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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 14 hours ago, theFlu said:

    That (whole comment) threw me way back; a wow guild, a boss drop and a friendly dkp-but-still-random-roll competition between me and a younger guild mate. He won the roll, and I went "grats" in chat. That prompted him to throw a hissy fit over me "not being honest as you can't be honestly happy about losing".

    We talked about it for a while, and he just couldn't see past "you lost, so you must be unhappy". Eh, the piece of gear is fighting for me just as much on him as it would've been on me. He was quite sane otherwise, and I assume he's grown out of it by now - but it seems to take quite some effort to figure out what's good for a group vs just the simple terms of winning and losing.

    haha..well, yes, there is also general immaturity as another reason. Winning and losing gracefully is something not everyone grows into. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Riamus said:

      Most of those cosmetic type DLC do not in any way benefit the actual game development and are just a money grab add was mentioned.


    Well....if they were to do a money grab and successfully grabbed some money that would benefit the actual game development. Money is money.


    However, they don't need to to do this. They aren't exponentially increasing their scope to fulfill the whims of every member of the community because they don't have enough funds. They aren't doing it because they are sticking to their own plan.

  3. 14 minutes ago, MrKioha said:


    Personally I think that comparing starfield is not a good example since it comes from a company with a history of many years, I am not saying that they do not work on the game but that other games with smaller teams (also in early access) polish these factors more , for me I hope (and hoped) that after a few years (quite a few) the game would have hit a growth spurt more than.

    I hope that alpha 21 will not take long and with the number of users that we have acquired the game (there must be considerable capital to carry out the work, which I have no doubt that they will do great)

    Well TFP has a history of many years too. ;)

  4. 1 hour ago, warmer said:

    I thought for sure I read Spear damage is going down, and throwing is being removed. The reason being for balance


    Spear damage was increased and throwing was changed to a thrust for the power attack. It will also be much much cheaper to decrease your stamina drain using the spear and increase your attack speed since you won't have to cross over into strength to buy Sex Rex and Flurry of Blows.


    32 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

    The books have fundamentally changed now anyway so this likely played a role as well.  


    The books from the book sets are unchanged in A21. However, the loot tables are completely different so those boxes now have a huge variety of magazines competing for slots along with the books in the book sets. So they are a lot more diluted and I really doubt anyone will be completing them on Day 2 any longer.

  5. On 11/6/2022 at 5:22 AM, MikeSixx said:

    The biggest problem I have with trying to play with friends is that we competing over the loot.


    On 11/6/2022 at 5:22 AM, MikeSixx said:

    But 7d2d as garbage for co-op play or even as multiplayer. This loot competition kills the social game play. Most people for most time play multiplayer games just to hang out with friends. 7d2d as it is just do not serve that need. If you play with friend you friend needs to set up their base far enough of you that they have places to loot.


    23 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

    But I was more commenting on the fact that anytime someone says there is loot competition everyone assumes it is of the latter type rather than the former.


    I don't think there is any assuming in this case. He spells it out that the biggest problem of the game is loot competition and that loot competition kills the social game play and even goes so far to say that 7 Days is garbage for co-op play...lol. That is not a description of healthy competition among friends. I do think that you are correct that most loot competition is healthy which is why the vast majority of players describe the game as one of the best co-op experiences there is in video gaming. In the OP's case, his friends aren't treating him well to the point that he wants all loot containers to be individualized. In my opinion, group dynamics and cooperation are a skill the game requires and adding a "fix" that removes any need for the struggle to cooperate well is not better. I also agree that we should be careful not to assume that all reports of loot issues in MP is due to bad player behavior as there absolutely could be a balance issue.

  6. 1 minute ago, MrKioha said:

    Excuse me for telling you, but that thing about there being no game like 7 days to die... is not true.


    Excuse me for telling you, but I don't think your translator caught my meaning. There is a difference between "no game quite like" and "no game like". Sure, there are tons of survival games out there and lots of voxel building games and lots of zombie shooters and lots of tower defense. But there are no games that combine all the elements in the way that 7 days to die has. There are very few open world first person shooters that focus first on single player and cooperative play leaving PVP multiplayer as the afterthought. Usually it is the other way around because of the huge potential for greater cash. Although there are lots of games that have similarities to 7 Days to Die, it is still a pretty unique experience which is why people who play lots of other survival, zombie, shooter, tower defense type games, they keep coming back to 7 Days to Die.


    8 minutes ago, MrKioha said:

    The players hope that even after 9 years of experience (it is no longer in early access)


    It is in early access. That's a fact. The official banner on the store page is a good clue. The list of future features that still need to be added is another. The length of time has nothing to do with whether a game is in early access or not. It all has to do with whether the 1.0 version has been released or not and the developers inform Steam to remove the Early Access status. You're welcome to your opinion but facts are facts.


    12 minutes ago, MrKioha said:

    and also that with an RTX 3060 - 3080 it has hordes of FPS drops, it leaves a lot to be said for optimization and dedication in the game...


    You purchased a game that is still in development. The game is also CPU bound meaning that your RTX 3000 series card is not going to offer much more power than a 2000 series card. They are always working on optimizations which says a lot about their dedication. If you don't want to play a game that is still in process of being worked on then simply shelve it until it is done. There are plenty of games to play that your video card will do justice.


    15 minutes ago, MrKioha said:

    And I don't want it to seem like I'm saying it in a bad way, I just think they've had enough time to fix those little details and that the updates don't take so long to arrive that a team is increased in 9 years.


    I understand you aren't trying to insult them. Thanks! I do think you are wrong about how much time it should take. I don't think you really know how much time it should take. You play video games. They make video games. They have to pay for the development and they seem to be okay with the pace at which they are going and I can attest that they are very busy day in and day out. Nobody is slacking. This game is their foundation upon which they have future projects planned. Thanks to the time and experimentation and work they've put into this game and the systems they've developed, their future projects should develop much faster. So this first game is taking them a long time. Nobody denies that. But they've allowed people to play it during the past nine years. So it hasn't been pure waiting while only looking at screenshots and models and reading about it without being able to play. 


    How much Starfield have you been playing? Will you be playing an unfinished version of Starfield from now until November?

  7. 20 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    But i am eager to try the spear in A21 where the power attack isn´t throwing it anymore. With a bit of a buff for the damage that might be a game changer for the spear.


    Bit of a buff to damage plus Sex Rex baked into it as well makes it a much better melee choice in A21 than in the past. Add in the new flurry of blows perk for the perception build that will increase your spearing speed and spears are really awesome.                                                                               

  8. 1 hour ago, FA_Q2 said:

    While the OP seems to be getting at something more, I do not understand where the opposition to 'competing' for loot comes from.


    There's healthy competition and there's unhealthy competition just like there is healthy trash talking and bantering and there is toxic bullying and verbal abuse. It really depends on your group where the line between everyone scrambling to open containers and grab loot ends and where everyone being absolute jerks about it begins. It is usually all about communication. In our group we have decided that whoever owns the quest we are all doing gets to open the loot room containers while everything else in the POI is up for grabs as you come to it. Zombie bags after horde night are a free for all but we pool our ammo and money and resources anyway and if we get a mod or a weapon or tool we usually check in to see if anyone has been hoping for that item and give it over.


    In my opinion unhealthy competition rears its ugly head when players are being selfish: "I must be highest level in the group" "I must have the best gear before anyone else"

    or if they care more about min/maxing than friendship: "I should open everything because I have the best looting stats!" "You shouldn't waste ammo using that unperked weapon!"


    Should the game institute rules that prevent players from behaving poorly and force them to coordinate better as a team and treat their friends like friends? I say no. Keep it a social sandbox and let what happens as a result happen. Wait until A21 magazines change the whole social dynamic again...haha

  9. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    I got in around A16 so I don't have the previous experience that you all have.


    Hey! It doesn't matter when you start, your first experience is always interesting. Tell us about zombies running in circles and rubbing against cacti in order to LBD-up your armor... 😉 

  10. After 9 years there is still no game quite like 7 Days to Die. Appreciate your concern for their welfare but they are still in a great position. Perhaps if there was no version to actually play and we were all waiting to get the game in the first place and following news of development behind closed doors you might have a point. But we've all been playing the game and having fun these past 9 years and getting updates at no additional cost so....

  11. I have nostalgic feelings about the junkyard in the desert in Navesgane a bit south of the waterfall. It was the first POI I came upon the first time I spawned into the game. I died there. 

    My first underground base on a mp server was in the burnt forest with the entrance hidden behind a busted stove in a random remnant a ways back from the main road. It was near the main giant beehive area so there were often bees around. I remember coming home one day and being shot dead before I even knew someone was in my base. Good times!

  12. 3 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    Why have them drop loot bags at all then? 


    I dunno....we were talking about a mod that @Vaeliorin was thinking about making. Scroll up to his post where he describes what he wants to do. All I was doing was making up a name for his mod as a joke...


    3 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    And I'm going to disagree (big surprise, right?) on saying zombies shouldn't give experience at all. That's just an awful take.


    Okay, but there was a 0xp mod that was pretty fun in which you got no xp for doing any actions. Instead, you earned a skillpoint at the end of each day in which you hadn't died. At the end of two days you earned 2 skillpoints and at the end of the third day and afterward you would earn 3 skillpoints as long as you didn't die. If you died then you would have to start over and build up to the 3 skillpoints a day.


    It was quite freeing. You did whatever you wanted and it didn't matter. You could avoid zombies or fight them. As long as you didn't die either choice was equally valid. Without an xp reward attached to doing things there was no incentive or greater value placed on any particular action. Having played that and also having played the game once upon a time before xp was even a glint in the developers' eyes it is my opinion that the game does quite well without xp being tied to each and every action.


    4 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    I would not, however, be opposed to a setting to turn zombie experience gain on and off though.


    Or maybe that pretty cool mod will get updated again someday...

  13. 34 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Why would you need a raft other than to hand out in a lake to avoid a horde?


    That's where the "at all" comes into it. I doubt it is very high on their priority list.


    On the other hand, with the water fix, water voxels now play nicely with decorations and blocks so there might be the possibility of a fully submerged or partially submerged city and a raft could be useful for rowing out between buildings before diving down to the POIs. I'd like to see something like that if possible.


    Even if a whole city isn't possible it would still be useful for a small cluster of submerged POIs.

  14. 1 hour ago, Druid_Koldun said:

    Guys, please tell me, will there be a new model in alpha 21 with new high-quality textures? or has the new character model been ported to alpha 22? And tell us more, please, are there any plans to introduce a raft or boats with new water? I hope so. Please, who knows, if possible, answer me


    If a raft is added at all it might not happen until after the game goes gold. New character models will be in A22

  15. 12 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    To be fair, the zombie bag loot tables are kind of.. garbage. Not even red bags are really worth opening most of the time.


    To be fair about what? He said he would like to expand the loot tables for zombie bags and I joked that instead of the game being called a "looter shooter" it could, in that case, be called a Super Shooter Looter. Super because the zombie loot bags would now have anything and everything show up in them and Shooter Looter because you would be shooting zombies to get your loot.


    I guess my joke was too subtle because he didn't get my comment and you somehow thought I was defending loot bags I guess?


    Since the subject is now brought up.... I think loot bags should mostly be garbage because if they are too good then it incentivizes farming zombies for loot like the game used to be like and which, in my opinion, was a positive change when they got rid of looting bodies. Its bad enough that you get xp rewards for killing zombies. Awesome loot would just increase the problem. In my opinion, xp should be gained based on time survived and be disconnected from killing individual zombies. 

  16. A21 resolves a lot of these issues. The loot tables have been completely rebalanced. The PMG is probably still OP but you don't have to craft it. If you're looking for a bit more challenge in  your early game craft one of the other pipe weapons. Think of the PMG as for beginners who need a more OP weapon at the start in order to make it. Like I said, though, there are way fewer guns and a lot less ammo in the game with A21 and while ammo is still offered as a reward there are other rewards as well that tempt you from automatically selecting ammo.

  17. On 3/3/2023 at 1:10 PM, MikeSixx said:

    1. It is one thing play togerher with you friend jsut two of you. But playing on co-op server where every city is looted bare.


    A21 has a new chunk respawn timer that can be set that should restore cities to their originally generated status and prevent situations like you describe. The closest TFP will get to individual loot is individual rewards for shared quests.

  18. 33 minutes ago, Andrew Eddie said:

    I think this is missing the point of IzPrebuilt's comment. If he didn't still care a bit, he wouldn't bother saying anything on the forum.


    His point was impossible to miss. He literally said he hasn't enjoyed playing the game for some time now and only plays because he is trapped by his business which is built entirely on 7 Days to Die. He further stated that he fully intends to transition away from this game and not play it any longer. You can speculate that he might secretly care because he's posting but A) He directly stated that he doesn't any longer and B) His posts have recently been entirely composed of sarcastic snipes at the developers.


    33 minutes ago, Andrew Eddie said:

    My supposition is he's hoping attitudes exemplified by they way you, Roland, and by implication TFP, replied would change.


    Without any supposition on my part I simply read what he wrote which was that he was done with it all. He was basically saying goodbye but taking a few moments to leave a few jabs with his departure all of which is against forum rules anyway. I don't mind people musing that they would like to hear more information or posting questions--especially while a developer is actively on. What I do mind is someone going on a rant because they aren't getting what they want when they want it and oh by the way, as soon as I can stop playing your game I will because I've hated it for a year or more now...


    33 minutes ago, Andrew Eddie said:

    He's not the only content creator with many, many runs on the board (cricket term you you US guys) to do this.


    True, and I never challenged any of the others to explain why they keep posting here like I did him and its only because he is the only one to outright admit he hates the game and plans to have no part of it in the future. Its only his desire for subscribers that is chaining him unwillingly to the game. 


    33 minutes ago, Andrew Eddie said:

    You make the comment further along that the baseline usage settles down to about 30K (users?). It is rather obvious that content creators like IzPrebuilt have contributed to that number being so high. Whichever way you slice it, Roland, you represent the ethos of TFP. I'm personally not impressed that this is the way that content creators are responded to (that is: "oh, it's all your fault you are feeling this way") by TFP staff.


    It's not the way I respond to pretty much any other content creator. I've been their guy at TFP over the past 5 years of Pre-update Streamer Weekends. I don't think any of them has ever had a problem with how I conducted myself with them. It is a mutually beneficial relationship anyway. Its not like the game doesn't help them out as well. I don't doubt that the efforts of content creators brought many people to an awareness of the game. What does any of that have to do with someone who admits they hate the game and are done with it continuing to post purely sarcastic ranty posts that aren't helpful in any fashion?


    33 minutes ago, Andrew Eddie said:

    It's pretty obvious to me that a lot of the content creators were expecting A21 to be out by now to be able to freshen their content. Several of them actively in diversification mode, while others are just trying fresh takes on stuff that has already been done (my immediate reaction is I feel so, so sorry for them). While it won't happen overnight, some of 7 Days' present success is due to those content creators. Treating them as "why are you still here then" won't affect you overnight, but my goodness it's the wrong way to treat people in the here and now.


    IzPreBuilt is not all content creators. Just because I confronted him about his attitude and asked him to explain his desire to post in a forum for a game he hates doesn't mean that is the norm for how all content creators are treated. Nobody is tumbling down a slippery slope here. As for several of them being in active diversification mode....so what? I have always encouraged content creators to diversify. Its better for them and its better for us. Content creators who are streaming exclusive 7 Days to Die material pretty much cater to existing fans. Content creators who diversify bring in fans of other games who might be tempted to watch "their guy" on his 7 Days to Die night in addition to the night he's playing "their game". If we have more content creators diversifying with 7 Days as one of the games in their rotation then that is great news!


    If my direct questions challenging IzPreBuilt's motives for posting here in the way he was in the context of his own statements of how he feels about the game were offensive to you then I'm sorry that they made you uncomfortable. Iz and I had a longer private conversation and came to a better understanding and ended on a mutually respectful note.

  19. You could do a 10k map and walk along the perimeter staying within 1 km of the edge. That would give you a bit less than a 40k trek. There was a spiral map I saw posted from one of the old map generator tools that created a path that led you around the perimeter but then spiraled inward with a gap in between each arm. That would add up to around 110km to travel but probably looked weird. Maybe up the mist  to obscure distant views.

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