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Everything posted by Roland

  1. QFT. There is supposed to be a progression from struggling to thriving in each aspect of survival represented in the game.
  2. Work on the new console version is already underway. It will be fully compatible and consistent to the PC version. We don't know how long of a time span there will be after the PC version releases and the console versions release but it shouldn't be too long of a wait.
  3. Unfortunately, that can no longer be the basis of our relationship. Now its just my charm and style to sustain us. But I know tha.... Meilo....? Hello....? Where did you go...?
  4. Finding a few city blocks worth of houses all with mailboxes out next to the streets is also a joyful discovery. Almost like trick-or-treating.
  5. I won't pretend to understand it. I can only repeat what faatal had said. The difference between normal spawns and bloodmoon spawns is that normal spawns stand around and don't have to find pathways to you. Bloodmoon spawns are supposed to path directly to the player. It was problems with zombies pathing properly and falling out of the world and faatal made adjustments until he found the distance that worked. More than that, he would have to say. You could ask if bloodmoon spawns will be increased in distance for A21 in the dev diary with his name tag. He may respond. That is totally his baby. Thinking about it, if zombies could successfully path to the player from 100 blocks away then we would be back to the perfect information zombies we had in A17. That's just a guess though. For my part, I loved the terminator style zombies so if my guess is true I'd be fine with restoring their longer path algorithms and pushing them back. I know there was mention about zombies falling off the world or maybe it was just spawning outside the path grid or something. Hard to remember as this was A18 or A19 2-3 years ago...
  6. "They" seem to prefer looting and exploring to building and mining except when "They" prefer building and mining and hate looting and exploring...
  7. I’m not certain. I thought the LCB did prevent spawns so if it doesn’t then I guess no good news there.
  8. The problem here is that you aren't recognizing all the things that are unrealistically portrayed as "a day's worth" of whatever. You want the food you eat to accurately represent a day's worth of calories. Well what about how much you can mine or chop or build in a day's worth of time? Does it bother you that we are able to process as much wood and ore as we do in a single day? That would have to be majorly nerfed in order to realistically reflect a human being's actual abilities. What about building? Seems we can build much faster in the game than we could in real life. Transporting goods as well is a problem. In all these areas, a day's worth isn't properly simulated. If you reduce the daylength option to 30 minute days then it gets closer. The amount you eat for a meal seems to last an appropriate portion of the day and you tend to have the same number of meals as we often do in a day's time period. At the same time, your ability to deforest an entire hillside with an axe within a day is reduced as well since night will come sooner. There isn't a perfect balanced fix. If you don't care about balance and just want to have to eat less often because you hate that activity then it shouldn't be hard to adjust how much fullness foods give you. You can "overeat" up to 300% I believe and so if you just increase all values that add to your fullness that should make it so you aren't eating all the time.
  9. I believe that in the options menu for A21 you will be able to designate how many active LCBs you want to allow. I could be wrong but I think they added that option due to the new chunk reload option so that you can place one at your base and another at your mine etc and not experience a chunk reset at those locations. I believe LCBs also block zombie sleeper spawns so that will hopefully solve your issue there. Unfortunately, the BM zombies currently spawn the furthest away that they can without it causing issues with them falling out of the world or unable to path. This was tested extensively and their current distance is set at the limit. Everyone on the team hates it too. The whole clothing/armor system is the original system from the beginning of the game and is planned for an overhaul in A22, most likely. Everything should look better and be more....uh....form fitting in male and female styles. They want everyone to look epic instead of kind of puffy due to all the current layers. And as Callum mentioned, you'll get your wish with the wires in the next update! Everything you wrote that I didn't comment on are all great ideas in my opinion but I have no idea whether such things are on their radar or not.
  10. Humble Bundle gets its keys directly from TFP rather than the secondary market and also checks with TFP for sale pricing and timing so I know they are trustworthy and reputable. Other sites, I have no idea. I think it is fine to post a link to sale when someone asks for information. For people to post unsolicited links to key shops in general probably would smack of adding spam to the site. Anyone who buys a key from one of those community key swapping or reselling sites needs to understand the huge risk they are taking.
  11. I remember that options screenshot being a joke posted on the forum. As far as I know the actual game has never used that font let alone that method of selecting options. Also the color scheme was brown and not neon green.
  12. If you guys want to play today... https://www.humblebundle.com/store/search?sort=bestselling&search=7 days to die
  13. What about the zipper pull tabs? Are we still unzipping our packs by pulling on the original tab by week 2 or do we have to grasp the zipper head itself or some juryrigged tab made from a paperclip? Just wondering if the game back packs are TRULY miraculous or not...
  14. I just know how the AI changes the traffic lights to red predicting my imminent arrival and trying to entrap me into breaking the law...
  15. Soon AIs will use predictive algorithms to judge people before the crime is committed and Tom Cruise will have to sprint somewhere to save us all...
  16. Not quite what I was going for. My point was that since we have people who complain about opposite extremes, then the developers are probably doing things right. If they listened to just one group it would completely alienate the other. So they walk the balance beam adding content and keeping things playable enough for the game to be tested.
  17. Interesting that we get both polar requests frequently: "These updates are boring and the game is boring so add more content to keep my attention!!!!" "The game is great as it is so stop adding stuff and just get all the bugs fixed and improve performance!!!!" The pimps seem to be threading the needle the best that it can be threaded. They need to get all features in before serious and dedicated bug fixing and optimizations can occur but at the same time they have to make sure everything runs at a "good enough" level for public testing. Soon they will have put in all the features to make the game complete and can focus 100% on optimizing and bug fixing and final polish. At least it is refreshing to read a thread title that shows the author isn't claiming to represent the entire community...
  18. Well, they also showed player animations from A22 so I guess that is even closer? Think of A20.7 as a little slice of A21 that was able to get pushed out sooner than the rest. Its not a sign of delay. Its a sign of progress!
  19. Anytime such things like fishing gets brought up, Madmole says that there needs to be some things saved for 7 Days to Die 2. So its possible some of these features might come in the future but not for this game.
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