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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I could have told you that without going into flip top shoes.... The universes of depicted by other survival media doesn't matter. When I said roleplay, I only meant to act as though you were really in that situation without taking any gamey mechanics into consideration. In a real post apocalyptic world finding anything would be pure happenstance. Gamestage is not meant to be something you consciously play and manipulate for your benefit. It is the algorithm by which the universe of 7 Days to Die creates "happenstance" for us. It should be something in the background and not consciously considered by us-- just like right now. You don't check your gamestage before going to work or logging into the forums. You just do these things. You predominately take actions that benefit you the most for now. Even when you do things that are investments for future returns there is no algorithm to refer to that will guarantee you the results you want. You pray or hope or resign yourself. That's because the real life algorithm for how the real life universe works is beyond our comprehension. In the game the algorithm is a simple rule and once known is extremely predictable. Therefore, for an organic experience that is more on the roleplay end of the spectrum, you have to ignore, "forget", and work to avoid calculating out your future based on these finite rules that guide the workings of the artificial universe in which you play-- just like you do in pen and paper RPGs. RPGs specifically differientiate "player knowledge" and "character knowledge" and if you want to have an immersive and fulfilling experience then you act and make decisions based on character knowledge and try your best not to let player knowledge influence you. So as a player you know and understand gamestage (I'm envious of new players who don't follow forums and probably have no idea how gamestage works) but your character would have no knowledge of it. As a player you find a pipe pistol and some ammo and you know and can strategize that after another few hours of play you'll have something better for that ammo but as a character you would be ecstatic for anything that gives you damage dealing power at range and you would use it because who knows when or if you might find anything else.
  2. The game works perfectly for that IF you role play it and not let knowledge of the inner workings cause you to meta play for efficiency. if you were a survivor and found a pipe machine gun you’d carry it around with you. If you found ammo that worked with it you would load it and use it. You would not toss the gun and save the ammo because you knew for a certainty that in about a week or two your gamestage would rise to the point that you’d be guaranteed to find an AK-47. You say you want ammo to be scarce. If that’s so then use what you get when you get it and don’t horde it for the future guns your game knowledge tells you is coming. Primitive ammo to go with the primitive guns would only guarantee people stockpiling the good ammo. Because the new guns utilize the same ammo, you will use it up and have more scarcity.
  3. You are playing A18 and having A19 conversations!? A18 was notorious for getting lots of guns early--even on day 1. That was nerfed in a significant way for A19. You should know that most people on this forum are expressing opinions and sharing feedback about the current version and not making claims about the balance of weaponry based on how the game played a year and a half ago.
  4. For those who prefer melee, a sledgehammer makes all ranged weapons "pointless". As for crossbow....um...are you sure you don't have the creative menu enabled if you are playing with a crossbow during the first couple weeks? I play mostly melee and wood bow in the beginning with guns and ammo being saved for bloodmoons. Unless you are trying hard to play the system and speedrun you will most likely be using the the pipe level weaponry during your first and maybe second bloodmoons. But there will also be emergency moments where you will be tempted to switch to guns (if you have them on your belt) and use up ammo outside of bloodmoons. What I've found in A19 is that by bloodmoon #3 I have stacks and stacks of ammo saved up because I was able to stockpile while using primitive ammo and blunderbusses. In A20, I find that my ammo is much more depleted because I am using it in the pipe weapons on bloodmoons #1 and #2. Now, maybe you won't do that and you'll just save your ammo for the good guns and never use pipe weapons and only use a sledgehammer and cheat in a crossbow-- but that is just a choice and doesn't make pipe weapons pointless for everyone.
  5. Only if you play with the creative menu on...
  6. From here, you should post a thread in the support forum with your output log attached. Missing or failing textures means there is some issue with how your graphics card is interacting with the game. It could be game side as in missing textures which could be handled by doing a full clean and then verifying your files. Or it could be a failure of some kind with your graphic card or lack of memory. Your output log will give info on your memory and gc driver. But if you want to try first opening the game launcher when you first start the game and then select the tools tab and select Clean and then check all boxes and clean up your registry and then go into steam and verify the integrity of your files that would be a good place to start. After doing that start a new game and if the problem still exists upload the output log for that most recent play and start a thread in support. er...yes...removing all mods and testing in Vanilla is also an often fruitful avenue. When you add the mods back in do them one at a time and test to isolate the one causing the texture flicker.
  7. Actually, Madmole has stated that even sealed crates aren't intended to represent factory sealed crates from before the apocolypse. Given that is true, it would probably be best at some point for TFP to change the presentation so as to not give a false impression (or provide some reason why NPCs in the world are boxing things up in nailed shut crates....). However, it does indicate that despite the deceptive visual cues, pretty much everything really has been touched before in the minds of the developers and since they are establishing the balance of ammo in the world it really only matters what their intention is.
  8. I would check to see if there is an update for your graphics card. Sometimes your automatic installer doesn't update your card automatically.
  9. Also, If A19.5 ends up being the last .x version of A19, then after A20 arrives all of the other A19.x versions will be removed from the list and only A19.5 will remain. Every previous alpha only has one representative version for that Alpha but at the time there were several as we moved through the experimental phases.
  10. The beta list is for alternative branches to the stable version. You never need the beta list to play the stable public version of 7 Days to Die. People who have never ever opted in to any beta are playing 19.5 because that is the version that Steam automatically pushes when you select automatic updates. The only reason you would not get 19.5 automatically is that you have gone in and selected one of the betas from the list. So, yes, select "none" and you will leave the beta opt in mode and return to the normal public update mode which happens to be 19.5 BTW, latest_experimental is exactly what it sounds like-- the current experimental branch. Presently, that branch is not available to the public and has been unavailable since 19.5 became stable. So latest_experimental WAS 19.5 when 19.5 was experimental. But when 19.5 became stable then latest_experimental went away.
  11. Specific numbers aside, Matt's point is that definitively most of the people who will ever purchase this game already did and that future sales are unlikely to justify spending more resources into continually updating for another 2-3 years. Now, Matt tried to bolster his claim by throwing out a 95% stat. Lets remove the 95% and consider whether most people who will ever purchase this game have already done so. In my opinion, that is not a foregone conclusion. First of all, there are many people who do not buy unfinished games in Early Access because they've been burned. There could be many who buy it once it releases as the finished gold edition. Secondly, when a game comes out of Early Access, it is a pretty big deal. Many people who bought it previously and stopped playing, reinstall and give it a go and that causes the game to spike in the public consciousness. It starts trending on Twitch, YouTube, and Steam. Subnautica is a great example of this. The game could have run its course from a sales perspective or it could have a lot of bang still once the marketing power of coming out of Early Access hits the newsfeed. Consider this though-- The console version still sells and that version is over 3 years old and has zero support in the way of marketing or software updates. I think there is probably still quite a bit of scratch to be made off of this IP over the next 2-3 years.
  12. The more extremely divergent the gameplay you desire is from the designed intended gameplay the developers are creating, the less likely that there will be an official mode to support that fringe way of playing. However, the devs have provided the means through xml editing for people to get the extreme results they want. You purchased a game advertising itself as an open world survival vs zombies game. In the store description of the game by the developers it reads in part: "players must explore the open world alone or with friends to build tools, weapons and shelter against the dangers of the reanimated dead". The game you want is extremely divergent from what the devs are creating so if I were you, I would stop wasting time rooting for an official mode for the level of casual gameplay you are desiring or thinking that there will ever be a way to go as far as you want without modding. Modding is going to be the key to your type of fun. Period. This is a good thing and something to be grateful for because a lot of games cannot be altered in such extreme ways. I don't say this to bust your balls for wanting to play the game casual. I'm glad that it is possible that you can. But you should recognize that you have an extreme view and while anything is possible in the multiverse, I just don't see the devs spending resources making an official mode that is going to go as far as you want. There may end up being a few more options like what we have now that can be selected but you should plan on always in the future for as long as this game holds your interest-- needing to mod it to the level you are rooting for. It would be the same for someone who hates zombie games but bought this one anyway hoping and rooting for the devs to replace zombies with alien pirates someday. That is just not going to happen. Now, a modder who felt the same way might be able to go in and replace all the zombie models with alien pirate models and then it could be a reality but the developers aren't going to spend time and resources changing their own game into something completely different than they planned. Sorry if that is disappointing. I get it. I like playing without any indicators on the screen. No toolbelt, compass, time, messages, status icons, no HUD at all-- just the world. Madmole called that an extreme way of playing and flat out said they wouldn't spend any time creating an option for invisible HUDS-- but that that type of gameplay falls in the realm of modding. Would I love for a simple menu option to make all the screen indicators invisible and still be able to interact (F7 doesn't function fully all you smartypants)? Absolutely. But the only way that is going to happen is through mods and I think the way you want to play the game is even more divergent than mine, tbh. Thank goodness for modding!
  13. Absolutely. And it also exists for people in the know to clarify and correct erroneous opinions that are based on faulty supposition-- which is what I did.
  14. I could have sworn this thread has been full of people trying to help you get to the type of game you want to play rather than a bunch of people mocking you for wanting a different experience. I was very pleasantly surprised by the positivity and helpfulness shown and yet you still feel persecuted. Interesting...
  15. Sort of. During the night and if you are in shadow then yes, they won't see you right away. But during the day they often sense you and aggro before you even know they are there and without shadows it is impossible to sneak up on them as they notice you long before you can get close.
  16. That's too bad but I encourage you and your friend to try starting again. The first few days are quite a bit of fun as you seek a preliminary base and get established. Before long both of you will be engrossed in a new world again. There won't be any changes to the game on console. What's done is done.
  17. Most likely they went about it close to the same way but the original got broken by an update and was never fixed. The real travesty here was @Boidster letting the vultures slip through! Vultures in a casual mod? PAH-LEASE!!! Nice troll move though….I could see him chuckling as he made the mod knowing that eventually Max would run into vultures while believing everything was lemon squeezy. Then, again I’m a bit shocked also that Max wanted wolves left in. I die to wolves more often than to any special infected or vultures— and wolves….run.
  18. Thanks for the info. I’ll add your scheduled return to my calendar. There we go….. check!
  19. What do you know? I never select that so I was going off of what @MaxTunnerX was claiming. I guess he meant the rage mode. Thanks for correcting my own misinformation. (Given your claims are true…heheh) In any case, there are zero fix it tickets for the walk setting because it really is operating as intended (however that happens to be) and is not broken. I never press that particular button, myself, so I’m at the mercy of professional casuals to steer me right on this. Now, if you don’t want rage to happen then select Scavenger.
  20. Its not broken. It operates the way the developers intend it to. It's just not the way you want it to be. Perhaps the description is what is misleading and that should be altered. The walk day/night button is only for normal zombies that normally walk during the day. It causes them to use their day speed at night as well. Since ferals and radiated zombies normally run at day, their night time speed will match that. There is no button to make feral and radiated zombies walk. They never walk. It's not in their nature and there is no option for it. You can say it a thousand more times if you wish but it won't change the setting. Man, you even want to use your cheat codes casually...
  21. LMAO.....What if it's horde night vultures that spawn?!?
  22. are some of the best day lengths to truly match up the passage of time with how much we are able to accomplish and how quickly we thirst and hunger. Personally, I would never choose a length longer than 60 minutes and 40 minutes really feels the best (to me).
  23. If you read my last story you'll see that it doesn't make it pointless. It makes it more important. You can stealth still but the risk of failing that stealth check is greater because their senses are more acute.
  24. Just bypass the cap. While in game 1) Press F1 2) Type: giveselfxp 500000 3) Press F1 again Open the user interface and shop for perks. Need to clear the area of zombies? 1) Press F1 2) Type: killall 3) Press F1 Peace.
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