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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 2 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

    There's no way i can just bring another point of view without having people get so concerned like i destroyed their dreams? 

    Apparently there's no way you can carry on a calm discussion with people who don't agree with your viewpoint. Just because we post replies that aren't in agreement with you doesn't mean our dreams are destroyed by your opinion or that you need to show yourself out or abandon your opinion just to placate some perceived mob of emotionally fragile uberfans.


    I'm not in crisis thanks to your opinion. I just don't agree with it. Since I'm A-OKAY with bleeding zombies as well, life is good. 🙂 

  2. The word "zombie" is more of a catch-all term rather than a technical term. We've had this discussion many times over the years and sometimes it is about what the creatures in 7 Days to Die should or should not be able to do or what properties they should or should not have given that that they are called "zombies", and sometimes it is about what the creatures in 7 Days to Die should be called (other than zombies) given their apparent characteristics. It all boils down to people erroneously thinking that "zombie" is a technical term and means something specific when,  in fact, it is a general and abstract term that captures a wide range of characteristics. People who want to think narrowly about the definition of "zombie" aren't going to like that but they do have to deal with it because the developers of this game have a very liberal and loose view and definitely use the term "zombie" as a catch-all and will continue to do so no matter what abilities and characteristics they decide to give them.


    So just put away your comic book/ movie/ and literary references and come up with your own sci-fi/fantasy explanations for how things work for these THINGS that everyone refers to as zombies.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well i think he just wanted to give example what can be controversal he just miss with example


    Controversial is okay as long as it is related to the game. Completely non-related topics are going to be shut down. We do censor discussion of politics and religion and also censor advertisers from posting links to their products etc. 

    We've had plenty of controversial discussions where the community was split on design decisions. Nobody was silienced because they didn't like the removal of LBD. We STILL get a few people posting about how A16 was the best version of the game and we let them do that.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Yark said:

    Something tells me you don't feel the same way about more controversial topics, such as crime statistics. 

    You lost me. 🤔Why would we discuss the topic of crime statistics in the first place?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Yark said:

    In this thread, we love to censor people who hold different opinions. Stay classy.

    Naw...it's better to expose the mistaken assumptions and misunderstandings that lead to their "different opinions". The only time someone is banned or their comments deleted is when they aren't classy in what they're saying and even then the insult is the only thing removed so that the opinion itself is still intact.


    There are just some who cannot differentiate between articulating what they don't like about the game and personally attacking the developers and other users of the forum. That's why this forum has plenty of criticism about the game but isn't clogged with post after post of toxic and boorish ranting and insults--like FaceBook.


    See? I could've just erased your statement but...no need. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

    If you had that much beef against major studios


    If a vegan didn't like what a major studio was doing would that still be considered "a beef" against them....?

  7. 50 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

    Quick question: 


    In another thread we were talking about the effectiveness of HP and AP ammo and it was pointed out that HP no longer does any damage whatsoever to armored targets and this was a fix applied to the latest patch.  That makes the text confusing.  To me, and I think most people, +100% armor means armor protection is doubled, not that the zed is invulnerable to that ammo type.  I see comments on fixing AP rounds in the change notes but nothing on the HP rounds.  


    Is this behavior intended or should I be putting this in the bug report section?





    The appropriate thing to do is to submit it as a bug (ie..you aren't getting the expected result) and let the QA guys let you know if it is behaving as designed or not. Developers don't have time to vet what goes in the bug reports. It is the QA guys' job to vet reports.


    So submit it if you're suspicious.

  8. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    @faatal please let me address you as a member of the team


    I've long wanted to pay attention to the opening sound of the drawer (green box built-in wall), I really like using them as storage for my supplies, but they have very loud annoying repetitive sound. They look very cool, it's much better than boxes

    Speaking of a little more about sound, I agree that disgusting noise from a drill/benzaw can be considered a fee for their use, but maybe is it possible to add headphones for the eyes slot, for example, to drown out this noise? Or just make it less disgusting


    Sounds are only disgusting when playing on insane nightmare so...


    j/k bachy!!! XD

  9. 10 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    Did a little correction here. We are paying customers.


    Did a little correction here...unless the game and/or the forums were switched to a subscription model and nobody told me. :p

  10. 3 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    If you had answered that way right away, i might have guessed on my own that i was wrong about something.


    I would never leave something as important as that up to guessing. :p When I want you to realize you're wrong about something I'm crystal clear.... ;)


    Yes, I could have ignored all the extra stufff you added to your simple question but I figured that if you only wanted the simple question answered then you would have just asked that question alone and been satisfied. But you wanted me to know how much you hated the turd reaction emoji, and how wrong you felt it was to get information here second, and that you don't come around as often as you used to, etc.


    If you bring up more then you get more from me. I'm very accomodating that way. :)

  11. 45 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    I don't care where the news comes first.

    But isn't this forum the main platform for developers? Isn't this where all the news should be distributed to secondary places?


    Nope. It is one of many outlets. Joel used to maintain his own blog where he gave info and we would share it on the forum. Then he stopped that and for awhile mostly posted here. Then they gravitated back to Twitter and Facebook once they started official pages for them. 

    What differentiates this site from others is that the developers talk to the fans here. That isn’t happening anywhere else at present. 

    If you don’t really care where it releases first but felt like there was some injustice done because you thought this forum was supposed to be the primary source, then be at ease. That was a mistaken assumption.  There is not one single primary source that the devs care to restrict themselves to. 

    16 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    What is the reason that developers post first on facebook?

    Convenience, reach, simplicity. They know if they post it here, nobody will repost it to Facebook. They’ll have to post it both places. But if they post it to Facebook and Twitter it will get reposted everywhere.


    when you craft multiple items do you craft each one singly or do you max the number out to have it all craft at once without babysitting?  The devs naturally flowed to process of least resistance and most efficiency. 

    It’s  not an intentional diss on fans or a snub to the readers of this site. They just chose the smarter plan. That’s why. 

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