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Posts posted by Roland

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 2:01 PM, Crater Creator said:

     One dev mentioned that if they were to do caves again, they'd use a Perlin worm algorithm.


    The original caves were implemented using a perlin worm algorithm. Then they went to a kind of crater explosion algorithm that created very chaotic "noisy" caverns nearer to the surface, but abandoned those and went back to perlin worm but greatly limited their scope so that caves were rare and often only extended 20 meters to a dead end.


    If they revisit caves in the future they probably will stick to the perlin worm algorithm-- but it won't be a new thing.

  2. 52 minutes ago, AndrewT said:

    I wanna know if the pipe guns will replace the blunderbuss because the blunderbuss can be tier 1 (primitive guns) pipe guns tier 2 (19th century weapons) and then tier 3 (modern guns)

    Yes. All pipe gun versions will replace the single blunderbuss we have now. There is a lot more variety now during week 1 of the game.

    9 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:


    I just wanted to say that this thread has become almost useless, no reply/info from the devs in weeks (except the usual courtesy answer from the great faatal).

    If this has to be a discussion among players a mod could as well lock it and move everything under "Developer Diary Discussions"... does anyone hear us?? :horn:


    or you could simply refrain from answering questions directed to the devs and wait for them to answer. The thread is far from useless especially for new people who can read through it all as Q&A without all the extra discussions that get moved out. I get you are frustrated that the devs are not giving detailed info but they are saving a lot of info to show once they do their dev streams. They enjoyed that format last time and plan to do it again. If they spill the beans on everything here in writing then there is less for them to talk about and show in the stream. Whatever they feel like posting about on the diary, they do.

  3. 6 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    Line of sight pathing

    At present you can stand on a block placed on the outside wall of a building, and instead of going into rage mode below you, a dog will run around the back of the building, break through the door, traverse all the passages and rooms in the house until it is directly behind you and starts breaking the wall to get to you.  This is the intelligence one would expect from a bandit, not a dumb zombie or animal. 


    This is the only one from your list that I disagree with. I love that they can find paths to me. It adds to the horror. If they all just came up to the wall and pounded on it until I shot them like fish in a barrel it would not be as much fun in my opinion. Knowing that if I left a crack in my defense somewhere they could breach and overwhelm is more exciting.  In POI exploration zombies in the environment might come back if they fell from a height or hear me from outside. Without their ability to always path to me minus some random forgetfulness put in there so that it doesn't ALWAYS happen, there really isn't much worry or anxiety. They actually toned this down quite a bit from A17 and I wish they hadn't. The A17 zombies were relentless.

  4. 30 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

    Oh Man i sure hope so!!!! Bandits !!! that will be great! a new challenge! way different, and if they have their own turf or city..


    But what about stealth?!?!?!? New challenge? No....those bandits better all be sleeping and stay asleep when I approach them or stealth will be completely invalidated when bandits get implemented!!!!



  5. 54 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Edit: this is a thread on what we want to see in game, and i want to see stealth get improved.

    This isn’t the only thread you’ve been making the claim that stealth is completely invalidated because one or two rooms out of an entire POI auto triggers the zombies. That’s why I finally responded. 

    Also, what I want for the game is for a variety of encounters and moments wher you must think fast and change up what you’re doing. So I want the occasional auto trigger room to remain— as well as wandering sleepers for even more variety. This thread is for posting what you want and I want the opposite of what you want and I disagree that stealth is invalidated by the auto triggers. 

    Stealth skills are tested and challenged by them. I agree improvement like the sound of a pile of junk falling just before they auto trigger would be cool. Then you’d know that it wasn’t you that woke them, it was just something beyond your control but now you need to adapt. One way would be to pull out a shotgun and massacre them all loudly. Another way would be to run and hide and re-emerge AKA stealth. 

    Removal od the occasional auto trigger will only make every single encounter in every building exactly the same. I want encounter variety. 

  6. 1 hour ago, ShellHead said:

    And we still come to the question “what non-INT player would want to use a unperked stun baton?”


    After years of reading these forums I have doubts about any significant number of people wanting to use any weapon they haven’t perked into. No need to single out the stun baton. Seems like the majority let their inner min/maxer dictate to them what weapon is or is not worth a spot on their belt. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I'm aware, it completely eliminates the stealth mechanic which is just dumb.

    Not remotely true. This whole conversation happened months ago and  it was proven that with stealth perks you can hide and then stealth attack the zombies that woke up. Unperked….no. That’s the difference between being skilled and unskilled. 

    wanting the entire population to stay asleep without any deviation is a recipe for boring gameplay. Using actual player skill to retreat, hide, re-emerge, and stealth kill the now wandering zombies is way more interesting than simply ANOTHER room of completely unconscious enemies. 

  8. 3 hours ago, beHypE said:

    why bother updating the game at all if everything eventually becomes "the same ol'" anyways

    Because overhauling every system over and over again just to keep them fresh for longtime players is not the way to design a game. You have to settle upon a design and stick with that and accept the universal truth that eventually people will get bored of your game and move on to another one. 


    Hopefully your own sequel... ;)


    Valheim has a good system but if every game uses the same system then there really is no escape from the boredom. Playing Valheim gives a fresh perspective on food and hunger so it is fun until it gets boring. If 7 Days adopts that system then people migrating to either game are going to be like...."Oh this same thing?"

  9. 10 hours ago, Pendral said:

    My pet peeve is seeing the oceans and streams they created in "Valheim"  and not having them in 7 Days.


    7 days is my fav , all time game but I think its the water blocks and the weirdness of them that gets me frowning. :(



    The devs played quite a bit of Valheim so they are aware of how the water works in that game. Whether they are able to replicate that tech for this game or not is another matter. I believe that Valheim water is probably beyond the scope of what they plan for water in this game and I think that the voxel worlds are handled differently in both games. Valheim's voxel terrain seems to a pretty thin layer before you hit the water level whereas in this game you can dig down much deeper and never hit a water table that prevents you from digging further. I think Valheim's trade off of not having so many voxel layers in their world helps them with the performance necessary to have the water physics they have. But that is appropriate for that game because you are building ships and sailing to new islands. That is a core bit of gameplay for that game that our game does not have.

  10. Mega is right that healing injuries and eating and drinking is mundane. Sure...changing up how those things work WOULD be more fun....at first. But within a few weeks of playing with the new way they would become mundane too. How to make it fun? Change it again. 


    Other than changing how these things work to make them feel fresh and new again, there is no way to make them feel interesting long term. No matter what you do, healing, eating & drinking are common repetitive tasks that become mundane and rote pretty quickly. This doesn't mean they are hated tasks or that we should remove damage, hunger, and thirst-- but unless the developers want to change things up every update to keep them fresh, whatever it is they land on (which if it is different than what we have now will sound cool and fun) will eventually become just as mundane to what we have now.


    Same with scavenging. They could add a minigame to opening containers that would definitely feel fresh and fun compared to the timer we watch right now. Would that minigame still be fun and amazing in 6 months or would we wish we could just skip the minigame and get the crap we actually want out of the cupboard....?

  11. What matters is whether it results in fun horde nights. If it makes blood moon enjoyable then it is legit. If you find yourself bored and thinking of starting over to build a different base then it is a fail. I think building that wall and testing it out was probably the extent of the real fun so that was worth it to do once-- but would anyone always build their base this way and play through dozens of blood moons and find it enjoyable? I don't think I would and reading the OP's report of how it worked and looking at their screenshots was definitely interesting but also satisfies for me any itch to try it that one time.


    Thanks for taking care of that for me. ;)

  12. It's razor's edge the devs have to walk. Make the penalties too debilitating and people will rage quit/cheat/afk so they don't have to deal with it. Make it too inconsequential and there is no meaningful impact on gameplay. Make it too long and the casuals and the min/maxers will go bananas. Make it too short and the sim players will complain.


    The real problem is that the lines between too long and too short and too debilitating and too inconsequential are drawn differently for each person you meet. So the default has to feel a bit unsatisfying for everyone with mods scratching those itches that you have that nobody else cares about.


    "You have to crawl on your belly for three days real time if you break both legs!" should never be in the default vanilla game even though somebody reading this just had a geekgasm when they got to this last line....

  13. 9 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    It would make up for about 200-500 blocks total depending on how much people build, so i don't think it would be too impactful if proper optimizations can get added

    If you wouldn't mind linking that mod to me, I'd try the hell out of it. I feel like it would be a lot easier to do stuff provided you can loot enough stuff for the first 7 days.


    Are levels still a thing? I assume you can still level but you get no skill points from it since everything is tied to gamestage.


    It doesn't work in A19. I might try and update it for A20...

  14. Whenever its time to chew bubblegum and kick ass, Joe is always out of bubblegum.

    1 hour ago, ShellHead said:

    It does have the problem of making the stun baton’s crowd control effect more of a drawback when things get hectic, which is when cc is supposed to be the most useful especially in group play. I think people would prefer surprises to be “were there always 4 demolishers there?” As opposed to “did my teammate actually kill that zed or just knock it over?”


    You need to pay closer attention. Not only does the xp payout pop up to let you know it is dead, the death animations as well as the death screams are different than the knockback animations and sounds. It doesn't take long for someone who is paying attention to always know exactly when the enemy is dead. I made a mod in which I replaced all death animations and sounds with the knockback and made the get up time variable so that you never were certain whether they were dead yet-- and it was much much better. Big no vote from me on adding any additional signs that enemies are dead dead.

  15. 1 hour ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    That's super helpful thanks! I couldn't find much about it. Just for the record, I'm making a Youtube video about Alpha 20, are you fine with a screenshot of this being in the video?

    Edit: also what is radiation actually going to do? (if we know) is it all going to just do health damage? or is it moreso like the infection where you get increasing amounts of poisoning with increasing debuffs?

    I don’t know that radiation is going to be in A20. I was more talking about future plans and not necessarily plans for A20. 

    we don’t know particulars about how radiation will affect us because it hasn’t been revealed. 

  16. 1 hour ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    Does anyone have any info on how the radiation will affect the player? I know I saw someone said it will work similar to the older Fallout games but I can't find anything from the devs about it.


    It is planned that there will be three levels of radiation along with a radiation icon that will appear and a geiger counter sound effect and possibly a screen effect that will help the player differentiate between the mild, moderate, and extreme radiation zones. It has also been revealed that radiation zones will also modify the gamestage value resulting in tougher enemies and better loot. Finally, one of the planned outfits is designed to protect against radiation and there will be medicine to counteract radiation poisoning. 


    The three levels of radiation have been in the code but not implemented for years now. The game used to have the extreme radiation as a zone that surrounded the entire map caging the player within it. That was removed a few alphas back. As far as I know, radiation is not on the priority list for A20 so that is why there isn't a lot of talk about it.

  17. 13 hours ago, TWORDY said:

    I know that this may sound ridiculous but it`s easier to hit a fast-moving target like a helicopter or a jet in the mid-air with RPG equipped and having enabled 90FOV in certain games.


    I'll take your word for that. You can take my word that there are no fast moving targets like a helicopter or a jet in this game and if kids that are used to using 90FOV as a crutch to hit fast moving targets come to this game they can always set the zombies to always walk... ;)

  18. 8 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

    How about this idea:

    Give us the ability to build a skateboard with 1 wood (1 iron) and 4 plastic (rolls).


    No items storable but a little bit faster moving at beginning without blueprint.


    Sure, but only if collision with every rock, garbage pile, cinder block, etc. is turned on and if you skate off the paved road into gravel or dirt you fly off with critical chance to break both your arm and your leg. ;)

  19. A lot of studios use Early Access for marketing rather than actual alpha stage public development. Their almost finished titles are in EA for less than a year and play pretty well. The company irons out the remaining bugs that emerge from allowing a much larger group play the game, polish things up, and release the game with the same spec requirements that were first posted because it essentially is the same exact game.


    TFP could've followed the same route. None of us would have been playing it these past years. All of the past 7 years would have been private development time and Alpha 20 would be the first Early Access release. So, you have to ask yourself whether being able to play and witness the actual development of a game from early stages to the end has been enjoyable and worth the price of the back stage pass. For me, it was $30 back in December of 2013 and I've enjoyed the entire ride. There was a one month period of time during A9 where I couldn't load the game but other than that its been great.


    I believe that A20 is going to be the point at which this game resembles what a lot of other games resemble in Early Access because other studios don't want the issues and toxicity that comes from the public playing an early prototype and expecting perfection.

  20. 3 hours ago, TWORDY said:

    Let`s say someone from competitive scene comes to play casually 7DTD, and what happens that there is no 90 FOV,then he`s missing the shot from a crossbow if he plays at 85 in 7DTD.


    wut? If the difference of 5 degrees of view causes someone to miss their shot from a crossbow when in either an 85 or 90 FOV the crosshaires is going to be smack dab in the middle of the screen anyway-- well all I can say is that they're probably not coming from a competitive scene to play this game casually. They are a casual who can't get along without aim assistance....

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