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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Actually the single player game settings being kept is quite a big source of problems. So everyone is told to clear his/her settings by hand (via launcher-tab "tools"), but many don't do this and get into trouble. In reality the game should do this automatically. If I may offer a suggestion: Always make a copy of your current serverconfig.xml and the unedited serverconfig.xml, When a new alpha arrives use a file difference utility to check for the differences between old and new vanilla config files. You can then reuse your old serverconfig.xml but must carefully add anything that is different between old and new vanilla serverconfig.xml. And between experimentals of the same alpha I simply copy the backup copy of my serverconfig.xml as last step of the update process (if there is nothing in the changelog about it being changed).
  2. I don't like it. Guaranteed beaker there and as soon as a beaker is needed nobody would continue to loot and hope for a drop, but just search for that POI, break a wall and ninja-loot that beaker. In other words, your safety fall-back would be the primary method to get it. If you really need to have safety and comfort for your game, use creative menue and be done with it. No need to pretend you want to see what detriments the survival game throws at you, you just want to cross off the needed items in orderly fashion and not deal with problems or calamities.
  3. It is multiplayer. Stop the false advertising of dismissing co-op as not being multiplayer. PvP is not well supported except in small scale scenarios with friends. You really can't use it in anonymous open server setting and yes, that means at the moment PvP should be called a limited functionality. I'm shocked !!! 🥱. No, not really. 😉. THIS GAME IS IN EARLY ACCESS, wait for the finished game if anything in that paragraph gets you on the barricades. Multiplayer is working quite well. I have no problems on my private **multiplayer** co-op server. Why should drones not fit into a single (and **multiplayer** except for PvP) voxel playground with zombies ? Are you just listing random features you don't like now ? This is actually a valid complaint I would agree to. TFP have neglected the support part of their game too much. For example it should not happen that worlds from previous alphas can be loaded in current alphas and make the game act volatile. And if the game supports open servers then security has to be a higher priority than it seems to be. Whoah!!! A new system has bugs ? In EA, in a version just called "stable" to differentiate it from experimental ? Yes, this is heavy sarcasm speaking here. Haven't you noticed that EA is specifically used for finding bugs through player participation ? As for releasing a stable for Christmas, that is very common for EA games to give the fans something to play. Factorio did it as well. The release was much too late to participate in any christmas sales. If this were a cash grab move it would have released as stable before the steam sale.
  4. Or you could jiust accept that the game throws random difficulties at you. Not having a chem station is severe blow to your ammo production, but you can buy ammo and blackpowder in adequate quantities, you can manage and that will be a unique playthrough. But not getting the cheesecake buff leading to a rage quit?? There are worse things that can happen.
  5. Nice. The pastebin seems not to be from the previous logfile as I don't see any <20 FPS lines in there. Server may be a bit different than client because the server doesn't have to do any unity stuff and therefore there is not this single thread dominating all the others. But the server needs to do a lot of data shuffling. My suspicion is that data paths and especially caches are at the limit and the cpus are waiting while all the cache-lines produce misses and have to be constantly reloaded. In another currently active thread in the forum a server admin says that A20 can handle a lot less players than previous alphas. I assume you know that TFP only guarantees up to 8 players per server. Unofficially you always could get away with a lot more, but that seems to have taken a hit with A20 for the time being. Possibly it gets better with more bug fixes in this experimental
  6. Sure there is a way to find out if the server actually started up. Find the logfile, read it. Even better, publish the logfile on pastebin and post a link in this thread so people who know the logfile's ins and outs can decipher it. More infos can be found in pinned threads in the "General Support" section of the forum, for example the usual location of the logfile (usually in the games directory in 7DaysToDieServer_Data , the files are called output_log...) By the way, if you didn't give the server a pregenerated world to use then it will take A LOT OF time to generate a world before it allows connections. Normally world generation uses the graphics cards and is done in about 10 minutes, without a graphics card on a server will probably take an hour or more though I don't have any actual time estimations for A20 (as RWG changed a lot from A19 to A20)
  7. Lots of interesting points of the problems PvP and large pop servers have. And I see absolutely no way how TFP could fix those without compromising a lot of other objectives they likely have. They surely wouldn't have stopped at supporting only 8 players if supporting 20 or 40 could have been done with moderate effort. PvP alone is a rats nest of difficulties and headaches for a developer. Other companies have large departments to combat cheaters and still can't get them under control. 7D2D is a full voxel game and it uses a non-voxel general purpose graphics engine. There may have been ways to make it faster from the start, but all full voxel games have been behind normal 3D games in terms of performance. The achilles heel of voxel games is that they have much more data to transfer, calculate and simulate where normal 3D games and even a lot of hybrid voxel games just have a potemkin village, walls without anything behind.
  8. Looter, crafter? When I play the game I craft and loot, I don't change roles or something, there is no crafter class. The only 2 specialization that could be said to exist beside attributes are miner and builder, but even those are closely linked to specific attributes. Everyone crafts and loots. We also don't call some players reloaders because they specialize in reloading 😉
  9. Generally you'll learn the most about operating a server if you just try out what you think is correct and test it out. If you had started with that setting of Game World, probably everything would have been just .... fine. 😉. I usually set Worldgensize to the correct value (in this case 8192) but according to the text in the serverconfig file this seems not necessary. DynamicMesh is the feature that buildings you build or POIs you destroy can be seen from afar. I have never used the Profiles=False setting, but I would guess the former is true according to description. Comfirmationtext should be able to hold anything except " . And even " might be possible with some escaping, but I don't know what the escape character is for XML
  10. There could be a million things wrong. 😁 You might post the output of netstat. Use "netstat -tulpen".
  11. But that's just it. Those popular strategies are sometimes exploits. The developers have the authority to define what is exploit and what isn't. Certainly not any random player, because you can always find a player judging their exploit not being an exploit. Nothing would ever be judged an exploit. Vultures will hunt you on horde night if you try. Just use a mod, there is a large selection of ones to increase zombie count
  12. If the 30-40% CPU means the usual, then 3-4 of your 10 CPUs run at top speed which would be quite normal. The game can use only 4 CPUs as far as I know and it has a main thread which is the one that determines how fast the game can go because the tasks in there can't be easily delegated to other CPUs. I think it is the thread which is handling Unity, so it would need an engine rewrite to move some of the stuff out. How many players do you have on your server when it has performance problems? Do you use mods? Are all those mods updated versions for A20 ? If you want more help, please post your complete logfile with the help of pastebin.com (there is a pinned thread in here telling you how to in detail).
  13. @Darklegend222: Ok, finally had time to do the test as well, though I had to use the stable version now. Don't know if that is the reason for the discrepancy, but at the places where you specified town 4 and 5 there was only wilderness in my world. I didn't count zombies on the way to towns, just rode into the central place, then looked around. Since driving in already made some zombies follow me I usually saw 2-3 zombies attack me without a shot fired and since I used the shotgun to get rid of them that got me another 0-2 zombies. Which isn't that much really. The results: town Before shots After shots 1 3 1 2 2 0 3 3 2 I had expected more, so I made another visit to town 3 at night and shot 20 times, but even that added only another 2 zombies. This seems to suggest that that one event with ~10 zombies coming from outside while I was raiding a POI raid at night must really have been a wandering horde and not the result of feral sense. Or player level/gamestage makes a difference or I just had luck.
  14. I would not call that sneaking though since you could do that with the loudest weapon available without noticing any difference AFAIK. I don't want to "sneak" like that and I will not miss this even in the meantime. Just remember that players could and have already said they could sneak and they probably did this at least partly BECAUSE of that bug. Now if TPF doesn't notice they might think that critics who say sneak doesn't work are just people who can't adapt. Because others seem to be playing successfully with sneak. Just an example of what can happen if you rely on feedback from a bugged version.
  15. I think the problem you are talking about has partly to do with stealth but mostly to do with the way zombies are activated in POIs. The important question here is: Did you observe this with A20 P231 or the newest patch P233 ? Because in the patch notes of 233 there is an important fix for "Damaging volume enemy from outside a sleeper attack volume did not wake the volume". I don't know if this really fixes YOUR issue but it surely should improve the situation.
  16. You removed all blocks around that space, except one. To show the complete picture you would have to remove the brick wall block as well.
  17. Ok, where is this sdtdserver-script located that you are calling there? You probably have to change into the right directory or use an absolute path for this script. Possibly you need to add exec rights to the script, so do "chmod a+x pre-suspend.sh" to be sure. I don't know anything about how systemd handles sleep and would have to consult man pages and documentation and tutorials on the internet as well for that case. Currently you know more about it than I do 😉. Please also try to give more detailed information about the problems than "I've done this wrong" 😉
  18. There is a bug report forum. A big red banner on every page links to it.
  19. Since the "code" is different the issue likely is as well. Please open a new thread if you have issues. The following thread tells you how to correctly post a logfile. And yes, the complete logfile is necessary. The help you get is proportional to the information you post 😉 https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?tab=comments#comment-3956
  20. Please use the pimp dreams section for suggestions and ideas for the vanilla game.
  21. Nice explanation of structural itegrity: Structural Integrity - Official 7 Days to Die Wiki
  22. I notice you didn't say which level you are on day 20, but I would guess pretty high-level since you have lots of end-game gear. For a shooter-experienced player it is easy to speed-run the game, normal players do NOT have a blue machete on day 20. Far from it. If you only need 15 bullets per POI even when using guns then you must be able to make headshots every single time. "Normal" players hope to get body shots in and I would estimate use from 3-5 bullets per single zombie (though what is normal in this case? I'm using this word since I couldn't think of a better one).
  23. The casino of tomorrow will be outdoors: https://www.theenergymix.com/2021/10/12/crop-failures-nearly-5-times-more-likely-by-2030/ This is a simulation after all 😁
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