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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Does that mean the other guy died? What's the story here...if you can legally say?
  2. I know that a cooking pot is required. I don't know if the time to boil has changed. I didn't notice a change.
  3. Murky water is found more often while looting.
  4. I think you can see her hand just the right of the cowboy.
  5. Its those dang mirrors on the ceiling!
  6. That wasn't my point. I'm sure you are fully aware of what you like and dislike. My point was that TFP isn't going to go back on their design before the community tests it. Welcome to early access. We've been here 9 years already...
  7. It’s not too late. It’s too early. Nobody in the community has played it yet.
  8. That sounds like a cure for…..something.
  9. Missed you? I thought you were the skeleton lying in the corner over there. That's not you?
  10. Easy. Install the Burning shaft mod on the Longsword....
  11. Now see? I'm already somewhat out of the loop. I don't know whether "Next alpha" means A21 or A22. I suspect A22 but I could be wrong. The team is working on all sorts of things some of which will make A21 and some of which will come in A22 and as far as I know the new outfit system was coming in A22 with bandits. The tweet isn't super clear with no numbers mentioned. To the players the next alpha is still A21 but to many of the developers the next alpha is A22 because they are already testing A21... Maybe @Crater Creator will update the first page with this announcement so we know!
  12. 0xp mod will need to be picked up by someone else to make a comeback. Interested? Maybe I'll look at it again after full release if nobody else is interested but I don't have what it takes to continually update it after every Alpha. It was fun to do but once it wasn't fun, I stopped doing it. As for base design, you can do a large perimeter base that you must actively run to each side and directly kill the zombies and make repairs. There is plenty of xp reward for doing that if you don't leave it to spikes.
  13. Now it's just my hobby... I'll have a lot less to say about A22, trust me. Same! Why do we even have diamond tipped mods for stuff when degradation matters so little?
  14. This is completely false. Just because the cattle chute design is perceived to be the most efficient zombie processing factory style way of doing it doesn't mean anyone is forced to do it. Since A18 when faatal adjusted the pathing for zombies, their ability to sense long paths has been nerfed by quite a bit. If you build a large base (I'm talking 15x15 square not anything of megalithic proportions) or take over a large POI you do get attacks from multiple sides and you do have to move around to defend different places. Anyone who feels like this is a fun way to play horde night can do it if they choose to. Its time to stop always referencing A17 initial pathing and AI as the reference for supposed current zombie behavior. So do it. Listen to the fun angel sitting on your right shoulder instead of the efficiency devil on your left shoulder. If defending a base by moving to different fronts is what you like then build a base that supports it instead of a base that uses a cattle chute. Its not a thought exercise. It is reality. You are caught up in the efficiency meta that is popular because people like to grind zombies up in a machine they created. But that doesn't mean it is the only way. It means that either you never got out of the popular box as seen on YouTube and tried doing something else or you have but regardless of what you claim you enjoy, you actually gravitate to efficiency more than you do the fun of running to different fronts and defending your base on all sides.
  15. 7 Days to Die is the sum of its quirky parts. The new water survival is just one of those quirks. I never meant to say that we would sell the game based on it alone. If you play MP then you will be fine. The changes will help your team work together even more. There is no reason you should be left behind if you are building and others are looting. I've already stated why and how MP will not be negatively impacted by the changes. If you don't trust my word then you will have to wait to play it with your group.
  16. I can’t speak to what is or is not annoying to you. You often post a desire for more pure survival elements to be added to the game. The changes you would like to see added would most certainly be seen as annoying and tedious by others. The new design is solid and some people will find it fun and challenging and rewarding and others will find it grindy, annoying, and tedious. How people react is not something that can be predicted but I can say that the A21 features work. They are well designed and are tight. If you end up disliking them then I can’t say you’re wrong to feel that way. Glue is the same recipe but uses boiled water instead of murky water. It is more common in garbage and cupboards. Filters are always available to be purchased as far as I’ve seen. I’ve never not been able to get multiple. Building solutions for dew collectors will be discovered by the community as time goes on. You probably should just speak for yourself instead of advocating for these other people. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve yet heard from someone speaking for themselves who only build and refuse to ever loot when playing single player. It’s always someone speaking for them and when I challenge them they say, “Well, I build and loot so don’t get on my case. It’s just these other guys who will be hurt” 7 Days not unique? We’ve just gone through months of people complaining that no other game does survival like 7 Days and who ever heard of a survival game with thirst where you can’t carry away as much water as you want from a lake? I’d say this game is as quirky and unique as it ever has been…
  17. I said that "people" talk about how playstyles are dead and there are plenty of people who do say that this change will ruin the game for them and force them out of their playstyle. You, personally, in the post I responded to said that people would just be disadvantaged, true, but you also said that lots of people never would have bought the game if they couldn't play it the way they wanted. So you are kind of saying both things. You want me to address "disadvantaged"? FIne. What's wrong with a bit of disadvantage? All that means is that things aren't going to be as easy and it will require some adaptation. Where's the fire? Also, disadvantaged compared to whom? Are you competing against others for how quickly you can learn all the recipes? The less you loot the slower you will learn all the recipes but your gamestage and lootstage will still advance so better weapons will start showing up at the trader and in loot (for that blue moon when you do open something up you didn't place) so really you won't be locked out of anything-- it will just be a slower paced progression. Who are you in a race against? You think that if A21 introduces a disadvantage for people who build that this means those people probably would have never bought the game to begin with? If that disadvantage had been part of the game from the beginning people would have just been used to it from the get go and they wouldn't see it as a disadvantage compared to something before. It would just be the game. If all your worry is simply about a disadvantage then let me assure you that.....you'll get used to it and adapt and continue to enjoy building. And let's be clear. The only disadvantage (if there is one at all) is for people who play single player and never want to loot at all. Who are these people? If a single player already does some looting as part of their playstyle then they will be just fine. That very small percentage of people who only play SP and who refuse to ever loot so they can build 24/7 can enable the creative menu and godmode and will probably have more fun that way. There is my non-stock non-standard reply to just you to stand alonside my previous general reply to all the other people who like to predict that this playstyle or that playstyle is now dead.
  18. Multiplayer is not going to be affected by the change much if at all. Builders are going to be able to ignore looting and be just fine when playing with allies. The entire motivation for reading magazines is different than all the other books you have experience with. I've already gone over this a ton of times so I'm going to spare you the explanation. I'll just say that I believe the magazines by their nature are going to enhance team play and push teams to greater cooperation and coordination and communication than ever before. The purpose of the magazines encourages specialization and teams supporting their members in their specializations. Single player is going to make it so that a no looting run is very challenging and an extremely slow progression since you will be using primitive gear and building lower tier blocks for a lot longer. The thing is that I doubt there are many builders out there who build in the survival game instead of creative mode and who also detest looting to the point that they never want to do it. The change is going to force the single player who wants to build in survival to do more looting. There is no question. But if most people who play SP are at least tolerant of looting they are going to be fine. Speed runners are going to be the ones that go out of their minds, imo. Power grinding to buy their way up the skill ladders at lightning speed and having what recipes they learn and when they learn them completely 100% under their control is now gone completely. You can power loot but that still gives no control over what magazines will be found or how quickly you will find them. Maybe in this playthrough you'll get to cement by the first horde night but in the next you might not get cement going until much later with no control over being able to speed it up.
  19. Every single time before every single update the people who felt like their playstyle was going to be dead were certain 100% that they could no longer build underground, or no longer play nomad, or no longer build basic pillbox style bases and that only exploitive bases would ever work. In every case this confidence that old playstyles were dead lasted....until others were seen to still be doing them. There is crucial information you are missing-- play experience. You're just not going to fully get it until you play it. I talk to people all the time who yell that the magazines are going to stop their perk progression and they should get to use points. After I remind them that the magazines only affect recipe learning they back off until just 10 minutes later when they seem to forget again that the magazines don't manage perks. People are just going to have to play it to fully understand it. My detractors will say that is super convenient. Well, maybe, but it is also true and when A21 releases there for sure will be an initial knee jerk reaction from some initial plays where people will say "Team play is dead!" but then other teams will be having success and actually playing more like a team than 5 guys playing parallel solo than ever before as they figure out the adjustments and pretty soon all these dreaded changes will become the new sacred cow that the devs better not touch for A22. This same scenario has just played out exactly the same too many times for me to not believe that it will be the same again with this issue.
  20. Because we've never over the years and years had many threads at every major update of outraged players who claimed changes to the game stepped on their playstyle? If the game has continued to allow "all playstyles" until recently it is only because in every single case, once players get used to the changes, they realize that their playstyle still works after all.
  21. I would have doubted it too and yet I'm always happy when my quality tier for a piece of gear increases or I can suddenly craft something new that I had been waiting for. Maybe it seems like "just crafting skill" because in the context of A20 it is just an obligatory part of the perk trees and you are completely in control of which recipes you are unlocking. Most people fall into a pattern of always doing the same thing so learning recipes can certainly be a bit predictable and boring in A20. With it out of your control and as a prize for opening containers it ends up being more exciting. Maybe it's just me and nobody is going to be thrilled every time they get magazines and learn new and better recipes as a separate thing. Maybe everyone will still think "It's just a new crafting recipe, big whup!" Somehow I doubt that.
  22. It seems that way on paper but in reality I craft much more often in A21 than I ever did in A20 or A19. It does seem counter-intuitive but it is true. I still do occasionally find something better than what I can craft but it is nowhere nearly as often as it has been in the past. I just want to clarify that when Joe said that it takes about 15 magazines to reach tier 2 he was talking about tier 2 level gear as in the iron level. He wasn't saying that it takes 15 magazines to start crafting orange quality stuff. Its about 3 magazines to advance up to each next milestone. Who established this gameplay morality?
  23. It will be interesting to see what happens when people actually play it. The book sets and mod schematics are still in the game as single volumes you can find to get a bonus. So that type of design is still in the game. Magazines are also in the game so you get to play both designs alongside each other. The magazine design is a lot more exciting and delivers more rewarding moments than the individual book volumes. I don't think people will think it is far worse. It will actually be the same 23 magazines every time you play. That is a huge diversity and results in a different mix and different order that you find every time you play. I haven't felt like my early game has duplicated itself once and I've started over now at least a dozen times. Maybe not as many but there are still some jackpot schematics and items you can find. Not only that but every time you read a magazine that triggers a new recipe being learned it is a mini jackpot feeling and I like those better because they happen more often and they don't ruin things by giving you something OP for your stage in the game.
  24. In the case of friends the magazines are different than past books we've had in the game. Currently it makes sense to read any books I find and simply take duplicate books home for my buddies to read. But with the new magazines, that is completely inefficient and counterproductive. If I read a magazine and you read the same magazine and someone else reads the same magazine then all three of us are at level one and can still only craft the lowest tier. But if we all give our magazines to one person to read (doesn't matter who) then that one person can craft at level three and make better stuff for all of us. With skills it makes sense for everyone to have the same skills. We would all like to have a10% boost to our damage or our stamina so of course everyone will read that book themself when they find it and only share any duplicates. But it makes no sense for everyone to be able to craft the same thing at low levels. As for dumping duplicate magazines for inventory space, I doubt anyone will do that. The magazines feel extremely valuable. Nobody is likely to just throw them out because they want to hold onto some lead. So I hope you see that with the magazines, self-interest actually pushes people to divide up the magazines so specific people get as high level as they can in their specialty. If you are building at camp you will read certain magzines and craft those things for everyone all while still leveling up and using skill points for your perks that you get from upgrading the blocks you are building for your base. You won't have to loot at all if you don't want to.
  25. I never said I didn't know the historical reference. I said I didn't get what you mean by it in the context of the game and gathering water. How about you just say what you mean plainly. I haven't played Green Hell or Long Dark. In Raft you are literally floating in water but do you know what you don't have on day one? 30 empty jars to fill up with with water that is drinkable from day one. You can inform me about Long Dark or Green Hell. Do those games allow you to load up on all the water you need for the foreseeable future from the first moments of the game? I've watched people play Long Dark and I am pretty sure your inventory is more limited than 7 Days to Die but can you build up an easily accessible stash of stack and stack of water from all that snow like you can in 7 Days to Die? I don't think so. I think you're superficially naming games that have a lot of water but don't actually allow the player to have unlimited access to it all right from the day one. I know for sure you can't with raft. Surrounded by sea water we might be but that doesn't translate to day one drinkable water surplus all around. Apologies. This only makes you angry sick and tired of disappointment because you refuse to accept your role in early access. It isn't an excuse. It is the state of the game and it doesn't run its course until the game state changes to finished. It has been a long road and it isn't uncommon for people to get fatigued before it is over. But that is just you being fatigued and burnt out and not necessarily a reflection on whether the development process is still continuing. It is. Changes are still happening. You are playing the game before it is finished. Hence, early access is still ongoing. There is no evidence to show that 7 Days to Die should lose that status. All the evidence shows that it still has some way to go before it is finished. They do actually listen to the feedback you give after playtesting. They read several forums and twitch channels and they also have feedback collection built into the game. But the key here to the feedback they care about is this word: Playtesting. As for shouting down someone's feedback I don't do that at all when it is game related feedback based on playtesting. What I do counter is when people make speculations about the motives or thought processes of the developers or spread doom and gloom about the future of game based on faulty opinions they have because they don't know all the facts. Show me where I have actually shouted down someone's gameplay feedback. It doesn't exist. Even now our discussion has nothing to do with actual gameplay. It is about how early access works and about how the developers do consider the feedback of the community when it is based upon actual playtime data. Where have I said anything to disrespect your gameplay feedback or anyone's by "shouting you down"? In the case of the water survival changes and the learn by reading mechanics, I do share my own actual gameplay feedback as a counterpoint to many of the worst case scenario speculations that people are throwing out there without any evidence other than their fears and worries about change. Finally? I've been typing out these examples and giving these insights for both water survival and the magazine crafting system for months now. It just goes to show how people would rather ignore what one eyewitness reports in favor of just repeating each others' worst case scenario fears and worries over and over and over. Glad your concern could be addressed.
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