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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Hi Archer and welcome to the forum. I think you are fundamentally misunderstanding the new progression. The learn by reading has nothing to do with player levels. People who stay home and build will likely continue to level at the fast pace they always have. 

    The learn by reading system is for gaining crafting recipes. With 30 of you, all you need to do is decide among you who will be in charge of what and then get the appropriate magazines into their hands. It doesn’t matter if they loot, farm, build, mine, or run around killing chickens. If that person is in charge of crafting tools then everyone in the group needs to feed that player tool crafting mags and let that guy craft tools for everyone. 

    It is foolish to have five guys each read three tool crafting mags rather than having one guy read 15. It’s hard to fathom that based on past experience with books and how leveling up was tied to learning new recipes but it is all different now. 

    You gain xp through actions you enjoy doing and that levels you up. Completely separate from that you read magazines to learn better and better recipes. You can be level 200 but still only craft burnt meat If you never read a single cooking magazine. But if someone else on your team read them all and makes stew for everyone then it’s no big deal that you can’t cook the good stuff and that doesn’t leave you behind in leveling up. 

    Hope that clarifies and I know the lightbulb will click fully on as you play it for yourself as I’ve been witnessing all weekend with the streamers. The changes really enhance teamwork and group dynamics. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Yukkie said:

    I have heard that while certain books are easier to find, the impact is minor.
    And when complete, other books that are close to complete will be easier to discover.
    But there is still a high degree of randomness, and you will discover a variety of books if you look around without being aware of it.

    The probability of finding a cookbook in a gun store or a rifle book in a diner should be low, but it is possible that there was a cook whose hobby was hunting. (It is also possible to find books in different categories.)

    I understand that.


    In fact, in the short term you may find more magazines and parts for other weapons you haven’t perked into leading you to think it’s bugged but in the long term you will come out ahead in what you perked into. The boost doesn’t guarantee that you’ll find the mag you want in every loot container. It just guarantees you won’t never find the mag you need. 

    Every playthrough has been different for me due to the randomness of it. 

  3. Regarding loot respawn:


    Loot will still respawn. I did 10 minute days and set loot respawn to 5 days and looted a tier 3 poi. All containers that didn’t poof or change to an empty/open state respawned their loot when I went back. So most of the building had no loot— but the treasure room crates were reloaded and a few containers here and there which haven’t been given an empty/open state helper were reloaded. Anything I destroyed was still gone. 

    With the chunk reset all containers were restored, all destroyed/harvested objects were restored, all empty/open objects were randomly restored. 

    The only lootables that went poof were things like garbage bags, piles of clothes, stacks of ammo, duffel bags, etc. containers like shelves, medicine cabinets, cupboards, carts, garbage cans, etc did not go poof but did just become blocks in an open/empty state and no longer functioned as containers. Already existing open/empty “containers” are not containers at all and are just blocks that can be destroyed but not filled with loot. 


    My suggestion is that if you want to use an existing fridge (for example) that has loot in it, just don’t loot it. Add your own stuff to it and always keep at least one thing in it. 

    End room crates and chests and safes seem to stay as containers and so loot respawns in those. They don’t revert to their factory sealed wood encased labeled versions though. They are just the cardboard boxes you see after breaking them open when loot respawns in them. 

    1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Anyway, we'll see how it plays out... as someone else said, maybe the stream I watched was skewed by good RNG, and on average, the water RNG is fine.

    Water in loot was definitely more scarce in earlier builds than it is currently. They went through a few balancing passes and probably didn’t want it to be too punishing. If feedback from players seems to be that it is all trivial maybe they’ll push it back towards scarcity a bit. 

    But I’ve seen several streams where the players struggled with water. It depends on how RWG treats you. 

  4. It’s impossible between Xbox version and PC version. There is no Steam version of 7 Days to Die that is an exact match for the Xbox version. Only a few elements of A16 were added to what was an incomplete A15 version. 

    If your friends are playing on their PCs using Game Pass then it may be possible as long as everyone is playing on the same version without mods since the Game Pass version cannot be modded. 

    Xbox to PC no

    Game Pass PC to Steam PC maybe


  5. 6 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    In an interview on the Youtube channel Guns, Nerds, and Steel, Richard mentioned that A22 will probably have a much shorter development cycle of about 3 months. However, he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to release date estimates.


    He has a perfect track record but not in the way anyone wants. ;)

    Joking aside, if their primary goal is bandits and player characters and anything else gets pushed to A23 if it isn’t done once bandits and player characters are done then for sure A22 will come much sooner than the past several alphas. But just like playing the game always tempts us to do “just one more thing” before quitting for the night, designing the game tempts them to do “just one more thing” before release. 

    They have made quite a bit of progress already for bandits and players. A new female model was just finished this past Friday. 

  6. On 6/3/2023 at 11:04 AM, Doomofman said:

    (Though I guess you could make the argument that if QA are free for this, then testing is done?)


    Or you might conclude that 9pm CST is after-hours so they wouldn't be working on bug testing anyway. :)

  7. 1 hour ago, KaldaraFox said:

    Any time spent on A20 will be lost if I want to move to A21.


    I understand the NEED for it, but I'm not putting a few hundred hours into a version of a game that literally has no future.

    I just want to know if there's any better estimate than "some time in a 61 day window that's already halfway behind us."

    I estimate it will happen in the second half of the window. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Well, I don't know about audiences, but I can tell you how it will work out for me.


    Before knowing about the game play dev stream, I was willing to watch some streamer (probably Pocket), and see there how the new A21 plays.

    But now that I know there'll be this game play dev stream next Wednesday, I'll probably watch that one and not the streamer.


    I mean, it's just me... but I wonder how many more will do the same, honestly. 


    Who knows. But everyone who likes Pokket more than you do will tune in to watch her play A21. They will want to see her reactions and interact with her. You can take her or leave her and obviously care more about the actual information. 


    And...if you aren't busy that weekend and it comes to mind you still might tune in to see her play. In fact, it's very likely despite your feeling now that the dev stream this Wednesday will fully satisfy you especially since you'll be on the forums over that weekend. :)

  9. 4 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    That's too bad, honestly. A stream that will probably show content that will be the focus of the Stream Weekend, it's a bad move in my opinion.

    It's like stealing the thunder from the streamers, basically.


    People are already hyped and are only waiting for confirmation of the release date. A game play stream will just @%$# them off.

    And all this, independently of IF the streamer weekend will start on June 9 or June 16.


    Just my two cents.


    I won't even publish this news on Steam because I'm "afraid" of the backlash, lol


    I don't think it will be a thunder-stealing stream even if the streamer weekend happens this coming weekend. There are two major audiences really: Those who watch and follow the person they enjoy watching and those who watch to get information on the game. The first group will watch their guy or gal no matter what and enjoy it immensely-- probably more than watching TFP staff play. The second group greatly prefers just getting the information and will be interested in the Q&A aspect and that it is TFP staff answering the questions. Many in the second group are often annoyed by the personalities and antics of professional streamers and just want the info and are likely to just skip the streamer weekend but will want to watch QA staff playing and showing stuff off.


    At any rate, experimental is at the door and about to come into the house and when it comes, any and all annoyance is forgotten in the excitement of getting it and playing it.

  10. On 5/29/2023 at 10:14 PM, warmer said:


    falling through the roof of a cave ceiling running through the forest is one of the most intense moments I have had in 7D2D. They took out caves due to world gen time last I heard. Give us that want to wait a tick box

    I believe they were removed due to chunk rendering time and multiple people traveling at top vehicle speeds. Even without caves they’ve throttled the top speeds of the vehicles to not outpace the terrain rendering and with the complexity of caves they’d have to slow things down even more. 


    On 5/29/2023 at 10:14 PM, warmer said:

    Fire/burnable wooden structures;

    It just brings you into real world tactics/consequences/realism territory. I suppose this was removed because of frame drops and pvp abuse, but I go straight to cobble stone once I build a custom, so that is never an issue for me.

    Fire burning blocks has never been part of the default game. You must be remembering a mod. It would be cool though. 

  11. On 5/28/2023 at 11:54 AM, Grandpa Minion said:

    Most of which is nearly impossible to explain to new players "nublets" who are joining it for the first time


    I don't understand why anything has to be explained to new players who are just joining in A20. Why should they particularly care that the game used to have a minimap or that you had a chance of vomiting out the entire contents of your stomach, or that enemies in houses were awake instead of asleep? None of that matters to them playing the current version of the game.


    For anyone who will begin the game with A21, why would they even need an explanation at all about empty jars?


    Memories of the way things used to be are one of the perks of being an early adopter of this title but those things are just that--memories. They have nothing to do with the current state of the game or where the game might go next. Some veterans of the game would be a lot happier if they could just let memories be memories and move on....


  12. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    You simply don't jump enough naturally for the little gain per jump that they gave you. 


    One would argue that if jumping is so insignificant in the game then there isn't really a need to level it up so significantly. I know some people liked being able to jump to rooftops in Morrowind but I never felt like that was critical to the game. Jumping at a superhuman level was just something you did for fun. What was the purpose for needing to level jump up to such high levels to the point that you felt like you had to grind it out?


    1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    Either way, I do like the concept of LBD.  I just haven't seen it implemented in a way that was anything more than a pain from my perspective.


    Well, I do much prefer spending skillpoints since it gives so much more flexibility. If I don't enjoy grinding a critical skill I can still level it up to the point where I can use it to good effect by doing things I do enjoy. I'm not locked into doing that one activity in order to improve it. Skillpoint spending can still feel organic and natural provided you aren't farming xp through only one method. If you are playing the game in a well rounded fashion then the xp feels like it is a representation of your overall experience and so when you spend points to improve there isn't really a disconnect between the activities you have done and the improvement you are gaining. It is only when someone power grinds doing the one activity that they perceive grants the most xp in the fastest way possible that they feel like the xp earned doesn't match with the skill learned.

  13. 11 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    They probably shouldn't mentioned it also being for realism during the dev stream then...


    Since you insist on taking everyone at the most literal and to-the-letter interpretation let me help you out so you don't keep getting confused by perceived inconsistencies and contradictions.


    First, you have to realize that the dev streams are not scripted. Nobody goes through and fact checks everything and edits a script for the presenters to say. They are just speaking from the heart and so their words are not like contracts that should be analyzed and taken to be in stone. And before you suggest that they should, don't waste your breath because they won't. They are perfectly fine with the current level of "professional quality" of their streams.


    The damage change for vehicles was for added realism but not solely for that reason and not to the degree of making vehicle use and repair simulation level realism. It is still very arcade-level abstraction but definitely has more realistic features than it previously did. It is more realistic for  a car to be able to be used as a weapon against zombies and that it will take damage doing so. It is more realistic for a vehicle to take more damage when going off road than when staying on the road. It is less abstract and a bit more realistic to have repair kits only repair some of the damage rather than all of it and based on a player's grease monkey skill have a repair kit be able to repair more. This granularity in repair and the tie-in to the grease monkey skill makes the process feel more realistic than it did.


    Does that mean the pimps are going for "REALISM"? Not at all. They are still the Fun Pimps and fun is their first priority and they obviously don't care about making the game into a simulation. However, within the realm of where the game is at, aspects can be tuned to be a bit more realistic or a bit more abstracted and streamlined and they will often make those choices.


    Vehicles and vehicle repair is definitely not realistically represented in this game. But A21 does make things a bit more realistic than A20 was in that regard even though as a whole it is still miles away from actually being fully realistic.

  14. 12 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Can you give me some examples where it worked well?  Any games I have seen it in, it was nothing but a grind.

    It works well in any game as long as the player isn't focused on leveling up for its own sake and is fine with leveling up at a normal pace. If the player can play naturally and allow their skills to advance at a normal pace based on normal play then LBD gives an incredibly organic and natural feeling of progression. I agree that limits to how much you can progress per day would definitely help those with min/max tendencies to refrain from power grinding but that would bring new complaints and hate from players. There are those who hate playing the actual game at suboptimal levels with suboptimal gear. They like to grind themselves up to highest harvesting levels (for example) BEFORE they start chopping trees or mining ore. Just knowing that they are missing out on wood they could've gotten from that tree if they were just a higher level frustrates them.


    The issue is that there are those who power grind and love to power grind and find it fun and rewarding to do so and they never complain about LBD. Then there are those who power grind because they feel compelled to power grind but don't find it fun to do so and complain about LBD. Finally, there are those who don't power grind and simply play the game looking to complete tasks and objectives that arise within the game world and are happy to have their character level up in skills as they use them normally and they never complain about LBD. So really, it is only one segment of a player base that complains about LBD-- those who level for the sake of leveling but find the grind boring and awful and yet can't refrain from focusing on leveling. The problem is that with limits placed on daily LBD, the only players who wouldn't complain are the ones who don't focus completely on leveling up.


    I don't think that is a problem with the design, itself. That is simply a result of player choice and psychology (which can be changed btw)

  15. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    Or alternatively, keep an eye on the health of the vehicle and keep a stack of repair kits on you at all times.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how this will affect streamers. They tend not to pay attention to where they are driving and instead read the chat.


    You know what will happen. 😆 Several people in the chat will start screaming at them to check the health of their vehicle and then they'll check it and be fine. There always seem to be few in chat who are always calling out directions and corrections and warnings and whatnot- paying way closer attention to the game than the streamer is 🤣.

  16. 2 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    Am I allowed to point out that for a long time (don't know if it's true anymore) the most downloaded Minecraft mod was Tinker's Construct, which adds tools that don't permanently break and are fairly easily repairable?


    Of course you are and it doesn't surprise me in the least. As I said, this is a polarizing topic. I have no doubt at least 50% of the Minecraft player base disliked the degrading weapons and whoever could did download a mod to change that. It doesn't change the fact that as a game feature degradation works well and adds gameplay value. What it does show is that many people don't enjoy that feature.


    One of the mistakes a lot of people make is equating a feature they don't care for as an objectively bad feature. A feature can be good and well designed and also be disliked. I don't care for LBD as a feature but I acknowledge that it is a good feature that works well in a lot of games and is a valid and effective design.

  17. 1 hour ago, VoltraLux said:


    I guess that works, though the discussion thread would also support the interaction aspect as well I suppose. I'll follow up on your suggestions though thanks for the heads up. 


    Its time consuming to quote a question in one thread and answer it in another. Developers wouldn't take the time to do that. They would simply answer the question within the discussion thread and we would be back to where we started.

  18. 6 hours ago, VoltraLux said:

    I'd like to suggest for Alpha 22 the Dev Diary thread is locked to staff and moderators for news and update posts only. Maybe there can be a separate Dev Diary discussion thread for 200 pages of arguments and in-fighting? Personally I'm Interested in what TFP staff and moderation team have to say on the subject in the Diary thread more-so. Don't know if this is out of pocket but that's my two cents. 


    We've done variations of that in the past and it stifles developer participation because there are no questions for them to answer. If you follow the developers who post here you can see all of their contributions without the rest. We usually prune this thread every few days to move player discussions over to the overflow thread in general discussions but when we get close that kind of slacks off because the developers are often so busy trying to get the update out they rarely post.


    EDIT: Okay, I did a huge prune back to the last time faatal posted.

  19. 4 hours ago, Javabean867 said:

    Why not just get rid of repair kits if you want item degradation?  Mod them right out.

    I've already acknowledged that item degradation will have to be modded in. I'm not arguing for its inclusion in the base game, I'm answering the question of why I would want it. I have modded repair kits out and I've also just played where I don't use them. I'm fine with that-- but when someone asks me why I like item degradation or how I think the game needs it then I answer.

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