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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 17 hours ago, Gamida said:

    And yes lol we would leave it like that forever instead of fixing it...mostly because we knew next time the power went out if would start all over again.


    More like other than inserting, ejecting, and pressing play nobody knew how to use their VCRs.


    Oh yeah, and advancing frame by frame while paused... ;)

  2. 3 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    It would be a nice addition to see maybe pallet jacks or forklifts at some point. Maybe some other Industrial models added to the game.



    How about a forklift that is pinning a dead zombie against a wall impaled with the forks with plenty of gore and blood and you have to climb over it to get through to the next part of the POI? Would that fill the bill?

  3. 2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    No. The real difference is that the devs have to deeply balance vanilla, and everything in it, with whatever they introduce or change.

    That takes more time the closer we get to release, because every change can potentially impact many other systems and in-game objects.


    What people are talking about now is not "quality", it's OCD.



    The artists are adding assets to the game as they finish them. If the artist decided to fix the buttons (if they AREN'T his own little joke after all) then it won't hold up A21 at all. Any art assets that are done in time will be added and any that aren't done in time will be added later. There are changes that do impact other systems but since the buttons don't actually work and are just for show there is no impact or delay at all. The vending machine got a face lift but it still works the same as it always has. It is a container with a menu that will let you spend dukes to get items inside that have no dynamic connection to what is seen through the glass as you walk up to it. You won't be inserting dukes and pushing buttons and watching your item spiral out to fall into the slot below.



  4. The button feedback is good feedback and they will probably get changed knowing the artist. I stared at the buttons zoomed in and couldn't see the problem so oversights happen and I doubt it will take much work at all to fix the buttons. The artist isn't going to have to redo the entire vending machine in order to change the numbers on the buttons.

  5. On 2/23/2023 at 7:24 PM, Borg said:

    We saw Telltale's fall coming long before TFP even got involved with them.


    This is just patently untrue. Nobody in the industry saw it coming ahead of time. Everyone who was in business partnerships with them were caught completely by surprise. Iron Galaxy was well into a new update for the console version of 7 Days to Die for which they never got paid and unfortunately never finished. If THEY didn't see the fall coming ahead of doing a bunch of unpaid work I really doubt you did.


    Sure, it's easy NOW to look back and analyze the situation and use hindsight but that doesn't really impress anybody since anyone can do that kind of analysis. People who run successful businesses and form partnerships do so by looking at reputations and Telltale had an excellent reputation and track record. Its Minecraft Story games were hugely popular, its Walking Dead line of games were extremely popular, its Worms series did very well, as well as numerous other titles.


    They failed because most of their games involved expensive licensed assets and they mismanaged their profits vs the costs for those licenses. But their inflow and outflow of cash was a secret and nobody outside of their inner circle knew that they were spending more than they were making.


    Telltale has since been acquired by another company and is going to be releasing another of their story adventures based in the Expanse universe-- another licensed IP they are using. Let's hope the new management can keep a better handle on their profits and costs.

  6. On 3/1/2023 at 4:01 PM, Silverslayer5050 said:

    Where's our update! There  Is no such thing as one gamer type. We have people that play on nintendo DS, xbox,  Xbox 360, xbox 1, PS system 2,3,4,5.  Why is it that the PC gets to be updated but us gamers on consoles can't have the same thing.


    Technically, every PC update is also a console update. The difference is that PC gamers can play the development versions that are released to early access. Console players can only view the updates as they would news about any video game that hasn't been released yet. I just watched some footage for the new Zelda game that I definitely plan to get for my Switch. But there is no program established that lets me play development versions of Zelda until it releases in its final gold form.


    You just have to view the updates as footage and news for how the console version is coming along and wait for the full release much like most every game that exists on console. Even among PC gamers only those who access the game through steam can play the experimental versions when they are released. Gamers that play through Game Pass and Geforce Now have to wait until the stable build is released as the experimental versions can only be access through Steam's beta opt in program.


    It would be cool if console players could have some kind of early access program but to my knowledge it doesn't exist and even seems impossible given Sony and Microsoft rules that updates cannot break saves. Unless Microsoft and/or Sony have an Early Access program that they maintain like Valve does AND TFP is willing to switch over their current console development to an early access model, console players just have to think of all of the PC updates as news releases for them and nothing more.

  7. On 3/19/2023 at 4:34 PM, ElDudorino said:


    Of course there's no arrow "loaded" when you pick up a bow. The point however is that 1) There would be no lost time grabbing an arrow with your main hand while grabbing the bow with your off-hand the way you do in literally every other game with bows and 2) The game is inconsistent because you *do* grab the bow "loaded" if it had been loaded when you switched it.


    Because the behavior of the bow is inconsistent and it's not even obvious whether it's "armed" when you equip it, you end up in a weird situation where you can try to fire and your character just... doesn't.


    I wouldn't mind nearly as much if your character would grab the arrow and start drawing the string from a single mouse press but if I'm expecting to fire and instead my dude doesn't do it because of this weird non-reason it's really frustrating.


    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure what you describe only happens when you have multiple arrow types in your inventory. If you only have one type of arrow on hand then the bow does load with that arrow and you can fire. If there are two or more choices the game doesn't auto load one of them at random. It makes you choose which arrow type you want to use before it lets you fire and I believe those are the times I remember being stuck not able to fire anything because there was no arrow in my bow when I picked it up and I had open the radial menu to manually select either stone arrows or iron arrows.


    They could have it default to the worst or best type you have on hand but that might anger someone else...

  8. 3 hours ago, DuHast_Play said:

    I suppose that the bugs have become much less and they have the time and opportunity to finally revive twitter and warm up the forum a little) and yes, I think that Alpha 21 has become much closer) Let's cross everything we have .. not just fingers)

    The person who manages their Twitter doesn't fix bugs. The two things are unrelated. 

  9. 1 hour ago, zztong said:


    I spend a lot of time in the Prefab Editor and I don't understand this sentence. What is EOS?


    Epic Online Service. It is the framework for future cross play. In the experimental version of A20 and probably A20.1 a lot of people had to go into the files and change the status of EOS to none in order to be able to boot up the game. It has since that time been fixed and since it has been close to a year since that problem was affecting a good chunk of the playerbase it is no wonder you didn't get what he was talking about.


    This is more evidence that the OP either needs to clean his directory using the launcher tool or that he may still be playing an older version and needs to clean his data and then update to the most current version of the game.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    I have a curious question. Lets say the whole alpha thing didn't exist and The Fun Pimps worked on the game from 0-100% and then dropped the gold game. How much easier would it have made to work on the game, and also, how much time do you think it would have saved you? In hind sight, would you change that now, or do you still think using a playable alpha is helpful. 


    That being said, there must also be some advantages to having a playable alpha out since you can get feedback from us, even though some of us can be whiny at times lolol.


    Thanks guys.  


    The game would most definitely not be what it is today. They upped their game and decided to shoot for the stars thanks to the incredible response the game has received on Steam all these years. If they had done their game purely on the kickstarter funds then I'm thinking the game would definitely have been finished a whole lot faster and would've been a whole lot less than it is. Most likely the same alpha 14 released to console would have been the final PC version as well. They even had bandits ready to add at that time. They could have easily gone the fast and easy way rather than what they did.


    I'm willing to bet they will use early access for their next game as well if that is any kind of a sign as to how they feel about the benefits of the EA model. Their next game will already be years ahead of where 7 Days was when it went to Early Access since they are starting with all original art and assets from the get go. This first venture has been a huge learning experience. It will be very interesting to see where they go next once this game is finished.


    15 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

    The most experimental thing about A21 is the definition of 'Soon' 😝


    They had that definition fully developed last week but then decided to overhaul it....again!

  11. 5 hours ago, Gamida said:


    Ok is this correct as I haven't seen it mentioned for a while. Is there for sure going to be a "play as a zombie" feature added to the game at some point. Or is it a more "We'll see" thing.


    I'm not certain. I was going to go with "I can't say" to make it ambiguous and keep people wondering if I meant I'm not allowed to say but....I'm not in the mood.


    This is kind of a necroed-thread btw although nothing has changed since it was started so I guess we can keep it. Sylen is the necro thread sniper so we'll see if it withstands his scrutiny.

  12. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:


    Looks good. Makes me wonder if other crafting stations are going to be bigger though.

    I believe that they will maintain the same 1x2 footprint. The forge was increased to 1x2. The campfire and the cement mixer might still be 1x1 but I’m not sure. 

  13. On 3/12/2023 at 11:25 PM, DuHast_Play said:

    I don’t agree. What is a cooperative game, what is PVP ... everything goes equally well (if the ping is adequate)).

    Competition is the difference. When you play a game competitively vs other players it is much more important to have a level playing field and to make sure the conditions are fair to all competitors. The game can’t provide that condition for PVP. 

    I play this game cooperatively with my Mom (she’s 76) and when we do, she hosts. We do it this way so that her experience is the smoothest. I’m willing to put up with the hit that comes from being the client on a person to person connection rather than a dedicated server because we aren’t competing against each other. It doesn’t matter that she’s going to have a perfect connection and mine is going to be less than perfect. It’s good enough for cooperative play but it wouldn’t be for competitive. 

  14. 2 hours ago, myrkana said:

    You have to be conscious of the fact that youll need more food and split things up appropriately. Food is the #1 priority, hunt, loot, etc... With more players you can scavenge more, and specialize more. I play with 1 other person and 1 of us always takes the food perks, get farms up asap and base near a source of water for easy access.


    The OP clarified that what he meant is that the food bar seems to him to decay faster in multiplayer than in single player and wants to know if anyone else sees the pink elephants he is seeing. ;) 

  15. 15 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    This may be true for most volumes of Spear Hunter, but volume 3 allows you to craft a steel spear. I assume that this book has been replaced.


    I was responding to a statement that the book sets had fundamentally changed in A21. They have not. They work exactly the same. Reading a book grants a perk. Reading all the volumes in a set grants a greater perk.


    It is true that specific volumes that gave recipes are changed to grant a perk instead. However, fundamentally, the book sets still work the same way in A21 as they did in A20

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