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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 47 minutes ago, LTKarhel said:

    Maybe July or August or maybe next year. My god.. if i give out such information to my customers, they  would go to the competition.

    @Roland ..you dont know either. then plz delete the "may" entry. Its Just annoying. First  make the players hot an push them in the head. makes sense.really.


    First of all, I did not say maybe July or August or maybe next year. That was all you. I said maybe June. That is really the latest it could slip to in my opinion.


    Secondly, what do you do? That kind of matters if you are going to compare your profession to video game development.


    Thirdly, what competition is there in the video game industry that would cause customers to fulfill all their gaming desires and make it so they can just replace this game with another one? So what if they get tired of waiting and go play something else? That's exactly what they SHOULD do. They can always return to play this game again later. People rarely leave a game forever and "take all their money with them"-- especially since there is no ongoing payments customers have to make. All updates are free. The way you are making the scenario that customers will either buy/play our game OR buy/play our competition's game is pretty silly. Most will buy/play both if they both look like something they want to play.


    Fourthly, "may" was given as an estimated target date and most people want to know that information so even though I can't say with certainty that they will be ready during the month of may--until we hear differently it will remain May. If we get past May 15th then I will probably change it to May-June.


    Sorry, I don't understand your hot an push sentence. I don't get what you think I was trying to do with my statement you quoted. Someone asked if there was an exact date. I posted the four possible dates in May it could be with some considerations to think about for some of them and then I said that it could slip to June. If that is some kind of "hot an push" maneuver then you'll have to help me see it...

  2. 1 hour ago, Syphon583 said:

    As far as I've always experienced you can place multiple land claims, but vanilla only sees the most recent one. I downloaded a mod that allows multiple land claims since I started separating my home base from my horde base.


    That's what I meant...you can place multiple active LCBs in A21. How many are allowable can be set by the server admin.

  3. It’s not known yet and all their focus right now is getting A21 out the door. My gut tells me there is a good chance character customization will get the axe for this game and there will only be presets. But I could be wrong. 

    Animals are way down the list. I think they will spend every moment for A22 on finishing the human characters in the game. 

  4. 2 hours ago, david18 said:

    sorry if this has been said already, but I've seen from the last couple of pages people talking about experimental on a Monday. do we have a exact date or is it kind of a timeline as i also saw a mid may comment but it wasn't from a fun pimps staff. have a great week guys cant wait for alpha 21 been playing 7dtd since alpha 14. 


    Pick from May 8th, 15th, 22nd, or 29th. I think we’ll know in the next couple days if it is the 8th or not. Weekend of the 15th is Mother’s Day. Weekend of the 29th is Memorial Day which is typically a day off for TFP. 

    Im guessing it’s either the 22nd or it’ll be June. Of course, mothers can turn like anyone else so maybe the 15th.


    Safest is to assume June honestly and then be pleasantly surprised if it happens this month. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, 8_Hussars said:

    I do like many of your previous quest suggestions but I always envisioned more multi-stage quests instead of one and done .  (For my money your Number 1 should be an escort mission only and called "Midnight Run".)

    A quest for a known reward (especially to get past an RNG gate like beaker/crucible) could be a series of staged quests; kills so many of this/that, bring me this or these resources, do a Tier X quest, etc.  Which could fall way outside the "lipsticked vanilla fetch" quest.  


    Seeing as the opening quest of the game is a multi-stage quest, it is certainly within the realm of possibility for them to do more of those. I hope they will. I really hope they make the process for fan created multi-stage quests to be easier. Those would be great modlets to be able to add to an otherwise vanilla game.

  6. Oh good. I thought with the new chunk reset option they were going to allow multiple LCBs for the first time since they removed them. I didn't realize they were enabled in A20. I agree that they are unlikely to make any changes to the base game that will alter the PvE experience. PvP will have to be a different mode or the game will need to be modded specifically with PvP players in mind.


    I'm surprised that there aren't more mods that remove the elements of the game that get in the way of PvP and add in elements that benefit it.

  7. 5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    1) So, the first question is: what will happen to the player's body after leaving the game? Will it also completely disappear from the game when you leave the server? Or I really hope that the player's body will remain on the server, where similar mechanics are also implemented in games such as rust, ark and Conan.


    There is already a basic setting where a player drops all items when quitting which makes it so that nobody can leave with their best gear. It is simply the choice of the server you are playing on to enable that option. Talk to your server admin and ask them to choose that option.


    5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    2) Are there any plans to balance the cube giving you territory rights? (sorry, I live in Germany and I write through an English translator, because I don’t know him well, so this may not be clear) For example, so that the cube does not give protection to your buildings x10, but simply does not allow you to build next to your territory and if you wanted to capture the player's base, you would break the cube and place your own and take the base for yourself.


    I'm sure the land claim block will probably get more options in the future and maybe some to better support PvP. Right now it isn't a priority. I believe that in A21, they will be allowing multiple claim blocks once again as an option.


    5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    3) Do they plan to improve the animation when getting weapons? For example, taking out a revolver, the character rotated it on his finger, as well as on the machete, thus, let's say, "playing with weapons", twisted the machete, knife, bat. When he draws his rifle, he pulls the bolt and similar animations. Only they will not say offense, but let's agree, that now it looks clumsy and of poor quality at the level of old games of the 2000s.


    Player character animation improvements are coming for A22+


    5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    4) Displaying the clothes worn by 1 person? + realism)))


    Clothing is going to be overhauled in A22+. Until then it will function the same as it always has.


    5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    5) adding a view from 3 persons? I know that the admins have it, but it looks a little so-so, I would also like to inspect my character at startup, but in principle this is not an important issue.


    Maybe. This game is primarily a first person perspective game. Including fully supported over-the-shoulder view is not one of their stated goals but it might be something they decide to do. Could be they have been waiting until animations are improved before allowing the player to see their character acting all the time.


    5 hours ago, Kiril said:

    6) The most important thing for me. This is an opportunity to pick up the transport of the player you killed. It really @%$#es me off that I shot a player on a bike and it's just blocked AND I CAN'T TAKE IT FOR MYSELF. LOCKPICK DOES NOT WORK. Maybe there is something in the form of a lock that can be picked or broken? And take your own transport.


    The option to lock your vehicle will always be there. Whether they allow lockpicks to work on vehicles or not is not known.


    As you say, this game is primarily designed for PvE as the multiplayer experience and a lot of the mechanics for land claim blocks and vehicles are to prevent random griefers from spoiling the PvE fun and not necessarily to facilitate PvP play. 

  8. This thread is teetering on the edge of politics and could spiral into a flame war depending on how people react. I will close it since the issue with the game was resolved. Of course, all reasonable people feel sympathy and anguish for innocent victims of war and wish that wars could end and peace prevail. However, the internet is not always the visiting place of reasonable people. 


    Once again, I am glad that you spoke up @Survager with your feedback for the developers and that they were able to respond with sensitivity.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jay_ombie said:


    This burns, we waited over a year to be placed in a situation where we have a good weekend and opportunity to play along side the streamers share the fun plus experiance but instead we have to sit and watch agonisingly again (dev streams already watched before hand) before we get our hands on it 'some time after'.


    Be nice if they changed this method of delivery and be fare to there supported loyal customer base and release into experimental to everyone at the same time which they so easily could do.


    It isn't "some time after". It is the Monday after the Friday that the streamer event starts. 2-3 days from the start of the streamer event and usually a matter of hours after the streamer event ends. It has been this same exact formula now for about six years so I'm not sure why you think the amount of time you will have to wait is ambiguous.


    You are correct that they could easily release it for everyone at the same time. It is the very simple matter of not putting a password on the experimental build. Since it is so easy there must be a good reason they don't.


    Actually there are a few good reasons they don't but being as how this is the sixth year those reasons have already been repeated hundreds of times and obviously repeating them again isn't going to accomplish anything. Sorry you don't like the streamer event.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    These are some really good ideas.  The only one I'm really not a fan of is the driver quest.  I don't like those on other games either.  I'll do them in a racing game, but I don't really like them even there.  If rather race against an opponent than the timer even there.  But I know others like those.  The vehicles in true game aren't really designed for that to be a good option, though.  Unless you actually hit something, you really don't ever have a problem with how fast you are going.  It would be very hard to make it at all challenging, not to mention making the time valid on a random map.  But I definitely like all the others.


    That's fair. I still think it could be included as some people would like them even if the vehicles aren't particularly challenging to drive. The Copter could include a number of waypoint landings on top of certain POIs that could make it quite a challenge to land and then take off again-- especially if rooftop sleepers stir and you have to kill them to clear your runway.


    10 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    Time trial quest within a POI would be good imo.  Do X by Y.


    All of the existing quests could apply.


    Timed Clear / Fetch / Infestation.




    Min/maxers call that "Tuesday"



  11. 26 minutes ago, Pernicious said:

    For me to enjoy that quest it'd have to be a quest specific item. There are other games who try that... E.g. in Breakpoint, this guy gives you a long spiel about having to go to different places on the island to collect rare gold, opal and jade.


    Then it's like "click" - here you go, already had some on me!


    Especially with me being a hoarder in 7d2d (You never know when I might need 143 Level 1 Batteries!), I reckon making it a common item would be at best unsatisfying "Here you go" and at worst frustrating "just another run back to my house".


    One of a kind quest items would have to spawn then when the quest was activated because something rare like that might never be found. And then it is just a fetch quest with lipstick on it. 


    The suggested scavenger hunt quest could work but just as a T1 or T2 quest when you don't already have stacks of stuff on you. Same with some of the quests I suggested. Doing them as lower tier quests meaning near the beginning of the game would keep it from being a base container purging affair.

  12. Here are quests I'd like to see


    1) Bounty Hunter quest where you have to track down and kill a target bandit to gain a reward or cuff them and escort them back to the trader alive for a better reward.

    2) Demolition Quest: You have to bring down a building using explosives that the clan hid in a satchel inside the building.

    3) Builder's Quest: (Pie-in-the-Sky) You have to restore a damaged building according to specifications provided you. (Realistic) Fulfill and deliver a list of building materials to the trader.

    4) Base Assault: You have to assault and kill all the bandits in a POI they have claimed as their base, destroy their land claim, and place a land claim belonging to Duke/Noah.

    5) Farm Quest: You have to deliver crops to a POI that is taken over by bandits you are currently friendly with.

    6) Defend a Point: Waves of zombies spawn to converge on an area which you cannot leave and must defend from the hordes.

    7) Cook's Quest: Noah/Duke wants Hobo Stew and Beer for he and his men. Deliver 10 Stews and 10 beers.

    8 ) Driver Quest: Time trial challenge for each of the vehicle types where you must activate several checkpoints within a time limit while driving that vehicle.

    9) Craftsman's Quest: Deliver and install a specific workstation at a friendly bandit's POI.

    10) Thief's Quest: Sneak into a hostile bandit's POI and steal the item the trader is requesting and bring it back. No alarm can be raised--max three kills.


    11-20) Infestation versions of each of the above! ;)



    Obviously some of these quests would never be more than T1 or T2 level but I think there could be ways to make a lot of them higher tier with some changes. T1 of craftsman could be to install a campfire while T5 would to install a chemistry station. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    I guess my question is "why make Infestation at all?" They said new quest types in A21 - Infestation isn't "new". Yes, I sound like a broken record, I get it.


     Sure, it is very similar to a clear quest but it is also just the first implementation of it. It could very well develop into more than it currently is. When features are first added to the game they are hardly ever in their finalized form. They are a work in progress and that progress is achieved often through player feedback after players have played it. So why make it? Why, so we can play it and respond and hopefully that will result in more differentiation.


    2 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    They've also said other new features for A21, but some of those got pushed back to later Alphas because they weren't ready (bandits for example). Nothing wrong with pushing a feature back if it's not ready - that's the nature of game development. And that's okay.


    The difference is that the infestation quest is done to the point where it is playable and can be tested by the populace while those other features were not. Why push back the infestation quest if it is ready to be played? TFP is definitely not shy about pushing back features if they think they aren't ready so if they are pushing out infestation quests in A21 then they must feel they are ready to be tried.


    I get where you are coming from. Compared to a defense or a convoy or a delivery quest this infestation quest seems underwhelming because it is so similar to existing quests and you were hoping for one of those other types that are clearly different than what we already have. That's a fair reaction, I think. But that doesn't mean they should just cancel or postpone the infestation quest. They are fun. I always choose them when they are available cuz...you know....they're new. ;)


    Before he got hired by TFP @Laz Man was very much into creating new quest types as mods and even chaining quests together to be a series of connected quests. Of course, he was also a god at POI design even before that so it's no small wonder they have him on the level design team right now. But I really hope that he gets involved with quest design officially at some point. He had some great ideas he was trying out back in the day...

  14. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:


    They could have waited. Infestation isn't new. It's literally just a slightly harder Clear.


    Why exactly, if they finished it? What would waiting accomplish? I don't understand this sentiment at all and I've heard it before now. It's similar to the sentiment of "if TFP doesn't implement something exactly the way I like, then they should just remove it entirely from the game."  


    As for new or not new-- It is a variation on an existing quest type and a different choice to pick. If the trader were to offer you a clear and an infestation and they were both equal distance away, which would you pick and why? If you're willing to just flip a coin every time and never make a reasoned choice then I guess you're right that it isn't new. But if you think there could be a reason to pick one over the other then they can't be called the same.


    The lower tiers are slightly harder but I wouldn't call the higher tiers just slightly harder.


    I agree that they aren't the most exciting quest type they could have added but at least they are adding new types and I know one that didn't get done in time for A21 is completely different so they are in the process of diversifying the quest types.


    But, come on, what's wrong with getting infestation now rather than holding off on it? What's the logic for that?

  15. 6 hours ago, Gronal said:

    Very curious about this. Does it spawn different end loot when a "t6" vs a t5?
    Does it show up in the trader dialogue as t5 or t6?
    Is there a t6 complete reward?


    All infestation quests add an "infestation crate" of loot to the loot room so in that sense there would be different loot.


    All infestation quests show up in the trader dialogue as their normal tier. A tier 3 infestation is effectively t4 as far as enemies go but it is a T3 as far as the trader is concerned.


    There is not a t6 complete reward because there is no t6 quests from the trader. The highest tier quests the trader gives is t5 quests. The t5 infestation quests count as t6 quests in terms of difficulty and number of zombies to kill but as far as the trader is concerned it is a t5 quest.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    Does this mean those two will be new sets in the same vein as the wasteland assassin, hoarder, and TF2 Scout/Lara Croft desert survivor?


    I'm not sure. The exact mechanics and details of the new outfit/armor system are still a mystery to me. I'm sure we will learn more details in coming months. Once A21 is out the door and A22 development is back in full swing.

  17. 2 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    I think A21 is still getting the commando armor and the new iron armor, though I could be wrong on that.


    Those were removed from the A21 list. They were put on the list early last year when the artists completed them and the plan was to have those things be ready for A21 but since all new outfits, armors, characters, and bandits have been put off until A22 they were removed. None of the new armor and outfit sets are going to be compatible with what we have now so adding in a few at a time won't work. They will be all added in with the overhaul of that system. That also means that in A21, clothing and armor still work exactly the same as you are used to them working. There has been no change whatsoever to that system for A21.

  18. 1 hour ago, Survager said:


    If you're serious about the image being replaced, if so, then I say THANK YOU SO MUCH for that.
    It may not seem so important to you, I understand that.
    I hope I haven't offended anyone in this discussion, as I didn't mean to at all. I tried to be as discreet as possible.


    I'm being serious, yes. The developers heard your feedback and made the change. 

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