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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Ok. Let's see what he says: "... next year we can do a drop, no commitment yet " And then he says that again in different words: "... a possibility to get it out next year ... interim release and another release for gold" before that he says "a lot of work ... lots of uncertainties ... Sony and Microsoft have to agree ..." What that all means is that somewhere in 2023 there is a possibility that a prototype of the console version may be released. But that depends on many uncertainties and even on a permission by sony and microsoft to release a prototype version. As he said they can't give a commitment to this, there is just a chance that it may happen. All this points to the end of 2023 as the earliest possible time to see that prototype getting released if at all. It does not sound like there is a version they could get out soon. And let me tell you TFP is always too optimistic about their release dates. They are always late with their releases and I have never ever seen them guess on a release date and actually get it right. Remember they always point out that those guessed dates ARE guesses, not promises. And I can also tell you from my own experience that this is normal with software projects generally. Software always is either late or incomplete. My advice: Expect that prototype somewhere in 2024. And that only if Sony and Microsoft agree to it. If they don't agree then you will see the console version only AFTER the PC version gets out of EA.
  2. Which interview where? If you are refering to the video interview with a youtuber, that is a long video. At what time in the video?
  3. They don't even know when the PC version will be finished. How would they know when the console version is finished when that depends on the finished PC version?
  4. By chance I actually did check out Custom Perks, but none of the other mods. It is on Nexus and claims to be compatible with A19 and A20.
  5. You can charge batteries. Just wire the battery bank after a generator or solar panel and they will get charged.
  6. Other ways to cope with it are to simply wait out the night hunkering in a corner and whimpering whenever there is an unusal noise 😉 or first trying to kill as much as possible in the day and then backtrack in the night for looting and wrenching the valuable stuff. And if you are playing agility-stealth, the night is your friend anyway.
  7. Are you sure this is the complete logfile? Please use pastebin next time and only post a link to the pastebin in here. If this is the complete logfile then 7D2D is not even shutting down savely because of errors in its world like it usually does. But it really is crashing. That is highly unusual for the vanilla game. You could test whether the mods are the cause: Remove all mods (from server and client) and start a new vanilla game. Play it for a while to see if it crashes. If it does not crash, add your mods and again start a completely fresh game. See if it crashes. If the vanilla game crashes then you should check the windows logs if there is some reason. If the vanilla doesn't crash but the newly started modded game then most likely the combination of mods is not working. If the newly started modded game doesn't crash as well, then the old savegame might be corrupted (and most likely one of the mods is running into a fatal bug because it gets unexpected data).
  8. According to logfile you have been playing for 1 hour and 20 minutes without anything happening. And the logfile might be missing the end (unless the game simply crashes). And it is from a later time than the otherwise useless console picture you posted Please read the pinned thread here in General Support that tells you to read it. It tells you how to post logfiles correctly. Make sure you post the correct logile, they all have their starting date and time in their name to identify them Please check that all mods are the latest version and that they should work for A20.6.
  9. Impressive first post. If you are interested in the views of a longtime player and forum reader: The skill system already had a few experiments done to it in previous alphas (they are still available from steam by the way). In A17 we had a system were strength was actually increasing your strength aka melee damage while perception increased gun skill. Though the problem there was that you simply had to have all attributes to progress. Everyone needed perception for guns, everyone needed fortitude for hitpoints, ... And it was not working as intended and so was changed to the current system in A18. The current skill system has a few disadvantages but two big (IMHO) advantages: First of all you have 5 "classes" that you can try out in different playthroughs and lots of multi-class options. At least it makes sense to view attributes as classes and even though you could play on to level 300 to get them all the game is balanced so that you are at maximum power after essentially maxing out one perk tree. For players who want a challenge it is the time to restart (though currently balance is not there yet, as you are faster at that point than the zombies. But the game isn't finished yet, A21 will probably be better in that regard). So this is great for multiplayer (up to 5 classes to complement each other) and replayability (5 classes to switch between) The second advantage is one for the developers, they don't need to balance single perks perfectly, they only need to balance attributes with their connected perks to be somewhat balanced. Again I don't think they are there yet but the game isn't finished though relatively close to beta. Don't expect massive changes, especially not going back to a system that was marked as not working in Alpha17. But we can still hope for corrective measures to single perks that just don't make sense to perk into more than once, like the hunter perk. I fully agree on that. And as you can see the spear at least will be corrected in A21. Strength was said to be the easy "class" for beginners and therefore is the best in both melee and guns. But since it also has mining/tools included it became the "class" used by most players and I think TFP noticed this per telemetry. I think they noticed this through telemetry and are doing corrective measures (Sexrex goes away). Hopefully they also correct the situation with mining/tools as well. As you noticed getting schematics through perks is going away. But you seem to have missed that it also corrects crafting so you can't make a quality 5 club of tier 1 as soon as you can build a quality 5 of tier 0 (I call it quality to distinguish it from the 4 tiers of weapons available of each type). This is one of the biggest reasons why crafting was changed in A21 by the way. I don't think weapon variety is too bad and it was also said that weapons are generally fit for release. If you had only one playthrough starting with strength and just tasted those other weapons you won't find them interesting. Especially when you modded a weapon so it had the strength of two or more classes. But start out with a different class and you might notice it feels different. For single player fighting AGI and INT especially feel very different and provide different challenges and opportunities.
  10. Dynamic Mesh dynamically creates images of places from afar. For example it makes it so you would see your base from the distance for example. But it uses quite some procession power at the moment. Leave it on and try it out. If you have FPS problems, turn it off and see if it helps.
  11. If there is a bug in the spawing system that makes animals or everything spawn differently whether you are in one group or two groups then maybe they should be asked to fix that bug. Since agility is my prefered attribute and cleaning a POI with 4 people is already too crowded for my liking I often go separate ways. Didn't see any spawn problems that way. But it is conceivable that there is a bug that is only conspicuous or even active with actually 7 or 8 players. Though I'd like to see actual proof of that, not only your subjective impression. AFAIK the logfile has all spawns listed. You could find a few areas in your world not visited already and multiple people could drive into each of those area. And then you could count the spawns in the logfile. If that is actually much less than what you would get on a less populated server THEN you would have a factual point. Can you really vouch for your co-players that they aren't just overlooking all those animals left and right just because they have tunnel-vision and not the right perk for that? And later complain about having seen no animals? Sounds the much more likely cause to me. They are balancing for up to 8 players and I have never seen them add anything like "...but they have to stay together" It might not. But are you really playing with the standard setting of 8 spawns per player? Or did you increase that? If yes and you didn't likewise increase MaxSpawnedZombies to 8 times that value then you don't need to look for a bug. When max zombies is set at 64 and 64 / 8 players = 8 zombies per player still. So on a full server each player can only have 8 zombies on himself at the same time. If one player has 12 then another can only get 4. If two get 12 or one 16 that may mean one doesn't get anything at all. Huh, who gave you the guarantee that you can feed 8 players on meat alone? "if we just counted on meat" is the wrong expectation. If you want to solve the food problem you have to farm. And there is no limit on how big a farm can get. It is always possible to feed all 8 on vegetable stews alone if it was necessary. Is it possible you just have not enough players who want to do the boring farming stuff? 😉 Yeah, only I'm sure they don't do that. It is possible you experience a bug and it is possible that you or your co-players are just not aware of some limitations of themselves or the game. None of those causes would make it necessary to change the balance at all.
  12. If I understand him correctly, Crazywildfire was protesting about making food harder to get (for 8 person servers). He was complaining that it was so hard to get meat that they had to mod the game even though they were playing in the server population limits supported by TFP. So yes, his counter-argument is square in your court. See, you obviously are aware that Crazy was not talking about canned food alone. 🤔 . So why the indignation above? I think that was a pretty old bug, I nearly forgot about it. I would have said that was fixed in A19 if I had to guess. I also don't see it on the official A20 bug list suggesting it was fixed before. Anyway, two points in that perk is less useful as deers and pigs are much better visible.
  13. First of all it was not my suggestion but Amman's and Callum's. I was just arguing with them about details of their suggestions. Secondly yes, I play on a server of 4. And for the first few days food is actually scarce but not to any serious degree. And currently we get vehicles very fast and then meat starts to pile up, especially when the winter biome is discovered. Animal population seems to respawn faster than we need new meat (it may be 3 days like zombies, don't know for sure?) Thirdly, what do you mean with "more than 7ish" ? If you are talking about 7 or 8 then I would say that there are still enough areas to hunt because in our 4 player game we just hunt the forests around our "home town" (say 500-800 meters around town and small town itself) and that provides ample food for us. Double the number of players and they would need to increase the search radius by maybe 400m and get the area doubled. Food is probably not easy with 8 players on the same spot (co-op), but on the other hand everthing else IS with so much cooperation boosting the group. If you mean 9 and above (on open servers, maybe even with pvp) then bets are off so to speak. In my opinion balancing that together with SP without having a separate special game mode in the game is impossible. And that is surely one reason as well that TFP is not doing any balancing for 9 players and more. Those servers need special rules anyway, for respawning whole areas, cars, maybe safe zones for newbies, max vehicle speed reduction .... So I willfully ignore those special cases too. Oh yes, general advice to all people feeling there is not enough meat arround because they are blind to the environment (like me): One point into the hunter skill in perception is absolutely essential to notice and hunt chickens and rabbits. And if you ask me about my opinion about the topic I would say experienced players would actually need a fix for this, but TFP will probably not change this because for new players food is at the right difficulty.
  14. But isn't it the hunting part of getting food the part that is currently unbalanced, not the canned food part? Wouldn't it make more sense to then balance hunting, not canned food.
  15. Wait. Didn't you say in your previous post that IF they add it to a hypothetical future version where hunted food were made much more scarce THEN they would have to rebalance? That I could agree with. But not to what you say above. Because as I said IF they had added it to the **current** mechanics in a way that time and effort is similar to hunting then there won't be a relevant difference.
  16. Not with practically infinite sources. If fish just provide meat and you need the same effort to get meat from animals or fish, then they are interchangeable sources. If an area is temporarily empty from hunting you can go to a different area or to a pond. There could be a minimal advantage if the area you have hunted has a pond so you save on moving 500 meters. But if that were a problem (which I doubt) they could link animal frequency to fish frequency in an area.
  17. I don't think food balance would be a problem. In the same time that you hunt for meat walking around you could consume your time with fishing. If it was fishing with a spear you would also waste some stamina. Same effort in time and stamina, same random risk to even find anything to hunt or fish at all. And the result would be 5 meat as well if they want to keep the recipes simple.
  18. I can't say anything about the fritzbox hardware except I haven't noticed any limitation, but security-wise they are much much better than especially netgear or tp-link. I have even made a list of security-fails from netgear so I'll be sure to never buy them (at work and at home). Lots of security holes they did not fix at all and possible debug-backdoors. TP-Link as well tried to have a debug-backdoor in its wlan-router, not a move that gives me confidence. Compare that to fritzbox where the old 7390 did get another security patch as recently as 12/2021. Linksys is the low-end brand of Cisco and it seems they moved administration of their routers into the cloud and at the same time tried to introduce new dubious end-user conditions. That led to protests and they promised to rework the conditions at least. No idea what the end-result was, but if you don't want the cloud involved you probably should avoid Linksys. I have a fritzbox too and don't have any network performance problems. Might not be 10 years old though. I would not use WLAN for 7D2D with any router, no matter the brand.
  19. Not the whole one but lets say one of the rooms with some machinery in it.
  20. ... and anonymous is automatically used if you are not loged into any steam account when you start the server
  21. Someone else got that same error because he was operating the server with the same steam account used for the client. By using a different user account for the server you can make sure it doesn't use your steam id.
  22. As previous posts say, never add mods to an overhaul. Also after removing mods you most likely have to start a new game. Most likely the errors below are just follow-up errors to mod conflicts. But if not: I see one error that seems to indicate a corrupt world or savegame might be lurking somewhere. You could backup worlds and savegames to somewhere else and use the launcher to wipe worlds and savegames to make sure its gone. Low chance to cause your problems in my opinion but important to check nevertheless. And another series of errors is about writing to location Either your anti-virus program intervenes or there is something wrong with filesystem permissions. Also questions about modded games should preferably be addressed to the mod author as he knows how to identify problems caused by the mod and problems caused by the base program
  23. There are more powerful sniffers. nmap is a linux command line tool but is also available for windows it seems. Without networking knowledge many options will not be understandable, some even I don't understand with a good knowledge of networking. But nmap has many different ways to make a port scan. And I doubt that a provider can block them all. For TCP for example -sS/sT/sA/sW/sM/-sN/sF/sX are all different scan methods. The only problem is that you need to do the scan from somewhere else, outside the home network. And when you do, make sure you limit the scan range to just a handful of ports so not automatism can detect you.
  24. Maybe they'll add an option. Though there is a perk that makes you get more out of food, there soon will be lots of perks to not waste as much stamina while doing stuff like running or fighting. Meanwhile, you probably know how not to waste too much stamina in early game? i.e. not wearing heavy armor while working or running. Or simply not running. Getting a bicycle asap. Use bows for initial damage at least. Not digging at all for the first days. Drinking red tea before any stamina-heavy activity. I have a friend who dislikes the primitive early game where survival is the main topic, similar to you. I know that even if one of the hints was unknown to you and really helps in the future, that survival part will never be to your liking. For me it is an indispensable part of the game as one can only feel success and acomplishment if starting from a place where everything is a chore. Simply as that. Not making that option you wish is for TFP a way to protect the average player from himself and his short term desires.
  25. Exactly. How to make a bug report with that? A "simple" console command to show the location of all remaining zombies either spawned or unspawned would be the easiest way to either show there is no bug and the player is wrong, or there is a bug because he would be standing right there and making a picture. (for unspawned zombies the location of the spawn area could be shown if their location is not fixed yet)
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