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  1. I didn’t make it clear, I knew that part, I just meant in regards to “repairing” a battery for the vehicles
  2. Hey there, been playing since 2015, mainly in PC. Mainly a brute scavenger and POI looter. So I’m not super familiar with building and crafting. I leave that up to my wife. Since TFP are adding vehicle damage buff, I believe that when vehicle’s take damage; they should add having a random chance to get a needing a new headlight, tire(s), and batteries when damaged. You can still drive the vehicle but with issues. Damaged Batteries should either just not start a vehicle all together or make it very slow. Headlight(s) being broken should cause one or more of the lights to not work. ( based on vehicle), tires should dramatically slow a vehicle speed until you replace the one or multiple tires. ______ I believe dynamic weather should have more uses with electricity. When raining/storming solar panels should have a major nerf to them. A wind turbine should be added to the game so when it is raining and storming, there is a BUFF to the turbine to put out more power. Rain and storms in real life usually bring more wind. In correlation to the vehicle damage, maybe be able to repair batteries by charging them in power banks?
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