts of the directory tree follow stricter rules, especially the program folders. Do you remember very old windows versions like windows 3.1? In those times all programs just dropped some of their DLLs (aka libraries) into the windows system folder. Usually that meant that windows became unstable when someone installed lots of programs. It needed years for Microsoft to realize that is a bad idea and change that practice through promoting new style guides and constant pressure put on software developers. And I think this is again such pressure put on all developer to follow their new style guides. You just wait 2 years and no game or other software will write into the Programms directory anymore except for installation. And just like the operating system is protected by being fully cryptographically signed from "secure boot" up more and more programs will be signed as well (and will not start if anything is changed there). This is a move Microsoft had planned for years. EDIT: I just checked and at the moment signing is only done for each executable, not a whole directory. So at least momentary that would not be the reason. But dividing the directory tree in writable and unwritable parts is definitely beneficial and has been done in linux as well for example.
  13. Surely. What use would the pregens have if they didn't have the new buildings.
  14. A) You are correct B) ... but the whole games industry (including games journalists) speaks of RPG when they have some perks or skills in a game. It is also very clear that TFP is talking about this mechanical character progression when they speak of the RPG part of the game.
  15. No, it was the other way round, not linking the accounts was the problem. And it probably wasn't because of owning the game on both platforms but having accounts on both. My theory is that the actual EOS id clashed with the EOS id generated from steam. I also have seen only one case where this happened so it probably needs just the right circumstances to happen. Mainly I have heard about 10 minute games form xbox store games though and I thought this bug had been fixed on microsofts servers. So this is akin to praying to the moon god instead of the sun god because someone heard it helped 😁
  16. You probably should have posted this in the "General Support" section. And you should read **important** information if big banners in red tell you to read them before posting. I see TFP has already rejected this as it is not a bug but very likely just your savegame that got corrupted. It seems it is the player data that is broken so either use the backup player data if it is not already overwritten or delete it and use the console and creative menue to give back xp and items to your new character.
  17. You probably should have posted this in the "General Support" section. And you should read **important** information if big banners in red tell you to read them before posting. I see TFP has already rejected this as it is not a bug but very likely just your savegame that got corrupted. It seems it is the player data that is broken so either use the backup player data if it is not already overwritten or delete it and use the console and creative menue to give back xp and items to your new character.
  18. He should definitely try out wired connection instead of wifi. Wifi is known to make trouble with THIS game and it seems it needs just 20 minutes of his time. Also if he has the game from xbox store I heard of a bug though I'm not sure if it has been fixed. If he has a epic beside his steam account he might also link them, another source of problems I heard of. Nothing simple that I know of. But maybe someone else does. If you can somehow pinpoint the IP he is coming from the server you might block some or all of the udp ports (default 26900-26903) and maybe even tcp 26900 as well for initial contact. This way his game is hoodwinked into thinking the server is behind a firewall and tries steamnetworking which can work around such issues. It may need lots of network and firewall knowhow to pull this off. But anything that gets litenetlib to fail will suffice so simply just one of the udp ports being closed to him might already work. litenetlib is default.
  19. I don't think such a distinction should be taken away retroactively because other games copied it. But ok, as the game isn't released yet one could have the opinion that only the situation at release is important. Are you really saying it is only 90% because special zombies were deleting again or only projected but not done? The claim is not that all special zombies that were thought off or tried out once would be in the game, There was no promise the game would be bugfree. Also can you be sure that there was no cavity (a cave or even a mine dug by you) below that to disrupt SI? I and my friends build stuff all the time and we never did see SI bugs. And here in "General Support" we did not get confirmed claims of SI-bugs for a loooong time. Dysentery isn't the only effect. Efiicient digestion of red tea, stamina regen of beer, yucca and coffee, infection cure of honey, bartering buff on cheese cake, and all the stuff you get from the different candies and Grandpa's drinks. For an easy test I would suggest you look for a zombie out in the wilderness or streets, not in a POI. Stealth to a distance where you could hit it with a pistol (maybe 20-30 blocks?) and throw a stone. I'm pretty sure it will work. That will not work on a sleeper in a POI or a zombie that is already seeing you. It works on zombies that are alert and standing around listening AND it should works on zombies who got alerted to your position (maybe because they heard you but not seen you) and are walking or running to the place where the alert came from. The latter is hard to differentiate from a zombie that sees you, sure. The game doesn't make your job easy there.
  20. As Cr0wst0rm said. WiFi has been the source of problems multiple times already. Was it above 20 even with more than 6 players? If yes, your servers speed is should be ok and it points to the network as the likely culprit.
  21. 1) First of all your friend is connecting through steamnetworking instead of litenetlib as well, so maybe your server is not opening all the necessary ports. I would suggest to test it yourself: Download nmap, this is a port scanner utility (or any other if you have one already). I don't know how the usage is on windows, on the linux command line I did this with my own server (and my own port range): nmap -v -p 25599-25602 -sU -Pn sudo nmap -v -p 25599-25602 -Pn You might have to substitute every "-" with a "/" and . Or if you have a graphical user interface scan those ports for TCP and UDP. You should see TCP 25599 "open", the rest "closed", this is just a test to see your port scanner actually sees the server port. And you should see at least 2 udp ports in the range 25599-25602 "open", maybe more. In my case there were only two of them open, I assume if the server is configured to be public there might be more open ports. I even checked that those ports were closed when I had shut down the server. If it is a managed server you could ask the server operator to open those UDP ports, but he probably(?) won't so you might have to live with it or switch to another provider. Note it is just a guess that steamnetworking might be part of your problem, it is perfectly possible that changing to litenetlib doesn't change anything. 2) If you have an Epic AND Steam account, link them. I am saying this because someone else had (different) connection problems because of this. 3) The disconnect's reasons sadly isn't shown in the logs directly. It happens between logfile entries "INF Loaded (received): shapes" and "INF Block IDs with mapping" shortly after the the game authorized you and is beginning to add you to the game. If the game is already doing parallel tasks at that point then it might be something else. Or if it is doing something it doesn't put into the logfile. It is also not clear if "Block IDs with mapping" is saying it will be doing that now or if it is finished with the task. I can't imagine anything that could be stopping the game when it is mapping block names to block ids. Anything that is should have been gone with your cleaning of local settings... with the launcher and verifying the game files. Ask your friend who is managing the server to delete all player files of EOS_0002021295c1436fb592585383d7a5cd/Flopdup . Normally cleaning local settings creates a new character on the server. But there is a server setting so you are always linked to the same character, so manually deleting your character on the server might be a necessary step and it seems this wasn't done yet. 4) @Beelzbob posted a short list of possible problems here, you should check if anything applies to you : https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/30654-player-falling-under-the-ground-multiplayer/?do=findComment&comment=506308 . In any case, please post whether anything above helped or not.
  22. Re Crafting time. In most other games you stop doing whatever else you are doing to craft something. Naturally then it can't take more than seconds to craft something. In this game it is done in parallel with everything else you do. So the comparison itself is apples and oranges.
  23. Please start a new thread next time you have an issue. Also one **vanilla** logfile would be enough, a logfile from a modded game only muddies the issue. (Note to everyone else, if you check out his logfiles, read the last one, output_log_client__2022-11-25__22-49-43.txt, that is the vanilla one after cleaning game data ). I see lots of warnings about blocks that can't be placed ("WRN No chunk for position") but that could be normal on Navezgane, warnings are harmless most of the time. Sadly you were playing the game for only 2 minutes. It is quite possible that in that time no zombies spawn, especially if you don't leave the starting area. Would it be possible for you to make a new logfile? Use the map PREGEN6k and if you don't already spawn beside a town, do the quests to find the trader. Go there and wander around inside the town, especially the center of town with the little shops. If you still get no zombies, post that logfile.
  24. Please use the tools tab in the game launcher to clear all your settings. You will start at lvl1 in your game again but can use the console to give yourself xp back ("giveselfxp" command) and the creative menue (turned on with "cm") for the items you lost. If that doesn't work start a completely new game and check if it works there. If you have ever played with mods, delete everything in the mods folder before you create the game. If that also doesn't work, read the pinned thread in this forum section that tells you to read it before posting and follow its description.
  25. I would assume that they were intelligent enough to make the animation directly depend on the back end value and not make those independent tasks. But naturally even then there could be all sorts of bugs. Actually that bug about missing with a bow at point blank seems to happen only in some frames of the zombies movement. The theory now is that the bow is already past the hit box and not registering for such a frame. But maybe we jumped to conclusions and the bug does not depend on point blank and is just much harder to observe in a long range situation(?) Though in that case people would have surely identified the bug much earlier because many many shots are done by stealth players at relatively close range but not point blank! Maybe @theFlu knows more, as he did actual tests.
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