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Posts posted by Roland

  1. On 5/15/2021 at 4:29 AM, DanuThuata said:

    I tested the Twitch integration yesterday extensively with my viewers.

    Would it be possible to return the viewers #cp score requests as whispers, that can disrupt the chat sound quite a bit.


    Another small question: is there the command list, the commands the spectators have used in a file to be able to show them externally or to look at who has tried how hard to do what? (I admit I like statistics)





    I brought this to Lathan's attention and he said:


    thanks but neither are possible.

    The second one  will never be accurate because of gamestage and cooldowns.

    The first one, I think twitch has a limitation on whispers as far as I've been told.

    These are common questions though, everyone worries about chat clutter the first time they stream it, then it stops bothering them after the second or third stream.



    So the fix is essentially that you can get used to anything. ;)


  2. 25 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    These people are happy with everything that is being done, relax🤪

    It’s not that we are happy with everything that’s being done. It’s that the particular items on YOUR list of grievances just don’t register as being priority concerns for some of us. Just different viewpoints and desires. 

  3. 41 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

    I don't put a pet peeve on the same level a grievance. A grievance would be all the people that are going to play A20 and demand to go back to A19

    Can’t happen. Historically, the even numbered alphas have always been more popular than the odd numbered Alphas. 

    There’s really nothing A17 could’ve done....

  4. 10 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    If he did it in his spare time good enough . I can understand it on CS or Warzone. You know - people watch them, and buying skins , camoes because streamers do it to 

    Lathan (the developer who created it) is a streamer as well as a game developer so it was something he wanted for himself and created for himself and after he pitched it, the team felt it was good enough to go into the game so as to be natively available to all streamers.


    When a developer wants to mod the game it often becomes a feature...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    why some many guys are so exited for twitch connection

    because they like twitch and this will enhance their entertainment.


    3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    most people will never use it.

    but those that do will be happy and it may increase the reach of the game on Twitch itself and bring in additional viewers. It was developed by one of the developers in his spare time so it did not supplant any other part of the game. Most people will also never use Insane Difficulty but there it is.



  6. 4 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    So, where did you get this metric for the 7dtd Twitch audience? or did you simply make it up? Citation needed or info useless and ignored.


    Even if the metric is correct, I think that the assumptions, conclusions, and speculations about what it all means can safely be ignored anyway. There is no downside to attracting 16-24 y.0. gamers to this game through them watching Twitch. It is all upside.

  7. Yeah, if you don't play as a streamer or participate in a stream as an audience member then it is a non-feature for you. I think that about 10 years ago streaming was a semi-big thing. But it has definitely grown into a legit big thing at this point and is approaching semi-huuuge thing status.


    The feature injects a ton of fun into streaming the game for both player and watcher so it makes sense that the Pimps of Fun would make it happen.


    I believe this feature is supposed to replace the kickstarter goal of VR integration....

  8. I believe that the game automatically detects the language you have Steam set to and that there is no in game manual option. If the OP has Steam set to Persian and the game isn’t matching, then it means Persian is not a supported language. 

    A good workaround is to get a headset and talk to each other in whatever language you wish. It is a MUCH better experience than texting in any language. 

  9. 1 hour ago, meilodasreh said:

    Cool Roland thx for the update,

    way better than the "any features might be added, changed, postponed, cancelled,... that's why it's called development" reaction i expected from staff here, love it! 👍


    Any chance btw the first post gets an update too? There's still much stuff saying "details coming", and it don't.

    If it is just to keep me excited, I'm ok, but the others might not understand 🤪


    Once another dev stream happens that is dedicated to A20, the info will get updated. The developers decided to make big announcements and reveals in the dev stream format after their success in A19. So until then we get little bits and updates but once they are ready to show actual A20 gameplay and features then I will be able to give more details on the first page. 


    No. I don't know when the next dev stream will air.

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