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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 8 hours ago, khzmusik said:

    Obviously I should have directed my criticisms to Roland and not TFP.


    I thought you did...repeatedly and even after my mea culpa. Just let me know how many times you're going to bring it up in the future so I can prepare myself now... ;)

  2. 33 minutes ago, Survager said:


    I am not trolling you.

    I will explain.

    Weapons are at least divided into two types: offensive and defensive.

    Molotov cocktails are a defensive weapon that is used against invaders, including russian tanks.

    Offensive weapons are artillery, tanks and more.

    It is for this reason that such a concept as an "iron fist" is used in relation to tank divisions.

    Now T72B3 tanks (exclusively russian modification, not the USSR) are used by russia to destroy the peaceful cities of Ukraine. It is for this reason that I believe that the honorable placement of the image of this tank in frames on the walls of locations is inappropriate, at least for now.


    It's been changed to an American tank model which never destroyed any peaceful cities of anyone and was only ever used to defend truth, justice, and the American way!


    The artist chose a tank from among stock images and didn't know it was Russian. Upon reading your feedback he looked through the images again and found a different image and made sure it was not Russian and it has already been swapped.

  3. On 4/21/2023 at 6:15 PM, zztong said:

    I do think it is unfair to say water progression before was non-existent compared to a new system that only takes an hour to overcome.


    That is not what I said or at least not what I meant. What I meant was that it only took me an hour to make the adjustment between the A20 thinking and the A21 thinking. I never thought about jars again after about an hour of play because I was able to make the adjustment in my mind that empty jars worked just like the rest of the empty containers.


    The water progression definitely takes longer than an hour of playtime. Sorry for the confusion.

  4. 8 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    Still no answer on dyes working with the new outfits, or why Rekt is already getting a new compound after getting a new one in A20?


    The new outfits won't come until A22. I'm not sure what they will or won't support.


    Trader Rekt got upgraded so that his compound would match the rest.


    EDIT: looks like Madmole answered too. Good, looks like dyes will be supported when the new outfits get implemented.

  5. 3 hours ago, gangsta gamer said:

    Hey very interested in week end alfa 20 test long time fan of game played pc and consol for endless hours love to cover new content https://youtube.com/@gangstagamer2 I meet all standards and tested some aaa games in my time !!!


    Here is your next step. Click on @Crater Creator and then select message to the right of his name on his profile.


    On 4/17/2023 at 2:23 AM, Crater Creator said:

    3. Send me a private message that you want to apply. Include a link to your channel, your spoken language, and country of residence.


  6. 1 hour ago, Obsessive Compulsive said:

    If it upsets you this much, why not stop reading it? Is someone forcing you with tooth picks keeping your eyes open? You can also check the post is a mod or admin and skip through to those, OR, do something else since it is a forum and people are allowed to speak their mind in forums. Strange to demand rules to how people speak. They are still discussing a21 and this is an over flow forum. Pretty sure the point is for people to talk about a21 WITH devs included, not just them speaking to us. They already do that

    Just so you know, all of the last few pages were all in the dev diary and moved to here this morning. I doubt he would have complained if the conversation started here. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    I see the Streamer Weekend invitations are open, but I can't tell from the FAQ if the Green Room is supposed to be visible for returning streamers/content creators yet or not (not a streamer, just asking for someone else/curiosity)

    Pm @Crater Creator for questions regarding streamer weekend applications. 

  8. 16 hours ago, KatsPurr said:


    *scratches head* I'm clearly not communicating myself very well because it feels like what I'm trying to convey is not being heard or understood. It's like we speak different languages or are in two different parallel universes or something. It can happen to the best of us. :)


    Anyhow, I've said what I wanted to say and hopefully my message was understood by someone out there. Thanks for the discussion folks. Regardless of the kerfuffle, I'm still MEGA SUPER DUPER excited and hyped for A21. Let's doooo thiiiiiis! 





    Sorry if I got into the weeds. Thanks for your perspective and I hope you will be pleased as more models and outfits are shown. 

    1 hour ago, khzmusik said:

    This is a completely ridiculous reply. Every single sentence in it is factually incorrect.

    I’ll defer to your research then. I’m speaking from my own perception of the last 20 years and my own play through a of the Tomb Raider games. You most likely have stronger handle on the actual facts while I’m just giving opinion so I’m certainly open to the chance that I’m wrong. 

  9. 3 hours ago, khzmusik said:

    Is this a joke? Because Laura Croft (or at least the non-modern Laura Croft character that TFP have paid homage to) has been the very definition of sexism in gaming for twenty years. The innate sexism of the character is almost certainly why the modern Tomb Raider games avoided the old character.

    No joke. The new tomb raiders have plenty of Laura Croft sex appeal. The original tomb raiders were rereleased and not…reduced. The movies were true to her original look and form with the newest movie looking more like the modern version but not necessarily toned down. 

    Finally, with all that controversy about how women are depicted in games (of which Laura Croft was just one example) the gaming community has somehow someway seen a skyrocketing increase in girls and women over the same period of time.

    That’s my point. It is just a small but loud minority who feel offended while the large majority play on without much of a care at all. It makes for some wry humor and head shaking and that’s about it for most people. And honestly most want their fantasy time to be heroic and larger than life rather than ho hum and normal looking. 

    So sure TFP made the character and made her extremely easy on the eyes and so now have to live with the unavoidable repercussions that someone will always feel offended about something. Remember that these guys are artists. They probably live for creating something that turns out to be provocative. 

  10. 1 hour ago, KatsPurr said:

    Here's how I imagine a dev stream should work: Devs agree upon a common goal and negotiate among themselves beforehand what they're going to show and why. They're also going to put at least some consideration into how the public may react to what they're going to show and make sure to do their checks and balances accordingly - beforehand. It is at this point that they should be asking themselves questions like:


    "Hmm, maybe not the best idea to show female player characters yet, since all we've got to show is the sexualized one? We don't want our female players to get the wrong idea and to feel undervalued and creeped out. Yeah, let's only show male player characters today and save the female models for later when we can give a much more balanced overview of the great work we've been doing."


    lol...the next dev stream will take place in 6 months time while the team meets to deliberate and speculate on how not to offend anyone and make everyone happy. I'm sorry you were creeped out and felt undervalued by the Laura Croft look-a-like but frankly its all art and anyone could feel offended by any of it at any time. They might as well not show any of it if they are going to try to make sure that nobody could possibly get offended and everyone will be happy. Someone is offended by the tank model. Someone else is offended by the wheelchair. Someone else is offended by male models. Someone else is offended that none of the backstories show that any of the characters or NPCs are LGBTQ+, someone else feels the racial ratios are off based on what they've shown.


    Like I said, Laura Croft has been in public view for about 20 years now. Both male and female gamers are familiar with her and nobody I've heard of is creeped out by her or feels she's a shot across the bow of female identity and self-worth. We would any discussion leading to the dev stream end in them thinking this model which is completely on par with Laura Croft would alienate anyone? I really don't think it does other than a very few that in my opinion could not be planned for.


    And I know for a fact that if only male characters had been shown there would have been an outcry about why no females. Maybe not from you but from someone else who would be offended that TFP should have planned better to make sure there were both male and female characters to show. The only proven method of not giving offense to someone is to just not have dev stream at all.


    1 hour ago, KatsPurr said:

    However this is the one moment where I felt like I needed to speak up. I'm passionate about 7 days. I want to see it thrive. I want to see female players feeling welcome and respected. I want the community to grow. Ya know, sometimes stuff has to be called out, and this was such a moment. Again it's not only about the female character, it's a lot of things that show lack of consideration of female players. And if people don't call this kind of thing out, how will they ever know there was a problem to begin with? How will they improve? How will the community grow into a more welcoming place for everyone? 


    And you should! I'm glad you are voicing your opinion on this. Just because I think your expectations are off and your sense that a large portion of females have been creeped out by Laura Croft all these years is wrong doesn't mean I don't think you shouldn't post your opinions. I admit that there is a huge sex-factor discrepancy between the male desert costume and the female desert costume and that a woman would be a fool to wear something like that costume in the desert among virus-spreading zombies. Laura Crofts outfit is equally ridiculous for what she does. But I don't think that it alienates most women and girls. Since the whole industry often depicts women in comic book proportions and we just learned that the proportion of the market has grown to 45% -50% women it seems the opposite of alienation is happening.


    1 hour ago, KatsPurr said:

    Listen, I don't think the team are lecherous. In fact, I'm absolutely sure that the majority of the team are absolute sweetie pies. I just think they're a bit clueless and tone deaf when it comes to how they present the game. It's easy to get carried away when you're bubbling with excitement for a new feature and you just know all the dudes are gonna go nuts when they see it. All I ask is for them to say to one another "Hey guys, let's remember our female players and how they will feel about this. Will this creep them out? Will this make them feel unwelcome?" Etc


    Understood. Its hard to know though whether female players actually are feeling creeped out and unwelcome. You do in regards to that model. But is that representative of everyone? Maybe. Someone should do a study on it. My daughter used to dress up like Laura Croft-- not for Halloween but on a regular basis and she would leap from couch section to couch section. She's coming over to dinner tomorrow and I'll show her the desert girl and ask her what she thinks with no explanations. I'm almost certain she'll say "Laura Croft!" and not feel creeped out but I could be wrong-- and, of course, that would just be my own anecdotal experience so it doesn't prove anything.


    1 hour ago, KatsPurr said:

    Right, well in this case then - the diplomatic and considerate thing would have been to wait to show any of the female "player" characters until they can share a broader assortment.


    They showed two models one of which was not overly sexy and you totally focused on the sexy one. If they'd shown seven unsexy and that one I still think you would have focused on it. Maybe I'm wrong and we can't know. But I disagree that showing that Laura Croft look-a-like was in any way inconsiderate or undiplomatic for most viewers. Again, I hope you feel better about the game as more and more female characters and costumes are shown over the next several months.

    14 minutes ago, ShieldOfZen said:

    I’m also wondering if stuff can still be dyed. I play on a server with friends, and it’s a convenient way to remember whose bike/gear is whose (crossing my fingers that they add orange at some point lol.


    As for the character models, is Roland giving us a soft confirmation that some version of the raider gear is wearable by players? Because that’d be sick as hell! And yeah, having outfits in different styles is always a plus, sexy and not, so people can really customize their play styles and experience. I’d be down to go raid the Beefcake Bungalow 😂


    Justin on the stream confirmed that at least the Wasteland Assassin character's outfit was probably going to be six pieces and all wearable by the player so I suspect all the outfits are being planned to be wearable.


    Dyes still work in A21. My bike is brown, my baseball bat is blue, and my bow is green.

  11. 3 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    I was guessing as much, but it actually makes it worse to know that they _could have_ chosen to show the hoarder female if they wanted to.


    I haven't seen the female version yet. I don't think it is done and ready to show. I'm pretty sure he showed the one that was finished. As I said, I think they start with the male version of each one and then do the female version afterward and as far as I have seen in any internal sharing of work the desert pair are the only complete duo and so they showed both of them. So I really don't think it was a choice for this dev stream. I'm sure more female models will show up on twitter though over the next months and we will be able to measure the trends and start getting upset if need be.


    You haven't acknowledged the female raider that was shown at all. What did you think of her? Did the way she was depicted score any points for male artists or damn them further in your eyes? Maybe the fact that she is covered from head to toe showing almost no skin made her so bland in the minds of the viewers that nobody remembers her.  I don't know. Nobody is talking about her at all.



  12. 2 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    The only thing players can base their perceptions and assumptions on, is what the devs choose to publicly reveal to us. It is those choices that I am critiquing.

    Sure, but you can also ask clarifying questions to seek to understand before assuming that what was done was what you fear it is. I believe they showed 1 female player character and 1 female bandit and several male types. What if they hadn't yet gotten to ANY female models and all they could show were male? Would you then have assumed they were going to have an all-male cast for the game and moved to accusations of that sort?


    All I'm saying is that you and others were way too quick to the judgment you made. I know it's the thing to do to just assume the worst in today's cancel culture and for sure the industry as a whole has some work to do to improve but at the very least you could have simply asked a few questions to find out. If they finish up all their art and all the female characters and female bandits are of comic book proportions ready to seduce 13 year-old boys while all the male characters are in baggy non-formfitting outfits then for sure TFP will be in big trouble.


    When I looked at the desert girl I just saw an homage to Laura Croft, personally. The other female character shown was completely covered-- even her face was mostly covered. So going only on what was shown it was an even split between a lot of skin and no skin. Let's wait and see what the rest of the female cast looks like before we decide how lecherous the staff is.


    2 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    Even if it means that it will ruin any good relations I had already with the devs. Even if it means that I'm rejected from streamer weekend. Even if it means that I will lose any opportunity to ever apply to work for the company as an artist or POI designer. This is an important enough topic that I'm willing to sacrifice all of those things.


    Noble indeed but unfortunately your actions have not been monstrous enough to disqualify you from any of those things. :)



  13. 28 minutes ago, Professor-Pip said:

    I'm not certain the smily can diffuse that rather loaded comment. 


    You are completely missing the point here, probably on purpose. The male character you chose to highlight is dressed only in skivvies, yes. But he is not wearing an outfit because he is a base character, not because the skivvies are considered a costume. He also does not have an absurdly large "package". The artist even said that he wouldn't show the female base character (presumedly in skivvies and bra) because it would be problematic, so we have nothing to compare him to.

    The female @KatsPurr referred to *is* in a costume. A costume specifically designed to highlight her boobs. It is not the same as the male version of the desert costume, nor is it practical for protecting oneself from zombies. It's an outfit specifically designed to make her look sexy- short shorts, bralette, and a few token pieces of armor. Not cargo shorts, t-shirt and armor bits like the male outfit has. 


    The point is that the artists and devs came off looking like dudebros by doing that, rather than like professionals who care about all of their players, not just the 14 year old male players.

    Sure, if you take a shallow cancel culture view of it thinking that what they showed is everything that they’ve done or will do. It was just a sneak peak and they each could only show one of the things they’ve finished. 

    There are bound to be different body types, different races, and different costume styles. This one was obviously inspired by Tomb Raider just as the Wasteland Assassin male character looked to be inspired by Assassin’s Creed— but they won’t all be that way. 

    Once we see the full cast of characters THEN we will know if the devs are unprofessional and a bunch of dudebros catering completely to 14-year old boys. 

  14. 4 hours ago, KatsPurr said:

    As someone who loves - streams - creates POIs for and creates content about the game - I'd just like to chime in as a female player who is a HUGE fan of 7 days. Just like all you gents out there, I TOO feel the same emotions, the same excitement, the same hype, the same anticipation as you do about everything 7 days. I TOO have been looking forward to these dev streams! Just like you, when they started showing the lineup of character art during the art dev stream, I too was sitting on the edge of my seat, excited to see what was coming. 


    So then they started going through one model after another, the artist fondly talking about all the cool little details and Easter eggs he'd added to the male characters. I thought to myself "Oh daaaammmnnn, if the MALE characters are THIS cool, I can-not WAIT to see the female characters!" Then when he finally got around to showing them, I mean it - out of all the variations, he decided to show the "boobies busting out her top" variation.


    I wondered to myself: Was there a moment earlier in the day, where the devs discussed which variations to showcase on the stream? Were they saying things like: 


    "Ok team, let's make sure to give some appreciation and love to our many female players out there and choose a really nice female player character to show them! They're gonna be so thrilled!"


    or... did they say: 


    "Duuuuude! Let's show our boys some eye candy, why don't we!? They're gonna looove the rack on this desert character! *giggity*!"


    If they would have shown additional normal female characters, there wouldn't have been a problem! But that was it. Just the big boobies and then they moved on. Where were the female characters that had as much personality and attention to detail as say the packrat dude for instance? Where was a female character that "told a backstory". All we saw were just big solid implanted boobs. And then that was it. Nuttin' else. I have to admit: it was a deflating moment to say the least.


    Listen: Let me make something absolutely clear 'kay? I absolutely DO NOT mind a game having hottie outfits for female characters in games. God knows how many hours I invested hunting for the skanky outfits in Anarchy Online and WoW back in the day. I also don't mind the only female trader in the game being a cutie called Jen who flirts with me from time to time. I don't even mind the fact that there are SEVERAL strip joints in the game catering to the gents out there. Heck, 7 days wouldn't be the same without the rough humor. I luvs it! (although, I wouldn't mind seeing a "The Stud Farm", "The Muscle Mansion", "The Beefcake Bungalow" or a "Hunk Haven" POI appear for us ladies one of these days. POI designers: Make it happen! You know you wanna!


    What I do mind however is the at-times deaf tone and clueless attitudes in regards to making female players feel appreciated, included and welcomed. I remember when I started playing 7 days, one of the first things I noticed was that the traders addressed my female character as if she were a man. Then I remember the first time I saw Joel on stream... Honest question: What's the ONE THING your eyes zap to when he's on screen? The naked lady painting on his wall. I mean my god, it's a frickin' gorgeous painting, it really is! But that's beside the point. What makes this problematic is that a) It's highly unprofessional and has no place on a dev stream b) It creates a horn-dog-buzz amongst the male chatters and this can feel disturbing for female players just trying to focus on the information.


    In the very least, it would be considerate if devs could at least avoid reacting to comments about the painting and just choose to focus on one of the other hundreds of comments that are actually about the dev stuff instead. When devs react to comments about the painting, it's like validating the horn dogs in chat and saying "Hey dudes, it's absolutely fine that you continue chatting about naked ladies. We don't need to care about how our female audience will feel or whether they will be creeped out or unwelcome!" Devs should be better than that, and lead by example. Instead of encouraging that sort of behavior.


    There will be those of you who say: "Female players don't matter since the target audience is and always has been male" - Choosing a target audience is fine. But it can still be done in such way that doesn't make literally half of the population feel excluded and unwelcome at the same time. Besides, look at how many female streamers there are that stream this game. Isn't it time that females became a valued and respected part of the target audience?


    At the end of the day, none of the things I mentioned are very serious or disturbing on their own, the problem is how it all starts to add up. A real shame as this game has so much potential to be enjoyed by everyone equally.


    It wasn’t like that. They all showed one character they’ve worked on for A22. Most of them start with the male version and then do the female version. Like the pack rat—there is no female version yet. 

    It just happens that the female version for the desert was finished in time to show and they were never planning to show everything they’ve done for A22 anyway. The female bandit they showed looked to be pretty detailed and not necessarily sexed up.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Crypted said:

    Throwing the glass jar on the ground when you finish drinking the water like RipClaw said (so it makes sense instead of the glass jar going poof)


    These types of animations are novel the first time or two but after 100s of drinks you would be going postal in rl after having to watch another toss the glass and listen for the shattering sequence. And that's just because you're pretty chill. Others would be causing mayhem after just the 5th time....

  16. 4 hours ago, Vintorez said:

    I'm not convinced it's going to be received well even after players actually try it, having the jars just disappear and not be able to be used to fill up is the kind of thing that will just pull players out of the experience.


    The initial WTF moment is something that I worry about. When played for the first time after the change was made I had no idea that it had happened. I was confused and a bit lost on how I was supposed to get enough water. At that time you could not drink from a water source yet either. So I asked someone what happened and found out about the change. I went back to the game and started working towards building my dew collector and after about an hour of playing never thought about jars again.


    It will be a WTF first moment-- especially for those who don't follow the development announcements and so still have no idea about the change. There will be lots of posts from frustrated people asking how the heck they are supposed to get enough water. But I do have absolute confidence that within an hour of playing once understanding the change, people really won't think about it. The jars still exist but only in inventory to show units of liquid. Our imaginations fill in the rest. I assume there are empty jars but I just don't directly deal with them. They are glossed over. Never do I stop to agonize about a universe in which empty jars don't exist.


    So...I think it will be a very interesting first couple of weeks on the forum with lots of posts by people who got used to it and absolutely love the water survival progression over the nonexistent water survival progression of before. There will also likely be every day someone new posting asking how to keep from always being thirsty and how to get water. There will be posts from those who didn't get past the adaptation process and decided right away they hate it and refuse to play it or try to get used to it. Some will call it innovative and unique and a fresh feeling compared to other survival titles they've played. Some will call it tedious and grindy and too long of a process to reach water abundance. Some will mod it back to how it was before ASAP.


    This stuff is what makes early access so interesting to experience-- especially with a studio that experiments and iterates using public builds rather than behind closed doors. I'm pretty confident that in the end the vast majority will accept the change simply because the early game is more fun with it and just like everything else, crafting the solution to a problem is rewarding and we've already seen that people can and will bridge that abstraction gap with acid containers, gas cans, and stew bowls

  17. Just now, Crypted said:

    The burnt zombie model only makes sense in the burnt forest biome, so what about the other biomes. 


    4 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

    i wouldn't imagine burnt zombies in snow area..


    Why? You can't be burnt to a crisp by a nuclear blast if you are standing in snow? If you get burnt to a crisp and become a zombie and then it snows where you are would you feel compelled to get out of there because it doesn't fit?


    I say burnt zombie because it is generic and has recognizable features destroyed. I'd be just as happy with a mud covered deteriorated model that could serve as the main zombie model for 90% of sightings. Then all the current models could be special infected with various abilities and only sighted rarely so you hopefully wouldn't get two of the same within a single horde.


    Just goes to show that different people have different sensibilities.

  18. 2 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Wasn't there once the idea that the horde zombies should be very uniform completely covered with mud and blood ?


    Yes. But it never went past the idea phase.  I really like the burnt zombie model for an undead zombie model and wouldn't mind replacing most of the models in the game with that model and having the rest be rare sightings as if the nukes burnt everyone to a crisp but didn't kill them but making them look basically the same. But then there would be some exceptions that were perhaps more recently turned people. Seems like that would be a pretty easy modlet to make...maybe.

  19. 5 hours ago, Crypted said:

    Also Madmole said (but I had designs for them) so does this mean new zombies are almost done but just need more work before they get added in or something else. 

    It means he’s drawn some ideas on paper and has them in a binder. Rewatch the dev stream from this week and at the beginning there is a graphic that explains the process. Justin said that Madmole gives the artists a concept as a drawing and then they start modeling it and going through that whole flowchart. It’s a long flowchart. 

    There are no zombie models that are practically done and just need to be added in. Nobody has been working on new zombies at all since they started working on bandits and player characters over a year ago. 

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