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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 2 hours ago, zztong said:


    Ooo, let's try:


    $ roland "Make me a sandwich."


    Hmm, maybe I need to be root:


    $ sudo roland "Make me a sandwich."



    That might've worked if I was still Super Moderator. Now though....I'm like Robbin Williams who just got set free of the lamp. ;)

  2. 7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Not even a forum post here about the Dev Streams? That new super mod is slacking...


    6 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    No. It's just that Roland's super mod power was speed, while Crater's super mod power is invisibility. :heh:


    Both of our super powers was and is to do wtf we are told to do...lmao...


    If CC hasn't posted the announcement for the Streamer Weekend then it is simply because he hasn't been directed to do so yet. 

    The last thing I want anyone (especially my wife) to think is that I take or have ever taken initiative on my own. That just leads to expectations of things like work and even worse....work ethic.... ;)

  3. 4 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    i dont want to be a creative mode cheater


    1 hour ago, bobrpggamer said:

    It just feels like cheating using the CM


    There is no cheating in single-player. There is only having fun the way you like to have fun. Enabling the creative mode is simply a different type of mod that some will enjoy playing. I know that it is often asked of people who show amazing bases whether they did it using creative mode or not and some people feel like they have to state what was or was not enabled when they share pictures. That's just opinion, though, and everyone has their own opinion.


    I can tell you that even with creative mode enabled I wouldn't be able to build some of the amazing bases I see built. My bases are always bricks and when I get really creative the best that you could describe them would be a variation on the theme of...a brick. So creative menu or not I am always impressed by the designs regardless of whether all the blocks were hand mined, hand crafted, or whether they were upgraded from frames or placed as whole blocks.


    I once tried to replicate my own house and I grew bored of it long before it was completed and a big part of that was that I wanted to do it without the creative menu. If I get the urge to try it again in the future I will certainly use the creative menu so I have a chance of completing before the grind erases the fun.

  4. 2 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    what if i like everything handed to me easily on day 1 and i dont want to be a creative mode cheater or stoop so low as to turn down the difficulty.  

    TFP have ruined my playstyle!   


    Send me a join game invite and I'll come into your game and give you everything you want.


    ...er....on second thought....


    Send Meganoth a join game invite

  5. 18 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    Some of this should be mitigated with the new learning system in A21, but there's still always looting such items as well. One thing you can do is keep yourself out of higher level biomes for a longer period of time, or restrict yourself to looting only certain types of containers until you reach self-set levels.


    This is a great point also for those wanting to find the better gear earlier. You can still go into the tougher biomes and find better stuff and you might prefer this method to cracking open the creative mode. Those who like to craft their own gear before they find better should steer clear of the tougher biomes as Old Crow suggested.

  6. Can't you press F again to cycle over to your headlamp? I thought this was possible but I'll have to check. Honestly, though you only need either or so if you have a headlamp just remove the light mod from your gun or vice versa. I guess the same could be true if the headlamp was prioritized instead of the weapon light so I'd be perfectly happy if TFP changed that priority. It wouldn't hurt anything and help those who are bothered by the current setup.


    Giving the ability to switch items in the crafting queue is fantastic.

    Making grenades attract zombies like rocks is cool.

    Making repairs auto top priority in the crafting queue is awesome.

    Making the source of noise be the impact for everything is preferable-- not just explosions. If I shoot a normal arrow and it hits a wall the zombies should run to the wall and not to where I was when I shot the arrow. This is extra true for explosions, of course, so I'd say this mod is a good start.


    Sounds like some great QOL changes! It would be great to see these things in the default version!!

  7. 44 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

    To be fair, when I bought it (after watching the game for several years) it was a sandbox.  And I don't necessarily mind the progressive nature of the game for weapons/armor, but if you've ever spent several hours mining with stone tools (or even low level iron) you'd know how frustrating and unproductive it is.  I know most people won't spend multiple hours mining in the first week (heck, from watching youtubers it seems like I do more mining in the first week then they'll do in a 100+ day playthrough) but it's been the way I've played for years, and it's basically going away now.


    Like I said, I usually have 30k+ cobblestone by day 7, and spend the night of day 5, all of day 6, and most of day 7 building (sometimes not even finishing what I was building before horde night starts, and I always play on 2 hour days) so I know I'm not exactly a typical player.  But it was the building/tower defense aspect that brought me to the game, and that's what I enjoy, so that's what I do.  The fact that the devs seem to want to minimize/disincentivize that style of play is their prerogative, and I've certainly gotten more than my share of enjoyment out of a game I got for $7, but I can't help but feel a bit sad/disappointed that they've decided to go in a way that severely hampers my enjoyment of the game.


    To be doubly fair, the game has always been envisioned as a progression but the progression has always been able to be easily circumvented and rushed by those who wanted to do that. It still can be circumvented and rushed but you will have to do it by blatantly enabling the creative mode rather than exploiting the loopholes that once allowed people to rush the progression.  The game can still be played as a pure sandbox but that is going to be increasingly through the use of creative mode.


    Remember that just because you use creative mode, it doesn't mean you have to fully use it for everything. Someone like me enjoys using a wood base for the first bloodmoon and then a cobblestone base for the next two to three, and then a concrete base and finally a steel base for the higher bloodmoons. So I probably would never enable the creative mode since the amount of mining I need to do in the beginning is minimal. By time I'm going for concrete it is around day 30 and I've progressed to the point where I'm ready-- and (IMO) getting a concrete base for the first few bloodmoons is totally overkill defense-wise and makes them so boring (for me).


    Someone like you who enjoys mining but only with the best tools and wants to get to concrete as early as possible and is probably going for a much more massive build than I might use the creative menu only for getting those tools and that it.


    Then there is sure to be someone who hates mining in any form and they just want the blocks. They can open the creative menu and take 20,000 concrete blocks out and get to building without going through the grind of mining and crafting those blocks.


    In single player I don't see any harm in using the creative mode as much or as little as you wish in order to make the game a fun sandbox experience. In this way those that want a progression to the game can do that and those that want less rules and more sandbox can option in the creative mode to get that. In fact, if it was my game I would re-label "Creative Mode" in the options to "Sandbox Mode". That would remove any doubt about what option to toggle in order to get the full sandbox gameplay back into the game.

  8. Well if you guys are playing single player then just enable the creative menu and give yourselves the best mining tools. The default game is designed as a progression and with the new system you will have to progress through all the quality levels of stone and then start over and progress through all the quality level of iron and then start over and progress through all the quality levels of steel. There isn't going to be high quality top tier mining and building tools by Day 2 in Alpha 21 unless you use the creative menu. There isn't really an effective method of rushing to the top of a particular crafting skill tree since you can't control what magazines you will find so you will spend some time at each stage of tool quality and tier.


    I personally enjoy the progressive nature of the game and am fine with it being a slow but steady growth of my character and abilities but it sounds like you guys can't stand playing with the low level stuff and are perhaps playing the game more like a sandbox anyway.

  9. Stuff like this is all refinement work at the very end before they release. I'm betting there is already a ticket for it but it just hasn't reached the priority level yet to make into anyone's queue. But making sure the tutorial quest is refined, polished, and easy for the newbiest of players is certainly something that will be high priority before they release to gold.


    If you ask me the button presses to be shown should be TAB, Click on the Exclamation Mark Quest Icon, Click on the Quest Cancelation Icon and skip the whole tutorial quest and start the apocalypse with zero skill points, no idea in which direction the trader/city is, and complete freedom to do what you want from the beginning.


    But TFP isn't listening to me, dammit.

  10. The art update is what took a year and a half. The feature list doesn't and can't do it justice. It has been a comprehensive overhaul. You are absolutely correct that not everyone values the same things and what is exciting for one person may be dismissed by another. The developers view the changes in art that they made for A21 as necessary and critical to get done before gold and it has eaten up the most time.


    Bandits have not been canceled. They and the new character models are well underway but just not finished in time for A21. Unlike past alphas where they just got punted, the developers have been actively working on them this time.


    While the feature list may not look like it contains any bangers, the changes they have made to water survival and crafting have definitely freshened up the gameplay for the early to mid game. Hopefully, you will enjoy those changes.

  11. 10 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Finally! I'm so excited about the A21 Dev Stream!

    I hope they show as much as possible about all the new features!


    One suggestion @madmole and @Prime if I may: try to write down a guideline for what you'll say and be concise and as much thorough as possible with what you show. People have waited a long time, and my guess is the Dev Stream will be "dissected" by many YouTubers and players!

    They'll be watching (not only literally) your every move and weigh every word you say! :spy:


    hopefully Rick’s talking points will all end with

    …and don’t say a specific release date!!!!

  12. 2 hours ago, Trankitas said:

    Bro shhhh I'm trying to do something

    And you were so close. Faatal’s hand hovered over the bandit button poised to press but then he came to his senses after Syphon’s reminder. We could have had it!!!


    Maybe wait a day and try again. Everyone knows programmers suffer from short term memory loss. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    A20 almost ruined the multiplayer scene by causing high populations servers not to be able to run high populations on....... but i have great news now for everyone now! A coder has optimized the game to use multiple cores which allows servers now to have a player count way more than ever before. Let me tell you people ive been an admin for 7d2d over 22000 hours in game and been around alot of years supporting this game but never have i ever seen a mod more important that what this coder has done.  I sure hope some day the pimps recognize this guy and give him the credit he needs. Anyone who has been around knows who im talking about but with all that being said, i give my consent for a21 to be released because now i know high population mutlitplayer well be possible with the works and effort this coder hasimage.png.17f0a8802fa73331d4f1e8ed1b916924.png done. The current seed a20 our server is on maxed at 52 players and could have easily had alot more.



    I've been around and I have no idea of whom you're talking about. Why not name the mod author and post a link? Maybe @faatal would like to see what they did and whether it can be utilized? Why keep it a secret? That's not good news....that's just saying there is a secret.

  14. 8 minutes ago, JayzenFreeze said:

    Its bee over a year now... I thought there would at least be a playable A21 beta by now.  How few developers are left on the team now?


    None. Just a couple of chatAI programs they left running when they left the building.

  15. 3 hours ago, 8_Hussars said:

    Sure, I don't disagree with that stance in principle.  Although, I may argue that only applies based on an unstated assumption the current game mechanic is balanced. 

    I was specifically responding to Roland's theory crafting of linking "end loot" to "trader quest rewards" and the imbalance that would introduce in the context of the discussion around end loot placement and alternatives via randomization.  A comment which I believe is still valid.


    All I was saying is that if the treasure room was removed and the only way to get the end dungeon reward was to visit the trader once the quest was over that would solve the problem of "loot on the roof". I'm not against distributing the existing treasure room loot around the poi for folks who don't do quests so they get good stuff without having to quest but I also think that the trader quest reward is plenty reward for doing the quest and combining the end treasure room loot with the trader rewards is usually pretty OP rewards.


    I don't want anyone to feel forced to do quests if they don't want to.

  16. Personally, I think they could get rid of the loot room and just have that stuff scattered around the POI so that those who fully explore get everything. The true "loot room" is the quest reward when you return to the trader. Why do we need the loot room treasure AND the trader reward treasure anyway? That combo usually leads to the player getting well beyond the difficulty curve of the game anyway.


    If the containers are scattered around, those spawn points CAN be easily randomized so there isn't just two or three possibilities. I know the loot rooms were originally conceived as the treasure room for a dungeon but there's really no need. The trader reward is plenty especially if there is a nice crate of goodies still present in the POI but just in a random location.

  17. On 3/24/2023 at 2:26 PM, Spinkxx said:

    I heard that the new character models have been pushed back and wont be in a21 I haven't seen if this is true or not I just checked the feature list for a21 but its not there its also not on the delayed Features either just hoping that I can get some conformation on if they are going to be in a21 or not its the main feature I've been waiting for since they first announced it a few years ago. thx


    They didn't get them all done and won't in time for A21. They are well into it but it is one of those things that they refuse to have some that look good and then by comparison some that look bad so they won't put them in until they can switch out everything at once. So the answer is no to A21 but a very good possibility for A22. they hadn't even started them before A21 and now they are well into it. 


    The bandit models, player character models, and outfits are all interconnected and hopefully will all be done for A22 without causing A22 to get delayed.

  18. 2 minutes ago, falloutcloud said:

    I think the reason many of us had hoped it would release by Christmas is that Rick sounded optimistic that it could happen. We all pretty much knew that it was just a guess but I don't think that we thought he'd be off by 4 months.


    Yeah, he needs a knuckle rub!

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