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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Oh how people would howl if brick was inserted as another step before cement. Cement is really what people want. Flagstone has one upgrade level before cement. Add in a brick layer and that just adds more clicks to get to what is considered the minimum required block. There would be a lot of complaints, I think. Let's do it.
  2. That Kraken video has a few false claims based upon the guy making assumptions and speculations of what the the developers said and stating them as facts. This guy is not an official source of 7 Days information. He wants likes and subscribes and so is creating "You heard it here first" news that will turn out to be false. He is making predictions based on his opinion and sharing out of context clips of the developers saying what sounds like confirmation. Just watch the original stream. Don't take some rando influencer's interpretation when the source information is readily accessible. There is no PS4 reissue of 7 Days to Die. It is a scam. There is no team made up of Unity developers and TFP developers currently working together on updates for the console version.
  3. I've seen it on sale before. Most online stores let you follow a game and will notify you when it goes on sale.
  4. Truth from two witnesses. Not even God demands better. 😜
  5. You are good to continue with your mod. However the future of UMA continuing to be supported in this game is the questionable part of this more than teens or children being depicted as killable zombies. The developers plan to not use it so whether they will keep the code that allows modders to use it or cut all that code from the game is the 64 million dollar question.
  6. I see that I misunderstood the OP as I focused on the “less tower defense” phrase. I still think that a solution could be to have horde nights be more rare if you feel it overwhelms gameplay in its current form. As to the OP’s specific ideas, I’m not for giving the player control over whether the eventhappens or not or is less or more. This is a survival game and things beyond our control should happen and then we strive to survive. I like that the player is not the center of the universe and responsible for everything that happens. The horde is a result of the blood moon phase and not due to anything the player does or does not do. Personally, I like that just fine. Additionally, I get enough sleeper gameplay via POI exploration. I don’t feel like I need more of that for the bloodmoon horde. I think if you are a nomadic player and don’t want to build a dedicated defense base then using an existing building is perfectly valid. If you want horde night to have less of an impact then ride the night out at the top of a massive building and then mop up in the morning. If you want to be more involved, use a smaller structure. I respect that the ideas the OP presented would be improvements in their view but in my view the general form of it is already fantastic. My improvements would be: 1) Random pause lengths between waves and continual waves until morning. 2) More dominant weaknesses vs certain traps. So one zombie type is very susceptible to fall damage, another to spikes, another to barb wire,another to fire, etc. 3) More traps and defensive options. Now that there are no gore blocks and z bodies disappear, bring back log spikes, allow us to make honey pots with animal meat so we have planned spots to throw area effect explosives and there will be a group congregated there, let us add broken glass to walls so they give damage as they take damage, flame thrower traps, gasoline soaked terrain blocks that can be ignited and spread to other gasoline soaked blocks, etc. Make it even more tower defense like instead of less and that would be the path to improvement, imo
  7. Doubtful that the game will release to gold at the end of this year. When it does finally release, TFP will look for a partner to port the finished game to the PS5 and the new Xbox as a completely new game. That version will be the same as the finished PC version and so will be all caught up. The current version will never evolve past its current state. It is in its final form.
  8. Every time TFP has tuned the game in the past to make survival elements matter more we get a big negative reaction and they end up softening things up again. Maybe that's the reason...
  9. After years of heated exchanges about learn by doing, simplification of the game, child zombies, food spoilage, digging zombies, death penalties, auto attack zones, A16 vs A17, less calories, great taste…. This brought you out of lurking???
  10. This game IS focused first and foremost on Single Player and Co-op gameplay. "Multiplayer" as in competitive PvP gameplay is not the focus at all. This is not by any stretch of the imagination a game that is solely dedicated for non-cooperative multiplayer. The maximum supported players is only eight. It is meant to be a game for friends and families to play co-operatively to survive the zombie onslaught or to do so on your own. The devs have said they would like to turn their focus to PvP multiplayer gameplay after the game launches but THAT will be the tacked-on aspect of this game and not SP/Co-op.
  11. The way this game is designed there is no benefit to saving dog food and cat food because as time goes on your ability to make meals infinitely better only increase. Therefore, I always eat them as soon as I find them. <burp>
  12. I just want to point out that the explodey guys actually do not spawn in POIs. The fact that they came from that direction is coincidental. I don’t think that removing POIs would do anything to impact the spawning of demolishers. On another note, blood moon spawns don’t actually draw from sleeper spawns anyway. Even if POIs spawned sleeper demolishers they would only spawn as you approached their volumes in the POI and not as you stood atop your nearby base.
  13. The game is advertised as having tower defense as one of its genres it draws from as a hybrid game. There isn’t any interest in downplaying the tower defense aspect of the game. Just use the currently existing settings to achieve what you want. You can turn it off completely or make it happen randomly very very infrequently so that you’d not know when it will come but it’s happening is so rare it might only happen a few times during your entire play through. No need even for a mod to get this. The devs created these options for those who want a diminished or completely absent tower defense experience.
  14. Start a new game and see if it tracks your distance traveled. If so, you may need to start a new game just for that achievement.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VBCPt-wJ2w
  16. Imgur is awesome. Yes PMs are limited in storage and it is your personal allotment of storage. When it is full you have to delete your old messages to clear space for new. So you can upload stuff to PMs Forum posts remain and fill up the overall storage space and we would rather not have to clear that space very often which was happening with all the pictures and videos people were uploading. That’s the difference. 😀
  17. Sure! I’m all for the myriad compromise ideas. Now go convince the “no AAZ” crowd to accept a compromise that would still result in them sometimes not being able to loot an entire POI without waking up a single zombie. 😀
  18. Nobody can upload images to their posts any longer. All the media being added to the forums was filling up the memory way too fast. You can only link to images that are online and then the forum will embed it into your post. So upload your screenshot to Imgur and then link to it and it will show up in your post.
  19. And as I've said countless times, I'm not against enhancing AAZ with visual cues that show a reason why the zombies woke which wasn't your fault, making them randomly happen, or making it a response to a failed stealth check. I have zero problem with that. My objection is to the idea that AAZ are bad design and that they ruin stealth or invalidate points spent on stealth. Even in their current form, I disagree with that whole premise. This is not a stealth game. It has an agility branch with one aspect being stealth skills that can enhance what the player can already do natively without spending any perk points. The point is to explore a POI and there are a number of tactical choices the player can make as they do that. Looting a POI without a single enemy ever waking up is not one of the design goals even if it may be a personal player goal. But then that is like playing a racing sim and having a personal goal of walking around the entire track and then saying the game is poorly designed because the developers don't allow that to happen even though their goal was always to have players in cars racing and not for players to go for a stroll. So I'm all in for your idea to add a stealth check to the game and make that check harder to pass in some zones and easier in others. But that won't satisfy people who be upset everytime the check fails. Most likely the stealth check won't be visible anyway so players will still get mad that the room "inexplicably" woke up. They certainly won't blame their own failure..lol Here is where you are very very wrong. There are a few vociferous people in this forum who are calling for exactly that. They want 100% removal and no halfway compromise will satisfy them. In this very thread there are examples of people saying that AAZ should not exist at all. Technically, they already are consistent with how the rest of the game works. There currently are zero stealth checks as in d20 style checks. It is all trigger based. If you step on the trash at a certain distance it triggers wake up. If you jump off that ledge within a certain distance it triggers. There are no probability rolls modified by your perks. There is a distance at which a zombie can see you when it is dark. If you are within that range they will see you. There is no probability roll. If you are outside the range they will not see you. The perks simply adjust the ranges and the triggers and the duration of time the zombies target you. I have a feeling that if the Pimps changed from simple triggers to probability rolls it would just anger the people who want full control to remain in their own hands even more. Can you imagine the rage from someone who feels like they did everything right but then a probability roll screwed them over anyway? But I'm still on board with it since I prefer chance creating hairy situations that I must react to. I think the player being able to control every aspect of their environment is the more boring gameplay. So, yeah. Probability rolls vs stealth skills. Let's do it. There are times when I respond to you specifically because I disagree with some specific aspect of what you wrote-- as in the idea that retreat-hide-emerge is some sort of false tactic. But most of the time I am responding to the general group who is against AAZ and want them removed and see them as stealth destroyers instead of stealth game changers. So maybe when I am speaking in general terms you think I'm still talking to you personally? <shrug> You think I'm a puppet bot of the developers anyway so I really don't care what you expect of me. Your assumptions and expectations are skewed.
  20. You’ll need to do better at showing how using a classic stealth tactic used in many games is “false”. Just calling it false is not good enough. Also it isn’t a solution per se because a solution denotes a problem needing to be solved. Auto attack volumes function as designed and intended. There is no problem. Retreat/Hide/Sneak is a stealth-based tactical response to suddenly active enemies. That’s a fact supported by a plethora of games going all the way back to Metal Gear Solid. So yes I am definitely talking about response options to AAZ being either open (run and gun) or stealthy (retreat/hide/sneak). Maybe the way those two tactical responses are created is the same each time but if that is removed then there will only ever be one way in the game. Why are you not concerned with that? You keep talking about the danger of sameness and yet you are arguing for blatant sameness.
  21. wow…I guess he did say those words… Given that, here are the important differences between spoiled food and attack volumes. 1) Most everyone if not everyone on the team likes attack volumes whereas few liked the vomiting. 2) The number of normal sleeper volumes is not scarce. So experiencing an attack volume doesn’t mean you’ll have a very difficult time getting back to the stealth gameplay you enjoy. 3) Attack volumes do not create a dichotomy between MP and SP like vomiting did with food scarcity. 4) There was no response possible to avoid or mitigate vomiting whereas with attack volumes you can respond openly or stealthily as you desire. Good find on that quote from Joel. It really shows how these two features are different with the most important one being that the team likes attack volumes .
  22. I wouldn't trust that site. There is no updated version for a re-release with additional content that you won't get from already owned versions. That is an outright lie. Anyone who purchases that version of the game will have the same exact version already available. I have seen this now on two game sites and both only for PS4 and not Xbox. When a new 7 Days to Die product is ready to be released, the news will be announced here first. It will not be an update to the original game. It will be new game based on the finished PC version (which is not finished yet) and it will be for the PS5 and the new Xbox. That is the only plan.
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