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Posts posted by Roland

  1. Master Chef also reduces the ingredient counts. It does not change the food that is cooked to be better versions. I think it also increases your chances of finding cooking recipe magazines but I can't check that atm.



    3 hours ago, Akota said:

    Is there going to be another stream of A21 this wed? I don't want to miss it if there is.


    Yes. The artists will be showing off what they've been working on which eansmay eythay ightmay owshay omesay neaksay eakspay ofay tuffsay eythay idn'tday itequay inishfay orfay wentyonetay...



  2. 54 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I completely forgot then... which version was it?


    I don't remember that either, btw. I remember there being multiple set spawn points which showed up as stars on the map and you could select where you would spawn but I don't remember ever being able to lay down multiple bags and select from among them where you would spawn.

  3. There is no point to making a higher tier stone weapon need more stone. Getting stone is trivial. Please devs, do not waste a moment on figuring out whether yellow tier should require 12 stones and 15 wood rather than 9 stones and 12 wood. It just isn't worth it...

  4. 18 hours ago, faatal said:

    It should be no surprise to anyone that we discuss fast travel as many games have it, hence the helipads. The vehicle teleport is one of my main issues. We think the vehicle should go with you without it being annoying. I'm thinking it teleports to an open parking like area and finding a free spot. I'd prefer it be a very limited system, but it could end up as whatever makes sense or not doing it at all. It could easily not be in A22, yet show up later.


    What the....


  5. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    i edited because i remind myself something ;

    Combat – Encounter over 50 unique zombie archetypes including special infected with unique behaviors and attacks.


    well: this is from offical page - now if we count infected animals ( i shoudn't count zombie bear and zombie dogs but left it be ) - it's 30 not "over 50". so - they should add at least 20 zombies more before gold. It should be in roadmap in :



    1. Bandits
    2. Armor
    3. Weather
    4. Factions & Story
    5. Steam Workshop Support


    so: it have to be OFFICIALLY confirmed and added before gold. i'm not complaing about A21 only - but lack in roadmap. 

    If they officialy add to the list " at least 20 more zombies " or " at least 50 zombie in game before gold" - i would be satisactioned


    Okay, you make a good point with the 50 unique zombies. I think there probably were 50+ unique zombies at one point but things changed and the website didn't get updated. @Crater Creator can probably bring that up with Rick at some point now that you've brought it up. Just understand, that it will be the number that changes and not the game. Or maybe they will change it to "over 50 unique enemy archetypes including bandits, animals, zombies, and special infected" because once they have all the bandit types in it may be back up to 50.


    It isn't false advertising, it is outdated information and while it is still important to get it updated it isn't the same thing nor does it have the same intentions. The screenshots and video clips of the game on Steam were outdated for years before they swapped them with more current footage and pictures. Its not best practice but it happens and when it is known it should get fixed.

    38 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I think my answer was confusing... A tier 1 infestation quest will be in a tier 1 POI with tier 2 parameters (approximately as that is up to the POI designers, I think).  The trader won't give you a tier 6 infestation quest.  It will be labeled tier 5.  And you won't have tier 6 POI.  The tier 5 infestation quests will use tier 5 POI.


    This is exactly right. All quests and POIs are still labeled T1-T5. An infestation label makes the quest and the POI effectively +1 Tier in regards to how many zombies there are. It also adds an infestation crate to the loot room. There are no natural T6 POIs.


    So... Take a clear quest at the Hospital and it will be a T5 clear. Take an infested clear quest at the same hospital and it will be like a T6 clear would be if they existed naturally and there will be an extra infestation loot box with the rest of the final loot.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    here is an example of the optimizer working today apr 15th today our server with  42 players on, 57 zombies and 50 animals the server fps is 42.5- our server  is lucky the coder allows us to use it during its creation. 100% works and with it being updated all the time its only going get better going in a21



    I look forward to the day it goes public. I'll definitely share the info with Alloc once there is a link to be shared. You can send one right now to @Crater Creator by PM and he'll pass it along privately if you can get permission from the creator of the mod. Alloc is the developer that would look at this sort of thing and evaluate its usefulness.

  7. Just now, Matt115 said:


    You literalty say no then comfirmed that yes. i doesn't say they finished but they were working. 



    There is a difference between working steadily on bandits since A15 until today and starting on bandits for A15 and then putting them aside until the start of A21 work. The first statement denotes about 5 years of working on bandits while the second more accurately puts it at about a year and a half.


    Because the second version is actually the truth it explains why since the time of A15 we had a lot of experimental work on zombies and adding new models and then finally updating a subset of all there were to the set of HD models we have now. It also explains why there are no new zombies for A21 because the team turned to focus on bandits and character models and there is nobody working on zombies at this time.


    7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    "grow beyond" - no it doesn't. Fun fact - in many generic post apo games you have mutants, bandits and animals. wait a sec :With over 15 million copies sold, 7 Days has defined the survival genre, with unrivaled crafting and world-building content. Set in a brutally unforgiving post-apocalyptic world overrun by the undead,

    so:  Zombies should "main meat" not addition - just rest of enemies be addition. While now zombies are just left far from finished. No it's not beyond - it's much backward zombie game for now


    You can quote whatever you want. I'm just telling you the reality of where the game is continuing. There aren't going to be any more new zombies until they are finished with bandits and player character models. That is a fact. Go ahead and read the line about the world being overrun by the undead a couple more dozen times and still, it won't change the fact that the world is going to have zombies, mutants, bandits, traders, the Duke, Noah, and all the hostile animals. It also won't change the fact that the priority at least through A22 is bandits and player characters and not adding more zombies.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    They are working on bandits since A15 at least. They put from their own choice - they could add this much ealier but changed their mind.  And yes it's neccesary. It's even much more important that new props. Reason is pretty simple - if you make game about zombie where zombie our just 3 background.... why you ever added them? 

    Actually working on bandits since A15? No.

    They started and added some models back in Alpha 15 and then left them in the code which many overhaul modders took and have used. 

    The devs have punted the work on bandits every single alpha deeming the timing to not be right. They started work on them again really for the first time with A21. This is the first time the bandits were pushed back due to not having enough time to finish the work.


    Also, you call this game a “zombie game”. That is how YOU see it but it is actually a post-apocalyptic survival game with zombies, radiated mutants, bandits, and hostile animals. It is 7 Days to Die by several means—not just zombies. Let go your fixed belief about what this game is because you will just get more and more disappointed as the game continues to grow beyond just a zombie game. 

    24 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    Did the cut zombies (cowboy, football player, cheerleader) already have their HD models and were then cut, or did they get cut with no HD models being made? If it's the latter, of course they didn't fit in. They had no HD models.


    If you don't see it in the game then it didn't get a new HD model. Everything that did not get a new model was cut. Since that time the focus has been on bandits and player character models. Once they finish with the current tasks there might be time to do a few more zombie models. I'm not sure how to make it clearer. Hopefully, you get it from this statement.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


    Wait, so the cut ones were already HD versions? Or no? Just making sure I understand.

    Im not sure I understand what you are asking. The current crop of zombies replaced the previous crop. Many of the previous crop were upgraded to what we have now. Others were cut. 

  10. They were cut because they weren’t up to the standards of the new models and would have looked horribly out of place next to them. 

    the team has been completely focused on bandit models and character models since that time so there has been no time to do more zombie models. Once they are finished with bandits and player characters, if there is time, they will do a few more zombie models. But they’ve put off the other entities in the game long enough and these others they’ve been working on are must haves before the game can be considered done whereas more zombie models would be nice but not necessary. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Crypted said:

    I was talking about when Rick said teleport pad then changed It to helipad and then Lathan's face expression. We won't know for sure until Alpha 22 I guess. 🙂


    I know. And what I'm saying is that despite his slip of tongue there is no way to know--even for me. As I've said, I know that Rick has spoken favorably about fast travel in the past but all the devs like to talk about wishlist stuff. It doesn't always make it in. As you say, we will know at some point and if it turns out to be true we can all laugh about how Rick slipped up in this past dev stream.


    Personally, I'm against such things in a game such as this. Time should be an expensive resource to spend but doing things like making the days 240 minutes long and possibly adding fast travel mechanics cheapens that resource until it is meaningless. I was glad when the wellness feature was removed because it could be used as a currency to teleport back to base which again cheapened the time resource.


    My own preference would be that the game is balanced to where the player has barely enough time to stay abreast of the difficulty progression curve of the game.

  12. 16 hours ago, Crypted said:

    In Alpha 21/22 I think you will be able to fast travel from trader to trader because of what Rick said in the dev stream.


    It's definitely not in A21-- but in the future? Quite possible! Rick has always been a fan of fast travel mechanics so it wouldn't surprise me and it would be a good use for the helipad and nearby radio. But I really have no idea if it is a sure thing or not. Nobody is talking about it on the dev team but that could be mostly because it is all A21-focused right now.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Update: you're right! Someone apparently deleted my post!

    I don't think it's been moved since I checked the other sub-forums and even some other discussions to check if it was merged. :pout:

    I asked help to the mods, I hope they find out what happened because I put a lot of effort in it. :confused2:


    You got flagged by Steams auto moderation bot and the post will be hidden until a steam mod can check to make sure it contains nothing malicious. The 7 Days to Die mods can't do anything until steam verifies it is okay and then makes it visible again.

  14. April 2023


    In the first Dev stream for Alpha 21, Rick and Joel showed A21 footage running on a PS5 to highlight the fact that they are developing the new console version concurrently with PC along with partner Titanium Games from Australia.


    In a shocking announcement, Rick says that not only is the console development even with PC but that if all goes well their goal is to release PC Alpha 22 as the Version 1 release for console. Cross-platform play will come later.


    So the old goal of waiting until PC goes gold before releasing console versions has been altered to getting 7 Days to Die out to consoles even before PC goes gold and to continue to finish up both PC and Console versions concurrently.


    Rick also mentions that they are in talks with Microsoft and Sony to negotiate a discount program for existing owners of the original console game.


    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1792347503  Start at time stamp 38:25 to skip to their console announcements and see the footage and hear the amazing news yourself!

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