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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 4 hours ago, pipedream said:

    All the Top Servers in the World are Modded Servers. The only thing that keeps this game fun and interesting are Mods. Mod the Map, Mod the Zombies, Mod the items, weapons, food etc. Mod the Armor, Use a third party program for waypoints, teleports, and other features then you will have fun and a challenge. This is why in my opinion most of the "BIG" updates are more than half of what is already out there in the modded World they just implement it. Sure I will get chewed out for this comment but it is whatever..Lol

    I don’t think you are factually wrong about the following:


    1) The most popular servers are modded servers

    2) mods have extended the life of this game for many people beyond when the basic game would have stopped being fun.

    3) Modders can work faster than TFP to add content and sometimes that content is similar to what TFP planned to put in place at their slower pace. 

    I just hope you don’t see this as a bad thing. TFP made this game to be modded. They want the community to go wild with adding content and doing overhauls and increasing complexity and challenge. It’s not a cop out or a negative mark against the developers that they have allowed so much community content to enter the game.


    I’ll never understand people who praise all the mods on one hand and then use those mods to criticize the very group of people who made it all possible in the first place.


    Finally, it’s just naive to think that TFP just implements mods that they’ve seen but just six months to a year later. 

    Sorry if this was not the chewing out you were bracing for. 😝

  2. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:



    Hey, can you see that I'm not just talking about weapons? Hello?


    Even if what you wrote is fun, then, you must admit, is it possible without spending skill points for 50% damage? Have fun 1-2 hits longer btw


    Lets call it abilities. Perks give abilities and weapons give abilities. Abilities that you see as worthless, others see as valuable. Abilities that you see as unviable at your current difficulty level others see as challenging but doable at your current difficulty level. Your assumptions only extend to your own mouse and your own keyboard. If you cannot believe that certain abilities could ever be useful at higher than Adventurer difficulty then either don't use them or lower the difficulty to a point where they do feel viable for you.



  3. 45 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


    I don't always choose the most efficient way, give me a fun and playable alternative and I'll use it, but I am offered 10/20/30/40/50% damage on a lame weapon or 10/20/30% to break open a box that does not exist. Oh no, I guess I should rush 1/2/3/4/5 additional inventory slots already have them? After all, from this I get fun and demonstrate my flexibility (low skill) 

    You still don’t understand what I’m talking about?


    I understand from your own words that if you have a more powerful alternative over a current weapon you are using then the weapon you are currently using no longer seems fun to you.


    Spears are definitely not the most powerful but using a spear in combination with a club is just a lot of fun. Jab Jab Throw smash. Is it efficient and is the spear the most powerful option compared to other weapons? No. But it is challenging and fun to use.

  4. Fast travel between traders might be okay as long as you can't take any metal with you.... ;)


    On a serious note, TFP is hopefully still planning to implement the random encounter system which could make traveling over land result in interesting encounters and situations. Fast travel would negate all of that design. I'm really against fast travel personally. Those who want it can just use the teleport function.

  5. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    nevertheless I never take these perks, because there are always incomparably more useful


    You're a min/maxer. You will always be limited in playstyle choices when only the most efficient path is the only one that is palatable to you.


    1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    I repeat, you can tell any stories from the Adventurer difficulty level, this will in no way change the fact that these perks are worthless


    Here's the thing. You can play Insane nightmare and be successful when doing a strength build and perking into Sledge Hammers and Shotguns. You've discovered that you cannot play Insane nightmare successfully when doing a Perception build and perking into Spears and Bows. So you want Spears and bows to get buffed to the point that you will be able to be successful using them in Insane Nightmare.


    The problem with that is that there are already people who are successfully doing what you can't and you would be robbing them of the challenge in order to make it easier for yourself. Strength and Fortitude are the easiest of the builds to master. Perception, Agility, and Intelligence are more challenging. You want them all to be equal in challenge so you can play them all at the toughest difficulty level.


    You can play them all. You obviously do well with the easier builds on insane nightmare. Seems like you might need to reduce the difficulty to Survivalist or Warrior when playing with the other builds until you get better with them. But asking to decrease the challenge of certain weapons because you feel like they are impossible to use at the highest difficulty only punishes those players who are trying to challenge themselves with those builds at the highest difficulty.

  6. 1 minute ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    The problem with spears vs the other melee weapons is there is no power attack. Yes, you can throw it and hope that kills the zombie, but why would you?

    Because throwing it is the power attack and you can rip it back out of the zombie's body to use again. Or you can put a few spears on your belt to throw throw throw.

  7. 4 hours ago, Brendyrose said:

    I am now 26 years old and have 3 children


    Yeah, but one of the reasons for having those children is to play games together and they are probably still a bit too young to play. How about this: There's no need to worry about grandchildren. You will easily be able to play the finished version of 7 Days to Die with your own kids by time they are old enough to be able to play.



    disclaimer: If you're one of those kind of parents who takes their five year olds to rated R horror movies then all bets are off....

  8. 32 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Unless you are trying to trick me, 2.500 is the same as 2.5 , @Roland we need your help!


    You are correct and I was going to make the same observation. If only I would have been 3.1000000 times faster on my response time instead of only 3.1 times faster, I would have been the one to point that out instead of you!!!

  9. 3 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    When did harder areas offering the same loot as easier areas become the norm for games.. it didn't, which is why the devs are fixing loot tables.


    I was just poking some fun at the title of the thread. OP admits that the harder areas are more fun. That should make it worthwhile playing in those areas regardless of the loot. In fact, if the loot was worse but the game play way more fun then people would want to play there anyway, right?


    I am aware that the loot tables will be changed and I'm not against it. I'd love more fun AND better loot. I'm no communist...

  10. Just some slight points of clarification:


    A17 was when looting zombies was removed and the zombies continue to have names.

    Arlene still roams the countryside of Navezgane-- even in the development builds of Alpha 20.

    Finally, the use of a limited number of models is not an attempt at MMORPG style. It is purely a limitation of current technology.


    I agree with you that it would be better if there was more variation among the different zombies so that the same enemies wouldn't become so repetitive. TFP agrees as well. But they have to strike a balance between performance and visuals. I know for a fact that they have explored options for greater variety and are doing what can be done while preserving the gameplay performance for the greatest number of people. I voted no on the poll because I don't prefer what we have even as a recognize that it may not be able to be changed.

  11. 6 hours ago, bdubyah said:


    What, you got something against 7's now? PTSD from all that math, huh? Tsk tsk.


    Ya know, if you keep a drink on it like you're supposed to, you won't even notice. ;)

    I think it’s mainly that the downward stroke of the seven perfectly aligns with and covers the handle of the stone axe. I would like it better, I think, if the seven were maybe slightly smaller and lowered just a bit so that the handle of the axe it covers could be seen as well. 

    Even if covered with a mason jar of coffee,I would know...lol. Having said that, though, I’m really just trying my best not to get aggressive with myself now over my own slight expression of negativity towards 7DTD. 😉

  12. 5 minutes ago, Sal said:

    You're reaching with this, man.  You are looking WAYYY too deep into this.


    So you were being thoughtless in your word usage instead of intentional. Gotcha.


    6 minutes ago, Sal said:

    Who decides which phrases are "meant to sting" or not?  The writer or the reader? This is all based on interpretation. We're all on the frigging Internet for Christ sakes lol.


    You can play off your word choices as meaningless and claim innocence but you know and we know why you used the phrases you did. You even gave the keyboard warrior reason for it: we're on the friggin internet. Pretend if you want that misinterpretation is happening. It's not though and you know it.

    10 minutes ago, Sal said:

    Based on how YOU interpreted it.   Just like I interpreted your response.  Which was very condescending and offered nothing to the discussion amd could've been changed with a few choice words itself.


    Sure. But I freely admit that I'm aggressively calling you out on what everyone knows you were doing. Question is, why can't you just admit that you were actually trying to be offensive even though you prefaced your remarks with the old "No offense but...."


    14 minutes ago, Sal said:

    Can we agree to get back on track here.


    I don't like the coaster and some do. That's it lol.


    Well if you would have just led with that statement in the first place there never would have been a derailment. But geez this is the internet right? 


    It's cool that you don't like it. It's cool that some people do like it. If you still think that this convo has all been simply because you don't like it then there is no reaching you. I hope the next series is more to your liking but if not, feel free to express your criticism-- just a bit more respectfully if staying on track is actually something you care about. ;)

  13. 11 minutes ago, Sal said:

    1) You knew what I meant and if you didn't then learn to internet.


    Of course I knew what you meant. But consider that just as your ommission of the n't was not really laziness nor an attention grab, neither is the coaster a lazy attempt at a money grab. I was drawing a parallelism between how you chose to post your criticism with my obvious joke about your mistake. The only difference is that I didn't use the phrase "No offense but..." to precede word choices that were demonstrably a more offensive choice to use than could otherwise be typed. You begged to give no offense and then used words like "terrible" and "using windows paint" and "put little thought" and "money grab". Pray, tell me in all of these phrases exactly how much mindfulness you put into being inoffensive?


    21 minutes ago, Sal said:

    2) I simply voiced my opinion on a product based on MY opinion.  Nothing more or less, and I see nothing wrong with that.  And you call THAT an "attention grab"?


    The attention grab was not in voicing your dislike for the product. I can respect not liking the aesthetics of some merchandise. The attention grab was in using phrases meant to sting while claiming you don't want to offend anyone. There is definitely a less offensive way to state what you said but--- let me guess... you're just a blunt person who doesn't like to sugar coat and tells it like it is, right? Why are the blunt ones also so easily offended when someone calls them out on what their "bluntness" actually is....?


    28 minutes ago, Sal said:

    If so, it seems like anyone who says anything negative bad about 7DTD falls into this category with you by your own standards.


    It's not about saying ANYTHING negative. You had quite a few choices in phrasing you could have used to be critical without drawing attention to your delivery. You sought to offend with the word choices you composed and the reason you got blowback was because you tried to hide it behind a duplicitous claim of not wanting to offend. That is what bothered people-- not that you don't like the coasters.


    33 minutes ago, Sal said:

    But I digress. I appreciate faatal's response.  He (or she) understands that not everyone is going to like it.  Just like any other product on the market.


    Everyone understands that. You think the negative responses to your post are simply people who don't get that not everyone is going to like everything? No. It was your word choices and the lie of your first three words in your post. Period.


    Check this out: I don't like the coaster either and don't plan to get one. I don't like how the 7 interacts with the stone axes. It seems too flat against them without enough depth between the layers for my taste. See....I can say that without also publicly accusing the artist of being inept or lazy or TFP of making some kind of cash grab.


    It's negative but not a douche move.

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