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Everything posted by Roland

  1. You could do a 10k map and walk along the perimeter staying within 1 km of the edge. That would give you a bit less than a 40k trek. There was a spiral map I saw posted from one of the old map generator tools that created a path that led you around the perimeter but then spiraled inward with a gap in between each arm. That would add up to around 110km to travel but probably looked weird. Maybe up the mist to obscure distant views.
  2. Gotcha. Yes, that type of off-roading will cause the pop-up more often. Hopefully during experimental they'll add a toggle.
  3. I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just explaining why in this game compared to other voxel games the gap exists in the first place. Other voxel games have universally consistent voxel shapes throughout their game-- not that the shapes are the same but their orientation is based off of the same basic shape. I know the team has discussed the gap over the years and they know about changing the volumes but I seem to remember there being an issue about it. But one of the programmers would have to explain it. I did retire....meaning I only do as much as I want when I want and its all free. I traded my company pants for a kilt and I'm feeling the breeze.
  4. Terrain blocks are not cubes like player placed blocks are. They are octahedrons I believe. The terrain used to be cubes in the earliest alphas but they changed them from cubes and actually experimented with a few different polyhedra before settling on what we still have currently. I'm pretty sure most if not all other voxel games base blocks on the same cube shapes whether they are crafted or terrain-- so they fit together perfectly.
  5. That isn't how it works. If you drive down the middle of the street you wont see any indicators at all. You must enter the tile that contains the POI in order for the pop up to show. It really doesn't happen that often and sometimes when I'm curious I have to run up closer to the POI than I think in order to make the indicator appear.
  6. March 2023 In answer to this question: faatal answered thusly: The takeaway from this exchange is that the new console version is being developed in sync with computer version. Not only does this mean that console development is fully underway but it appears the wait after the PC gold release until the console release may not be as long as was previously thought.
  7. Just remember that they showed the zombie health meter in the dev streams and had it listed in the features list for alpha (17? 18?) and then just before release hid it all behind debug mode. Will this follow suit? We can't know but be sure to let your opinion be known during experimental if it shows up in the regular game. I would love to see toggles for all elements of the HUD so that you could have whichever parts visible that you wanted. They did fix F7, btw, so that you can play the game and interact with containers with your entire HUD hidden. But it is all or nothing currently.
  8. I agree with that. Plus, if you think about it here we have a content creator who feels that his audience is more loyal to the game than to him-- This seems to contradict the claim that the game is losing audience and everybody in the community is angry and giving up. In fact, the game is still capturing the attention of the masses to the degree that a content creator is literally trapped into continuing to play it even though he wants to change to a new game. Next time someone tells me nobody cares about this game any more I'm going to tell them to talk to Izprebuilt...lol
  9. Unless TFP desires to support the content creators who are spreading their update news to a wider audience. If that is something TFP values then it is a TFP problem to that extent.
  10. It's not simply a matter of my hackles going up. Obviously, I didn't like the way he put things and I'm sure my annoyance came through in my answer. But there is a rule about doom and gloom in this particular forum and goodbye posting and for good reason. Posting doom and gloom does nothing but dampen spirits and goes contrary to the whole purpose of this site which is to support the game and express optimism in its success. Some people do that by offering constructive criticism which is fair and good because it can lead to changes for the better (at least for those criticizing). But some people go beyond criticizing into posting that the game is going to fail and/or is dead. That type of opinion is nonconstructive and results in a lot of bad feelings. Goodbye posting is a form of doom and gloom where the player is stating that the game is dead to them. The problem with these posts is that it results in a whole bunch of posts that essentially say, "Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out". There is nothing constructive about declaring you are leaving-- especially since in many cases it isn't even going to be true... Anyway...I do understand how lack of news hurts those who are trying to create media based on the development of this game and when the most recent bit of news is a joke that would be frustrating.
  11. I could ask that of you if you had explicitly stated that you now hate the game and plan to stop playing ASAP. That statement of his was the context for my question. I understand someone who loves the game and wants to post their dislikes in the hopes that something will change but even if not they still love the game enough to keep playing and just overlook the parts they don't like but they want to get their voice out there. But for someone who has hated the game for some time and hates it now and plans to extricate himself from it just as soon as he can find a new game that will resonate with his audience and the only reason he is playing it is due to the demand of his audience, then I feel compelled to ask them 'what the heck are you doing here and posting non-constructive sarcastic negativity for a game you outright admit has no place in your future?' Now, does that apply to you as well?
  12. As well intended of a suggestion as that may be, @Viktoriusiii might have an aneurysm. In general I agree that more special infected that appear later in the game with specialized abilities that make it so that you can do better against them if you are perked into a particular attribute or make them much more challenging if you aren't would definitely be interesting and add some additional party dynamics. Fred steps forward as the rest of the party step backward and slowly close the door.... TFP has been focused for the last few alphas on making sure the front end of the game is accessible and interesting and fun since the first 30 hours is what most players will see. But that doesn't mean that they won't fill in extra stuff and further challenges for higher gamestages eventually. It would be smart of them to switch their focus to adding later game content once the game is released and they've polished up the beginning the best they can.
  13. 30K represents "the fumes" of those still playing near the end of the A20 dev cycle before the next update. Every time in the past the number of players has flattened out in the final months preceding the next update and then it spikes with the new update and goes strong for a few months before slowly degrading to a flat line before the next. The fact that we are 14 months long in the tooth for A20 and the flat line at this time is still 30K is frankly amazing. For most of the alpha updates in the past getting 30K for the spike was seen as a huge achievement and now with 14-month old Alpha 20 we are in the doldrums and still with 30K. You can spin it as a failure in your own mind but it is a win. The other thing we always get at this time is people telling us that the game is going to spiral into failure, that it has been in early access too long and nobody cares about it any longer and they predict that the next update won't even cause a bump in number of players playing and they are always wrong. This time we have plenty of naysayers predicting that A21 will be a failure because "my jars!!!!!" and "forced looting!!!!!" Having played A21 I think their predictions will be wrong and I think you're wrong as well. A21 will spike higher than any previous update and retain more players than ever before for longer than before. I've gone back and forth a few times now between A21 and A20 and, at least for me, I think that A21 is hands down the superior game. I think that old players will return to try it out when they get the notification and they will be recaptured into playing again. I think that new players will really enjoy A21 and we will have plenty of new people playing this game for 1000s of hours.
  14. Sorry you feel that way. That is not the norm though. The devs couldn't make the game that everyone wanted. They have made a game that quite a lot of people want and enjoy for a lot longer than two days. Since 2018 the number of players continuing to play this game have increased by quite a bit. Its too bad your expectations and desires for the game turned out to be different than what the developers have done but it isn't as though they are betraying you and staying loyal to someone else. They are simply developing their game which involves experimentation, change, and progress and that means some things that were beloved to some people will get cut.
  15. How about walking away from the forum? You've just admitted you have no desire to play the game any longer, and plan to shift away from 7 Days as soon as you can, and the worst aspects of the game that make you the most angry are all the things that happen here on the forum. So why stick around and make peanut gallery snide remarks and unhelpful sniping insults? There are lots of games I don't care for and I don't go to their forums and be that angry guy. Honestly, why torture yourself? The game has grown into something you don't care for. That is not a unique problem to have. As you've said, you're not the only person who is unhappy with the results of the development. But there are plenty of others who are happy with it. So it isn't a problem with the game or the developers. It is simply a problem of your desires not matching up with the developers' desires. There's no reason to be mad. Just find a game that you like better. People do it all the time. Make your transition and free yourself from the bitterness this is all causing. What if there was an angry dude on your channel making boorish remarks about the way you do things. I doubt you'd have any tolerance for that? How many people who act as you've been acting in our house have you banned from your channel in order to keep the peace and maintain an enjoyable experience? It seems to me a bit worse that someone in your position who moderates and maintains a community and probably has standards of behavior that you enforce is behaving in the way you are here with comments that aren't even designed to be constructive or helpful. They are just angry and trollish. Discussions about likes and dislikes regarding the game are great and are encouraged but just general sniping and complaining about the developers way of conducting their business--especially going on and on about it in multiple posts once you know that they aren't interested in changing is just not what we want this forum filled with. EDIT: To clarify this post I am simply asking @IzPrebuilt why they would want to linger in a place that brings them nothing but bitterness. I was not ordering them to leave the forum or threatening them with a ban. All of their posts are still here and they are are still here able to post their thoughts and opinions. This post is simply an inquiry into the motivation to stay and post sarcastic jibes when they've admitted they are done with the game and no longer interested in its future. As a video gamer myself I have quit countless games I used to enjoy and I don't go to any of their forums and talk about how I no longer enjoy playing so I'm naturally curious to understand someone who does that. @IzPrebuilt is welcome to continue posting here.
  16. Dude, you can still play A20 so relax. Remember when you were jonesing for that? Nobody is denying you 7 Days to Die play time. All you do is rag about the changes anyway. I'd think you'd be fine with just sticking to A20....
  17. Look at this recent post by Laz. Does this post from one of the members of the level design team look like someone who is concerned about players not getting ambushed from time to time? It is crystal clear that the design decision is to have occasional times when no matter what the player does, there is going to be a jump scare or an ambush. There is just never going to be a playthrough going forward where you can 100% kill every zombie while it slumbers in every POI. Make your peace with it people or stop spending points on stealth if you truly don't think its a worthwhile use of points. TFP obviously doesn't view this as a stealth game. They view it as a game that has some stealthing in it but there will be times when you will face direct confrontation. That being said, you can retreat and evade and hide and the emerge and kill with full stealth bonuses. One of the perks you put points into reduces the cool down timer for aggroed zombies as if the devs expect players to evade, hide, and emerge as part of their stealth skills set. hmmmmmmmmm..... Why would such a perk even be added to the game if stealth was intended to allow players to always kill sleepers before they could ever wake up? Answer: It is not intended. Now we can discuss ratios and maybe Laz will weigh in about his philosophy when designing POIs for what his taste is in the frequency of ambushes and jump scares. That could be an interesting discussion.
  18. Of course, technically, you CAN. As long as you're willing to sacrifice credibility. You've wondered out loud in so many posts why you aren't taken more seriously. I'm trying to give you a key to understanding that here but if it is more important to you to use hyperbole than to be taken seriously then continue... The fact that zombies outside are awake and wandering around and the zombies inside are unconscious and lying about didn't clue you into the fact that zombies outside are different than zombies inside? There is no good reason if efficiency is your goal. So make the choice. Do you want to be efficient or do you want to play stealth? If you're playing stealth because you like stealth gameplay then give me one good reason why you wouldn't be cool with evading suddenly mobilizing zombies coming out of their hibernation and hiding until you can kill them again by stealth once the cool down timer ends? Why wouldn't that kind of gameplay not be exciting to a player who loves stealth gameplay? Why wouldn't a person who loves stealth gameplay be open to a variety of conditions and circumstances in which they would have to apply different types of stealth gameplay over simply killing every zombie while it is still unconscious 100% of the time? I'll tell you why. That player is more in love with efficiency than they are with stealth gameplay. And that's fine but stop whining about how stealth "doesn't work" and just go play the way you want-- efficiently. Embrace your desires to clear POIs quickly and stop trying to talk yourself into thinking that you enjoy stealth.
  19. But this is actually ambiguous because there are so many things we don't know about how you are playing. You say you make zero mistakes but we have gone through so many of these threads where someone claimed a room was auto-aggro ambush but then it was proven that it was not after all. So it does matter what you do however...yes...there is a die roll and so it is not entirely skill-based and you can end up rolling a 1 which is an automatic critical failure in many RPGs. In addition, this is a survival game which means that bad events beyond your control can happen and you as the player must use your skills and ability to adapt to survive the unlucky event. But only sometimes. You can't seriously define the agility branch as a whole leading to confrontation unless you're just waxing poetic again. It has the best chance and you have the skills to evade and still kill without confrontation if you're willing to take the time to do so. If you aren't willing to take the time then maybe you are more interested in min/maxing then you are in stealth. I mean....what is the penalty for finishing a POI more slowly? What does it really matter? If a room wakes up and you don't want to retreat and wait and then return and stealth kill because you just want to be done with this POI and move on to the next thing, then that doesn't really sound like you enjoy the playstyle. Hence why there is nothing needing to be fixed...
  20. Not 100%, no. But that is you putting a limit on what is or is not included in stealth gameplay. I've played plenty of stealth games where you often have to hide until the heat dies down and enemies go back to regular patrol mode. If your standard for "working stealth" is that you will be able to kill 100% of sleepers without them ever waking up, falling out of a ceiling or out of a wall then you are 100% correct that TFP isn't going to fix something that isn't actually broken and you are just ranting for the sake of oratory or poetry, I suppose... And what else do you think I want to convey, when my favourite way to play is simply not possible anymore. Good to know you just consider your own posts as rhetorical orations and poetry. I think everyone else does as well.... As I said, if you want to be taken seriously in a conversation regarding the actual design of the game then stick to the facts as best you can estimate them if you don't actually know them. I admit that I don't know the exact percent but I know that I can stealth most of the time and the times that stealth check fails I can choose to fight head on and loudly or retreat, hide, and return in continued stealthy fashion. If you don't feel the perks are worth the points then don't purchase them. Plenty of people feel they are worth it at the current ratio of success to failure and TFP doesn't need to fix anything that isn't actually broken. If something isn't working as intended that needs to be fixed but the exact ratio of how often stealth should succeed vs fail when you are fully perked is pure opinion and not something that is necessarily broken. BTW, if the ratio actually was 50/50 then I would agree that it should be changed. So really, that is all we are really talking about here. What should the ratio be. 100/0? 90/10? 85/15? What is acceptable and what is intended by the developers?
  21. Huh...If that's true then I've misinterpreted it all this time. I could swear that faatal referenced the number in terms of block distance but I definitely could be wrong.
  22. You do realize that when you blatantly exaggerate like this it doesn't strengthen your point like you think it does. It just wrecks your credibility. I successfully stealth at least 80% of the time that I'm trying and that is before I am even perked into any of the stealth related perks. I agree that the placement of sleepers in walls, rafters, and closets is contrived for the purpose of creating jump scares and can understand how that fact might destroy the immersion of some folks who are sensitive to such silliness. But I have successfully shot zombies out of rafters, and closets without them waking up. I have snuck around furniture to get a sleepers that were placed so they could not be seen from the doorway. My stealth experience has been greater than 50% failure even before I spent a single point to enhance it. Much greater.
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