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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 41 minutes ago, TheBus4K said:

    Since Alpha 15-16 I have been constantly following updates (previous Alphas just played around a bit, dropped it, came back years later, etc.), when did you try the "small" updates? I was unaware of that 😮


    (I'm not asking for small updates either, if in 1 year we get a big update, 1-2 months would be like a small update, then 6 months would be a medium update, which is what I would like).

    Small updates were tried at around Alpha 6 - 8.


    Alpha 15 was already long after they realized that short updates weren't going to work for them. They obviously realized that many players wanted shorter updates so they would state that they hoped the next one would be shorter but nah.

  2. Thanks for your opinion but after 7 years of doing it their way despite many many threads just like yours pleading for faster updates, it just isn't going to happen. It is just how they operate and it will most likely continue to be so with their next game as well. There is nothing wrong with playing a game twice a year as long as you have other games in your library. The fact that you keep coming back and that with each new update the overall growth of the player base continues to rise shows that the way they are doing it isn't harming them.


    The game is not subscription based so from their perspective whether someone plays it every moment of the past year or only twice-- they get paid the same. And since people keep coming back it is a win anyway.


    Best is to let them just develop the way they have been doing for 7+ years since it works for them. A poll from years ago doesn't matter. Even if the poll had gone the other way in favor of faster updates-- they wouldn't be contractually bound to that for heaven's sake-- so just let the poll mythology go.


    Your thread is just another in a long line of opinions just like it and none of them have changed TFP's minds.

  3. This is an international forum and as such what passes for humor in one culture will be inexplicable in another. These threads don't break any rules and I see them as light-hearted silliness. If this were the Mayo Clinic forum and we were discussing Meningitis then I could see being against light hearted nonsensical silliness but this is a video game forum for a game about zombies that can be found in a building called "Poopy Pants Daycare"....


    Silliness is allowed-- especially in General Discussions with how strict I'm being in the official A20 thread. Lighten up and relax.


    And the responsibility for what you read and see is ALWAYS up to you. So it is proper and correct to expect YOU to put people on ignore that annoy you and not expect me to stifle the posts of every random user whose sense of humor doesn't somehow match up with yours. 

  4. I chose option two because I don't feel like it needs to be changed to default even though I do use the advanced rotation more often than the basic rotation whenever I intend to rotate. But that's the thing.... Often, I hit the wrong mouse button when intending to place a block as is and rotate it instead. With the simple rotation being default I can quickly rotate it back to the way I want. If the advanced rotation was default it would be a royal pain. Maybe it's just me though...


    Besides...the option I MOST often choose is "Copy rotation" :)

  5. 7 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    The chief mistake you made, meilodasreh, was assuming that post was for you rather than for the devs.


    I actually moved your original post here because I thought it was just a general discussion starter. I moved it back and added an @madmole tag to it so that it would be more apparent-- but you should know that the devs respond better to sincere questions rather than long texts. So, best is to ask a question on one subject per post instead of three and be brief in your own feedback regarding the issue.


    So, for example, your first issue could be its own post where you simply ask if the letterman jacket boost of 10% speed will be preserved in the new outfit model because that benefit really adds to melee combat. 


    Then your next issue could be a separate post where you ask if there will be any more work on zombie animations-- in particular reaction animations to getting hit in melee attacks.


    Finally, you could ask if there are more candies planned along with stating your opinion that the falling damage candy seems out of place with absolutely no connection to reality.


    The devs like to answer questions. Feedback and opinion pieces they tend to read but not necessarily respond to other than to just say, "thanks for your opinion"

  6. On 4/6/2021 at 3:52 PM, Almond Milk said:


    The licensing agreement in the EULA says I will agree not to: "Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, prepare derivative works based on or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part;"

    ...with the intent to generate unauthorized copies of the game or pass off official content as your own or your own content as an official part of 7 Days to Die. 

    You can mod the game files to create a modified version of the game as long as you offer your content free of charge, identify it as a mod to the base game, and don’t create a mod that is “stand alone”. As long as people still need to purchase the authorized game to play your mod there is no problem. 

    Be aware that you also agree that all derivative work you do becomes the property of The Fun Pimps if they choose to exercise that option. Though...if they wanted your work that badly they would probably just hire you... 😜


    In a world where people tend to ask for forgiveness rather than permission...thanks!

  7. 15 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'm going to add one final point to the "brass predicament". What is one the most inconvenient tasks in 7D2D? That would be babysitting brass as it smelts into your forge. At least with candlesticks, trophies, and doorknobs they stack up to, what is it? 500? Brass radiators are the main culprit here. Having to place 10 in at a time (max stack size is 5) and wait for 10 minutes before you can deposit more into the input slots is a far less elegant method than any other smeltable item in the game. I'm no game developer, but I don't see how increasing their stack size to 25 or even 50 would affect much balance wise. The constructive consequence of this is that instead of being forced to hang around your base tending to your forge in between tasks (this all depends on your current situation) we could simply plonk in a large stack of the suckers and let them smelt while we perform other tasks. What do you think @madmole?

    I think you should scrap the brass before smelting it if you are tempted to sit and watch a timer for five minutes. Either put ten candlesticks in and go do something else and come back or scrap everything and take the penalty so you don’t have to babysit. 

    I scrap everything for inventory space and so I can load it all in to the forge at once and I have plenty of brass. There is way more brass and ammo to be found in A19 than ever before. 

  8. Instead of testing it with a mod, just go into god mode and you will see the hp bar for any zombie you are looking at. Then you can easily see the dps happening from bleed and the waters aren't getting muddied with any mods. Yeah, yeah...the mod may not affect anything blah blah blah but nobody on the QA team will take your test seriously if you have mods installed. So use the simple debug mode and keep it vanilla.

  9. 9 hours ago, fallenbox said:


    Its just theyr way to do things which almost every one tend to agree that suck, removing depth from the game and calling it "optimizations" as been a trend since the @%$#ty a17 patch, worst thing is that sometimes nothing is re-added after "improving" the thing, only cutting out elements of gameplay that people appreciate.

    "confusing to upgrade your base with the insane current block upgrade path" yeah i imagine what of an overload of mental struggle it goes on with such high numbers  of blocks upgrades, hopefully modders are gonna be able to fix what devs itself screw up.


    Any project that is being edited for its final version typically has more cut than added. The process is usually tougher on the creator more than anyone but any competent designer whether it is a game, a movie, an essay, a book, or a work of art knows the value of cutting away the bloat and chaff and simplify their project to a high functioning lean product.


    Hey, I love extended versions of movies and also wonder about all those deleted scenes and why they had to be cut in the first place and I also enjoyed many aspects of 7 Days to Die that ended up on the cutting room floor. But it is standard procedure for any creative process. The devs have to make the hard choices and we may not like it but we have to at least understand the principle. The game has reached higher popularity than ever before and longer sustained player base than any previous version so they must not be doing it all wrong.  Sure, new players don't know all the goodies they are now missing but it also shows that the game still has legs and is still fun and addictive and engaging and the whole point of being in Early Access is to be able to have experienced all those past versions and have fond memories.  Yes, new players could opt in to earlier versions to try them out but it isn't the same going backwards as it is experiencing the journey as it happened. That is something to be grateful for and if you are the type who likes all the bloated scope and complex processes then for sure there will be mods that will add several steps to craft anything and double the number of workstations and triple the hoops to jump through to get anything done. That is exactly the purpose for mods: extra scope beyond that of the developers.

  10. 11 minutes ago, BioFringe said:

    I know that the RTX 3060 isn't the best and it wouldn't normally be my first choice but considering all of the circumstances involved...I'll take it if I get the opportunity. In the least it's night & day compared to my current GTX 950 :)


    I went from a 960 to a 1650 and it was night and day. It think the worst of the lot is going to be absolutely amazing if you are able to get your hands on it. :)

  11. I like it and wish it went further-- as in smaller backpacks with less slots to larger backpacks with more slots than we currently have. The whole point of it is to feel that sense of accomplishment once you have a vehicle and/or all slots cleared. I have played with mods that increase backpack size and/or clear all slots by spending one skill point in pack mule and those mods make the game feel much closer to creative mode to me.  Same with the early game struggle to manage stamina. It might be annoying and we might wish to be able to do everything we want wearing whatever we want for as long as we want-- but the early game restriction that slowly eases up as your character progresses gives that sense of growth and when you can finally swing that sledgehammer without pooping out after only three swings, it feels good. IMO, better than just being able to always use a sledgehammer all day long uninterrupted from Day 1. 

  12. 3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Just wanted to point out that pipe weapons existed before Rust (Fallout 4 released with pipe weapons).  Improvised firearms were not invented by Rust - Fallout 3 had the Rock-It Launcher (later changed to Junk Jet).


    Joel has plainly stated that much of the inspiration for the game has come from the Fallout series. Although...he also admitted to having a few Rust buddies as well.

  13. 6 hours ago, Mike06 said:

    10) Trader to Trader progression = -10000 still the NPC vendors in survival game is -10000. Survival game for millennials : earn the money to buy stuff from shop. Challenging and scary !


    Using the trader is completely voluntary. Cancel the initial tutorial quest and you won't be directed to a trader AND you also won't get the four free skill points. Only a millennial-lover would want to take those initial four skill points and wreck the pure survival experience.... ;)


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