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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 10 hours ago, Gazz said:

    And yes, that includes figuring out when a situation warrants using a weapon other than the stun baton.


    But that is simple for so many players:


    If I perked into a weapon then I use it

    If I didn't perk into a wapon then I don't use it (even though it kills zombies just fine).


    This is where the anger over the expense for crossing over attribute trees comes from. A kid really wants to use a shotgun but didn't go strength and now to cross over to strength and perk up shotguns it is super expensive so OBVIOUSLY the kid is FORCED to never use shotguns. Can't use them if he didn't perk into them....


    It's an unfortunate fixed belief....

  2. Tesla is so stingy. They should have let me keep an early development model in my garage all this time. That way I could send them weekly emails informing them that the hunk of metal in my garage is STILL not drivable...

  3. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    Rules are rules if you put minimal setting in 2013 it must work on it right still ? No matter what . This part of deal with Valve if you put  game on steam and it is avalible to buy and play ( but if you buy preorder setting can be changed) so it can be changed . So they are still very limited xd


    This is incorrect. TFP has adjusted (upward) the minimum required and recommended specs on the Steam page at least two times over the past 7 years. The game today will not run at all using the posted specs on Steam from 2013. The Valve rule you are assuming exists....doesn't.

  4. 1 hour ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Huh. So with Intellect 4 (with the Nerdy Glasses) I can automatically craft chemistry stations, but when I take the glasses off I am unable to craft them. O_o

    With my current intellect and reading glasses I can read small print, but when I take the glasses off I am unable to. 

  5. All you need to do is make sure that your game is set to public view and that the number of players is set above one. Are you trying to host off the same machine you are playing on or have you set up a dedicated server that is always running. If you are hosting on your own machine then your game will only show up on the list while you are playing. If you have a dedicated server then your game will show up on the server list all the time and you'll have a better chance of attracting people to play in your world. Also, if you host from your own machine, then when you are done playing and leave, it kicks everyone else off. They can only play when you play.


    So hosting is best when you want to play with friends and you can coordinate schedules. If you want a world where anyone can come and go and you want the thrill of running into a stranger who may be hostile or may be friendly then you should rent or set up your own dedicated server for the game.

  6. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    Also, new compatibility patch for Sorcery!

    (Not sure why Dev's post was deleted. It was not something I requested)


    It is against the rules to advertise your own mod in another modder's thread without their approval as it is considered off-topic and also not good netiquette. Dev's post was reported by a user and subsequently hidden. Now that we see your approval we unhid it. Glad everything works smoothly between your two mods. :)

  7. Okay, I went to the bug pool and looked at the output log you posted for your disappearing boat report. This jumped out at me:


    1. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.136 INF Version: Alpha 19.5 (b60) Compatibility Version: Alpha 19.5, Build: Windows 64 Bit
    2. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF System information:
    3. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    4. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz (cores: 20)
    5. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF RAM: 32688 MB
    6. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (2007 MB)
    7. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5.0)
    8. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Last played version: Alpha 16.4


    This usually means there are code remnants left over from previous versions of the game you have played and especially cause weird things with your map and spawning. Use the cleaning tool in the game launcher tools tab and check all boxes to remove all maps and save game data. Then verify your files and make sure any new save games are named differently than previously used names. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:



    Not gonna lie, I misread the comment on what it was about. My bad Roland, I confused you with Jugginator and took his post as a confirmation of the issue I am currently having. His was in reference to trees not rendering, actually, im not quite sure who his reply was for.


    "You're not doing anything wrong, but DarkLegend was a bit off with the whole day 30/it's the way it is right now (ive seen servers stable past day 800 in 19.4). I've only seen it reported a couple times before the patch for this and it's either been a server crapped out and corrupted the files or mismatched versions. I would restore from a backup or transfer the characters' saved files to a newly made map (can be the same one)."


    I don't have the log from back when that happened, I did a fresh install of the game last night. There is a bug report in the Bug Pool section if you'd like to review that. Again, my bad, I was incorrect on the comment and who it was from.

    No problem :)


    But it looks like you accidentally posted the link to that thread in pastebin instead of your output log.

  9. 8 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Roland himself has reported that other users have had the same issue and is UNAWARE of the cause.. yet people say there are tools to use in order to prevent this.. but i have been given no such thing. In a comment earlier i have provided a clickable link to said forum, in a reply to Roland.


    I looked for that post with that link to what I said and I can't find it. I'd like to see what you are referencing so if you could link it one more time I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure what I said before about the issues @Boidster pointed out. To me it sounds like maybe you have something running in the background while you are playing or there is something happening that is throttling how much memory is available to the game. But its all guesswork without being able to view your logs.


    8 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I would provide a log if the game actually made one, there is no log in the install directory aside from game startup successful. That's all it says, as a dedi-output-log.


    As a start, you could provide your client output log. If you are renting your server from a provider, ask them for the output log and they should be able to provide it for you. If you are running it on your own secondary machine then find the 7daystodie_data file on that computer-- and the output logs should be there-- a whole list of them. If you are playing on the same machine that you are running the server from them your output log IS the server output log since you are hosting.


    You can't attach files like that to posts any longer so you will need to use pastebin and put the link in the post.

  10. Working Stiffs crating up primitive tools seems weird but you never know. If you would've asked me in 2019 what commodity was likely to disappear and cause riots at local Costcos due to a global pandemic of a flu virus, I never would have guessed toilet paper. Even having lived through it, I still think it is bizarre that the worldwide groupthink during the first weeks of the pandemic was to make a run on tp. Sure, they eventually were having to ration out things like rice, beans, and flour which does makes sense to me but it proves that life can often be stranger than fiction.


    So strange fiction shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. :)

  11. This came up quite a bit when the feature was first implemented with some preferring the clean look and others the apocalyptic look. TFP wanted the apocalyptic look. You can hide most of the wires by carefully building so that the bulk of the wires are within the walls but it is tough. Bottom line is that the devs have no interest right now in hiding the wires and while that annoys some of the players it pleases others and the rest don't really care.


    Your house is pre-apocalypse standard of living.

  12. 2 hours ago, saoron666 said:

    Just like any other game there is something called “EXPANSIONS


    How can they make expansions when the base game is still incomplete? This game is still in alpha development. Sure, its been there for a long time but the point is that it is still being developed. Every other game that I know of that released expansions first released a base game. 7 Days to Die will most likely have expansions once the game is done.



    They probably could call it done as it is and then make the bandits and other features become expansions but then their base game would be different than what they promised for their kickstarter. So they are going to keep going as they are until the promises are fulfilled and then call that the base game and then move on to expansions after that.

  13. Our characters can do pretty much everything at a rudimentary level without having to spend any points so I would want building to be the same. Maybe gate anything above wood with a skill. The trailer for the game shows the guy defending on the first horde night from a wooden hut but in the game most people are building from materials that are beyond the ability of that first blood moon horde to even be in danger of breaching. So I wouldn't want to have to spend a point to be able to do any building but I'd try a mod that used some sort of building skill tree to delay the better blocks a bit longer.


    The real problem, though, is that players will always choose the best option. If they can only build with wood then instead of building they will knock out the stairs of a large brick building and stay on the second floor until they can build with the tougher stuff and no skill tree gating will stop that (nor should it). So I don't see it as really being a viable design since the world is open and people can use existing buildings so easily anyway.

  14. 7 hours ago, apex1x said:

    No offence but having 3 posts to your name doesn't scream of wisdom.


    I could have sworn @uncle-heavy has posted more than three times. That really surprised me. huh....


    By your own admission, you have no interest in trying to solve the problem you are having and just wanted to vent your frutration. I hope you feel better now. My post count wisdom leads me to suggest that you get some help on this and that will have better long term benefits rather than just picking fights and railing against the development process. But your post count wisdom leads me to suspect you won't listen to anyone's advice.

  15. On 5/25/2021 at 8:22 PM, apex1x said:

    Is the game design philosophy to just plow forward?


    Yes. And thank you for acknowledging that we are moving forward. Others who come on here all aggressive try to say that TFP has taken backward steps but I like your discernment that it is all forward movement.

  16.      As @Laz Manpointed out in a necroed thread from Summer of 2020, it is pretty interesting to go back and read about the changes that people struggled with and how those things are just non-issues now because we have adapted and learned. At the start of every alpha there will be people who rant that their playstyle or base type or x is impossible now thanks to the changes-- but then months later nobody thinks those things are impossible any longer because-- learning happens. On a side note, it is also interesting to read posts from people who haven't played in a year or more and then they pick it up and they have the same learning curve issues the rest of us had a year ago but they are just posting about it now....lol.


    So, just wait for all the angry posts from people who will not know how to play Alpha 20. :)

  17. 13 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    Just haven't had the time to update or did something change where it cannot work anymore?

    Something changed that broke it. The skillpoint timer worked fine but the daily level up stopped working and without that the gamestage didn't progress fast enough. The daily level up code was something I was helped with so I couldn't fix it on my own.

  18. 4 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Wow very nice idea! 1 day = 1 point?

    It builds up. If you survive 1 day you get 1 point after 2 days you get 2 points and after 3 days you get 3 points per day. If you die you have to wait a full 24 hr cycle to earn 1 point and it will slowly build up again. The costs of perks and attributes are increased quite a bit as well.

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